
Tinting what to say if stopped by traffic police

Stopped for tinting what to do

Surely someone has encountered such an annoying consequence as being stopped for tinting
and a traffic cop demanding to pay a fine. Many, without arguing, simply pay the “fine on the spot,” so to speak, and continue their movement, hoping that no one else will stop for a similar reason.

They stopped me for tinting my actions

But having lost money several times in a row due to the installed window tinting, drivers begin to wonder how to do this so as to keep the tinting and not have to pay the traffic cop. It turns out there is a way out and below we will consider the option of talking with a traffic cop if he stopped you for tinting, how to say what to ask and how to structure a conversation or dialogue correctly, read below.

What is car tinting

Car tinting or auto tinting is typically a special coating that is applied to the inside of a car window to change its color and reflective properties.

Car window tinting can also be done by spraying or replacing car windows. But these two types of tinting are used very rarely; you can read about the reasons for this in the “Types of car tinting” section. Therefore, when speaking and talking about tinting, we will mean tinting a car with a special film.

Stopped for tinting, how to get out of it

The traffic police stop you and start talking to you about tinting your favorite car, that the level of window tinting you have exceeded and, accordingly, you have broken the law and it’s time to get some money and pay the kind policeman directly into your pocket

What to do to avoid paying a fine for tinting

  • 1. Depending on the current situation, politely, without grinning or malice, remind the respected inspector that the law allows glass tinting, which does not violate the standards established by GOST 5727-88. Until it is proven that you have violated or exceeded these same standards, then there is, accordingly, no violation
  • 2. Also politely ask this inspector how he determined that the tinting of your car violates the standards stipulated by GOST
  • 3. And also ask the inspector if he has a miracle eye, so to speak, an eye - a diamond with which, just by looking at your car, he clearly and clearly determines with 100% certainty the level and percentage of tinting of the windows of your car. Also remind the traffic cop that measurements are carried out only and exclusively by technical supervision employees, using specialized, certified equipment that meets all state standards, which in turn is installed permanently at a specially equipped post designed for measuring the degree of tinting. Also, all these devices must have certificates that they have been tested for compliance with all requirements and state standards
  • 4. If you are stopped at exactly such a post which is equipped with all of the above equipment, do not get lost and ask the technical supervision officer who is at the post together with the inspector to present documents for the device and related equipment, carefully check all the data and especially check the “expiration date” of the verification when took place and until what date and year really. It would not be amiss to call the police hotline in the presence of these technical supervisors and inspectors and ask about these data and whether they correspond to reality
  • 5. If a violation is nevertheless proven, all the papers are presented and confirmed - politely remind (in order to stop the beginning of “milking for money” that the law only stipulates the imposition of a warning on the driver for this violation, or a fine of 500 rubles. Also mention that, in accordance with with the rules, one full day is allocated to eliminate the violation (i.e., they won’t be able to “milk the money” for tinting your car right on the spot

Tinting according to GOST 2017

On January 1, 2015, the new GOST 32565-2013, issued in 2013 and canceling GOST No. 5727-88, came into force.

GOST 32565-2013 applies to safety glass used as glazing for land transport.

What's new in GOST 32565-2013, and what are the prohibitions?

  • At the legislative level, the subtleties regarding the features of car tinting were considered, and light transmittance standards for glass were also changed
  • The concept of “glass with a polymer coating” was introduced instead of tinting film. This standard allows us to consider glass that is coated on the inside with a polymer tinting material as safe. (clause 3.3.4 of the Regulations)
  • Clause 4.2 regulates car tinting options - it is possible to use the factory method, by painting the glass with a special mixture and polymer films
  • According to clause, the light transmittance standard for wind (front) windows has been approved - 70% (cancellation of 75% - according to the old GOST). The rest of the glass can be tinted at your discretion (legislative standards are not established)
  • Features of tinting the upper part of the windshield according to GOST 2017: it is allowed to darken an area of ​​up to 14 centimeters in any way and with light transmittance
  • Clause 3.4 establishes permission to use polymer-tinted film (within acceptable standards) as glass that protects from heat
  • GOST does not regulate the use of “mirror” tinting. However, it will not be possible to bypass the ban, since the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 established such restrictions

