
Foggy windows in a car, what to do?

How to effectively deal with fogging of car windows?

When the windows in a car fog up from the inside, visibility and visibility are greatly impaired. The driver loses the ability to control the situation on the road, experiences anxiety, inconvenience and discomfort. Operating cars with windows covered in sweat is a common cause of accidents, including fatalities. Let's consider the reasons for this phenomenon, what to do when it occurs and preventive measures.

Reasons why car windows sweat

When the windows become covered with moisture, the driver is forced to take time away from driving the vehicle and periodically wipe the glass with napkins or rags.

Car windows sweat from the inside for the following reasons:

  1. The difference in the temperature of the environment and the interior space of the cabin. Similar phenomena occur in the cold season or early in the morning, when the air has not yet warmed up. Moisture from the air settles on surfaces in the form of condensation.
  2. Precipitation. During snowfall and rain, the humidity level inside the car increases. Dampness penetrates into the cabin through open doors, windows, and on the clothes and shoes of the driver and passengers. The fumes come from umbrellas and wet rugs.
  3. Radiator malfunction. When coolant leaks, a large amount of steam is generated. At the same time, the windshield fogs up, on which oily inclusions appear. It is necessary to stop and check the condition of the cooling system.
  4. The filter, which is part of the interior air conditioning equipment, is dirty. It may be clogged with dust or oil fumes.
  5. Consequences of washing a car at a car service center. The interior may not have been properly dried after cleaning.
  6. Incorrectly configured climate control system or its breakdown. In such cases, the space in the cabin ceases to be dried, and damp air is pumped in.
  7. Passengers who have consumed large amounts of alcoholic beverages. During breathing, alcohol vapors are released and settle on the windows. Alcohol absorbs water molecules, resulting in condensation.

How to remove fogged windows in a car?

There are various methods to combat fogging of car windows.

There are general rules for eliminating condensation:

  1. Adjusting the air conditioning system. It is necessary to ensure that the windows are constantly blown with warm air.
  2. Installation of several high-quality moisture absorbers in the cabin. Sorbents effectively absorb water from the space, drying it to the required condition.
  3. Treatment of glass with special agents that have hydrophobic properties. Even water molecules do not linger on them. Such products are produced in the form of aerosols, liquids and impregnated wipes.
  4. Opening windows a few millimeters. The resulting air circulation ensures the evaporation of condensation from all surfaces.
  5. Ventilation (air ventilation) and preventive drying of the interior. This helps to dry the upholstery of chairs, rugs and remove liquid accumulated in the niches.
  6. Regular vehicle maintenance. Timely replacement of filters, sensors and valves will prevent excess moisture.

When it rains, water penetrates into the interior of the car, which, when heated, turns into steam, settling on windows, metal and plastic in the form of tiny drops.

You can get rid of glass fogging in inclement weather in the following ways:

  1. After starting to drive, open the windows on both sides of the car. The resulting turbulence will ensure condensation is blown off the panels.
  2. After finishing the trip, park the car in a heated garage. If possible, leave windows and doors open to dry out the cabin.
  3. Before planting, shake off snow and water from clothes and shoes, pack wet umbrellas in plastic bags or covers.
  4. Before the onset of the wet season, warm up the interior with a hairdryer to remove moisture from the upholstery. When damp air penetrates, the fabric plays the role of a sorbent.

During the winter season

During the cold season, the formation of condensation complicates the already difficult road situation. In addition, there is a risk of sweat freezing and ice crusts forming on the windows.

What you can do:

  1. Set the maximum heating temperature by directing the air flow to the front panel. Heat in the cab can be eliminated by opening the side windows.
  2. Use special preparations against condensation formation. Modern anti-fogging solutions for car windows allow you to get rid of this phenomenon without excessive heating of the interior.
  3. Install electrically heated panels. This will require additional costs, but they are offset by the comfort and safety of travel.

