
Where to get a psychologist's opinion for the traffic police

Why do they trust us?

The Central Driver's Medical Commission is a medical center with extensive experience and work experience (more than 40 years), providing services for conducting medical examinations to obtain all types of medical certificates.

Our qualified specialists will quickly and efficiently conduct a medical examination. And the cost of the services we provide is the lowest in Moscow.

To obtain a medical certificate for the traffic police (SAI), form No. 003-Vu, we suggest you visit our medical center.

  • We have been working since 1973.
  • accreditation in the traffic police
  • issuance of a duplicate within a year

cost of medical examination services

How to find us

According to Order No. 344n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical examinations of drivers or driver candidates are allowed to be carried out in public medical institutions, as well as in private medical clinics. Organizations that conduct driving examinations are required to have an appropriate license for this type of activity.

The license of a medical organization that conducts medical examinations of drivers must indicate the following services:

  • medical examination to determine the presence of medical contraindications to driving a vehicle
  • otorhinolaryngology
  • ophthalmology
  • neurology
  • functional diagnostics
  • therapy

Our medical center conducts medical examinations to issue a medical certificate in form No. 002 o/u, which is mandatory to obtain the right to purchase and obtain a license to store and carry weapons.

Certificate for weapons in form No. 002 o/u (formerly form No. 046-1) - 1000 rubles.

And on Sundays and Saturdays - 800 rubles!

Inspection and registration will take 20 minutes.

To obtain this certificate, extracts from ND and PND dispensaries are required.

List of diseases , as well as physical characteristics of the body, the presence of which serves as a refusal to obtain a medical certificate for a weapon :

  • Addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Substance abuse
  • Epilepsy
  • Absence of 3 or more fingers on at least one of the hands (or index and thumb)
  • Significant visual defects (no visual function or an average of less than 50% in both eyes)

A certificate for obtaining a license to store and carry weapons can only be issued to persons over 18 years of age, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation on age restrictions for access to weapons (with the exception of some of its types). And it is issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health No. 344 of September 11, 2000. This certificate can only be issued in a medical institution that has a license to carry out medical activities.

A medical certificate in form No. 086u is an official document, the presentation of which is required in accordance with Russian legislation when entering higher, secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions - as well as when applying to state and some commercial companies.

It is issued on the basis of a medical report from doctors confirming the health status of the subject after a thorough examination and testing by specialists, after laboratory tests, X-ray or fluorographic examination.

In order to issue a certificate 086u, you must undergo an examination by a surgeon, neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and therapist.

Certificate in form No. 086u - 1000 rubles .

Certificates from the traffic police from a narcologist and a psychiatrist for your license

In this article we will look at the features of certificates for the traffic police, which are so necessary for car drivers, with a narcologist and a psychiatrist. It should be noted that these are two completely different documents. If a psychiatrist gives an opinion on the state of mental health, then the narcologist confirms with his conclusion that the person does not use drugs, does not abuse alcohol and is not dependent on them.

Why do drivers need certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist?

The Federal Drug Control Service has published data according to which in Russia the number of people who periodically use drugs is approaching 8 million people. At the same time, according to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in our country about 15% of car accidents occur due to the fault of drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It was these deplorable statistics that became the basis for the traffic police to require a separate column in the medical report for obtaining/renewing a driver’s license with a note from a psychiatrist and narcologist. Now it becomes clear that it is impossible to obtain a medical certificate without undergoing drug addiction and psychiatric examinations at the appropriate dispensaries (carried out exclusively at the place of registration/temporary registration). Next, we will similarly study the nuances of obtaining certificates from the traffic police from a narcologist and a psychiatrist, their cost and the terms for which they are issued.

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Where to go to a narcologist and psychiatrist for a certificate from the traffic police

The current legislation determines that a new type of medical certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a narcologist and a psychiatrist in 2019 can be issued exclusively at the place of permanent registration/temporary registration of the driver, while examinations of all other doctors required for a medical certificate can be carried out at the place of actual residence. It follows from this that while on a business trip, a person can only undergo part of the medical examination (at the place of stay), but the final certificate for submission to the traffic police with the conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist can only be issued at the place of actual registration.