In accordance with clause 4.7.3 of GOST 51709-2001, the light transmittance of glass, including those coated with transparent colored films, must comply with GOST 5727. Methods for checking other structural elements are established in section 5.7 of GOST 51709-2001: 5.7.1 light transmittance of glass according to 4.7.3 checked according to GOST 27902.

GOST requirements establish that light transmittance testing should be carried out on clean and dry glass, since only under these conditions is it possible to obtain real and objective readings from the device.

In accordance with clause 4.7. GOST 5727-88 “Safety glass for land transport. General technical conditions" the light transmittance of vehicle glass is measured at three points of each sample.

Before starting measurements, you must ensure that the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) comply with the permissible values ​​for measurements in accordance with section 1 “Test conditions” of GOST 27902-88, namely

  1. Temperature (+15 to +25) C
  2. Pressure from 86 to 106 kPa
  3. Relative air humidity (+40 to +80)%

When checking the light transmittance of glass, the traffic police officer must comply with the general technical conditions specified in clause 4.7. GOST 5727-88 and section 1 “Test conditions” of GOST 27902-88.

The correctness of tinting is checked with a taumeter

What is a taumeter? It is a portable device through which the procedure for measuring the light transmittance of glass is carried out. It gives a percentage indicator, the value of which characterizes the same amount of light that freely passes through the car window.

If the traffic police inspector does not have it, he cannot take measurements. The taumeter must have certification and the case must be sealed. Damage to the seal and a copy, not the original, of the certificate oblige the DPM employee to release the violator. Rain and air humidity from 45 to 80% do not allow checking the tint.

In this case, the traffic police officer is obliged to provide the opportunity to take measurements in a dry room. There is no need to be embarrassed to remind the police about this rule. Similar requirements apply to atmospheric pressure. It can have an interval from 645 to 795 mm. mercury column.

There are instruments that measure the light transmittance of the darkening film at temperatures warmer - 10 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the traffic police officer does not have the right to check the tinting on the road. The inspector must use special instruments to measure atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity levels.

If there are no such devices, the driver has the right to leave the inspection site. The presence of witnesses is required. The measurement is made from three points on the glass. If the light transmittance is checked in only one place, this indicates a violation of the rules for measuring tints. Only stationary posts have the right to measure glass tinting.

New law on tinting 2017 GOST R 51709-2001 - scope of application And in conclusion, we will consider the restrictions under GOST R 51709-2001. The standard establishes basic safety requirements and acceptable values ​​for the technical condition of vehicles.

GOST regulates the procedure for using additional coatings that block the driver’s visibility while driving (clause 4.7.3). Thus, a transparent color film of 140 mm in the upper part is allowed on the front glass, and blinds and removable curtains on the rear window are also allowed, provided that there are external mirrors on the sides.

Read more:  Are yellow headlights allowed?

As a rule, after justifying such factors to the inspector, he rarely continues the debate with you, and in 90% of cases he gives you your rights and goes home hungry.

By the way, also take into account this important fact that measurements should be made exclusively under certain weather conditions (according to GOST 27902: temperature should be in the range from 15 to 25 C, atmospheric pressure from 86 to 106 kPa, relative humidity from forty to 80 %).

And if these conditions are not met, then such measurements will be recognized by the court as incorrect and invalid. And to do this, you just need to get a certificate of temperature on that day. Now, armed with this knowledge, you know what to do if you are stopped for tinting and constantly money-hungry traffic police inspectors are trying to make money on you.

