
What a car lawyer should know

Automotive lawyer - specifics of the profession

The dynamically developing automobile market has entailed the development of related services in the field of circulation of motor vehicles. These include auto repair services, auto insurance activities, disputes related to road accidents and much more. Of course, the number of numerous and multivariate situations on the roads is constantly increasing depending on the increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, and the resulting legal relations are regulated by numerous legal institutions. It is always somewhat difficult for the average citizen to delve into the overly academic writing of Russian laws, and questions of interpretation of the law are an almost insoluble problem. It is precisely because of the complexity and diversity of legal relations in the field of roads, traffic, and property problems associated with motor transport that a highly specialized area of ​​jurisprudence has emerged, which can be conventionally called “Motor Transport Law.”

The overwhelming majority of car owners treat their car as a living being, hence the desire to extend its “lifespan” as much as possible. This desire grows into a search for professionals who can solve all the car owner’s problems. So, high demand for the services of motor vehicle lawyers is guaranteed.

Who is a car lawyer? What services does an auto lawyer offer to car owners and drivers?

A car lawyer is a specialist in the field of motor transport law. Typically, a car lawyer has a higher legal education. A former employee of the traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other similar structures often becomes a traffic lawyer. An auto lawyer knows many of the nuances of the current legislation, traffic rules, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, laws and Regulations on auto insurance (for example, the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Liability Insurance”), the procedure for handling a traffic accident by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, other regulations necessary in this matter and the prevailing practice. Working in the field of road traffic accidents, the auto lawyer has extensive experience in providing legal assistance to car owners.

The daily activities of an auto lawyer include a large amount of claims and representation work, which affects the quality of repairs performed, delays in insurance payments, and relationships with the traffic police. By the way, many auto lawyers have experience working specifically in the traffic police, since there, more than anywhere else, the specifics of the issue are felt. Do not forget about the useful connections of former employees, since it is the State. The inspection is responsible for all situations that, one way or another, took place on the road. Many auto lawyers specialize in solving such an acute problem as stolen and then rediscovered vehicles. They resolve the issue of establishing the ownership rights of a bona fide purchaser to such a car, even if it was 100% purchased from a person who did not have the right to sell it. Disputes between auto lawyers representing the interests of car owners and insurance companies are full-fledged and often beautiful legal battles, in which professionals from both sides meet. One can call such processes a “struggle of interpretations,” since the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” leaves ample room for maneuver in the legal field.

The help of an auto lawyer can be useful in clarifying and analyzing the circumstances of an accident, since the mindset of any lawyer should be to question and study all the circumstances of the incident. Lawyers are also no strangers to arguing with authorities, so they boldly enter into confrontation with the traffic police, some of whose representatives are regularly found to have committed gross violations of the law, including criminal law.

Automotive lawyers deal not only with resolving situations that are at least unpleasant. Also, one of the types of their work is managing the affairs of large car dealerships, where they already work with consumers and their claims regarding the quality of the car, which are not always justified.

Don’t forget even about such a simple and ordinary thing as the acquisition and subsequent registration of ownership of a vehicle, which can also be entrusted to auto lawyers, who in the end will simply bring you the keys to a new car.

As you can see, their activities are very extensive, the range of legal relations and the applied branches of law are multifaceted. It is the subject of all these legal relations, motor transport, around which all processes take place, that has singled out from the total number of lawyers those people whose profession can be called “motor lawyer”. Ask a question to a car lawyer.

Responsibilities of a traffic lawyer

Modern society, in constant dynamic movement and development, is faced with situations that require the intervention of various specialists: doctors, builders, translators, lawyers, etc. The particularly rapid growth of the motorist market entails an increase in the popularity of the auto lawyer profession.

A car lawyer is a person who deals with disputes related to motor vehicles.

For example, a driver got into an accident, the road service arrived and tried to pin all the blame on the innocent driver. This happens very often, since few drivers speak the language of jurisprudence and know all the intricacies of the law. But if this driver called the road service and a car lawyer at the same time, who would help to understand the current situation and correctly draw up all the documents in accordance with the laws, then dishonest representatives of the road service would have no chance to realize their “dirty” plans. Since it is at the stage of drawing up accident reports and other primary documents that most of the frauds are done, which subsequently makes it impossible for the driver to prove his case in court.