Anti-fog films

A good result in the fight against condensation is obtained by covering windows with a special film. The basis of the material is polycarbonate - a polymer with high strength, abrasion resistance and hydrophobic properties. The reverse side has microscopic notches and is smeared with transparent glue. The outer layer repels water molecules, which roll down until a visible layer of perspiration forms.

The gluing process is not particularly difficult. You need to do the following:

  • cut a workpiece slightly larger in size than the panel being processed;
  • thoroughly wash and degrease the glass, wipe it dry;
  • Remove the protective coating from the film, apply it to the panel, and remove air bubbles with a spatula.

Recommendations for removing condensation from glass

There are folk remedies that have been proven over the years, with the help of which condensation on the windshield can be quickly and effectively eliminated. Some of them are part of a driver's camping equipment and are sold at any general store.

The problem of window fogging can be solved in the following ways:

  1. Table salt. The panels are rubbed with a saline solution and placed dry in fabric bags on the dashboard.
  2. Lemon. You need to take half a lemon and rub it on your windshields and side windows. A pleasant aroma will only improve the comfort inside the cabin.
  3. Toilet or laundry soap. In the solid state, arbitrary patterns and lines are applied to the surface. Then, using a slightly damp cloth, rub the soap evenly over the entire area.
  4. Shaving cream. It works similarly to soap, but is applied faster and easier.
  5. A mixture of alcohol and glycerin. The mixture is made in a ratio of 1:20. Apply to surfaces with a cloth, cotton pads or using a spray bottle.

Before using any products, surfaces must be cleaned of moisture and dirt. This should be done with crumpled newspapers, a clean cloth or sponge.

Prevention of glass fogging

To avoid condensation, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before boarding the cabin in conditions of heavy rainfall, place pieces of cellophane, old linoleum or unnecessary rags on top of the mats. They will collect water from the shoes, which can then be easily removed from the interior.
  2. Before a long trip, pre-rub the glass with mastic, glycerin or another long-acting product. Always have a supply of anti-icing and de-icing agents on your windows.
  3. Periodically dry upholstery and rugs. Dry things can act as a sorbent for a long time.

These methods will reduce the humidity in the cabin and reduce the likelihood of windows fogging in any weather conditions.

What to do if the car windows fog up from the inside

Publication date: August 02, 2018.
Category: Automotive equipment.

Foggy windows bring a lot of inconvenience to car owners. Visibility of the road deteriorates and the risk of getting into an accident increases. Most often, people encounter such problems in rainy weather and winter. To save drivers from headaches, many manufacturers have begun to produce cars with heated windows. However, most vehicle owners are still forced to solve problems on their own.

Cloudy windows on which condensation accumulates are not always the result of weather changes or the fact that there is a tipsy passenger in the cabin. There are many other factors that, by eliminating them, can improve visibility.

Reasons for fogging car windows

Of course, the most obvious reason lies in condensation. When the air temperature differs greatly from the temperature inside the car, water droplets form and settle on the surface of the glass. They are covered in perspiration. Visibility may also be impaired by:

  • Increased humidity in the car interior. When people get into the car with wet clothes and turn on the heater in rainy weather, this leads to rapid evaporation of moisture, which settles on the surface of the windshield and side windows.
  • Clogged cabin filter. If this device stops absorbing moisture and dust in the required volume, then condensation will also form on the glass.
  • Faulty clean air supply valve. If the sensor flaps stop functioning normally, the air circulation in the car interior is disrupted.

Also, the problem may lie in the system that is responsible for some kind of drainage in the car. If the holes for removing excess water are clogged with leaves and dirt, this often provokes the appearance of perspiration on the glass.

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As a rule, solving technical problems in a car helps to get rid of fogging of car windows. But sometimes the car owner simply does not have time to carry out diagnostics, or the reasons for the appearance of perspiration are related to other factors. In this case, you must follow the recommendations that will help solve the problem.

Which tips are least effective?

