
Action plan to prevent road accidents at the enterprise

Action plan for traffic safety and accident prevention at an enterprise sample

Action plan for traffic safety and accident prevention at an enterprise sample

Analysis of an accident After an accident, upon receipt of information about possible dangers, the person responsible for the implementation of A.A. state number K 682 NOT 29 along the route p.

Pocha - Ust-Pocha village - Pocha village for the 2015/2016 academic year "Voloshevskaya comprehensive secondary school" DIRECTIONS: To appoint Andrey Andreevich Shokin, the school director, responsible for compliance with road safety rules during transportation of students by school bus. School director: A.A. Shokin Action plan for the prevention of road accidents Approval of the driver’s work schedule and bus travel time Before the start of the school year Appointment by order of the school director of persons from among the teaching staff responsible for accompanying children during trips Before the start of the school year Instructing the driver on the rules of passenger transportation , preventing road accidents, etc.

Seleevskoe rural settlement

Sizov APPROVED by the Decree of the Administration of Seleevsky Rural Settlement dated 06/01/2017 No. 31 Road Safety Action Plan for 2017.

Traffic safety documentation

  • A log of attendance and taking tests for the driving staff for a 20-hour training program.
  • Folder.

    Now let's take an additional look at what documentation should be maintained at the PTS.

    LIST of road safety documentation for the control and technical point (CTP)

    • Regulations on the DB and TC service.
    • Journal of test results for exhaust smoke emissions of cars with diesel engines.
    • Application forms for vehicle maintenance and repair.
    • Log of transport entering the line.
    • Schedule of maintenance of TO-1, TO-2.
    • Logbook for recording the technical condition and sealing of speedometer equipment.
    • Job descriptions for workers of the KTP service of BD and TC.
    • Logbook for vehicle accident damage registration, report forms.
    • Forms for reports of technical malfunction of speedometers.

    Organization of safe road traffic at the enterprise

    It is carried out for newly hired employees, those who have had a break in work for more than 12 months, as well as for drivers transferred to a new route or vehicle. Only after a successful internship can a driver be allowed to work independently. The person in charge, along with other employees involved in ensuring safe road traffic at the enterprise, must be certified by the territorial body of the Office of State Road Supervision (hereinafter referred to as UGADN).

    Action plan to prevent road accidents at the enterprise

    And if drivers violate traffic rules, there will be demand from various authorities, first of all, from management. During the internal investigation you will need to find out:

    1. consequences of a collision, damage to cars, injuries to people;
    2. persons involved in the car accident;
    3. the reasons that led to the accident (including external factors beyond the control of drivers);
    4. circumstances that arose before the vehicle collision;
    5. shortcomings in the work of the enterprise that resulted in an accident.

    An internal investigation is necessary for the inspection authorities.

    But also the head of an enterprise may see an unqualified employee who violates traffic rules and the organization’s Charter.

    If a collision occurred between two cars that are the property of one company, then the investigation can be carried out within the company, using only personal resources. Concealing information about a car collision threatens the violator with dismissal and a fine.

    Action plan to prevent accidents at the enterprise

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning.

    ATP, chairman of the trade union committee, deputy.

    Take measures to eliminate the use of overtime for drivers

    Typical enterprise work plan for accident prevention

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Chief engineer, head ATC (garage manager), deputy. beginning ATC on DB, ch. mechanic Same Same, Beg.

    HR Department Deputy Head ATC for database, beginning.

    Periodically conduct inter-trip inspections of drivers using a mobile health center. Check

    Road safety measures

    As a rule, there are two responsible people in this plan: the person responsible for ensuring road safety and the person responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles. ROAD SAFETY EVENTS.

    STAFF. This is the first block of the road safety action plan for personnel.

    All activities with personnel driving the organization’s vehicles are reflected in regular medical checks, that is, fitness for health reasons. This starts with periodic medical examinations and ends with pre-trip medical examinations. For periodic medical examinations, a schedule is drawn up, according to which its completion is monitored by persons driving official vehicles to confirm the suitability of performing the functions of a driver.

    Pre-trip medical examination, as well as post-trip medical examination, is daily work, but this work is still included in the action plan. The second block for personnel is the provision of information to persons performing the functions of a driver.

