
How often should you do car maintenance?

The frequency of inspection depends on the age of the car.

Any vehicle on the road is a vehicle of increased danger. That is why its condition is controlled not only by the vehicle owner himself, but also by the relevant authorities. The frequency of technical inspection is regulated by legislative acts, in particular the Law “On Technical Inspection of Vehicles”.

Inspection schedule

For each type of transport, the State Inspectorate has its own requirements regarding intervals between maintenance. It is important to remember how often you need to undergo a technical inspection, since operating a vehicle without a timely technical inspection is an administrative violation with certain consequences - a fine or deprivation of a driver's license.


Vehicles of category “B” MOT must be carried out strictly within the established time frame. The frequency depends on the age of the vehicle itself - the older it is, the more often this procedure should be carried out.

  • Cars whose age does not exceed 3 years are completely exempt from undergoing technical inspection .
  • Cars aged 3 to 7 years undergo this procedure every two years .
  • Passenger cars more than 7 years old must undergo maintenance annually .

And here we are not talking about how long the car has been in use by a particular owner or how long it has been in use in general, but about when the car was released. This day is the beginning of the countdown. That is, if the vehicle has been sitting in the showroom for two years after its release, it will have to undergo the first technical inspection within one year after its purchase.

Two wheeler

Motorcycles, scooters, as well as other vehicles that are subject to mandatory registration and, therefore, regular maintenance, have similar periods:

  • Vehicles under 3 years old do not require technical inspection.
  • Vehicles that are 3-7 years old must undergo maintenance every two years .
  • Vehicles older than 7 years are subject to mandatory annual inspection .


For freight transport, the schedules will differ, depending on their tonnage and purpose. Owners of these vehicles are prescribed the following intervals:

  • A truck with a tonnage of up to 3.5 tons is identical to a passenger vehicle.
  • Trucks with a tonnage of more than 3.5 tons - once a year .
  • Truck used for transporting dangerous goods - once every 6 months .

The maintenance schedule for trailers and semi-trailers looks exactly the same - the frequency depends on the maximum weight and nature of operation.

Other transport

Buses, taxis and other types of transport intended for transporting people must undergo technical inspection every six months .

Agricultural and construction specialized equipment must undergo technical inspection annually . If the vehicle is used seasonally, the technical inspection must be completed no later than 15 days from the start of the next period of operation.

Cars equipped with special signals—beacons and sound equipment—go through this procedure once a year .

How not to forget about maintenance deadlines?

The diagnostic card, which is issued after successfully passing a technical inspection, reflects the current condition of the vehicle. You do not need to carry it with you all the time - it is not included in the package of documents that must be presented upon the first request of a traffic police officer. And yet, it is important for obtaining insurance.

It is important to remember that the diagnostic card is only valid until it is time for a new inspection. The expiration date of the diagnostic card is indicated in the document itself. It does not matter whether the owner of the vehicle has changed since the last inspection.

How often a car is inspected is not at all affected by the location of the procedure: the standards are the same for both state inspection stations and commercial ones.

The frequency of technical inspections for vehicles of different classes and types is strictly defined. Following the time frame is mandatory. If you wish, you can undergo maintenance ahead of schedule, but not later.

When to undergo technical inspection of a new car: rules, procedure and deadlines

A technical inspection of a car is an assessment of the condition of the car and its ability to participate in road traffic. Until recently, all cars, including new ones, had to undergo the procedure. Now the rules and features of the technical inspection of a new car have changed significantly, accordingly, the new law has already come into force.

Do owners of new cars undergo technical inspection?

On June 6, 2019, the government introduced changes to the current law regulating the procedure for technical inspection of vehicles. According to the initiative, the procedure is not carried out for the following types of transport less than three years old:

  • passenger cars;
  • trucks with a maximum permitted weight of up to 3.5 tons;
  • motor vehicles;
  • trailers and semi-trailers.

It follows from this that you do not need to obtain a diagnostic card for a new car during the first three years.

On the basis of which buyers are issued an insurance policy

After purchasing a car from a dealership, the owner has 10 days to apply for an MTPL policy. In this case, a certificate of technical inspection is not needed. It is enough to have the owner’s passport, a certificate of registration of the vehicle with the traffic police, a vehicle registration certificate, and the owner’s driver’s license.