There are several recommendations that should help get rid of perspiration. Some of the tips are ineffective, so there is no point in wasting time on them:

  • Get into the car only in clean shoes, so as not to bring excess dampness into the cabin. Anyone who has ever sat in a car in winter or during heavy rain understands perfectly well that it is simply impossible to completely clean your boots in such a situation. The only way is to wear galoshes or shoe covers outside. Agree, few people want to become such a “fashionist”, much less offer such solutions to car passengers.
  • Use rubber mats. All the water from the shoes accumulates on them, which can easily be poured onto the street. These products better protect the underbody of the car from corrosion. However, while the car enthusiast waits for the snow on the tread of the boots to melt and flow onto the mat, the moisture will evaporate and settle on the windows. Therefore, this also does not help to fully solve the problem.
  • Setting up the stove and ventilation. When it’s humid outside, many people advise simply switching the car’s standard fan to air circulation mode, which, it is believed, will become much drier after numerous runs through the stove. However, in practice, such manipulations with air recirculation lead to even more fogging.

  • Use of salt. Some craftsmen, having read that salt absorbs moisture well, begin to diligently rub glass with it, especially in winter. Of course, this component dissolves snow well and absorbs liquid, but do not forget about the abrasive properties of salt. If you start rubbing the glass with it, small scratches will remain on them, which will only lead to more contamination and wear.

There is no point in wasting time on the methods described above. It is better to get rid of excess moisture using more effective methods.

How to get rid of perspiration

The first thing you should do is replace the cabin filter. Drivers rarely think about the fact that the service life of this element is no more than 20,000 km. Experts recommend buying new activated carbon filters. Such products perfectly purify the air and prevent chemical fumes from entering the cabin.

Other helpful tips to consider include:

  • There should always be clean, soft wipes in the car interior. If the windows suddenly fog up and there is no time to find the root cause of the perspiration, then you can clean the glass from the inside and point a fan at it. This will help temporarily solve the problem.

  • Trunk work. First of all, you should remove all wet things from the luggage compartment and generally make it a rule not to clutter it. Also, some car owners cut small openings in the side trim and cover them with plastic grilles. This drastic measure allows you to improve air exchange in the car interior.
  • Hood grille. If snow or dirt accumulates on it, then you should not be lazy to clean this part before each trip.
  • Warm up Before you start driving, especially in winter, it is recommended to first warm up the vehicle interior a little. This should be done gradually so as not to create sudden temperature changes. It is best to direct the heating to all the windows and turn it on to medium mode.

Sometimes there is no time for such manipulations. In this case, some people turn the stove on full blast and do not get the best results. To quickly get rid of perspiration, it is recommended to use special formulations.

Specialized anti-foggers

The easiest way is to purchase a special liquid and spray it on the car windows. The cost of the anti-fog agent ranges from 80 to 600 rubles, depending on the composition of the product. The cheapest drugs use glycerin. However, this liquid leaves rainbow stains on the glass.

It is better to give preference to mastic-based anti-foggers. They are more expensive, but much more effective. After covering the surface with such a product, drops of water will literally be repelled from it. The effect of such compounds is enough for several trips (up to 72 hours).

Important! Liquids of this type will only be effective if they are applied to clean, dry surfaces. Spraying anti-fog on foggy glass will not change anything.

In winter, it is more rational to use various anti-freeze and anti-ice products. They can not only be poured into glass washers, but also sprayed onto the windows from the inside of the cabin. These liquids contain alcohol, which keeps surfaces clean longer.

Some people make their own anti-foggers. To do this, just mix 20 parts of pharmaceutical alcohol and one part of glycerin. The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and applied to the glass.

There are other methods, using the cheapest products, that help you forget about perspiration.