What are the responsibilities of a traffic lawyer?

Experienced and successful traffic lawyers must possess such qualities as self-control and calmness, poise, competent oral and written speech, and persuasiveness.

They must also quickly navigate the situation and make decisions.

What should a car lawyer know?

First of all, the work of an auto lawyer requires a higher legal education, and additional technical education is also welcome. After all, a deep and clear understanding of laws, rules and instructions is very important here.

A car lawyer must know all the nuances of current laws and constantly monitor their changes. What should a car lawyer know?

Today you need not only to be able to drive a vehicle, but also to know the rules for using vehicles and strictly adhere to them on the road. Therefore, as soon as you have to deal with a controversial issue regarding your car (accident, fine, deprivation of a driver’s license, car repair, insurance, etc.), you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Just remember that what a car lawyer needs to know is the truth. Never try to hide the details of the incident from him, because this will only confuse and complicate the matter. Experienced auto lawyers will definitely help their clients achieve a fair court decision, compensation for all losses incurred, obtaining proper payments from insurance companies, holding the guilty accountable and protecting the innocent from injustice. After all, automobile law specialists, like no one else, know how to defend the rights of their clients.

A car lawyer is not just another way to take your last money. A car lawyer who knows his business will be your ally and support in the fight for your rights. It is the auto lawyer who will lend a hand to you when you are left alone face to face with the problem that has arisen and feel your vulnerability and lack of protection in a dispute with the insurance company, another participant in the accident, car shops, car dealers, service stations, traffic police, etc. As a rule, the need to seek help from a car lawyer arises when problems arise related to compensation for damage as a result of an accident. Contact us right now and get a free consultation by calling 8(3852) 606-602; 8-913-257-5450

What will we do as part of the service?

for free on the payment of insurance compensation.
We will analyze the available documents
for free . We will represent your interests in court
for free for free and contact the bailiff service to transfer money to you.

Why us

• Extensive experience in this direction since 2005.

We work officially and under contract . We are not afraid to take responsibility

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• Your representative does all the work. You won't need to go to court.

165 cases in production monthly

97% of cases won in insurance disputes

• Payment of fees based on the results of the work done!

We work on a turnkey basis until our clients receive their money

The cost of a lawyer to recover damages

Our services

legal advice and legal analysis of documents

drafting statements of claim, complaints, claims and other legal documents

representation of interests in the traffic police authorities

appealing the actions of police officers

driver's license return

compensation payments and representation of interests in the RSA

representation of interests in disputes with car dealers, car shops, service stations and road services

drafting applications to initiate enforcement proceedings and working with bailiffs

Why do you need this?
Why do we turn to specialists for help? Most likely it is convenient. Agree, why waste your time studying and solving the problem that has arisen if there is a specialist who solves these problems every day. The truth may be that if an insurance dispute arises, you have free time, a wealth of general knowledge and experience, and you can resolve the issue yourself without seeking help from an auto lawyer. However, in any case, you will not be able to know all the features and subtleties of solving the problem that has arisen, since new laws are adopted every day and amendments are made to existing ones, and judicial practice changes at such a speed that even lawyers barely have time to apply it. That is why it is best to contact professionals in their field. Auto Lawyers of the company “Successful and Partners” have extensive experience and are ready to get involved at any stage of solving the problem.


To apply for payment of insurance compensation, you will need to collect the documents necessary for payment, including a notification of an accident, a certificate of an accident, a resolution on an administrative offense case or a ruling on refusal to initiate an administrative offense case, a copy of the PTS, a registration certificate, a driver’s license , a copy of the MTPL insurance policy, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, bank details for transferring funds, a copy of a notarized (general) power of attorney (lease agreement, waybill), if you are not the owner of the car, as well as other documents depending on the specific circumstances of the insured event.

At this stage, you may also encounter insurance arbitrariness and you may also need legal assistance from an auto lawyer, since unscrupulous insurers, trying in every possible way to delay the insurance payment, will send you again and again for missing documents. In practice, it even happens that a representative of the insurance company may deliberately invite you to provide not all the documents necessary for payment, so that you would come again at a different time. You may also be asked to make adjustments to the traffic police documents, for example, to a certificate of an accident or a determination, citing the fact that there is no record, corner stamp, signature or even seal. However, let’s not lie, since in life we ​​often encounter incorrectly filled out road accident certificates, protocols and resolutions. Sometimes this is due to the inattention, and sometimes the illiteracy of the traffic police inspector. However, this does not solve the problem of paying insurance compensation for you.