How to avoid a fine for tinting: 5 methods + 2 ways

How to avoid a fine for tinting: 5 reasons to darken your windows + 5 GOST requirements for tinting + 5 methods to appeal the actions of a traffic inspector + 2 semi-legal ways to save money on a fine.

Tinted windows were especially popular in the 1990s, because they demonstrated the coolness of both the car itself and its owner.

There are still quite a lot of cars with tinted windows plying on the roads of Russian cities, despite the efforts of the traffic police.

Many people are interested in how to avoid a fine for tinting because they do not want to put up with prohibitions and because in the summer it is convenient to hide in a tinted car from the hot sun.

The easiest way to avoid trouble is not to violate the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Tinting in the Russian Federation: what should it be to avoid a fine?

In 2017, changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the requirements for tinting car windows and the fines that drivers will have to pay if they do not want to comply with legal requirements.

1. Is tinting necessary at all if you can avoid a fine without it?

At auto forums, the voices of disciplined drivers are quite loud, advocating that tinting is not necessary at all, because, firstly, it provokes emergency situations, making the driver “half-blind,” and secondly, fines are constantly issued for dark windows.

So why not avoid unnecessary conversations with the traffic inspector and keep your windows clean?

Of course, there is a reason for this position, but still, tinting is a rather useful invention, because it:

Minimizes the number of conflicts on the roads.

You simply can’t see which of the road boors are waving their fists, making obscene gestures, etc. Accordingly, you do not react to these nonsense, preserving your nerve cells.

If your vehicle is equipped with air conditioning, this means you use approximately 11% more fuel in the summer. Thanks to tinted windows, the car does not heat up as much, which means you will turn on the air conditioner less often.

Keeps things left in the car.

The police ask not to leave valuables, bags, laptops in the car, or to remove the radio panel, because the presence of valuables attracts thieves who open the car. Tinting prevents a burglar from getting a good look at everything, which means he's less likely to break into your car.

Simplifies the driving process.

The blinding sun, bright glare - all this contributes to the creation of an emergency situation. Tinting allows the driver not to be distracted and maintain clarity of vision, so driving a car is safer.

Improves the attractiveness of the car.

As in the stupid joke: “First of all, it’s beautiful...”? Tinted windows decorate the car, give it solidity, and attract the attention of others. If aesthetics are important to you, then you are probably in favor of tinting.

As you can see, the usefulness of dark windows is undeniable. You can avoid a fine for them if you do everything according to the rules.

2. Requirements for tinting in the new year.

Car owners who want to avoid a fine for improper tinting should study GOST 32565-2013, which describes the technical requirements for tinted windows.

According to this GOST it is allowed:

As you can see, to avoid problems, it is enough to check the light transmittance of the film used to darken the windshields and make sure that the size of the dark stripe on the front glass does not exceed 14 cm.

If you fulfill these requirements, then even the most picky traffic police inspector will not find anything to issue a fine for.

You don’t have to worry about what kind of film you put on and measure its light transmittance if you contact certified centers.

The desire to save money and buy the first film you come across in the car market, and stick it personally without any measurements, can result in a fine at the first stop by a traffic police officer.

Why draw and pay large sums if you can insure yourself in advance?

When purchasing a darkening film, keep in mind that the light transmitting property of the original car glass may not be 100%, but less, which, of course, will affect the final performance when you darken it. 5% above the norm will play a cruel joke on you and you will not be able to avoid a fine.

Fines for tinting and how to avoid them?

Moreover, it should be taken into account that, starting in 2017, penalties for this offense have become more severe. It will be difficult to avoid it if you are truly guilty.

1) What are the current fines for window tinting?

In the summer of 2016, changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the punishment of drivers whose tinting is too dark.

Some of the innovations have benefited drivers, as they help them avoid fines:

  • The inspector has the right to measure light transmittance only with a certified device under favorable weather conditions, and he must do this at the stop;
  • It is no longer possible to remove license plates, thus prohibiting the motorist from further movement;
  • The inspector’s right to demand that the car be delivered to a special point where the indicators can be measured was also prohibited.