    Action plan for accident prevention

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning. ATP, chairman of the trade union committee, deputy.

    beginning according to DB Deputy beginning Operations, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Hold a competition “For traffic safety”, with summing up and discussing the results For the Operations Service Carry out constant monitoring by engineering personnel of the work of drivers on the line and the use of rolling stock according to the approved schedule. Conduct an inspection of the condition of roads, bridges, railway crossings and entrances to loading unloading areas.

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Provide pre-trip and post-trip medical care.

    Work plan for road accident prevention
    material on the topic

    Work plan for the prevention of road accidents on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Isinskaya Secondary School"


    on the prevention of child road traffic injuries for the 2013-2014 academic year

    according to MBOU "Isinskaya Secondary School"

    Conducting traffic rules classes

    Cl. leaders (1-4 grades)

    Marking a motor vehicle park on school grounds.

    Organization of practical classes at the transport site (motor town)

    Cl. leaders (1-4 grades)

    Conducting conversations on road safety topics at parent meetings.

    at the end of every quarter

    Conducting classes on road safety topics.

    at the end of every quarter

    Conducting competitions, drawings, posters, crosswords, quizzes on traffic rules.

    Formation of the YID school detachment - “Virage”.

    Conducting five-minute conversations at the last lesson with a reminder to comply with traffic rules.

    Cl. leaders Subject teachers

    Initiation of first-graders into pedestrians.

    Cl. Head of 1st grade

    Design of a stand on road safety.

    Coverage of DDTT prevention work on the school website

    Meeting with traffic police officers - traffic police

    Speech at the school-wide parent meeting “Attention Children” (propaganda team)

    Traffic safety instructor ____________ N.V. Dead end

    Deputy Director for SD _____________ A.V. Knyazeva

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Goal: education of a law-abiding person, prevention of illegal behavior of students, education of a culture of behavior.

    Prevention council work plan.

    Work plan of the Prevention Council of Vocational School No. 20 in Lensk for the 2012-2013 academic year.

    Work plan of the Prevention Council of Vocational School No. 20 in Lensk for the 2012-2013 academic year.

    The plan of preventive work with secondary vocational students for the 2012-2013 academic year reveals the work of different areas of activity and is a structural part of the general plan of educational work in the university.

    The plan reflects measures for suicide prevention in a correctional school with teachers, students, and parents.

    Read more:  Lack of diagnostic card in case of an accident

    Approximate planning of the work of a school social teacher. Basic principles of the school's social service. Main areas of activity. Reporting forms and other documentation required c.

    Organization and planning of work to prevent accidents in traffic accidents

    The main practical work on preventing road accidents is carried out at motor transport enterprises and companies transporting goods and passengers. In the future, we will consider the organization of work to prevent accidents in relation to the ATP, all of whose employees (drivers, technical service, operation service, personnel service) must, within their competence, deal with issues of providing safety information.

    Organization of planning work to prevent accidents

    road accident emergency department

    Since almost all ATP workers must be involved in solving problems of reducing accidents, this work must be planned. The ATP develops five-year, annual and quarterly plans. Five-year plans reflect the main direction of the ATP's activities to ensure traffic safety and include long-term measures based on the achievements of best practices and scientific and technological progress. Annual and quarterly plans reflect the stages of implementation of the five-year plan.

    As a rule, at the end of the current year or its beginning, a report is organized by all divisions of the ATP on database issues for the past year and a plan for the new year is approved, broken down by quarter. The plan indicates the name of the database activities, the person responsible for their implementation, and the deadline for completion (Appendix 16).

    Measures to prevent accidents at ATPs can be divided into 3 groups.

    1. Ensuring the reliability of drivers, improving the system of training and retraining of drivers and engineers, improving health care and monitoring their health.

    2. Ensuring the safety of cars, improving their technical condition.

    3. Improving the organization of transportation and monitoring the work of drivers on the line, improving road conditions.

    Tasks of the services of ATP divisions for providing database

    For the management staff of the ATP, heads of departments and services, the issues of providing database are the most important in their activities. Let us note the main tasks in this direction.

