
What logs should a vehicle mechanic keep?

Logbook for vehicle entry and return from the line

In organizations that provide transport services, a special logbook is used to control the entry of vehicles onto the line.

What is a magazine for, its importance

Before allowing a vehicle to work, the company’s specialists must make sure that its technical condition complies with established standards, that the vehicle is free of damage, breakdowns and malfunctions that could lead to emergency situations on the road, accidents, etc.

The logbook records the technical condition of the car, the time it left and returned from the line, speedometer readings, etc.

Thanks to this document, the company carries out analytics of vehicle operation, which includes information on fuel consumption, monitoring compliance with the driver’s work schedule, correct operation of the vehicle, repair work carried out, etc. Thus, first of all, this journal is a document on the basis of which (among others) the organization of traffic safety rules for enterprises is carried out.

In addition, in the event of any accidents that occurred due to the fault of the car driver, the log makes it possible to justify the recovery of damages from him, since it indicates the condition of the car both at the time of entering the line and during the return to the garage.

Who is responsible for maintaining the document?

Responsibility for the formation and maintenance of the log, as a rule, rests with the dispatcher. He enters all the data into the document based on information provided by the mechanic, who inspected the technical condition of the car, as well as the driver.

What happens if you don't keep a journal?

Organizations engaged in transport services must maintain this journal. If it is not there, then state regulatory authorities (Rostransnadzor, etc.) will fine both the management and the enterprise itself.

For the same reason, all information entered into the log must be reliable and accurate, because if suddenly something happens to the car, the inspectors will not least of all study this document. If false or incorrect information is identified, disciplinary action may be imposed on the responsible persons.

How to create a magazine

A log of the vehicle entering the line and returning from the line is compiled in any form. However, if the company has its own journal template, then this should be used. In addition, a unified, previously mandatory journal form is becoming widespread. It is convenient because it can be easily adjusted to the needs of the enterprise by adding or removing unnecessary columns and rows. Some organizations use a magazine that is available for free sale (in hardcover) - the legislation fully allows for such an approach to recording vehicle performance.

Features of the form design

As for the design of the magazine, there are also no special features here, that is, if the magazine is formed independently, then it can be done electronically or, as they say, “drawn” manually. In the first case, the prepared form should be printed so that the responsible persons can leave their autographs on it.

Usually the magazine contains more than a dozen pages. All of them must be numbered in order and stitched with a special thick thread.

The last sheet bears the seal of the organization and a note indicating the number of pages in the document, as well as the date and signature of the responsible employee.

The journal is made in one original copy, no additional copies are generated. The completed log must be stored for the period established by law or specified in the regulatory documentation of the transport company. Only after this period has expired can the document be destroyed.

Who should sign the journal?

Two employees must sign the log. Firstly, there is a mechanic who checks the car before leaving and after return, and secondly, there is a dispatcher who keeps a log. As for the driver, only his full name is noted in the log.

Magazine sample

If you are entrusted with the formation and maintenance of a log of a car entering the line and returning from the line, which you have never done before, use its example and detailed explanations for it. Taking them into account, you will create the document you need without any problems.

  1. First of all, indicate in the journal the name of the company, the start date of its maintenance (later you will need to note the date of its completion).
  2. Next, in the main part, which is presented in the form of a table, enter in the form the date the car entered the line, its identification characteristics: make, state license. number, last name, first name, patronymic of the driver, time of leaving the garage, speedometer readings and technical condition of the car.
  3. After returning the car to the garage, fill in the same information on the form.
  4. Then the document must indicate the name of the mechanic and his signature.
  5. The employee responsible for maintaining the journal must also sign the journal.
  6. If you consider it necessary, the log may be supplemented with other information, for example, about the issuance of a key to the car before leaving the garage, the driver undergoing a medical examination, etc.

Pre-trip and pre-shift monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Let me remind you that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation must organize a pre-trip or pre-shift inspection, and a mark on the passage must be placed on the waybill.

In what cases are pre-trip and pre-shift controls carried out?

Pre-trip control is carried out if the duration of the flight is equal to the duration of the working day or exceeds it. In this case, the car goes through control only once before the start of the trip.

Pre-shift control is carried out if the vehicle makes several trips during the day. In this case, the car is checked only once before the start of the shift.

Otherwise, the pre-trip and pre-shift control procedures are completely the same.

What vehicles must be inspected?

Paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety” states that vehicles belonging to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that transport passengers or cargo must undergo technical control.

However, we are not necessarily talking about commercial transportation. If a vehicle transports cargo for the organization’s own needs or transports at least one person other than the driver, then it must undergo pre-trip or pre-shift control.