But motorists began to rejoice early, as rumors about an increase in the fine were confirmed.

Starting from January 2017, the first stop of a violator who was overzealous in tinting his windows will cost him 1.5 thousand rubles, and not 500 rubles, as before.

If you do not listen to the opinion of the traffic inspector and are stopped again for the same violation, then you will have to pay 5 thousand rubles to the state treasury.

The situation looks very sad for malicious violators who do not want to part with tinting, which does not comply with GOST:

If you have been issued a fine for the first time, but you consider the inspector’s actions to be illegal, you do not need to create a scandal right on the road and refuse to pay the fine. This will only worsen your situation, because your rights can be taken away for 3 months. All actions of the inspector must be appealed in court.

2) Tint measurements: rules you need to know to avoid a fine.

The easiest way to avoid a fine is to find errors from a car inspector who measures the tint.

This is not so difficult, because there are specific requirements not only for the device itself, but also for the conditions under which the test can be carried out:

There are a number of requirements for checking tinting, which you can safely remind the inspector about if you want to avoid a fine:

  1. If an inspector wants to take measurements of your tinted windows, he must get a special device called a taumeter. If he does not have such a device, and he tries to find out the degree of light transmission in some other way, the actions of the policeman are illegal.
  2. The device used to take measurements must have a certificate, and the traffic police officer must present this certificate to you if you request it.
  3. Glass tinting examinations can only be carried out at stationary inspection stations.
  4. The device body must have an intact seal. If you see damage to the seal, point it out.
  5. Measurements, as well as drawing up a protocol, are carried out only in the presence of witnesses.

The traffic police officer must have instruments that measure humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure. Tinting cannot be tested if weather conditions could affect the measurements. In this case, the inspector must provide a warm, dry room, and he is unlikely to want to bother with this, given the small amount of the fine.

What to do if you are stopped by a traffic cop and your windows are tinted?

Well-known lawyer Ilya Novikov will tell you all about the new traffic police fines.

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Legal and not-so-legal ways to avoid a fine for tinting

It is clear that the easiest way to avoid a fine is to darken the windows of your car in accordance with GOST requirements.

The second loophole in the legislation for drivers is whether the inspector has a taumeter (working, certified, with a sealed case) and environmental conditions, which may affect the measurements.

A completely legal way to avoid a fine is to appeal the protocol drawn up by the inspector in court.

It can be appealed when the document contains gross errors, which may affect the correctness of the administrative punishment, or if the measurements were carried out with violations and you have evidence confirming this.

To be able to avoid a fine by appealing the protocol, you need to know the laws of the Russian Federation well, and without a legal education this is unlikely. The second option is to have at hand the phone number of a good lawyer, whom you can always turn to for help.

Two methods to avoid a fine for tinting, which cannot be called legal, because they imply the risk of getting more serious problems than a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles:

Block the raising of the front windows.

When approaching the inspection point, you can lower the front windows under the pretext that you are very hot. This will give you a chance to slip through, because the inspector simply won’t notice the tint. If you are still stopped, then we can say that the lifts are jammed.

There is little chance that the inspector will take your word for it and not want to personally verify the breakdown, which is why some drivers install a lift blocker at car repair shops. You can take advantage of their experience, although it is not cheap.

Failure to stop at the request of a traffic inspector.

This method is absolutely for risky motorists, because disobeying the requirements of a traffic inspector is fraught with much more serious problems than a fine for tinting.

In this way, you can slip through once, supposedly, you didn’t notice the inspector’s demands to stop, and even then it’s not a fact that they will believe you and agree to forgive you.

You can tint your car any way you want if you get special permission. But such a permit is issued only if dark windows are a necessity for your company car. As you understand, it is not easy for mere mortals to obtain such benefits.