It should be noted that in this case, it is important not only the city, but also the district in which the driver is registered (you should clarify where exactly the district dispensaries are located).

Examination at a psychoneurological dispensary (PND)

A psychiatrist, to issue a conclusion to a driver, uses the following admission algorithm:

  1. Stage No. 1. Before the appointment, you are required to pay a fee and sign the appropriate agreement for the provision of paid services;
  2. Stage No. 2. The doctor checks a specific person against the database (in order to determine whether he is registered with a dispensary);
  3. Stage No. 3. The specialist conducts an inspection and issues his opinion.

It is important to remember that for drivers of categories “C” and “D”, upon conclusion of a psychiatrist for the traffic police, an EEG (electroencephalogram) is not required, as well as for categories “A” and “B”. An EEG helps assess brain activity and this study is only needed if a neurologist is prescribed.

How a driver is examined by a narcologist

To issue a conclusion to a car driver, a narcologist uses the following admission algorithm:

  1. Stage No. 1. Before the appointment, you must pay a fee (at the box office or at the reception) and sign the appropriate agreement for the provision of paid services (in 3 copies);
  2. Stage No. 2. The doctor checks a specific person against the database (to determine whether he is registered for drug addiction or alcoholism) and sends him for urine and blood tests;
  3. Stage No. 3. Next, the specialist conducts an examination (a certificate, contract and medical record are required) and issues his conclusion.

Important! Starting from July 1, 2020, in order to obtain a medical certificate, every driver will have to undergo a blood test (for chronic alcoholism) and a urine test (for the presence of psychotropic substances) without fail, even if he is not registered.

Based on the test data (blood and urine tests) and when the examination is completed, the specialist puts him in medical care. The driver’s conclusion is marked “passable”, a personal signature is issued and a certificate is issued from the drug treatment center for the traffic police.

Please note that current legislation requires only those drivers who have a “medical certificate required” note on their driver’s license to carry a health certificate.

The cost of a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist at the traffic police

A medical examination at psycho- and drug-dispensaries can cost differently (the price of a certificate for the traffic police with a narcologist and a psychiatrist is set by specific medical institutions based on basic amounts).

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The cost of a narcologist and a psychiatrist for a traffic police certificate on average across the country costs drivers the following amounts:

  • EEG (electroencephalogram of the brain) – 1000-2000 rubles;
  • Payment at a psychoneurological dispensary – 500-1000 rubles;
  • Payment at a neurological clinic is 500-900 rubles.
  • Payment for blood and urine tests - 2000-3000 rubles.

The total cost for the services of these doctors, depending on the category of rights received in various regions of the Russian Federation in 2019, can range from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Validity period for a license certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist

In 2019, a medical card for a medical certificate from the traffic police with marks from a narcologist and a psychiatrist is valid for 1 year. The expiration date of a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist ranges from 1 to 3 months from the date of issue.

Reasons that are grounds for issuing a certificate for 1 year:

  • The driver has driving restrictions due to health reasons;
  • Driver's age (this applies to persons under 21 years of age or over 50 years of age);
  • The person receiving the certificate is a driver by profession.

It is important to understand that health problems can cause accidents on the road. For these reasons, such persons are either not allowed to drive vehicles at all, or are allowed, but with significant restrictions.

In conclusion, it should be noted that even those drivers who do not have serious health problems should take the medical examination seriously. Sometimes it is there that experts identify certain deviations in the health of drivers, which can subsequently lead not only to serious illnesses, but also to road accidents.

Be attentive to yourself and neglect to undergo the mandatory medical examination for drivers within the prescribed time frame. This is the only way you can reliably protect yourself from unpleasant incidents.

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Narcologist and psychiatrist for the traffic police

Narcologist and psychiatrist for the traffic police, official conclusions from state dispensaries. Promptly, in compliance with legal requirements. Certificates from a narcologist, psychiatrist in one day, affordable prices, delivery.