    The head of the ATP is responsible for the activities of the enterprise as a whole, and regarding database issues he is obliged to:

    — appoint persons who have undergone special training and periodic certification to positions related to the provision of database;

    — develop for all employees whose activities affect the road safety, job descriptions establishing their responsibilities for preventing accidents;

    — approve the road accident prevention action plan and monitor its implementation;

    — take measures to improve working conditions, rest and living conditions of ATP workers, to improve their qualifications;

    — ensure the study of regulatory documents on database issues by ATP employees and systematically monitor their knowledge.

    The Operations Service directly organizes the transportation of goods and passengers; accordingly, regarding traffic safety issues, its tasks are:

    — ensuring the normal working hours for drivers, developing traffic schedules and daily assignments for them that meet the conditions on the routes, and monitoring their compliance;

    — inspection of road conditions on ATP routes, identifying deficiencies and taking measures to eliminate them;

    — organizing pre-trip and other medical examinations of drivers, monitoring the availability and correctness of travel and shipping documents;

    — organizing internships and training for drivers,

    instructing drivers about the peculiarities of traffic on the route and changes in road and weather conditions;

    — compliance with traffic regulations regarding the transportation of goods and passengers;

    — drawing up passports and bus route maps indicating dangerous areas and monitoring their presence among bus drivers;

    — conducting surveys of bus routes (at least 2 times a year), rationing speed limits for buses;

    — establishing a stable linear connection between vehicles and control centers.

    — ensures high-quality maintenance and repair of vehicles, organizes monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles upon exit from maintenance and repair, as well as at release and return;

    — ensures annual technical inspections of vehicles;

    — carries out activities to improve the skills of workers and engineers;

    — provides equipment for vehicles (fire extinguishers, first aid kits, warning triangles, wheel chocks);

    — organizes monitoring of the technical condition of cars on the line and, if necessary, technical assistance to drivers on the line.

    ATP HR Department:

    organizes the selection, placement and training of drivers and repair workers, as well as driver-mentors for instructing and training inexperienced drivers;

    — studies the causes of staff turnover and takes measures to eliminate them;

    — plans training and advanced training of drivers and repair workers;

    — ensures that drivers undergo mandatory medical re-examination.

    Traffic Safety Service:

    — develops, together with other services, divisions and public organizations of the ATP, measures to prevent accidents and monitors their implementation;

    — systematically monitors the implementation of regulatory documents on safety maintenance by ATP services and divisions and makes proposals to management to eliminate identified deficiencies and violations;

    — keeps records of road accidents and traffic violations by drivers of motor vehicles, analyzes the causes of their occurrence, and, in the prescribed manner, prepares reports on road accidents and measures taken to prevent them;

    — organizes mass propaganda work on the safety of children’s activities in the team (conducting lectures, contributions, conversations, competitions, consultations, showing films, etc.);

    — systematically informs the driving staff, engineers, and management of the ATP about the state of accidents, the causes and circumstances of the accident;

    — takes part in the official investigation of the causes and circumstances of road accidents, as well as identifying violations of established norms and rules for ensuring road safety related to deficiencies in the operation of road transport vehicles;

    — organizes in the ATP team an analysis of accidents committed by drivers, violations of traffic rules and rules of technical operation of vehicles;

    — controls the access of drivers to drive vehicles;

    — monitors the passage of pre-trip medical examinations by drivers, compliance with the established deadlines for medical re-examination;

    — controls the maintenance service’s briefing of drivers on the peculiarities of operating vehicles, taking into account weather and climatic conditions;

    — supervises the work of OBD instructor drivers and mentor drivers;

    — together with other services, organizes classes with ATP employees to study traffic rules and other regulatory documents on traffic safety issues;

    — organizes the work of the office (class) on database according to the plan approved by the head of the ATP, and equips it in accordance with methodological instructions;

    — participates in the work of the certification commission to improve the qualifications of drivers;

    — systematically (once a month) compares data on road accidents in which ATP rolling stock was involved with data from the traffic police;

    — takes part in the activities of the relevant commissions for the inspection of highways along the routes of operation of ATP vehicles;

    — generalizes and disseminates the positive experience of accident-free work of front-line drivers, the best teams, convoys (detachments);

    — together with the HR department, draws up and provides the management of the ATP with materials on awarding drivers with the badge “For work “without accidents” of II and III degrees.