The requirement applies to all types of vehicles: cars, trucks, buses and others.

Who can conduct a pre-trip technical inspection?

7. Control is carried out by a controller of the technical condition of vehicles or a controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the controller).

Technical control must be carried out by a special employee - controller .

Detailed requirements for controllers are given in a separate regulatory document (clause 14.3):

Pay attention to the last row of the table. Any employee of the organization with at least secondary vocational education can undergo professional training, after which he will be able to work as a controller.

For example, consider the smallest version of the organization. An individual entrepreneur is engaged in the transportation of goods, i.e. he himself acts as a driver. In this case, he can undergo professional retraining. After this, he will have the right to check the car before leaving and put a mark on the control on the waybill.

However, there is another option. You can enter into an agreement with a mechanic who will come to the organization every day, check the vehicles, mark the waybills and fill out the appropriate log.

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In this case, the following point must be taken into account:

5. Pre-trip or pre-shift monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as control) is carried out before the vehicle leaves the parking lot (parking space) intended for parking the vehicle upon return from the trip and the end of the vehicle driver’s shift (hereinafter referred to as parking).

So you need to check the car where it is parked. That is, it is impossible to conclude an agreement according to which cars will go to another organization to undergo pre-trip control. All inspections must take place on site.

If the organization is large and there are a lot of cars, then it makes sense to hire a separate employee who will deal with pre-trip checks.

If there are only a few vehicles involved in transportation, then it will be cheaper to enter into an agreement with a specialized organization, whose employee will come and release the vehicles for the trip.

Inspection procedure

The procedure for pre-shift inspection contains a complete list of vehicle elements that need to be checked (click on the picture to enlarge it):

Thus, you won’t have to do anything supernatural when checking. You just need to check that the car is in full working order.

If you work as an inspector, I recommend printing out the table above and checking vehicles in accordance with it.

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the inspector must also check that no changes have been made to the design of the car.

For example, that LPG has not been installed or the sides of the truck have not been extended.

Mark on the waybill

If the car is fully operational, then the controller puts a mark on the waybill “check of the technical condition of the vehicle has been passed”, puts his signature, writes his last name and initials.

In addition, the waybill must indicate the date and time of pre-trip control. An additional field for this was introduced on December 15, 2017.

Logbook for recording the results of pre-trip control

Also, a mark on passing the control must be entered in a special journal for recording the results of pre-shift control (click on the picture to enlarge):

The journal is an ordinary table, the list of columns of which is given in the regulatory document. If you wish, you can make such a table yourself. You can also download the following form and print it in the required quantity:

In 2020, all fields of the journal are filled out by the controller. The driver's signature is not required.

Note. The log of registration of technical control results can also be maintained in electronic form. In this case, the entered information must be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Fine for missing a pre-trip control mark

The fine for violating the rules for passing a pre-trip technical inspection is provided for in Article 12.31 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

3. Carrying out transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport in violation of the requirements for pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of vehicles -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand rubles; for officials - five thousand rubles; for legal entities - thirty thousand rubles.

Please note that the penalty is imposed:

  • per driver - 3,000 rubles ,
  • per controller - 5,000 rubles,
  • for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - 30,000 rubles.

Well, in conclusion, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the text of the new regulatory document:

Magazines for motor vehicles and Waybills

You can purchase standard magazines for motor transport enterprises (transport departments) from us. Each magazine contains 40 sheets, office paper. 65 g/m2, cover - whatman paper or chrome-plated paper. Below is a list of magazines available in stock. Here you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the magazine you are interested in.

1. Journal of pre-trip, pre-shift medical examination of drivers
· Contents of the magazine ·

2. Journal of post-trip, post-shift medical examination of drivers
· Contents of the magazine ·

3. Journal of driver briefing on road safety
· Contents of the magazine ·

4. Journal of driver briefings on

safety and road safety · Contents of the magazine ·

5. Logbook for briefing drivers leaving on a business trip
· Contents of the magazine ·

6. Technical condition monitoring log when releasing
and returning cars from the line

7. Logbook for recording the results of pre-trip control

technical condition of vehicles

8. Logbook for tracking the movement of waybills · Contents of the logbook ·

9. Journal of road accidents by vehicle owners
· Contents of the magazine ·

10. Logbook for traffic violations · Contents of the logbook ·

11. Maintenance and repair log · Contents of the log ·

12. Smoke measurement log · Contents of the log ·

13. Logbook for recording the results of vehicle checks

for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon content · Contents of the logbook ·

14. Driver internship logbook · Contents of the logbook ·

15. Driver message log

16. Induction training log

17. Logbook for on-the-job training
· Contents of the log ·

18. Journal for recording the issuance of labor protection instructions
for workers · Contents of the magazine ·

19. Fire safety briefing log
· Contents of the log ·

20. Electrical safety training log

21. Logbook for introductory briefing on civil defense (Civil defense and emergency situations)

Each magazine contains 40 sheets, office paper. 65 g/m 2 , cover - whatman paper or chromersatz

You can also order printing of your individual magazine. The cost depends on the circulation.

