
Accident when turning left, who is to blame diagrams

How to determine the culprit of an accident when turning left

An accident that occurs when one of the cars turns left is one of the situations that often causes disputes between road users. The fact is that the traffic rules do not clearly describe the priority of maneuvers in such cases. A natural question arises: who is to blame for an accident when turning left. It is not always possible to identify the offender on the spot: in most cases, such accidents are examined by specialists from government services, who will be able to find out who performed the maneuver without ensuring its safety. Let's consider the possible options.

Traffic rules requirements

According to the Rules of the Road (section 8, clause 8.5), the person turning must warn in advance of his intentions by signaling the direction indicator (turn signal) and go left. The rule applies at intersections and at U-turns, on public roads and beyond.

However, it is not indicated that such a maneuver can only be performed from the far left lane, because there are many intersections where turning is allowed from several lanes at once.

To avoid a violation and not become the culprit of an emergency, you should be guided by the following rule: when turning, you need to move to the far left position in your lane in advance.

Accident while turning left at an intersection

First, let's consider the option with an unregulated intersection. Car accidents often occur when one of the road users turns left at uncontrolled suburban T-intersections.

Anyone turning left turns on the appropriate turn signal in advance, warning other road users about the planned maneuver. In this case, the driver, approaching the intersection, moves to the left.

It happens that at the same moment a car moving third in the row overtakes. As a result, an accident occurs. Who is to blame for an accident when turning left at an intersection?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because the blame can fall on both the person turning and the person overtaking. The case is really complicated, so you can’t do it without the help of traffic police inspectors.

First of all, specialists must find out which vehicle began the maneuver first. Often both drivers are at fault, so an administrative protocol is drawn up for two participants in a road accident.

The driver making a left turn is at fault as follows:

    When making the maneuver, he did not assess the situation on the road, and also did not make sure that his action would not be interfered with by a car overtaking or moving in the second row.

The person overtaking may also be at fault. Although clause 11.4 of the traffic rules allows overtaking at uncontrolled intersections, the driver may commit the following violations:

  • start overtaking, despite the fact that the car ahead has already turned on its turn signal;
  • Do not try to soften the impact in the absence of oncoming traffic by turning the steering wheel to the left.

Only a detailed analysis of an accident at an intersection when turning left will help determine the culprit. Most often, two drivers are declared offenders at once, because neither of them has priority in such situations. Depending on the severity of the accident, participants will be subject to an administrative fine or even deprivation of their rights.

Accident at a controlled intersection

Signalized intersections also turn out to be the scene of accidents in which one of the cars tried to make a left turn, and the other tried to overtake. In an accident when overtaking or turning left, each of the participants in the accident may be at fault. Most likely, this situation arose due to the fact that the overtaking person did not appreciate the situation and ignored the traffic light signal. According to traffic regulations, he had to:

  • make sure that there is no obstacle in the overtaking lane ahead in the form of a car turning left;
  • analyze road signs and traffic lights;
  • start the maneuver, making sure that it does not interfere with other participants;
  • do not start overtaking if you see that the car ahead has turned on the left turn signal.

The driver who turned left may also be the culprit if he is not convinced that the maneuver is safe. The accident could have occurred for the following reasons:

  • the driver did not change lanes to the left;
  • turned on the turn signal late;
  • did not make sure that there were no cars behind that were about to overtake;
  • violated clauses 11.3 and 8.1 of the traffic rules by not allowing vehicles to overtake.

In such a situation, it is very difficult to determine who violated the rules. Therefore, in the traffic police report, both drivers are most often indicated as culprits.

How to avoid an accident and prove that you are right in an accident

In resolving controversial situations, it is very important to find out who first started the maneuver. To prove their innocence, participants need to describe in detail their actions that preceded the accident, including speed of movement, traffic light indicators, and the possibility of emergency braking. The best evidence, of course, will be recordings from street cameras or a video recorder. Testimony from witnesses will be helpful.

To avoid an accident when making a left turn, the driver should follow simple rules:

  • make sure that there is no vehicle behind that is about to overtake;
  • turn on the left turn signal in advance;
  • start moving to the far left position in your lane;
  • carefully monitor signs and traffic lights;
  • do not turn if it is unsafe to do so.

Candidate of Legal Sciences. Advocate. Legal practical experience – 7 years. Specializations: Automotive law, tax law, loans and lending, compensation for damage.