    The traffic safety service of the ATP has the right:

    — check the work of other services and divisions of the ATP to prevent accidents, demand from the relevant managers and employees of the ATP the necessary materials, oral and written explanations;

    — check, if necessary, ATP drivers for the presence of licenses for the right to drive vehicles, coupons for them, travel and commodity-transport documentation;

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    — to remove from work, in accordance with the procedure established by law, drivers and other ATP employees whose condition or actions threaten safety, and demand that the relevant managers take the necessary measures against them;

    — prohibit the release of ATP rolling stock onto the line or return it from the line if technical faults are detected that threaten the traffic safety;

    — resolve, in the order established by the ministry, the issue of prohibiting the movement of ATP vehicles if deficiencies are discovered in the maintenance or equipment of roads that threaten road safety;

    — make proposals to the management of the ATP to encourage employees, services and departments for good organization of work to ensure the safety of vehicles, as well as petition for holding to account officials who do not ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on traffic safety issues.

    List of documentation that should be maintained by the ATP regarding database issues:

    1. Folder of orders and instructions on database issues.

    2. Action plan to prevent road accidents.

    3. Materials on the results of inspections of services and officials on database issues.

    4. Materials on conducting internal investigations.

    5. Drivers’ personal cards.

    6. Logbook for road traffic accidents (see Appendix 1).

    7. Logbook for recording violations of traffic rules by drivers.

    Action plan for traffic safety and accident prevention at an enterprise sample

    Action plan for traffic safety and accident prevention at an enterprise sample

    Analysis of an accident After an accident, upon receipt of information about possible dangers, the person responsible for the implementation of A.A. state number K 682 NOT 29 along the route p.

    Pocha - Ust-Pocha village - Pocha village for the 2015/2016 academic year "Voloshevskaya comprehensive secondary school" DIRECTIONS: To appoint Andrey Andreevich Shokin, the school director, responsible for compliance with road safety rules during transportation of students by school bus. School director: A.A. Shokin Action plan for the prevention of road accidents Approval of the driver’s work schedule and bus travel time Before the start of the school year Appointment by order of the school director of persons from among the teaching staff responsible for accompanying children during trips Before the start of the school year Instructing the driver on the rules of passenger transportation , preventing road accidents, etc.

    Seleevskoe rural settlement

    Sizov APPROVED by the Decree of the Administration of Seleevsky Rural Settlement dated 06/01/2017 No. 31 Road Safety Action Plan for 2017.

    Traffic safety documentation

  • A log of attendance and taking tests for the driving staff for a 20-hour training program.
  • Folder.

    Now let's take an additional look at what documentation should be maintained at the PTS.

    LIST of road safety documentation for the control and technical point (CTP)

    • Regulations on the DB and TC service.
    • Journal of test results for exhaust smoke emissions of cars with diesel engines.
    • Application forms for vehicle maintenance and repair.
    • Log of transport entering the line.
    • Schedule of maintenance of TO-1, TO-2.
    • Logbook for recording the technical condition and sealing of speedometer equipment.
    • Job descriptions for workers of the KTP service of BD and TC.
    • Logbook for vehicle accident damage registration, report forms.
    • Forms for reports of technical malfunction of speedometers.

    Organization of safe road traffic at the enterprise

    It is carried out for newly hired employees, those who have had a break in work for more than 12 months, as well as for drivers transferred to a new route or vehicle. Only after a successful internship can a driver be allowed to work independently. The person in charge, along with other employees involved in ensuring safe road traffic at the enterprise, must be certified by the territorial body of the Office of State Road Supervision (hereinafter referred to as UGADN).

    Action plan to prevent road accidents at the enterprise

    And if drivers violate traffic rules, there will be demand from various authorities, first of all, from management. During the internal investigation you will need to find out:

    1. consequences of a collision, damage to cars, injuries to people;
    2. persons involved in the car accident;
    3. the reasons that led to the accident (including external factors beyond the control of drivers);
    4. circumstances that arose before the vehicle collision;
    5. shortcomings in the work of the enterprise that resulted in an accident.

    An internal investigation is necessary for the inspection authorities.

    But also the head of an enterprise may see an unqualified employee who violates traffic rules and the organization’s Charter.

    If a collision occurred between two cars that are the property of one company, then the investigation can be carried out within the company, using only personal resources. Concealing information about a car collision threatens the violator with dismissal and a fine.

    Action plan to prevent accidents at the enterprise

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning.