You can, of course, use semi-legal methods in the fight against traffic inspectors; you can come up with your own way to avoid a fine for tinting .

But why take the risk if the requirements for darkening windows are quite reasonable and adhering to them is much easier than deliberately committing an offense and then wasting time, nerves and money on avoiding punishment?

How to behave with a traffic police inspector if you are stopped for tinting

A car that has passed the state technical inspection is in good working order and no one has the right to check the light transmission of the glass again. Traffic police officers can carry out such a check only when registering a car, when passing a technical inspection and at a stationary site. And this is not done “by eye”, but with the help of a taumeter, certified, tested and sealed (most often this is a “Blik” taumeter, although there are other models, for example “Light” and “Raster”).

But, unfortunately, motorists know that the absence of such a device and the necessary conditions does not prevent traffic police officers from insisting on immediate removal of the tint or payment of a fine. Do not be afraid to politely and calmly assert your rights.

The traffic police inspector will most likely tell you about paragraph 7.3 of the List of faults for which the operation of vehicles is prohibited: “a ban on operation can be issued in the event that the vehicle has “additional items installed or coatings applied that limit visibility from the driver’s seat.” But if an inspector simply finds a film on the windshield or front side window, this does not mean that it interferes with the driver’s visibility. Remind the inspector that paragraph 7.3 has a note that refers to GOST 5727-88. As mentioned above, to determine the type of film and light transmittance of the glass, it is necessary to use a taumeter.

There are many conditions for the legal use of this device. The absence of any of these conditions is your chance to challenge the fine imposed on you.

These are the conditions:

  • The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation indicated that only a technical supervision officer at a stationary post, but not a traffic police inspector, can measure the light transmittance of glass (see review of judicial practice for the third quarter of 2008). And only a technical supervision inspector can impose a fine of 100 rubles on you (from 09/23/2010 - 500 rubles), provided for by the Administrative Code. He has no right to impose any other penalties or measures! Consequently, the traffic police officer cannot carry out the check properly. Alternatively, he can draw up a detention report and take you to a stationary point, but this is completely pointless, since the film will remain on the car, and there are no grounds for detaining the car! Attempts by traffic police officers to “check the technical condition of the car” are best recorded on a voice recorder. This in itself can scare them away, and if they behave illegally, it can help you in the future.
  • Technical parameters of the taumeter. Once a year it must be inspected and certified. The technical inspection inspector may not have the certificate itself, but then the device must have a label indicating the date of the next inspection (also a kind of TRP coupon). If the taumeter check is overdue, challenge the readings of the device. In addition, the device is sealed with the inspector’s personal seal (and a copy of the stamp is placed on the inspection certificate). The absence of this seal is also grounds for challenging the taumeter readings.
  • The correctness of the Blik taumeter readings even depends on weather conditions. His testimony can be challenged if it was taken in rainy weather or at temperatures below -10 degrees C.
  • The correctness of the Blik taumeter readings depends on the voltage. If your battery is poorly charged and cannot provide a voltage of 12+0.6 V, you can also challenge the readings of the device.

If you do not agree with the readings of the device and/or the actions of the traffic inspector, you should write a statement addressed to the head of the traffic police. He must order a repeat measurement using a different device.

However, we repeat once again, even if there is a colorless film on your glass, the glass may indeed not pass GOST standards if the instrument readings are working properly! So the information provided, as a rule, is needed only to take advantage of the mistakes and oversights of traffic police inspectors.

How traffic cops trick drivers when stopped for tinting car windows

To begin with, let us remind you that according to current GOSTs, the degree of light transmission of the windshield should be at least 75%, and of the side front windows - 70%. A protective strip no wider than 140 mm can be glued to the top of the windshield. There is no ban on tinting rear windows. Any tint except mirror tint is allowed for them.