Folk remedies

If there is no specialized liquid nearby, you can temporarily solve the problem using:

  • Shaving foams. The composition is applied in a thin layer to the glass and wiped with a clean cloth.
  • Lemon. For this method, you need to cut the fruit and rub it with glass pulp. After this, the surfaces are wiped with a soft cloth.
  • Salt. If you use this component correctly, you can achieve a good effect. Just fill a few paper bags with salt and place them next to the glasses.
  • Newspapers. This "grandfathered" product helps to temporarily clean glass and prevent condensation. Simply wipe the windows with thin paper.
  • Soap. Using it, you need to draw small squares at the four corners of the glass. After this, the entire surface is wiped with a dry cloth. This way, a thin protective film is formed on the glass, and visibility is not impaired.

In custody

Most of these methods allow you to get rid of the problem for a while. However, if the windows begin to sweat with enviable regularity, then it is best to carry out a full diagnosis of the car. As a preventative measure, it would be a good idea to periodically ventilate the car interior, dry the upholstery, clean the mats and drain the liquid from them in a timely manner. Sometimes moisture accumulates in the soundproofing material. Therefore, it is worth finding out all the possible reasons for the appearance of perspiration.

Driving lifehacks that will prevent your car windows from fogging up

Foggy glass in autumn and winter is not uncommon. However, this phenomenon has been known for a long time, which is why folk remedies have appeared to combat it.

Everyone knows why car windows sweat: due to humidity and temperature differences. If for some reason moisture has accumulated in the interior of your car (for example, there are wet carpets), then after it has evaporated, it will begin to condense on the windows. As a result, the glass becomes covered with a coating, which is not only dangerous, but actually impossible to drive with - you simply won’t see anything.

The easiest way to deal with foggy windows is obvious - just take them and wipe them. However, this is not always convenient, and you don’t really want to waste time on this procedure every time. Of course, there are special chemicals aimed at eliminating the effect of fogging, but they are usually expensive. Meanwhile, people also have alternative means to overcome this problem. After studying videos on the Internet, we decided to select several popular methods for you. However, we would like to warn you right away: some of these “methods” cause nothing but a smile. Therefore, we will provide the videos with our short comments. And at the end we will summarize and tell you another life hack that will greatly help you in the fight against fogging.

Simple and reliable

A user with the nickname “Kolyan 78” proposes to combat fogging using one simple system that is found in almost every car. You just need to take it, activate it, and the glass will be clean again.

The method is somewhat disconcerting in its directness and honesty: did no one even guess that this was possible? However, one thing is hard to argue with: it is truly effective. But what should those who don’t have this function in their cars do? History is silent about this. Therefore, this method can be considered partially effective.

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Know-how from men

The Auto-dvn channel suggests using a more reliable anti-fogging solution, which is also suitable for those who do not have air conditioning in their car. The authors of the video suggest applying shaving gel or foam to the glass, which should then be wiped off with a napkin or paper.

The method may seem a little unaesthetic, however, it is quite popular among the people and is also quite effective. However, its disadvantage is that soap stains may appear on the glass, which will then be visible in the dark in the headlights. Therefore, if you use this method, make sure that the shaving gel is of high quality, and also carefully remove any remaining product from the glass.

Advice from overseas guests

Fogging of car windows is fought not only in Russia, but also on the other side of the globe - in the USA and Canada. For example, a user with the nickname ChrisFix published a video in which he reviewed popular ways to combat this problem. In addition to the already mentioned shaving gel, he also tried a special anti-fog gel, baby shampoo, liquid soap and even potatoes! The test results were quite unexpected.

Of course, the absolute winner was the specially designed anti-fog product and shaving gel. If we talk about other means, then the video clearly shows that they do not really help against fogging. Although, of course, it is surprising that ordinary potatoes were not in last place.

If you have a cat

Finally, another way to combat fogging is offered by UK resident DaveHax. Unlike others, the Briton believes that fighting is not the consequence, but the cause of fogging - that is, the humidity in the cabin. To do this, he suggests using two ordinary socks and cat litter.