    ATP, chairman of the trade union committee, deputy.

    Take measures to eliminate the use of overtime for drivers

    Typical enterprise work plan for accident prevention

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Chief engineer, head ATC (garage manager), deputy. beginning ATC on DB, ch. mechanic Same Same, Beg.

    HR Department Deputy Head ATC for database, beginning.

    Periodically conduct inter-trip inspections of drivers using a mobile health center. Check

    Road safety measures

    As a rule, there are two responsible people in this plan: the person responsible for ensuring road safety and the person responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles. ROAD SAFETY EVENTS.

    STAFF. This is the first block of the road safety action plan for personnel.

    All activities with personnel driving the organization’s vehicles are reflected in regular medical checks, that is, fitness for health reasons. This starts with periodic medical examinations and ends with pre-trip medical examinations. For periodic medical examinations, a schedule is drawn up, according to which its completion is monitored by persons driving official vehicles to confirm the suitability of performing the functions of a driver.

    Pre-trip medical examination, as well as post-trip medical examination, is daily work, but this work is still included in the action plan. The second block for personnel is the provision of information to persons performing the functions of a driver.

    Action plan for accident prevention

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning. ATP, chairman of the trade union committee, deputy.

    beginning according to DB Deputy beginning Operations, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Hold a competition “For traffic safety”, with summing up and discussing the results For the Operations Service Carry out constant monitoring by engineering personnel of the work of drivers on the line and the use of rolling stock according to the approved schedule. Conduct an inspection of the condition of roads, bridges, railway crossings and entrances to loading unloading areas.

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Provide pre-trip and post-trip medical care.

    Accident on the territory of the enterprise

    1. the reasons that led to the accident (including external factors beyond the control of drivers);
    2. shortcomings in the work of the enterprise that resulted in an accident.
    3. circumstances that arose before the vehicle collision;
    4. persons involved in the car accident;
    5. consequences of a collision, damage to cars, injuries to people;

    An internal investigation is necessary for the inspection authorities.

    Even minor scratches on the body can be detected during regular diagnostics.

    Typical enterprise work plan for accident prevention

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Chief engineer, head ATC (garage manager), deputy.

    Read more:  OSAGO policy without additional services

    Periodically conduct inter-trip inspections of drivers using a mobile health center. Check

    Measures to prevent the increase in road accidents in 2019

    And it’s a completely different matter when the profession involves constant travel, perhaps responsibility for the lives of other people or for cargo in the event of an accident. Most of all, ordinary motorists fear a collision while driving with a policeman or official, especially a high-ranking one. Because we are sure that such a violator will go unpunished after an accident.

    There is some justice in such fears, but there is no need to exaggerate. After all, road accident prevention is quite actively carried out among police officers, as well as among civil servants. Such persons not only must thoroughly know the traffic rules. They are given training so that they can understand when and in what situations the likelihood of an accident is highest.

    For the purpose of prevention, police officers who work directly on vehicles carry out a practical examination of the area. Prevention

    Work to prevent road accidents in 2019

    Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from riding in the back seat of a two-wheeler.

    Paragraph 166 states that even when driving in the daytime, it is necessary to turn on the headlights - low beam and, if provided for by the design of the mechanism, running lights.

    In this regard, you should pay close attention to the implementation of the Rules, which helps prevent accidents on the roads.

    Measures to prevent road accidents, prevent road accidents, reduce the severity of the consequences

    – annual planning of activities aimed at implementing the requirements of this document, as well as eliminating the causes and conditions of road accidents in which the organization’s vehicles were involved, violations of traffic rules and other safety standards; – equipping with the necessary equipment, instruments, premises for carrying out activities to prevent road accidents and reduce the severity of their consequences; provision of necessary regulatory documents, methodological and information materials, visual propaganda for carrying out traffic safety measures. Ensuring the operation of vehicles in technically sound condition Organizations and drivers-entrepreneurs are obliged to: Use for transportation rolling stock that is registered with the State Automobile Inspectorate, has passed the state technical inspection in the prescribed manner and has a license card of the established form.

    Road accident prevention action plan

    crossing 5.12 Causes of injuries in road accidents Forms and methods of preventing road accidents The death and injury of a large number of people, significant material damage lead to the fact that the problem of road safety requires close attention and an urgent solution.