Usually, dimly tinted rear windows do not arouse suspicion among guards. But they can stop the car for inspection. If you refuse to open the doors or lower the window for inspection, this will be regarded as disobedience to the lawful request of a police officer. In accordance with Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 500 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days is provided for this.

Determined by eye

In the provinces, unscrupulous inspectors, after stopping a tinted car, often begin to provoke the driver. They say that the windows are tinted more than required. How did you determine? Approximately.

The driver should not be nervous. Tell the inspector that the car is checked for light transmittance of the windows using a certified and sealed device - a taumeter. But not by sight. These can be models ISS-1, Blik, “Svet”, TONIC. Each of them has its own usage parameters.

They offer to go to the post

If the inspector suddenly does not have a taumeter with him, he can offer to go with him to the post. This threatens the driver with a big loss of time. Explain to the employee that his demand has no legal basis. The driver is required to proceed to the checkpoint if a protocol of administrative detention has been drawn up. This means that the violation has already been recorded. Since it is impossible to do this without the device, then the driver is not obliged to go anywhere. The inspector can check the vehicle only at the stop site.

Read more:  Checking a car for fines by car number

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They scare me with fines

The traffic cop can “forget” about the fine that is imposed for tinting not in accordance with GOST, and threaten to remove the license plates, knowing full well that such a punishment has already been cancelled. Tell the serviceman that tinting not in accordance with GOST is described in Article 7.3 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation. A fine of 500 rubles is provided for this. But not the confiscation of registration plates and the removal of the car to the impound lot.

Quick measurements

To speed up the process, the inspector quickly takes out the device, measures the light transmittance of the glass at one point and immediately informs the driver about the tinting that does not comply with GOST. Insists on a fine. Advise the inspector not to rush. The driver has the right to look at the certificate and passport of the device. The measurements themselves are carried out not at one, but at three points on the glass. Otherwise, it is considered a gross violation on the part of the police officer. Such measurements can be challenged and cancelled.

Technical pitfalls

Some devices that are used to determine the light transmittance of glass have limitations in their use, and the guard is well aware of them. But the driver is not. This is where you can get fined. All restrictions are described in the documents for the device. If there are reservations in the use of a particular device, measurements are excluded. But there is no prohibition on checking tinting at night or in the rain.

Before taking measurements, it is important to pay attention to air humidity. The inspector must take this into account. The fact is that some devices show incorrect results at 100% humidity. If in the capital such humidity is a rare phenomenon, then in Sochi or St. Petersburg high humidity occurs quite often. One more nuance. For example, a device such as TONIC must be warmed up for 3-4 minutes before use, and not used immediately.

Glass is not the right thickness

It is important to know the thickness of your car's windows. Otherwise, a dishonest inspector will take advantage of your ignorance. For example, the “Svet” device is capable of correctly measuring the luminous transmittance of automobile glass with a thickness of 3 to 6 mm. If the thickness of the car windows is greater, the inspector does not have the right to take measurements, since the readings will be incorrect.

Tinting not in accordance with GOST is described in Article 7.3 of the Russian Traffic Regulations. A fine of 500 rubles is provided. The driver is not required to remove the film on the spot. But you still need to pay the fine and remove the film within 10 days after the order. Otherwise, if this is not done within 60 days from the date of imposition of the penalty, the amount will increase to 1000 rubles. In this case, the driver may be subject to mandatory community service for up to 50 hours or subject to administrative arrest for 15 days.

Is tinting car windows allowed: what to do if stopped by a traffic police inspector

Factory tinting of windows in passenger cars is practically the norm for all cars imported into the Russian Federation. But in the Russian automobile industry, factory tinting is a rarity. More often than not, car owners “glue” it on their own, for which they can subsequently receive a fine. If you are stopped for tinting, what should you tell the traffic police inspector and is it possible to avoid punishment?