Read more:  How to sell a car with registration restrictions

OSAGO policy is issued for a new car without maintenance

To what extent is exemption from technical inspection granted?

If a new vehicle is heavier than 3.5 tons or will be used for commercial activities, an inspection by specialists must be carried out annually. All other vehicles are exempt for 3 years.

Are inspection and maintenance the same thing?

Inspection and maintenance are different procedures. Maintenance is carried out by the service center of the dealer company. It consists of changing oil, filters, spark plugs, as well as routine repairs. Maintenance does not imply the issuance of a diagnostic card.

How to undergo maintenance at the end of the release period

During a technical inspection, the condition of a number of important components is checked:

  1. Brake system. Tests are carried out on braking power in various situations.
  2. Control systems. It should be in good working order, without any errors.
  3. Lighting devices, namely the legality of their installation and the quality of lighting.
  4. Windshield wiper and washer systems.
  5. Tire tread depth, presence of various damages and swellings.
  6. The engine, as well as the entire propulsion system as a whole. Craftsmen, as a rule, are interested in the degree of wear.

Passing maintenance - checking the condition of vehicle components

Also subject to inspection is the integrity of belts, which are responsible for driving safety, sun visors, sound signals, rear-view mirrors, glass, license plates, door locks, and tinting.


How many times and over what period of time the procedure will need to be completed depends on the age of the car:

  • from 3 to 7 years – every 2 years;
  • Cars over 7 years old are checked once annually.

Taxis, buses and trucks up to 3.5 tons must undergo maintenance once every six months.

Mandatory maintenance for buses every six months

The initiated rules and features of the technical inspection of a new car have eased the lot of owners of cars purchased at a car dealership.

Step-by-step description of the procedure

The maintenance procedure is as follows:

  1. Find a service station that has a state certificate to carry out this type of inspection.
  2. Clarify all the conditions for undergoing maintenance at this point, including timing and cost.
  3. Provide a car.
  4. Wait for the procedure and receive a diagnostic card.

The document issued by the craftsmen will be needed to obtain a new MTPL policy.

When undergoing maintenance, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • car passport;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle with the traffic police;
  • driver's license and civil passport of the car owner.

Package of documents for passing MOT

Is it possible to get a diagnostic card online?

There are offers on the Internet from various companies to obtain the specified document online. It is important that in order to legally obtain a diagnostic card, it is necessary that the vehicle be inspected by specialists. Moreover, this must be done at a service station that has the appropriate certificate.

When applying for a card via the Internet, there is a high chance of running into scammers. The card must be checked so that it is included in the EAISTO database. The operator is at great risk if he issues it without carrying out a technical inspection.

Therefore, it is better not to take risks and actually drive the car if it is more than three years old. If, when checking the card, it turns out that it is fake, no insurance company will issue an MTPL policy.

Checking the diagnostic card using the EAISTO database

How much does it cost to undergo MOT in 2020?

The cost of maintenance directly depends on the type of transport and in 2020 is:

  • motorcycles – 240 rubles;
  • passenger cars – 800 rubles;
  • trailers weighing up to 750 kg – 600 rubles;
  • trailers weighing up to 10 tons - 1060 rubles;
  • trucks - from 770 to 1060 rubles;
  • passenger transport – 1290 – 1560 rub.

Repair of faults detected during maintenance

This is the full cost and you will not have to pay anything extra. If faults are found, you will need to repair the car according to the instructions of the operators, and then go through the MOT again, which means you will have to pay for it again.


Maintenance is an important procedure, without which the driver will not receive a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and the ability to drive freely on the roads. Starting this year, at the legislative level, the time when it is necessary to undergo technical inspection of a new car, as well as the rules and deadlines, have changed. Now, until the car is 3 years old, you don’t have to think about getting a technical inspection.

Do you undergo regular technical inspections?

When do you need maintenance and what needs to be changed?

The frequency of maintenance of any car is regulated by the manufacturer in the service book attached to the car.

We recommend following this guideline: every 10,000 km . vehicle mileage or every 1 year of its operation.

Keep in mind that for different classes of cars this period may be different, which is due to the quality of raw materials and alloys from which car parts are made, the accuracy of fit of these parts during their production and the quality of lubricants: motor oils, transmission oils and other consumables. Also, the frequency of maintenance is influenced by weather operating conditions, such as the conditions of the far north, where temperatures drop to extreme sub-zero temperatures, or desert regions, where there is elevated temperature and sand, as well as difficult conditions with increased physical activity.