Overtaking and turning left - who is to blame for an accident? Typical situations

One car is overtaking, another is turning left, who must give way? Who will be to blame in the event of an accident?

One of the controversial situations in which the determination of priority in traffic is not clearly stated in the Rules, and in cases of accidents, the decision to determine the culprit can be both in favor of the turning person and in favor of the overtaking one. When determining the culprit on the spot or in the analysis group, in most cases the driver who made the turn is found guilty with the wording “I was not convinced of the safety of the maneuver.”

Overtaking and turning left - who is to blame for an accident?

With the advent of car recorders and the ability to see video recordings of the circumstances of an accident, practice in certain cases began to shift to the side of the person turning, and participants in Internet discussions were divided into two armies.

We are embarking on the vector of reconciliation between the armies and will analyze the situation in accordance with the Traffic Rules. Remember, if all road users follow the Rules, then traffic accidents are excluded, and when overtaking and turning left, the trajectories of vehicles do not intersect . Let's highlight what requirements are imposed on each driver related to crossing paths. In order not to overload the material, we will consider traffic at an intersection.

Requirements for overtaking

11.1. Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that the lane he is about to enter is clear at a sufficient distance for overtaking and that in the process of overtaking he will not create a danger to traffic or interfere with other road users.

When crossing paths, the overtaking person will be in the process of overtaking; this requirement cannot be ignored in relation to the turning person.

11.2. The driver is prohibited from overtaking in the following cases:

  • a vehicle moving ahead in the same lane has signaled a left turn;

Overtaking a vehicle with the left turn signal on

11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

  • at controlled intersections, as well as at unregulated intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them, as well as in tunnels;
  • at the end of a climb, on dangerous turns and in other areas with limited visibility.

Overtaking on a road that is not a main road

Requirements for turning

8.1. Before starting to move, change lanes, turn (U-turn) and stop, the driver is required to give signals with turn signals in the appropriate direction, and if they are missing or faulty, with his hand. When performing a maneuver, there should be no danger to traffic or interference with other road users.

Turning without giving a turn signal

8.2. The turn signal or hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and cease immediately after completion (the hand signal may be terminated immediately before the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Signaling does not give the driver an advantage or relieve him from taking precautions.

13.12. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right.

As you can see, when these rules are followed, intersection of trajectories is excluded. Overtaking is simply prohibited if the person turning has fulfilled all the requirements of the Rules.

Let's dispel a little myth. “Signaling does not give the driver an advantage or relieve him from taking precautions.” There is an opinion that this phrase automatically makes the person turning guilty, since the turn signal does not give an advantage. The opinion is not correct. A turned signal does not give you an advantage, but it does not oblige you to give way. In this case, the turned on turn signal prohibits overtaking and such overtaking will be a violation of the Rules.


A traffic participant who violates the Rules does not and cannot have an advantage over participants whose movement is carried out within the framework of traffic regulations. This doesn't just apply to overtaking.

Turning without giving a turn signal. Overtaking on a road that is not the main one.

“Advantage (priority)” is the right to priority movement in the intended direction in relation to other road users.

Please note - the right to move . In case of violation of the Rules, the overtaking person does not have the right to overtake, and there is no right to move, and accordingly there cannot be an advantage. No one doubts that a driver who drives straight at a red traffic light has no advantage over those turning on a green signal. And no one would think of blaming the turning car, since he “was not convinced of the safety of the maneuver . It is with this wording that a driver turning left is accused, despite the fact that it does not exist in the Rules. But it sounds convincing and many agree with this violation.

“When performing a maneuver, there should be no danger to traffic or interference with other road users.” - for the person turning and “in the process of overtaking, he will not create a danger to traffic or interference with other road users” - for the person overtaking - these are the general requirements for performing maneuvers. They can be decisive only in the absence of special regulatory standards. In the situation under discussion, compliance with special norms excludes the intersection of trajectories .

The turned on left turn signal prohibits overtaking; there is no and cannot be a requirement to give way to an overtaking person in violation of the Rules.

We came to a simple and logical conclusion: the one who violates is to blame.

However, there is one situation when at the same time there is the right to overtake and the right to turn left with the intersection of trajectories, and the order of passage is already determined according to the general requirements of paragraphs of Rules 8.1 and 11.1. Read about this in the next article.

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Overtaking and turning left are allowed

Traffic accident while turning left

Traffic rules are strictly observed by all motorists to prevent various consequences, for example, large fines, sanctions, and threats to human health. But the most threatening consequences appear during accidents. Therefore, car owners are required to know the traffic rules.