This method of dealing with moisture is really effective, and is especially relevant if you already have a pet. However, if you decide to use this method as shown in the video, be careful when communicating with traffic cops: a sock with an unknown white substance lying under the seat will at least arouse suspicion during a possible search.

Summarize. Among the folk remedies for combating glass fogging, the most effective can be considered foam or shaving gel, as well as cat litter. Of course, we are not talking about turning on the air conditioning - this is already understandable, and in wet weather it should be done automatically (of course, if your car is equipped with this option). However, as promised, we will tell you about another important way to combat glass fogging. It consists of simply keeping the interior clean. The fact is that water molecules condense on dust and dirt particles. If there are a lot of them (for example, the windshield has not been wiped for a long time), then the fogging process will go much faster and stronger. Therefore, to avoid this, the interior of the car must be cleaned, during which the seats must be vacuumed and the plastic cleaned, and the glass must be wiped with a special microfiber cloth. So another visit to the car wash can also save you from a problem that you didn’t even think about. Well, if you want to save money, no one is stopping you from cleaning the cabin yourself.

7 tips to combat fogging car windows

One of the tenets of safe driving is good visibility. This is especially true in the off-season and winter, when precipitation and darkness create natural problems for the perception of the situation on the road. And at the same time, motorists most often encounter the problem of glass fogging.

The main reason for windows fogging is temperature differences. In a warmer interior, moisture condenses on the cold windows. Therefore, you can fight fogging by warming the windows and drying the air - often this happens simultaneously.

Here we give some simple tips on how to keep your windows clear.

Correctly set up climate systems

At the first signs of fogging, you need to select the window blowing mode, direct the air flow from the deflectors to the glass and slightly increase the temperature. If your car has air conditioning, it should dry the air in a few minutes. You just need to be sure that the internal circulation mode is turned off. If the climate system does not cope well with heating and drying the air, you need to check the cabin filter - it could have absorbed too much moisture, and in wet weather it does not have time to dry, or it is simply time to replace it.

Treat glass with special products

There are a lot of different anti-fog agents on the market - liquids, aerosols, wipes. This car cosmetics has the same principle - the properties of surface tension change. The solutions create a thin film from which the smallest particles of water roll off, forming drops that do not interfere with the view, or, conversely, the water remains on the glass, but lies in a transparent layer. Apply the product to clean and dry surfaces and repeat the procedure as necessary. You just need to find a drug that suits you in terms of application method, smell and results.

Treat glass using traditional methods

The problem of fogging arose quite a long time ago, so drivers had time to find several options for window treatment using improvised means. One of the most popular is applying a solution of 1 part glycerin and 10 parts alcohol. If you use only glycerin, the glass will become greasy and at night there will be strong reflections in the stains, impairing visibility. Some people advise wiping windows with newspapers - printing ink contains substances that create the same film as when using auto chemicals. Another tip is to rub the windows with tobacco from regular cigarettes.

Anti-fog films

A radical and durable solution is to cover the glass with a special film, similar to that used for optics, motorcycle helmets or commercial equipment. It is applied in the same way as a tinting film - and it is better to trust professionals in this matter.

Remove excess moisture from the interior

Often in winter and in damp weather, water or snow gets inside the car. When the interior begins to warm up, the liquid evaporates and settles on the cold glass. To reduce this effect, excess moisture should be removed. Sometimes you need to remove puddles or ice from the mats, and if there is already a lot of water, put newspapers under your feet and throw them away when they are soaked. If the interior becomes wet even with light rain, you need to check its tightness - a loose seal can be a source of not only increased humidity, but also premature corrosion. There is no need to store rags that were used to wipe wet surfaces in the cabin - put them in the trunk or under the hood. Salt in a paper bag that can be placed in the back seat reduces humidity. The effect will be better if the packaging has been dried in a warm place before.