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For the exact recommended frequency, see your service book or check with the dealer of a specific car brand.

An example of not changing engine oil in a timely manner

An example of timely engine oil change


  • Replace air and cabin filters every 10,000 km. mileage ;
  • Change the engine oil every 10,000 km. mileage ;
  • Replace (regular) spark plugs every 10,000 km. mileage ;
  • Replace the fuel filter every 10,000 km. mileage ;
  • Flushing the injector and nozzles - every 30,000 km. mileage ;
  • Automatic transmission oil change - every 60,000 km. mileage ;
  • Replacement of high-voltage wires - every 70,000 km. mileage _

Below we will consider what exactly needs to be replaced depending on the mileage (from 10,000 km to 120,000 km) and year of operation (from 1 year to 12 years).

So, the first common option is 10,000 km . mileage or 1 year of its operation or when the first limit is reached.

Summary table of vehicle maintenance:

10,000 km. mileage or 1 year of operation

R - replacement
I - check, replacement if necessary
- - not regulated, check upon request

When, depending on the age of the car, does it need to undergo a technical inspection?

A technical inspection helps identify problems with the car, even if they currently do not affect its operation. Thus, without a documented technical inspection, it is impossible to issue an MTPL policy, which is mandatory insurance in case of an accident. However, for cars, taxis, trucks, and motorcycles, different ones are needed. What is the frequency of vehicle inspection? When should I have a technical inspection?

How often is a technical inspection needed?

Each type of vehicle has its own limits.

So, if motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles do not require as frequent inspection as trucks and buses designed for passengers, or taxis:

  1. Passenger cars - every two years, starting from the moment the car reaches 3 years of operation. Then - after 7 years of use, maintenance is carried out once a year.
  2. Motorcycles, scooters, sportbikes, walk-behind tractors. Similarly, for the first 3 years you don’t have to worry, from 3 to 7 years – once every two years, and after the 7-year period, the inspection becomes annual.
  3. Trucks. Divided into two categories - up to 3.5 tons and heavier. Up to 3.5 tons - identical to passenger cars. After 3.5 tons - annually.
  4. Passenger transport (buses, taxis). Regardless of the age of the car, it should be inspected 2 times a year.
  5. Transport for construction needs, agricultural machinery. These types of specialized equipment require annual inspection if used continuously. When they are used periodically, a technical inspection is carried out at the beginning of this period (for 15 days).

This also includes vehicles with signals. This is special equipment, for example, emergency or rescue services. Due to the specifics of its use (fast driving, sharp braking), such equipment requires annual attention.

Vehicle diagnostic card

The place of the previously required technical coupon was taken by a diagnostic card. While the content of the document is standardized, the design style remains quite free.

The card looks like a standard A4 sheet, where the category, numbers, series, brand, and so on are written down. Next, the systems, individual parts, electrical equipment, tires, the presence of a fire extinguisher and first aid kit are listed - a total of 65 points, which describe their condition, quality, and service life in sufficient detail.

A diagnostic card is needed when receiving the already mentioned MTPL policy: in its absence, no one can guarantee payment for damage if an accident occurs due to the fault of one of the parties.

The card will be needed during document verification by law enforcement agencies or the company providing insurance.

There are design nuances:

  • the card is not applicable to new cars if they are not intended for transporting a car; in other cases it is issued after three years;
  • The validity period of such a document for passenger transportation expires after 6 months, for cars from 3 to 7 years of operation - after a year, and older - annually.

In a situation where a diagnostic card cannot be issued to the owner due to a malfunction, 20 days are given to correct it. After this period, you must be tested again.

Frequency of vehicle inspection


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A vehicle diagnostic card is issued by any accredited service center of the PCA after the vehicle has passed the vehicle inspection. The diagnostic card is a failure-extract in A4 format, which contains tabular values ​​of all information about the car. The result of the inspection is a conclusion about the possibility/impossibility of operating the vehicle for its intended purpose.

The frequency of vehicle inspection depends on the category of the vehicle and the age of the vehicle.

Vehicle diagnostic card

Each card is certified by a technical expert. Written out by hand, has two copies. The electronic version is made in one copy and is assigned a unique identification number. One of the written copies remains with the owner, and the second copy is kept in the expert department and is stored there for 3 years.