Acceptable tinting standards

Current acceptable tinting standards for automobile windows are regulated by GOST 5727–88 standards (new edition of GOST 32565–2013). According to them:

  • on the windshield, the tinting must transmit at least 75% of the light (a shading film no more than 15 cm wide is also allowed);
  • On side windows, tinting must transmit at least 70% of light.

There are no established standards for rear windows (on the rear doors, trunk), that is, you can use tinting at your discretion. But mirror (reflective) ones are strictly prohibited (both front and back). This also applies to those films that completely block visibility from the street (that is, the interior must be visible).

The driver can also use curtains that do not allow light to pass through at all. But you can only cover the windows with them when the car is parked. While driving - not possible.

Tinting on the windshield and front side windows should transmit up to 75% of light

What is the penalty for violation

The current fine for violating the rules of tinting is 500 rubles, it must be paid within 20 days from the moment of stopping by a traffic police officer. In rare cases, the driver is also given an order to eliminate the malfunction, which must be completed within 3 days. If this is not done, then the next stop by a traffic police officer may result in the cancellation of the vehicle’s registration and the removal of the registration plate. All this is regulated by the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.5). But at the first stop, the inspector cannot remove the license plate (unless there was an order certified by the driver himself or two witnesses).

If the inspector still stopped

If an inspector stops a driver driving a car with tinting, this does not mean that a fine will be issued. It is impossible to determine the level of light transmission of the film “by eye”; the inspector must use a special device for this. And this is allowed only in conditions of a stationary post. Moreover, the equipment must be certified and have a verification mark.

One more nuance: checking the tint (light transmission level) is allowed only under certain environmental conditions, namely:

  • temperature from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius;
  • pressure from 86 to 106 kPa;
  • relative air humidity from 40 to 80%.

This is specified in GOST 27902–88. If the conditions are different, then the inspector has the right to issue only a resolution to conduct an examination (indicating the date and place where this can be done). But no one forbids you to remove the tint yourself before the examination.

After stopping the vehicle, it is recommended to communicate with the inspector in the following way:

  1. Ask to introduce yourself, show your ID (he may not hand it over).
  2. Find out the reason for the stop (they can’t stop without it).
  3. Find out the inspector's further actions (warning, conducting an examination).
  4. If the inspector intends to conduct an examination, then demand documents for all the devices used (and this should be a thermometer, barometer, hygrometer with certificates and data on the latest verification, as well as the device itself for checking the light transmission of glass, also with all the documents).
  5. If the inspector does not provide all the documents, but still takes measurements, then in the protocol drawn up you must indicate that you do not agree with the inspector’s decision (this will simplify the protection of your rights in court).

It is allowed to film everything that happens on a video recorder or phone, but only the inspector must be warned about this immediately. But among the documents he can ask the driver only a driver’s license, STS, PTS, insurance, power of attorney, passport (for identification). At the same time, he can demand them only for visual inspection (familiarization); it is not necessary to hand over the documents to him.

If a fine cannot be avoided

You can appeal the fine within 10 days. All documents and evidence confirming the driver’s innocence must be attached to the complaint. If the demands are denied (and this happens in 95% of cases), then in the future all that remains is to defend your rights in court. But the court will not consider the case unless a complaint is initially filed.

If the driver does not agree with the inspector’s decision, this must be immediately indicated in the protocol, which is drawn up at the place of the stop by the traffic police inspector.

If the 10-day period has passed, then the complaint can only be filed in court (but it is necessary to provide an explanation of why the fine was not initially appealed to the traffic police).

But you cannot pay the fine “on the spot.” Traffic police inspectors do not have such powers; these actions can be regarded as a bribe.

It is much more convenient to pay fines through the State Services portal; you can also get a discount there (this is the official state portal).

The fine for incorrect tinting is now 500 rubles. But in the event of a repeated violation, if an order has been issued to eliminate it, the license plates may be removed, which subsequently prohibits the operation of the vehicle. You should not violate the current rules for tinting car windows: the safety of the driver and his passengers depends on it.

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