It is worth noting that seeking help from an auto lawyer will not only take the burden of problems off your shoulders, but will also speed up the payment of insurance compensation, since representatives of insurance companies, seeing before them a professional who knows the laws and intricacies of jurisprudence, as well as the possibility of applying penalties to the insurer, conduct a dialogue in a completely different direction, each time thinking about the consequences of violating their obligations when they are asked to provide another document supposedly necessary for payment.

Determining the cost of repairs

After collecting all the necessary documents, it remains to answer the most important question: what is the cost of restorative repairs of a damaged vehicle. Here you need the help of another specialist, the so-called auto expert. At the same time, know that car lawyers and car experts, working in a narrow field, come across each other quite often, so when turning to a car lawyer for help, you need to take into account his recommendations regarding the car expert and the independent assessment of the car after an accident.

According to the current MTPL Rules for vehicle owners, the insurer can offer you the following options for the development of events.

Firstly , many insurance companies issue victims with a referral for an assessment of a damaged car at a specific expert institution, without examining it first.
Secondly, the insurance company can limit itself to only inspecting the car, without sending you for an assessment, since, again, such a right is provided for by the MTPL Rules.
In this case, you have the opportunity to assess the damage from any auto expert you like. Thirdly , the insurance company can inspect the damaged car and then send you for an assessment to a specific expert institution.
Fourthly , the insurer may not inspect the car or organize an assessment of the damage, but make the payment based on your expertise.

It is worth noting here that it is best to show your car to an insurance company for inspection in the presence of an auto lawyer who knows the nuances and subtleties of this process.

And even if the damage was compensated, we advise you in any case to contact the services of an auto expert and make an independent assessment of the car damaged as a result of the accident. Practice shows that sometimes the amount of insurance compensation paid is enough to cover the cost of car repairs, however, it is worth knowing that by contacting the services of an independent appraiser, the amount of damage can be determined many times greater than the actual amount of restoration repairs.

Application to the insurance company

Speaking about the stage of writing an application for payment of the insurance amount, the following main points can be highlighted.

To begin with, I would like to say that a big drawback, in our opinion, is the lack of a unified application form for payment of insurance compensation. Subject to the existence of compulsory insurance, the presence of unified OSAGO Rules for vehicle owners, a standard form of an insurance policy, including notification of an accident, the absence of a unified form for all insurers indicates a deficiency in this part, which in turn leads to excessive self-control of insurance companies. companies.

The lack of government regulation in this area allows insurers to have a free hand, complicating the procedure for receiving insurance payment by the presence of complex application forms, which sometimes not every person is able to fill out.

Sometimes such application forms contain items, the answers to which, from a legal point of view, do not in any way affect the payment of insurance compensation, but lead people into confusion and make them doubt their right to insurance payment.
Many insurance companies do not even provide advice on filling out an application, and in practice this leads to the fact that the victim, seeing a two or even three-page application form in front of him and lacking time, decides to come next time. Thus, in all its glory, there is another simple reason for delaying insurance payment.

When contacting an insurance company with an application for payment of insurance compensation and transferring all documents necessary for payment, you must keep copies of all documents.

After you have submitted an application for insurance payment, the insurance company is required to review your documents within 20 calendar days.

In the event that the established 20-day period has passed, and there are no grounds for its extension, and no insurance compensation has been paid, do not make yourself wait long and “feed breakfast”, feel free to seek help from an auto lawyer, and fight for your rights.

Training for traffic lawyers

We invite those who want to become a car lawyer to take the practical course “Car Lawyer: Private Practice”. For questions regarding training, please call: +7 (499) 110-12-07 or email: [email protected] .

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Comprehensive course.

1. General part:

1.1. Specialization of a car lawyer: what category of cases does a car lawyer work on, what categories of cases are most common.

1.2. Legislation that a car lawyer should know: the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other laws and regulations, GOSTs.

1.3. Statistics on the consideration of cases of administrative offenses: the scope of work in the listener’s region and across Russia, the average share of dismissed cases.