Maneuvering is considered a challenging aspect of road traffic execution. Moreover, mistakes are made by both inexperienced motorists and professionals with extensive driving experience.

Traffic regulations when turning left

There are traffic rules when turning left, mandatory compliance with which prevents accidents:

  • When driving, the driver must take a position on the road that exactly corresponds to the planned left turn:
  1. The maneuver to the left must be performed from the leftmost lane.
  2. The maneuver near tram lines can be performed from the tracks if there is no obstacle to the passage of railway transport.
  • Oncoming traffic when turning left is strictly prohibited and may result in a heavy fine or loss of your driver's license.
  • If the maneuver to the left is carried out by a large truck, then, subject to safety precautions, deviation from some established rules is allowed.

For those making a left turn

Important requirements that must be met:

  • The motorist cannot start driving immediately, therefore, before turning, he must turn on the turn signals in the appropriate direction. In addition, he gives a signal using his hand if the installed signs are faulty or they are missing on vehicles. The maneuver should not lead to an accident when turning left, and in addition it should not interfere with other moving cars.
  • The light signal must be turned on first and turned off as soon as the turn is completed.
  • The driver must give way to a vehicle moving straight ahead or to the right on an equivalent road.
  • By giving a signal to perform a maneuver, the motorist does not receive any advantages relative to other car owners.

For overtaking and those in a hurry to overtake

  • The driver can begin overtaking only if there is a free lane directly in the direction of overtaking and at a satisfactory distance for overtaking, when such a maneuver will not create an emergency situation for traffic and will not be an obstacle for other car owners.
  • Overtaking is strictly prohibited if the car that is located in front and is moving has already given the appropriate signal to turn left;

Overtaking is considered strictly prohibited by the rules for:

  1. pedestrian crossing;
  2. areas where visibility is severely limited, for example, when climbing and on very dangerous turns, where there may be special signs;
  3. at railway crossings and approximately 100m before them;
  4. intersections where traffic regulation is carried out, and at uncontrolled intersections where the lane of an overtaking motorist is not considered the main one.

The culprit of an accident when making a left turn

Most often, the following situation leads to an accident when turning left: one of the drivers begins to overtake, and the other turns. While overtaking, the vehicle ahead had already begun to turn left. Such circumstances often lead to a collision and significant sad consequences.

Determining who is at fault for an accident when making a left turn is usually extremely problematic. The reason for this lies in the following: the main responsibility of the person overtaking is usually to ensure that the process of overtaking is carried out at a normal distance and does not interfere with other road users. In this case, the motorist is obliged not to interfere with overtaking that has already begun and not to impede traffic along the roadway with his actions. Identifying the culprit of a traffic accident when turning left is difficult, since it is almost impossible to determine whether the overtaking driver began action in advance or too late.

Most decisions made by courts find both drivers guilty. Consequently, both motorists bear mutual legal responsibility. However, in judicial practice there are also opposite examples.

For example, the Supreme Court of the Republic. Karelia dated January 22, 2017 found the driver guilty of making a turn, since the overtaking driver did not have the technical ability to promptly prevent an inevitable collision. The Idrinsky District Court made an opposite decision (10/12/16): it found the overtaking person guilty, since he began to overtake when the other driver had already begun to turn. The overtaking driver should have returned to his lane rather than continue overtaking. This was his fault, for which he suffered a well-deserved legal punishment.

With the active use of modern video recorders, identifying the culprits has become more simplified. The practice of using records also greatly simplified the conduct of legal proceedings. However, an accident when turning left is a very controversial issue, in which at least some preliminary consultation with a lawyer is advisable.

Traffic accident when turning at intersections

Accidents when turning left at intersections occur frequently. In most cases, law enforcement officers find the one who turns guilty to be guilty. However, the study of traffic accidents by an expert often leads to the fact that the fault of the driver who is driving straight is established. Typically, an intersection accident occurs like this: a driver intending to turn left drives into the middle of the intersection, and then crosses the lane and begins to perform the intended maneuver. The second motorist, driving in the same lane as the driver making the turn, does not have time to stop, which leads to an accident.