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Documents in the electronic version are sent to the archive of the vehicle technical inspection information system (to EAISTO), where they will be stored for another 5 years.

The state duty for obtaining technical cards or their duplicates is no longer charged.

The new maintenance form was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport. And now there is a clear list of basic requirements for coupons:

  • The card blank is green and measures 105*74 mm. Must be replicated on an electronic printing device.
  • Each document has its own 10-digit number; it is printed using letterpress printing and glows green under infrared radiation.
  • These are printed products with class B level of protection against counterfeiting.

Frequency of inspection of a new car

Vehicles that have been in use for less than 3 years do not require inspection provided:

  • That this is a new car, and it is not yet 3 years old from the date of purchase, including the year of production.
  • This is a truck with a permissible maximum weight of 3.5 tons, or motorcycles (other motor vehicles), trailers and semi-trailers. On same conditions.

How often should you have your car inspected?

The timing of the technical inspection and the validity of the diagnostic card depend on the year of manufacture of the car.

The frequency of maintenance depends on the class of the machine and the purpose for which it is used:

  • periodicity is 2 years for cars if 3 to 7 years have passed since its production (the year of manufacture is the date indicated in the vehicle passport).
  • after 1 year for cars, if more than 7 years have passed since production , taking into account the year of manufacture.

Regardless of the year of manufacture, the following vehicles require maintenance every year:

  • A truck with a maximum weight of 3.5 tons.
  • All cars equipped with special signals (light and sound).
  • “Training” vehicles used for driving training in driving schools.

Once every 6 months, regardless of the year of production, maintenance is carried out (clause 1, part 1, article 15 of Law dated 07/01/2011 N 170-FZ):

  • Passenger taxi.
  • Bus.
  • A truck with the ability to transport passengers, where the number of seats is more than 8. The driver's seat is not taken into account.
  • Special vehicles, as well as their trailers, in which dangerous goods are transported.

Vehicle inspection times by year

New rules for passing maintenance

The vehicle is inspected by a technical expert working for the selected operator. It issues diagnostic cards with permission/prohibition for vehicle operation. From May 4, 2018, all motorists will receive a ticket if the procedure is successful and if there are any inconsistencies with mandatory safety requirements, but in this case, the diagnostic card will be marked and the existing faults will be entered.

Safety assessment procedure:

  • Instrumental diagnostics.
  • Regulatory checks regarding license plates, fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
  • Braking system assessment.
  • Assessment of lighting characteristics and equipment.
  • Assessment of steering and suspension play.
  • Assessment of exhaust gas toxicity.
  • Diagnostics of locking mechanisms.
  • Regulatory testing of technical fluids.

Vehicles from categories N 1-2 and M 1-3 are checked for the functionality of the emergency alert system. But since not all cars are yet equipped with such buttons, the rule applies only to those that have them from the assembly line.

Cost for new inspection

The FTS approved a document according to which the maximum maintenance prices for the current year were assigned. Since there are quite a few accredited operators, the average price of the service can vary. The state duty this year is no longer added to the amount for the inspection itself.

And yet, inspection rates vary greatly not only depending on the type of vehicle, but also on the region of the Russian Federation. Regional operators are authorized to set prices independently, without going beyond the legally established framework. The maximum sizes are set by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

List of documents required to undergo technical inspection

What the operator needs to provide to be able to pass the technical inspection:

  • Identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificates of registration of PTS and vehicles.
  • Driving licence.
  • If the application is submitted by a person who is not the owner of the car, then the procedure is carried out with a general power of attorney.

All faults discovered by an expert during a vehicle inspection have their own time limits for elimination. You can get acquainted with them from the same specialist, and it is advisable to undergo repeated maintenance with him too. If an accident occurs due to a malfunction that was not previously detected by an expert, the owner of the car, through the insurance company, can demand from the operator the entire amount of damage caused/caused.

Owners of vehicles that are registered outside the Russian Federation and are the property of a foreign state can drive them within the territory of our country only if they have a current Green Card policy. If there is no such thing, then OSAGO insurance is purchased. To purchase, they must present a valid international type certificate (TO), and in its absence, they undergo inspection like everyone else, on a general basis.

Video: What is necessary when passing a technical inspection

How often should you do car maintenance? Link to main publication
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