The procedure for passing a driver's medical examination, legally approved on the territory of the Russian Federation, establishes a mandatory examination of the driver (candidate driver) by such specialized medical specialists as a narcologist/psychiatrist (the traffic police extends this requirement to all applicants, regardless of the category of the vehicle for which a permit is issued) .

Important: according to Law No. 437-FZ of December 28, 2013, which came into force in March 2014, the examination must take place in state dispensaries at the place of residence or stay of the person being examined (permanent or temporary registration).

Why do you need a certificate for the traffic police with a narcologist and a psychiatrist?

A car is a high-risk vehicle, so highly specialized doctors must confirm a citizen’s ability to consciously follow existing traffic rules and make decisions that will ensure safe driving for others.

The need to obtain a medical certificate for the traffic police with a narcologist and psychiatrist arises in the following situations:

• obtaining a driver's license for the first time (before passing the exam);

• replacement of a vehicle driving license, if the reason is related to the expiration of a previously issued document or the establishment of critical changes in the driver’s health status;

• restoration of the vehicle driving document after the lifting of the driving ban by court decision;

• carrying out passenger transportation as a professional activity.

Narcologist - specialist at a narcological clinic (ND)

About 15% of all traffic accidents on the roads of the Russian Federation occur due to the fault of drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs (statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). It also follows from statistical data that in Russia about 8 million people periodically use drugs. That is why it is important not only to examine the driver (candidate driver), but also to check the history of his requests for specialized medical care.

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A narcologist (a doctor at a state drug treatment clinic), based on a blood test and data from a patient database, issues a conclusion that confirms that the subject is not addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. The document is certified by the personal signature and seal of a specialist and ND seals (rectangular and official). The examination is carried out on a paid basis, the tariff is set by a specific medical institution.

Psychiatrist - specialist at the psychoneurological dispensary (PND)

The examination at the PND is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis (RF Government Regulation N695 of September 23, 2002). The procedure involves an examination by a dispensary psychiatrist (less often by a medical commission), and is carried out for a fee.

The doctor of the state psychoneurological dispensary issues a conclusion, which is evidence of the adequacy of the person and the absence of diseases and conditions that are included in the list that excludes the possibility of driving vehicles. The document is certified similarly to the conclusion of a narcologist.

How to get a narcologist and psychiatrist for the traffic police

The procedure for obtaining the opinion of these specialists as part of issuing a driver’s license in form 003-в/у is virtually the same and involves:

• visiting the ND (PND) at the place of registration, signing an agreement for the provision of paid services, paying the fee through the cash desk of the medical institution;

• checking the database of registered patients (currently registered with a dispensary or previously registered);

• carrying out the actual inspection and issuing a supporting document.

The results of the examination in ND and PND are taken into account by the general practitioner, who draws up and certifies form 003-v/u. A driver's license for the traffic police cannot be issued without a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

Registration of a traffic police certificate through the medical center

Health problems are an important cause of accidents on the road, so it is important to undergo a driver’s medical examination. commissions should be taken seriously. At the same time, everyone is free to choose the method of obtaining the necessary permits.

In our center you can quickly and easily obtain a conclusion from specialists, a narcologist, a psychiatrist for the traffic police: we cooperate with most of the capital’s dispensaries, which makes it possible to offer people who are not and have never been registered with the ND and PND, the execution of an official conclusion of practicing doctors within one day.

Where to get a psychologist's opinion for the traffic police

License No. LO-77-01-013066. We have been working since 2009.

Mon-Fri: from 09:00 to 21:00, Sat-Sun: from 10:00 to 20:00


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Everything we do is aimed at not taking up the time of busy people and not causing inconvenience due to the irrationally organized work of medical staff.

Everything we do is aimed at not taking up the time of busy people and not causing inconvenience due to the irrationally organized work of medical staff.

Everything we do is aimed at not taking up the time of busy people and not causing inconvenience due to the irrationally organized work of medical staff.

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Medical Center "Znakhar" - Help for the traffic police in Moscow

Our address: Moscow, st. Marksistskaya, 22, building 1, office 204

Tel.: +7 (495) 226-00-18, +7 (915) 324-45-54,

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