Accident while overtaking someone turning left

An accident when overtaking a driver turning left usually occurs like this: two cars are driving in the same lane. The car in front decides to turn left, and the driver behind decides to overtake the first motorist at the same time. Each of the participants in the accident sees this situation differently. A driver turning left begins to slow down in order to successfully complete the maneuver. He assumes that the driver who is following him is still far away. The second driver believes that the first motorist slowed down without any purpose and decides to overtake. Both drivers begin to make a maneuver, which leads to an accident when turning left.

The culprit in this incident may be the first, second or both drivers. In practice, the culprit is determined as follows: if the driver making the turn gave a signal about it, then he is innocent. If he does not give this signal, he is found guilty. The culprit in an accident when turning left is most often identified using dash cam footage.

To avoid such an accident, the person turning should signal this and estimate the distance to the driver who is driving behind. The driver behind should remember that the other motorist is not slowing down aimlessly, but to perform a specific maneuver. Following these simple rules will help you avoid a tragic situation.

Accident when turning left into the yard

One of the rather dangerous road maneuvers performed is considered to be a left turn leading into a courtyard passage. It is often performed in this way: the driver is about to turn without turning on a special light signal and without assessing the surrounding situation for other cars driving behind him using the rear-view mirrors. He slows down and begins to turn into the courtyard passage.

The car behind him does not have time to stop and collides with him. Therefore, the driver must always give a light signal and also make sure that there are no cars driving behind.

Accident when turning left at an intersection when one of the cars is already at the intersection

Such accidents occur as follows: a vehicle intending to turn left reaches the middle of the intersection and prepares to turn. The driver drives into the middle of the intersection, lets oncoming cars pass, and then proceeds to make his own maneuver. At the same time, another vehicle moving in the opposite lane continues to move straight ahead. This leads to an accident when turning left.

A driver turning left should inform other road users about the upcoming maneuver using light signs. A driver driving straight should pay close attention to the maneuvers of other road users.

When turning left at a signalized intersection

In an accident when turning left at a signalized intersection, it is much easier to determine the culprit. A driver who makes a maneuver at a red traffic light is found guilty, since driving through a red signal is a gross violation of traffic rules. To identify the culprit, traffic police officers determine who started maneuvering at a red or yellow traffic light. Witness testimony, a traffic controller, and a video recorder installed on a car can help them identify the culprit.

Features of an accident when turning left

Accidents when turning left are common. They lead to casualties, material damage and other negative consequences. In all types of left-turn accidents, the fault is most often attributed to the person turning in that direction, or to both parties involved in the accident. The one who turns is often found to be at fault, since he is obliged not to create interference. “Interference” is a fairly vague concept, so it’s easy to find the person turning guilty. However, motoring experts often find the overtaking driver at fault. The main cause of the accident is violation of traffic rules by road users. This reason can be corrected; drivers should improve their driving culture, carefully monitor the road, and devote time to studying traffic rules. Such prevention will significantly reduce the number of accidents.

To avoid a traffic accident when turning left, you must follow the following rules:

  • giving a light signal when the driver makes a left turn;
  • timely signal to those turning;
  • choosing the right moment for the turner to make a turn (you can’t turn at the wrong traffic light, you shouldn’t maneuver in areas with limited visibility);
  • Both the overtaking and turning driver need to ensure that their maneuvers do not interfere with other road users.

Compliance with these simple but extremely necessary rules will help minimize accidents when turning left and make this maneuver easier.

Accident when turning left: who is to blame and how to prove your innocence

Do you know how it is determined who is to blame for an accident when turning left, and on what factors the guilt of the offender will depend?

One of the most difficult maneuvers on the road is turning left. Sometimes, as a result of past accidents, drivers prefer to route their routes exclusively on straight paths with only right turns. But this is a long journey that takes a lot of time and fuel.

In order not to be afraid to turn left, you need to be well aware of the traffic rules, which regulate in detail the actions of the driver when performing various maneuvers.

Rules for turning left according to traffic rules

According to traffic rules, you can turn left in any place where it is not prohibited by road signs . All left turns are performed according to the same algorithm:

  1. Turn on the left turn signal and take the extreme left position if the maneuver is impossible from other lanes.
  2. Turn on the left traffic indicator and make sure that the maneuver you are performing is safe.
  3. Turn, without interfering with other road users, into any lane of the road.
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If you have recently acquired the right to drive a vehicle, the following tips may be useful to you:

  • Reduce your speed as you approach a turn or U-turn. This will give additional time to assess the traffic situation, which will reduce the risk of an accident;
  • move into the leftmost lane in advance. If you know that you will need to turn soon, it is better to change lanes in advance. This will allow you to prepare for the maneuver and reduce the risk of accidents and traffic violations;
  • Turn on your turn signal in advance. To avoid unexpected situations on the road, you need to notify road users in advance of your intention to change direction;
  • do not cut the angle of the maneuver to speed up the movement. All cars turn and turn according to established rules; if at least one of them violates these rules, then the risk of a collision will increase.