1.4. Reimbursement of expenses for won cases.

1.5. Deadlines: statute of limitations, periods of appeal, calculation of sentences.

2. Special part:

2.1. Consideration of cases under Article 12.8 and Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the correct procedural procedure for bringing to justice and typical violations, analysis of materials from real cases.

2.1.1. General characteristics of building a defense and considering cases under Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.1.2. Protocol on removal from driving a vehicle: characteristics, grounds, typical violations during the procedural action and its execution.

2.1.3. The act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication: characteristics, procedure, typical violations during the conduct of the procedural action and its execution.

2.1.4. Protocol on referral for a medical examination for intoxication: characteristics, procedure, typical violations during the conduct of the procedural action and its execution.

2.1.5. Reasons for referral for a medical examination for intoxication: typical violations.

2.1.5. Intoxication examination report: characteristics, procedure, typical violations during the procedural action and its execution.

2.1.6. Protocol on an administrative offense: characteristics, typical violations during a procedural action and its execution.

2.1.7. Other protocols.

2.1.8. Peculiarities of work in court under Articles 12.8 and 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.1.9. Features of work under Part 2 of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.1.10. Error and its application.

2.1.11. “Independent” examination and application of its results.

2.2.13. Study of video recordings of procedural actions.

2.2. Consideration of cases under Article 12.27 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the correct procedural procedure for bringing to justice and typical violations, analysis of materials from real cases.

2.2.1. What is a road accident: definition and exceptions.

2.2.2. Leaving the scene of an accident: characteristics, typical situations and areas of protection.

2.2.3. Road accident scheme: characteristics, typical violations during its registration, analysis of schemes.

2.2.4. Certificate of road accident: characteristics, typical violations when issuing it, analysis of the certificate.

2.2.5. Explanations of witnesses and drivers: characteristics, typical violations during registration, analysis of testimony.

2.2.6. Protocol on an administrative offense: characteristics, typical violations during a procedural action and its execution.

2.2.7. Analysis of other case materials in aggregate.

2.2.8. Features of judicial consideration of cases under Article 12.27 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.2.9. Application of insignificance under Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.2.10. The driver's subjective attitude to the incident.

2.3. Consideration of cases under Articles 12.15, 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the correct procedural procedure for bringing to justice and typical violations, analysis of materials from real cases.

2.3.1. Violation scheme: characteristics, typical violations during its design, analysis of schemes.

2.3.2. Protocol on an administrative offense: characteristics, typical violations during a procedural action and its execution.

2.3.3. Analysis of photos and video recordings.

2.3.4. Traffic management scheme: inquiry and research.

2.3.5. Study of other case materials in aggregate.

2.3.5. Typical areas of protection under Articles 12.15 and 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.3.6. Collection of characterizing materials.

2.3.7. Peculiarities of judicial consideration of cases under Articles 12.15, 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.4. Consideration of cases under Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the correct procedural procedure for bringing to justice and typical violations, analysis of materials from real cases.

2.4.1. Technical means of measuring speed and their characteristics, error and its application.

2.4.2. Protocol on an administrative offense: characteristics, typical violations during a procedural action and its execution.

2.4.3. Study of other case materials in aggregate.

2.4.4. Typical areas of protection under Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.4.6. Collection of characterizing materials.

2.4.7. Peculiarities of judicial consideration of cases under Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2.5. Features of protection for other violations of traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

2.6. Work of an auto lawyer in disputes regarding compensation for damage as a result of an accident.

2.6.1. Principles of compensation for damage from road accidents: OSAGO, CASCO, subrogation.

2.6.2. Peculiarities of consideration of cases in disputes with insurance companies.

2.6.3. Peculiarities of consideration of cases of recovery from the client of the paid amount through subrogation.

2.6.4. Peculiarities of consideration of cases of refusal of insurance payment or underestimation of insurance payment by the insurance company.