    In motor transport enterprises, departments, and road authorities, special security services have been created and strengthened, which, in close contact with the traffic police, develop and implement a whole range of measures to prevent road accidents. It is necessary not only to stop the growth of road accidents, but also to reduce their number. This problem is solved using modern technical means: radiotelephone communications, television control, surveillance and traffic control from helicopters, cybernetic traffic lights and telemechanical traffic control systems.

    Action plan to prevent accidents at the enterprise

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning.

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Provide pre-trip and post-trip medical care. inspections of drivers with 100% coverage Check the organization of work and rest for drivers, compliance with labor legislation regarding the duration of their working day. Take measures to eliminate the use of overtime for drivers

    Road accident prevention action plan

    on permanent routes, reflecting shortcomings.7 Carry out driver training when assigned or when transferring to a new type (model) of a vehicle.8 Provide drivers with up-to-date information on ensuring traffic safety when operating vehicles through briefings.9 Ensure mandatory medical examinations of all drivers. 10Check the organization of work and rest for drivers, compliance with labor legislation regarding the duration of their working day.

    Take measures to exclude the use of overtime work for drivers.11 Check that drivers on long-distance flights (business trips) comply with the driving, rest and nutrition regimes.12 Conduct classes with drivers to improve professional training and improve the skills of providing first aid in an accident in accordance with the approved curriculum and provide reception

    PLAN of activities to prevent child road traffic injuries for the 2019 academic year

    grades 1-11 School administration Class teachers of grades 1-11 2. Throughout the school year Teaching the rules of safe behavior and observance of traffic rules during the school year, during the holidays Grades 1-11 School administration Class teachers of grades 1-11 3.

    September Preparing safe traffic routes in the diaries of primary school students, grades 1-4 Class teachers, grades 1-4 4. Throughout the school year, conducting classes with students in the field of protection from emergency situations, classes on preventing children's road traffic injuries, grades 1-11 Class teachers of grades 1-11 5.

    22.09. 2019 Promotion “Day without a car”: - drawing competition “On the Roads”, - competition for young cyclists. 1-11 grades School administration Class teachers 1-11 grades 6.

    Organization of safe road traffic at the enterprise

    It is carried out for newly hired employees, those who have had a break in work for more than 12 months, as well as for drivers transferred to a new route or vehicle. Only after a successful internship can the driver be allowed to work independently. The person in charge, along with other employees involved in ensuring safe road traffic at the enterprise, must be certified by the territorial body of the Office of State Road Supervision (hereinafter referred to as UGADN). The following employees of the enterprise are subject to certification:

    1. specialists - dispatchers, quality control mechanics, mechanics (masters) of columns, squads.
    2. chiefs: – operation services; – departments: road safety, technical control related to the operation of vehicles; – columns, routes;
    3. managers or their deputies responsible for ensuring traffic safety;

    Action plan for traffic safety and accident prevention at an enterprise sample

    department, ch. accountant Organize the work of the database office in accordance with the approved plan, making extensive use of materials from situational analysis of road accidents Organize a raid to monitor the work of drivers on the line with the participation of traffic police, engineers of the enterprise, and public traffic inspectors.

    Check compliance with orders on the transition to autumn-winter and spring-summer operation of vehicles. Systematically check accident records with traffic police data. Check compliance by dispatchers with the established procedure: briefing drivers assigned to these transportations for the first time; entries in waybills for specific tasks regarding the volume of transportation and completion time; control over the work of drivers on the line Source: Director of MBOU Secondary School p. Ensure strict control over the assignment of drivers to vehicles and routes in strict accordance with the permitting category on the driver’s license

    Action plan for accident prevention

    Recommend its best forms for widespread implementation. Beginning.

    ATP, chairman of the trade union committee, deputy.

    beginning according to DB Deputy beginning Operations, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Hold a competition “For traffic safety”, with summing up and discussing the results For the Operations Service Carry out constant monitoring by engineering personnel of the work of drivers on the line and the use of rolling stock according to the approved schedule. Conduct an inspection of the condition of roads, bridges, railway crossings and entrances to loading unloading areas.

    The survey materials should be sent to the relevant organizations to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Provide pre-trip and post-trip medical care.

  • Action plan to prevent road accidents at the enterprise Link to main publication
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