Administrative liability for wrong left turn

To ensure that all drivers are motivated to follow traffic rules, current legislation provides for administrative fines for violating the rules of turning left.

The amount of the penalty depends on the type of violation, for example:

Deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for 4 – 6 months

Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year

Analysis of an accident when turning left - who is to blame?

You have already assessed the situation on the road and turned left , when suddenly you unexpectedly collide with another car. Who is to blame for an accident when turning left? How to behave in this situation and what to do?

Accident at an intersection

An intersection is a dangerous section of the road, as several streams of cars intersect there. Here you need to be extremely careful, attentive and follow all traffic rules.

Most often, accidents happen for 3 reasons:

  1. Driver's inattention: staring, lost in thought, didn't notice, etc.
  2. Failure to comply with traffic rules: ignoring the requirements of traffic lights, markings and road signs.
  3. Distractions: calls and SMS from the phone, conversations with passengers.

Signalized intersection

A controlled road crossing determines a strict traffic order (vehicle priority) based on traffic light or traffic controller signals.

If an accident occurs at such a road intersection, then the blame will fall on the driver who maneuvered through the prohibitory signal. Moreover, if:

  • a turn or U-turn is permitted by a green traffic light, then priority is given to those vehicles that are moving straight or to the right in the oncoming lane;
  • the maneuver was started with the permission signal, then you should not worry about the color of the traffic light at the exit of the turn or U-turn;
  • the driver plans to begin the maneuver, he must give way to cars completing their movement through the intersection zone and to pedestrians;
  • turning left is regulated by an additional section of the traffic light; when the main color is red, the motorist is obliged to give priority to vehicles moving in other directions.

Unregulated intersection

When the intersection is unregulated, you should drive through such a section of the road according to the following rules:

  • "main road" sign. The vehicle moving along the priority road has priority in passing the intersection;
  • "give way" sign. If this sign appears on your way when approaching an intersection, then you must give way to all vehicles;
  • "interference on the right." If the intersection is not equipped with any road signs, then the priority of movement is determined by the “obstacle on the right”;
  • coverage priority. A car located on a dirt road is a secondary participant in traffic in front of a vehicle moving on a hard surface.

Presence or absence of road markings

very often no markings . This is scary and confusing for new drivers. Therefore, to perform a maneuver according to all the rules, you will need:

  • conditionally divide the roadway into lanes. Look at the width of the road, how many cars can fit?
  • turning left is always made from the leftmost lane, so you should take this position in advance;
  • You can turn into any of the lanes in the same direction.

Overtaking a vehicle turning left

At an intersection, overtaking is allowed in certain situations, but since, according to statistics, about 30% of all accidents happen there, before you begin the maneuver, you need to make sure it is safe.

Most often, an accident when overtaking a car making a left turn at an intersection occurs due to:

  • overtaking by a car located on a secondary road, regardless of the type of intersection (uncontrolled or controlled);
  • overtaking when the driver has limited or insufficient visibility (sharp turns, hills, terrain, weather conditions).

In practice, people become guilty in the following way::

  • if the turning driver notified about this with a turn signal, then he is considered innocent;
  • If the corresponding signal was not given, then the motorist is found guilty of the accident.

Turn into the yard

A collision when turning left into a yard is possible in 2 ways:

  • The driver forgot to turn on the turn signal, and a car coming from behind crashes into him. In this case, the culprit of the accident will be the vehicle behind;
  • the driver turns and at that moment a collision occurs from the side. Then the turning vehicle is to blame, as it ignored the priority rules.

Leaving the surrounding area

The adjacent territory can be considered:

  • gas station;
  • parking lots;
  • stop pockets for route transport;
  • courtyards of residential buildings from the entrance side of the roadway;
  • residential areas.