Don't chat

The source of moisture is very often the people inside. The air they exhale is much warmer than the surrounding air and is saturated with moisture, so when traveling in a large and noisy group, the driver needs to reconfigure the climate in the cabin every now and then. If the technology cannot cope, then you can ask the passengers to simply remain silent for a while, for their own safety.

Check the interior ventilation

A rare case, but sometimes it happens. After body repair of a damaged car at the rear, special ventilation valves can be sealed. In this case, the air circulation calculated by the engineers does not occur. Another variant of the same problem is an excessive amount of things in the cabin and trunk. The solution is to check the capacity of the air ducts by first studying their location according to the instructions. The same problem can be attributed to clogged drain holes in air conditioning systems. Standing water simply blows into the interior, and the situation can be corrected by simple cleaning.

If the car windows sweat for no objective reason, this may indicate a malfunction in the engine cooling system. Vapors formed from overheating enter the cabin through the ventilation system. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals.

One of the most popular reasons for windows fogging is the consumption of alcohol by passengers on the eve of travel. Exhaled vapors of alcohol, due to its hygroscopicity, additionally absorb moisture from the body, and it settles on the windows. This explains the increased interest of traffic police officers in such cars. You can combat this kind of fogging using the usual methods, but it is better to recommend that passengers do not overuse it before the trip.

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The car windows are sweating, what should I do?

The windows in the car fog up from the inside - what to do?

Absolutely any driver, professional or novice, sooner or later faces a problem when the windows in the car sweat; he doesn’t always understand what to do. The windows of your favorite car, covered with sweat, not only cause discomfort, limiting the driver’s visibility when the vehicle starts to move, but also affect the immediate safety of traffic, and, no matter how sad it may sound, can be the cause of an accident.

Often, motorists do not know why their car windows fog up and how to deal with the problem by wiping the windshield with a rag or sleeve. Let's understand why car windows sweat from the inside and how to correct the situation? First of all, you can use car interior care services - protective coating for glass and special compounds used to treat car surfaces will significantly improve the situation.

Reasons why car windows sweat.

Condensation on glass is a product of an extraordinary physical phenomenon and occurs as a result of steam condensation, in other words, vaporization.

It is in view of this that, one and all, drivers do not attach much importance to the wet windows of their favorite iron horse, considering it an ordinary phenomenon, although there are several reasons for condensation on car windows. So: fogging of car windows, why it happens and what to do:

1. In the cool and winter seasons, the windows in the car become covered with perspiration due to the sharp difference in temperature and humidity between the car interior and the street. The warm air of the car interior interacts with the cold air brought into the car from the street, as a result of which the windows are covered with a thin layer of condensation.

2. This also happens in wet weather, during rain. The reason is not uncommon - the humidity in the cabin increases due to the evaporation of moisture from wet mats, wet clothes of the driver and passengers, and car seats. The stove dries things out, and the evaporating moisture covers the glass with condensation. In addition to wet rugs and clothes, the source of perspiration can be damage to the windshield insulation or damage to the integrity of the car door seals.

3. Contamination or malfunction of the cabin filter, as well as its rare replacement and cleaning, leads to deterioration of air conductivity, and as a result, this is a problem.

4. The windows of your car may also sweat if the valve or sensor that regulates the normal operation of the valve flaps breaks down. Due to these problems, no air flows into the cabin.

5. An oily film on car windows is a dangerous signal of a leak in the radiator, under the dashboard of the car and one of the reasons for foggy windows.

6. Washing your favorite car - moisture gets inside the cabin, but it doesn’t have time to dry.

7. A “cheerful” passenger who is in a tipsy state is also, albeit transiently, the cause of fogging of car windows. Alcohol vapor absorbs moisture and settles on the car windows in the form of condensation.

How to remove fogged windows in a car.

We found out the key reasons why the windows inside the car and the windshield sweat from the inside? Now our task is to try to prevent such a phenomenon, or to easily get rid of the problem. The following steps will help you do this:

1. Correcting the settings of your car’s climate system. A directed flow of warm air blowing on the glass will cope with this. Also, having an air conditioner will allow you to cope with the task in a few minutes.