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© 2011 RAY Printing House
Drawing “View of the Obvodny Canal” by Maryana Mekkel

New procedure for pre-trip technical control of transport

From December 21, 2018, the rules for conducting pre-trip or pre-shift monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles are changing.

The information is relevant for students of advanced training and professional retraining courses in the following areas:

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 08.08.2018 N 296 comes into force on December 21, 2018

On December 3, the Ministry of Justice registered the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2018 No. 296 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting pre-trip or pre-shift inspection of the technical condition of vehicles.”

This Procedure defines the requirements for organizing and conducting monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles in order to exclude the release of technically faulty vehicles (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) onto the line.

The order comes into force on December 21, 2018, and the requirement to have a tachograph and check it will come into force from January 1, 2019.

Pre-trip and pre-shift controls are carried out before the vehicle leaves the parking lot intended for parking the vehicle upon return from the trip and the end of the vehicle driver’s shift.

Who must follow the rules of the Procedure for technical control of vehicles?

The requirements of the Procedure for technical control of vehicles must be observed by all subjects of transport activities, including:

legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who transport passengers on the basis of a contract of carriage or a charter agreement, as well as cargo on the basis of a contract of carriage (commercial transportation),

Read more:  How to check whether a driver has had an accident

These requirements must also be observed by those who move persons, except the driver, who are in the vehicle, as well as material objects without concluding the specified contracts (transportation for their own needs).

Let us remind you that new licensing rules in the field of transport were recently approved. Now those subjects of transport activities that maintain a fleet of vehicles for transporting employees (corporate bus for up to 8 people per seat) will have to obtain licenses next year. Read our previous publication about this.

When is it necessary to carry out pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of vehicles?

Pre-trip control must be carried out before departure on a flight in 2 cases:

Single flight per shift : when during one shift (working day) only one flight is performed

One trip lasting more than 1 shift : when the duration of the trip exceeds the duration of the shift (working day) of the driver of the vehicle.

When is it necessary to carry out pre-shift inspection of the technical condition of vehicles?

This type of technical control is carried out before a shift if during a shift (working day) the driver of the vehicle makes more than one trip.

If several drivers work on a vehicle in one shift (several trips with different drivers), then pre-shift control is carried out before the first driver leaves the parking lot.

Requirements for a vehicle technical condition inspector

The technical condition controller of vehicles (vehicles) carries out the technical control procedure:

urban ground electric transport.

The person appointed as the technical controller. condition of the vehicle, must meet the qualification requirements that are approved in the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2015 N 287. This Order lists the qualification requirements for such specialists as drivers, dispatchers, controllers, persons responsible for traffic safety, etc. d.

Let us recall that the Supreme Court recently agreed with the regulatory authorities that the person responsible for road safety must have special training. Due to the lack of supporting documents, the company was fined 100 thousand rubles. Read our previous publication about this.

What needs to be checked during pre-shift and pre-trip technical inspection of a vehicle?

The serviceability of the following components is checked:

brake system (including a pressure gauge for pneumatic or pneumohydraulic brake actuators, if their installation is provided for by the design of the vehicle);

wheels (except for trams);

tires (except tram);

tachograph - comes into force on January 1, 2019 (who should install it is described in Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”).

satellite navigation equipment - this item complies with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 N 641 “On equipping transport, technical means and systems with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment”,

devices (systems) for calling emergency operational services - this item corresponds to Tech. regulations in clause 13.1

The following structures are also checked for serviceability:

body or cabin door locks, cargo platform side locks, tank neck locks and fuel tank caps (except for urban ground electric transport vehicles);

devices for fixing the driver's seat cushion and backrest;

glass heating and blowing devices;

towing devices, as well as safety ropes (chains);

spare wheel holders (except for trams);

transport position clamps for semi-trailer supports (if equipped);

The following items are checked for availability:

indication on the instrument panel indicating a malfunction affecting road safety (checked with the engine running);

glass and visibility from the driver's seat;

rear view mirrors and their mountings;

rear protection device, mudguards and mud flaps;

seat belts and head restraints.