Important nuances when determining the driver’s guilt

When carrying out their work, traffic police officers are very attentive to determining the guilt of drivers. In order for the verdict to be objective, an authorized employee analyzes the case based on several factors:

  • speed of the intruder. Sometimes an accident occurs not because of a violation of maneuvering rules, but because of failure to comply with the speed limit. Centrifugal force pulls the car to the side and a collision occurs;
  • dynamics of road accidents. If the violation of the rules by the first driver did not cause the accident, and the impact occurred because of the car behind, then the latter is considered the culprit;
  • non-compliance with traffic rules. If the accident occurred due to a violation of the rules: ignoring maneuvering standards, not using turn signals, etc., then the culprit is the driver who did not follow the established standards;
  • witness statements and video recordings of accidents. If there is information from outside sources, they are taken into account and help in clarifying the circumstances of the case.

When the question arises: “ An accident when turning left - who is to blame? " The diagrams that the traffic police inspector draws help in clarifying the case and become one of the important evidence. Therefore, sometimes the driver’s guilt is determined by them.

How to prove innocence in an accident?

There are times when a driver has to prove his innocence. This is a complex and time-consuming process that requires outside help. To prove your case and clear yourself of charges, you will need:

  • take advantage of legal assistance. A professional lawyer will help you write an appeal against the decision and protect your rights in court. By refusing such help, you risk losing;
  • collect all the information about the accident. Witness statements, dash cam footage and photographs of the scene can be your main weapon;
  • draw up a competent complaint against a decision on an administrative offense. To write a legal document, you need to take specialized help. The text of the paper must be written correctly, concisely and “dry”, you must avoid emotions in it, all information must be laid out only to the point;
  • send a complaint to the territorial traffic police department where the order was issued, or to the district court where the charge was received.

Tips for car owners on how to avoid getting into an accident when turning

A minute of haste can cost your life . Therefore, you need to be smart and attentive to the turning maneuver. To avoid getting into an accident and not causing it, you must:

  • Always turn on the direction indicators in the appropriate direction in advance. This will give time to other road users to prepare for a change in your position on the road (slow down, change lanes, etc.);
  • Make a left turn only from the extreme left position. This rule is prescribed at the legislative level and adopted to prevent accidents and save lives on the country’s roads;
  • reduce the speed limit before turning left. The fight against centrifugal force will only be won by reducing your speed before turning. Otherwise, the car may be carried away in the other direction;
  • adequately assess the situation. You shouldn't fly ahead of the locomotive. Calmly analyze the road condition and let through all vehicles that have the right of way. It’s better to wait a little longer than to fix the car or yourself later;
  • follow traffic rules. Before starting the maneuver, assess the situation: is there a turn allowed by road signs, is there a traffic light, and what are the rules for driving through this intersection?


Turning left is one of the most difficult maneuvers on the road. In order to move correctly when making a corresponding change in direction, you need to know the traffic rules and remember that this turn should only be made from the extreme left position, having previously turned on the direction indicators in the direction in which you are heading. This will allow all traffic participants to assess the new situation and take appropriate measures.

Most often, the culprit of an accident when turning left is the car owner who violated the traffic rules: he interfered with other cars, did not turn on the turn signal, ignored the requirements of traffic lights and road signs, and also did not appreciate his strength. The main cause of accidents of this nature begins with the thought: “I’ll skip ahead now.” Thinking that you can quickly pass the intersection without disturbing anyone, you are making a mistake. Since inattention, haste and naive self-confidence are the faithful companions of all accidents on Russian roads.

To save the lives of yourself and others around you, and to avoid paying for vehicle repairs, follow traffic rules and be more careful on the roads.

An accident occurred while turning left along the lanes - who is at fault according to the traffic rules?

A simple situation: you are turning left at or outside an intersection, when suddenly (most often suddenly) a collision occurs with another car. What to do in such cases, who is to blame and which points of the Rules should be used? The consequences and culpability of an accident when turning left directly depend on the explanations of its participants at the very first stage - during registration. Traffic police officers need to correctly draw up a diagram based on your words, and you need to correctly indicate the trajectory of movement, the presence of turn signals and other circumstances. In this article we will analyze various situations with diagrams and links to traffic rules relevant for 2019.

Legislative framework - what do traffic regulations say?

So, in the matter of left turns, we require mainly 2 important sections of the Rules of the Road:

  1. section 8 of the traffic rules, which regulates the general procedure for maneuvering and traffic trajectories when turning left,
  2. Section 13, which regulates the rules for passing intersections - both regulated with traffic lights and unregulated.

So, in the Rules there is a rule for interference on the right (clause 8.9), but it only applies when the trajectories of cars intersect, and the order of passage of these trajectories is not clearly indicated by the traffic regulations.