2.6.5. Peculiarities of consideration of cases in case of insufficient insurance payment to compensate for harm.

2.6.6. Types of harm: material, physical, moral.

2.6.7. Statistics of court cases regarding disputes with insurance companies.

2.6.8. Prejudicial significance of acts in a case of an administrative offense.

2.6.9. Research of road accident materials.

2.6.10. Appointment of examinations: sample questions, payment and reimbursement procedures.

2.6.11. Assessment of harm caused. What expenses can be reimbursed?

2.6.12. Compensation for lost profits.

2.7. Litigation in cases of administrative offenses.

2.7.1. A ruling on assigning a case for consideration.

2.7.2. Return of case materials to eliminate deficiencies.

2.7.3. Jurisdiction: territorial and departmental, tricks of using jurisdiction when considering a case.

2.7.4. Judicial notices: procedure for sending. Proper and improper notices, consideration of specific cases.

2.7.5. Petitions in litigation: types, application procedure, validity and motivation.

2.7.6. Familiarization with the case materials.

2.7.7. Postponement of consideration of the case. Grounds for adjournment, actions in case of refusal to adjourn the consideration of the case.

2.7.8. Evidence: proper and improper. Evaluation of evidence by the court.

2.7.9. Explanations in the trial. Who can be a witness? Evaluation of witness testimony by the court.

2.7.10. The need for personal participation of the client in the trial: pros and cons.

2.7.11. Clarification of rights.

2.7.12. Typical violations when considering a case in court.

2.7.13. Study of a court ruling: typical violations when making a ruling.

2.7.14. Appealing a court decision: appeal and supervision.

3. Legal, technical and marketing advice on organizing a private practice as a car lawyer.

All those who have completed training in the comprehensive program are provided with a free set of materials for work: a set of sample petitions, complaints, explanations, a set of necessary regulations, a sample list of requests for advertising in Direct, assistance in creating an advertising campaign in Direct. Also, those who wish will be able to conclude an agreement to open our representative office in their region and receive clients from our website.

Training is carried out individually, using modern distance learning technologies. The cost of training for a comprehensive program is 10,000 rubles.

For drivers who want to learn how to independently conduct their own case in court, there is the opportunity to study a separate module on a specific violation; the cost of training for one module is 4,000 rubles. The price includes analysis of the materials of a specific case.

A car lawyer is not just another way to take your last money. A car lawyer who knows his business will be your ally and support in the fight for your rights. It is the auto lawyer who will lend a hand to you when you are left alone face to face with the problem that has arisen and feel your vulnerability and lack of protection in a dispute with the insurance company, another participant in the accident, car shops, car dealers, service stations, traffic police, etc. As a rule, the need to seek help from a car lawyer arises when problems arise related to compensation for damage as a result of an accident. Contact us right now and get a free consultation by calling 8(3852) 606-602; 8-913-257-5450

What will we do as part of the service?

for free on the payment of insurance compensation.
We will analyze the available documents
for free . We will represent your interests in court
for free for free and contact the bailiff service to transfer money to you.

Why us

• Extensive experience in this direction since 2005.

Read more:  Why insurance companies do not insure trucks

We work officially and under contract . We are not afraid to take responsibility

• Your representative does all the work. You won't need to go to court.

165 cases in production monthly

97% of cases won in insurance disputes

• Payment of fees based on the results of the work done!

We work on a turnkey basis until our clients receive their money

The cost of a lawyer to recover damages

Our services

legal advice and legal analysis of documents

drafting statements of claim, complaints, claims and other legal documents

representation of interests in the traffic police authorities

appealing the actions of police officers

driver's license return

compensation payments and representation of interests in the RSA

representation of interests in disputes with car dealers, car shops, service stations and road services

drafting applications to initiate enforcement proceedings and working with bailiffs

Why do you need this?
Why do we turn to specialists for help? Most likely it is convenient. Agree, why waste your time studying and solving the problem that has arisen if there is a specialist who solves these problems every day. The truth may be that if an insurance dispute arises, you have free time, a wealth of general knowledge and experience, and you can resolve the issue yourself without seeking help from an auto lawyer. However, in any case, you will not be able to know all the features and subtleties of solving the problem that has arisen, since new laws are adopted every day and amendments are made to existing ones, and judicial practice changes at such a speed that even lawyers barely have time to apply it. That is why it is best to contact professionals in their field. Auto Lawyers of the company “Successful and Partners” have extensive experience and are ready to get involved at any stage of solving the problem.


To apply for payment of insurance compensation, you will need to collect the documents necessary for payment, including a notification of an accident, a certificate of an accident, a resolution on an administrative offense case or a ruling on refusal to initiate an administrative offense case, a copy of the PTS, a registration certificate, a driver’s license , a copy of the MTPL insurance policy, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, bank details for transferring funds, a copy of a notarized (general) power of attorney (lease agreement, waybill), if you are not the owner of the car, as well as other documents depending on the specific circumstances of the insured event.

