traffic police

Collection of payments from insurance companies under compulsory motor liability insurance The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation updated clarifications on compulsory motor liability insurance. Features of the application by courts of legislation on compulsory insurance...

How to change the color of a car in the PTS How to correctly register a change of car color in the traffic police in 2019 When buying a car...

Is it profitable to drive a diesel engine? Gasoline or diesel: Which is more profitable? Which car is cheaper to own? What do you think the cost of owning a diesel...

How is transport tax calculated for an incomplete month Number of months of ownership of a vehicle Transport tax for an incomplete month From 01/01/2016...

Where are the traffic police CCTV cameras located? Where are the traffic police CCTV cameras located? New miniature cameras for automatic recording of violations have been installed in the Moscow region More details....