In addition, there are rules for turning (in order of importance):

  • the obligation to take the extreme position when turning left (clause 8.5 of the traffic rules),
  • right interference rule (clause 8.9),
  • and exception from this obligation when due to dimensions or other reasons this is impossible to do (clause 8.7),
  • the obligation to give way to oncoming traffic (clause 13.4),
  • but at the same time, it is possible to complete the maneuver at a red traffic light at an intersection if it started at a green one (clauses 13.7 and 13.8),
  • the duty of a person turning right to move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway (clause 8.6)
  • the obligation to give way when changing lanes (and it may not be obvious even when turning left) – clause 8.4,
  • the Rules directly prohibit driving into oncoming traffic when completing a turn (clause 8.6),
  • the obligation to turn on the turn signals (clause 8.1),
  • the need to give way to everyone when moving along the arrow (clause 13.5).
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These are not all the necessary points - when analyzing an accident, each case is considered by traffic police officers or the court in conjunction with all others. We also did not cover the most obvious points that oblige those turning left on a secondary road to give way to those moving on the main road and others.

So, let's now find out in various traffic patterns who will be at fault when turning left regarding the lane and the obligation to give way, at intersections and outside them.

Analysis of accident No. 1: turned left from the right lane at the intersection

A fairly typical situation, the diagram of an accident in which looks like this:

Who is to blame here, obviously not everyone! Alas, many drivers try to see here the rule of interference on the right, following which the blue one is obliged to give way to the red one. In fact, clause 8.5 applies here (8.7 in the presence of “other reasons”) for red.

In this situation, Red will be given a fine for not taking the extreme position before turning left. This will also cause an accident. The presence or absence of a traffic light does not matter.

If there are no stripes

Then you just need to take the extreme left position. Let us remind you that according to traffic regulations, if there is two-way traffic and there are no markings, the road is divided in half. Therefore, you need to stand so that if someone were to the left of you, he would already be in the opposite direction.

Here is a non-obvious accident situation when the driver did not take the extreme left position before turning in the absence of lanes.

What if you can turn left from the left lane?

But the above traffic management scheme is rare. Most often, lane signs or similar markings are installed. If turning left from the right lane is prohibited by traffic regulations, then everything is clear here. But what if you can, like this:

Here the situation is already more controversial - on the one hand, nothing in the Rules indicates that signs of special instructions cancel the effect of clause 8.5, which obliges you to take the extreme left position. On the other hand, both vehicles make a turn along the permitted trajectory.

And here there are 2 camps of supporters of opposing opinions (including traffic police inspectors conducting accident investigations):

  • the first claim that the lane traffic signs do not in any way cancel the requirement of paragraph 8.5 of the traffic rules to take the extreme left position before turning,
  • the second is that both cars move along the trajectory allowed for each and do not violate anything, which means that for the driver of the blue car the rule of interference on the right applies here (clause 8.9).

Accordingly, the judicial practice of 2019 is replete with directly opposite decisions in such accidents with a left turn in different lanes at an intersection. Therefore, if such an accident occurred in your case, then what kind of inspector or judge will be caught here.

A similar situation occurs with other traffic patterns:

  • if there are more than 2 lanes,
  • if it's a one way road.

If all cars are only allowed to turn left

Here the situation is similar to the very first one - the fact that on a given section of the road turning is generally only allowed to the left does not mean that you do not need to comply with the same paragraph 8.5 of the Rules. The driver of the red car will be at fault.

Important note!

  • This article provides basic information, but each case is different.
  • In 92% of all situations there are important nuances that can affect the outcome of the entire case.
  • An experienced lawyer will study all the materials of the case and indicate in which direction to move.

Therefore, our website employs on-duty legal consultants who delve into each case and are aimed at solving it.

or consult toll-free: 8 (499) 938-43-58 (Moscow), 8 (812) 425-13-31 (St. Petersburg), 8 (800) 350-14-83 (all of Russia).

Analysis of accident No. 2: from the left lane to the right

Another typical situation is that you were turning left from the far left position, but turned immediately into the right lane. Here's the scheme:

Many motorists also interpret this situation incorrectly, based on the fact that everyone should move from their own lane to their own lane. But nothing here prohibits the driver of a blue car from turning from the far left lane to the right lane at the exit from the intersection.

Only clause 8.6 prescribes a similar obligation when turning right, but that’s a completely different story!