At this stage, you may also encounter insurance arbitrariness and you may also need legal assistance from an auto lawyer, since unscrupulous insurers, trying in every possible way to delay the insurance payment, will send you again and again for missing documents. In practice, it even happens that a representative of the insurance company may deliberately invite you to provide not all the documents necessary for payment, so that you would come again at a different time. You may also be asked to make adjustments to the traffic police documents, for example, to a certificate of an accident or a determination, citing the fact that there is no record, corner stamp, signature or even seal. However, let’s not lie, since in life we ​​often encounter incorrectly filled out road accident certificates, protocols and resolutions. Sometimes this is due to the inattention, and sometimes the illiteracy of the traffic police inspector. However, this does not solve the problem of paying insurance compensation for you.

It is worth noting that seeking help from an auto lawyer will not only take the burden of problems off your shoulders, but will also speed up the payment of insurance compensation, since representatives of insurance companies, seeing before them a professional who knows the laws and intricacies of jurisprudence, as well as the possibility of applying penalties to the insurer, conduct a dialogue in a completely different direction, each time thinking about the consequences of violating their obligations when they are asked to provide another document supposedly necessary for payment.

Determining the cost of repairs

After collecting all the necessary documents, it remains to answer the most important question: what is the cost of restorative repairs of a damaged vehicle. Here you need the help of another specialist, the so-called auto expert. At the same time, know that car lawyers and car experts, working in a narrow field, come across each other quite often, so when turning to a car lawyer for help, you need to take into account his recommendations regarding the car expert and the independent assessment of the car after an accident.

According to the current MTPL Rules for vehicle owners, the insurer can offer you the following options for the development of events.

Firstly , many insurance companies issue victims with a referral for an assessment of a damaged car at a specific expert institution, without examining it first.
Secondly, the insurance company can limit itself to only inspecting the car, without sending you for an assessment, since, again, such a right is provided for by the MTPL Rules.
In this case, you have the opportunity to assess the damage from any auto expert you like. Thirdly , the insurance company can inspect the damaged car and then send you for an assessment to a specific expert institution.
Fourthly , the insurer may not inspect the car or organize an assessment of the damage, but make the payment based on your expertise.

It is worth noting here that it is best to show your car to an insurance company for inspection in the presence of an auto lawyer who knows the nuances and subtleties of this process.

And even if the damage was compensated, we advise you in any case to contact the services of an auto expert and make an independent assessment of the car damaged as a result of the accident. Practice shows that sometimes the amount of insurance compensation paid is enough to cover the cost of car repairs, however, it is worth knowing that by contacting the services of an independent appraiser, the amount of damage can be determined many times greater than the actual amount of restoration repairs.

Application to the insurance company

Speaking about the stage of writing an application for payment of the insurance amount, the following main points can be highlighted.

To begin with, I would like to say that a big drawback, in our opinion, is the lack of a unified application form for payment of insurance compensation. Subject to the existence of compulsory insurance, the presence of unified OSAGO Rules for vehicle owners, a standard form of an insurance policy, including notification of an accident, the absence of a unified form for all insurers indicates a deficiency in this part, which in turn leads to excessive self-control of insurance companies. companies.

The lack of government regulation in this area allows insurers to have a free hand, complicating the procedure for receiving insurance payment by the presence of complex application forms, which sometimes not every person is able to fill out.

Sometimes such application forms contain items, the answers to which, from a legal point of view, do not in any way affect the payment of insurance compensation, but lead people into confusion and make them doubt their right to insurance payment.
Many insurance companies do not even provide advice on filling out an application, and in practice this leads to the fact that the victim, seeing a two or even three-page application form in front of him and lacking time, decides to come next time. Thus, in all its glory, there is another simple reason for delaying insurance payment.

When contacting an insurance company with an application for payment of insurance compensation and transferring all documents necessary for payment, you must keep copies of all documents.

After you have submitted an application for insurance payment, the insurance company is required to review your documents within 20 calendar days.

In the event that the established 20-day period has passed, and there are no grounds for its extension, and no insurance compensation has been paid, do not make yourself wait long and “feed breakfast”, feel free to seek help from an auto lawyer, and fight for your rights.

What a car lawyer should know Link to main publication
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