2. Use of specialized anti-fogging agents, or in other words, anti-fogging agents. With a wide selection on the market today, you can choose anything to suit your taste, in the form of liquids, spray bottles or wipes. The most famous are Ombrello VISIO, Anti-Fog, etc.

3. Preventative ventilation of the car interior, drying it will also help cope with the problem, and you will no longer have the question of what to do about it, like fogging of the car windows.

4. Timely vehicle diagnostics. Do not forget to replace or clean the cabin filters, evaluate the serviceability of the valve or sensor that regulates the operation of the valve flaps, as well as the radiator.

5. A simple action will help you deal with condensation on the side windows. You just need to open the side windows slightly, the seals will quickly rid the windows of moisture.

6. Turning on the ventilation system together with the stove will cope with the task of eliminating foggy windows. When you turn on only the stove, the air will circulate in a circle without eliminating the problem.

Humid weather and rain, car windows sweat, what to do?

Humid weather and rain provoke condensation on car windows, what should you do if your car windows fog up in this case? A few simple tips will help you deal with this:

1. After you have started driving, you can open the side windows slightly to improve air circulation in the cabin, and after the trip, open the doors slightly to allow fresh air to enter.

2. Carry out preventative drying of the car interior, in particular, on the eve of autumn and winter.

3. Do not leave wet clothes or umbrellas in the cabin, and periodically dry the rugs.

4. Change or clean the cabin filter in a timely manner, as well as troubleshoot the valve or sensor that regulates the operation of the valve flaps.

What to do if your car windows sweat in the winter?

In the winter season, the dilemma of what to do if the windows in the car sweat and how to deal with it is especially relevant. Many modern cars are equipped with heated glass systems, which quickly dry the windows inside the car.

It is also recommended to systematically check the operation of the stove and fan. To get rid of this quickly enough, you need to turn on, in addition to the stove, the ventilation system. Thus, the incoming air from the street will mix with the air inside the car.

If the windshield sweats from the inside, what should you do about this problem? It’s quite simple - to prevent the windows from sweating in the car, the driver can purchase a special compound. It is very convenient to use, comes in the form of liquid and spray, this special product is enough for 2 weeks of use.

The windows in the car fog up from the inside - how to deal with this using folk remedies?

If there are no purchased funds at hand, what to do in this situation? Folk remedies and tricks will come to the rescue:

1. Shaving foam.

Apply a thin layer of shaving cream or gel to the glass, then wipe with a cloth or paper.

Surprising but true! Salt perfectly absorbs moisture, and in order to prevent your car windows from fogging up, you need to place paper bags filled with salt under the glass. The salt will absorb all the condensation, and foggy windows will no longer be a problem for you.

This fruit is a real helper in the fight against fogging of windows; it is easy to buy in any grocery store. Cut the lemon into two parts and wipe the car windows with a towel.

Many experienced drivers wipe their car windows with regular newspaper; it not only removes stains and adds shine, but also perfectly absorbs moisture.

To prevent your car windows from sweating, just draw squares in the corners of the windshield with soap and wipe with a rag. Soap forms a thin film on the window and protects the glass.

6. Self-made anti-fog.

The composition of this unique super-drug includes ethyl alcohol and glycerin, all of which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy within walking distance. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:20, part glycerin to 20 parts alcohol. For convenience, all that remains is to pour the mixture into a window cleaner spray bottle.

Let's sum it up

In this article, we figured out why the windows inside the car sweat, and we looked at the most common reasons why this happens. Every car owner is interested in learning the basic ways to eliminate fogging of car windows. We looked at the most popular among motorists. It is not necessary to run to the nearest automotive goods store; you can also cope with folk remedies.

In general, solving the problem with sweaty car windows is very easy and simple!

Foggy windows in a car, what to do? Link to main publication
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