But when answering the question of who is to blame for an accident when turning left like this, there are two possible options:

  • in the absence of markings, red violated 8.5 traffic rules, so he is guilty in any case,
  • if the markings and/or signs allow turning from the right lane to the left, then again we see 2 camps of opponents to the practice of traffic rules:
    • on the one hand, 8.5 does not make an exception for red to take the extreme position, even if a left turn is allowed for him along his trajectory,
    • on the other hand, the practice of road accidents shows that the blue one is “to blame” for violating traffic in the lanes (although there is no such violation here, since the lanes are not marked).

If there are lane markings at the intersection

But the blue one will be guilty only if there is a traffic trajectory marking at the intersection: the left one goes into the left lane, the right one goes into the right lane, since the blue one will cross the markings:

As you can see, with such a left turn maneuver, the lane marking 1.7 at the intersection is crossed, so the driver of the blue car is to blame for the accident.

Analysis of traffic accident No. 3: yield to oncoming traffic

Another typical situation when you didn’t let the oncoming car(s) pass while turning left:

Here, culpability in an accident when turning left should also be obvious to any driver, depending on the presence of traffic lights and priority signs:

  • if the intersection is controlled (there is a traffic light or a traffic controller) and both have a green light on, then the red one is to blame (violation of clause 13.4 of the traffic rules), similarly, if both have a red light on, and, accordingly, both are violating,
  • if the intersection is unregulated and the main one goes straight for blue, then red is to blame; if the main one turns left along the path of the red car, then the blue one is to blame.

If the oncoming person is driving on yellow or red

Then everything will depend on the permission of movement for blue according to the last scheme. So, if he entered the intersection on red, then the obligation to give way to the red one disappears (you can only give way to someone who has priority right of movement, if the blue one does not have the right to move, then he does not have priority according to the definition of paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules ).

But if it’s yellow, then everything will depend on the analysis of the accident. Let us only note that in practice, in an accident in the traffic police and the court, everything will depend on whether the participants in the accident prove their position, because the driver of the blue car can indicate that he was driving on the green one (more often than not, everyone does this). And the real outcome of determining the culprit will depend on the presence of a DVR and witnesses.

For example, in this case, the driver who drove through the yellow light would be to blame for the accident.

If the oncoming person turns right into his lane

Another typical situation: when turning right, blue is obliged to move as far to the right as possible, but he gets into the left lane - where red is also moving:

If the red driver needs to exit the intersection into the right lane, then his obligation to give way to the blue driver is regulated by clause 13.4 of the Traffic Rules. But what if, on the contrary, the blue one wants to go into the left lane, and the red one also wants to go into the left lane, who will be to blame for such an accident?

Here lies the ambiguity of 8.6 traffic rules. The fact is that he tells blue to move as far to the right as possible only by multiplicity :

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

Thus, we see that if blue had the opportunity to move to the right, but he did not take advantage of it, then he violated and is guilty of an accident. There was no obligation for red to give way here, since blue did not have the right to move in the intended direction, and, therefore, did not have priority.

What is “opportunity” in the context of clause 8.6? No one knows this. Is, for example, a pedestrian in the right lane the reason for this lack of opportunity? Or the fact that at the next intersection blue will need to turn left, so he immediately decided to take the extreme left position already when turning right onto this road.

But one thing is clear: the practice of analyzing road accidents in the traffic police here leads to the guilt of the driver of the red car, because the blue one can indicate that there was no opportunity (an obstacle, another car stopped, and the like). Therefore, in the absence of a video recorder from the red one, it will be difficult to prove otherwise.

Important details of any accident

The first subtlety that needs to be remembered is that it is not always the violation of maneuvering points or traffic at intersections that causes an accident. It is important to remember about paragraph 10.1 of the traffic rules, when if you exceed the speed, you can become the culprit, regardless of the obligation to give way to other road users.

The second nuance lies in the dynamics of the accident - after all, it is in the dynamics that traffic police officers and judges consider it (especially if there are video recorders). For example, if the person breaking the rules has already passed first, and you drove into him from behind, then he is not always found guilty, since if he has already passed, then it is not his violation that led to the accident, but the fact that you caught up with him when he was in his lane. But we are, of course, talking about cases when you would have time to brake and avoid a collision. For example, in a situation like in the video below (this is not a left turn, but the described case is clearly expressed in it).

Accident when turning left, who is to blame diagrams Link to main publication
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