To view the full list of inspection points, download Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 296 in word format

How to keep a log of the results of monitoring the technical condition of vehicles?

The journal can be kept in electronic or paper format.

When maintained on paper, the pages are numbered and bound. To maintain an electronic journal, you need to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

What logs should a mechanic keep?

Logbook for vehicle entry and return from the line

He enters all the data into the document based on information provided by the mechanic, who inspected the technical condition of the car, as well as the driver. Organizations engaged in transport services must maintain this journal.

If it is not there, then state regulatory authorities (Rostransnadzor, etc.) will fine both the management and the enterprise itself. For the same reason, all information entered into the log must be reliable and accurate, because if suddenly something happens to the car, the inspectors will not least of all study this document. If false or incorrect information is identified, disciplinary action may be imposed on the responsible persons.

compiled in any form.

However, if the company has its own journal template, then this should be used.

In addition, a unified, previously mandatory journal form is becoming widespread.

Crane operator logbook 2019

Both the mechanic and the persons responsible for its good condition and safe operation are made aware of the problem with the PS. You can start work only, about which a corresponding entry must be made in the journal.

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Each shift of record begins by indicating the date and shift number. The last name, first name and patronymic of the crane operator are indicated in full, without abbreviations.

The results of the crane inspection are filled in for each component and device. Essentially, the entries are like a checklist.

transport is a special type of activity of enterprises, which is quite clearly regulated by the state.

Thus, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 970 dated 06/30/2008 establishes the Rules for the road transport of goods, which are amended and supplemented by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 102 dated 02/05/2016. According to these rules, when organizing road transportation of cargo and sending the driver to pick up the cargo, road carriers must provide him with a waybill, documents necessary for the vehicle to participate in road traffic, special permits, certificates, etc. If there are no documents necessary for transporting cargo, including a waybill, the driver has the right to refuse to perform the work.

The form of the waybill form differs, depending on the type of vehicle: the waybill for a tractor, bus, taxi car and car - these are 4 different forms. In addition to the documents that the driver must have during the trip, cargo carriers keep a number of logs that are stored directly in the offices, but drivers periodically sign for them.

These are logs of water and pre-trip briefings on road safety, a log of road accidents, a log of traffic violations by drivers. An important role when sending a driver on a trip is his state of health, which must be checked daily, including for alcohol and drug intoxication.

The number of logs once again emphasizes the importance of this aspect: the Log of pre-trip examination of drivers, the Log of registration of drivers suspended from work, the Log of registration of the admission of car drivers to work, the Log of pre-trip and other medical examinations of drivers of motor vehicles. Correct and timely completion of logs and forms, availability having all the necessary signatures in them is one of the guarantors of quality work for the cargo carrier and proof of conscientious performance of official duties for the driver.

Read more:  Is it possible to paint wheels with regular paint?

Pre-trip and pre-shift monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles

Any employee of an organization with at least secondary vocational education can undergo professional training, after which he will be able to perform work as a controller. For example, consider the smallest version of the organization.

An individual entrepreneur is engaged in the transportation of goods, i.e.

Pre-trip or pre-shift monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as monitoring) is carried out

What logs should a vehicle mechanic keep?

Now an enterprise can use its own free-form template, to which the necessary columns are added. It can be generated either electronically or manually. In order for responsible persons to be able to sign, the filling must be done in printed form. The entry and exit log of vehicles usually contains several dozen sheets.

All pages are numbered and bound. On the last sheet of the bound document, the number of pages, the date, the signature of the responsible person are indicated and all this is secured with the seal of the organization. Persons required to sign:

  • Mechanic checking a car.
  • Dispatcher responsible for maintaining the document.
  • Driver.

The logbook for recording the vehicle entering the line and returning from the line is stored in a single copy, without copies.

Destroyed after the expiration of the storage period specified in the law or regulations of the transport company.

A vehicle driver can be a mechanic and part-time traffic safety officer if he undergoes the appropriate training. Provide the mechanic/road safety officer with the necessary regulatory documentation and logs that the mechanic must maintain.

Organize a database corner. Organize the daily release of the car onto the line and return from the line (pre-trip and post-trip technical inspections), as well as maintaining travel documentation (at least on paper, but this, you need to understand, is a forgery). Organize a daily pre-trip medical examination of the driver, and in some cases, a post-trip medical examination, by concluding an agreement with a medical organization that has a license for this type of activity. Conclude the necessary agreements with third-party organizations (parking, washing, vehicle maintenance with disposal of hazardous substances (batteries, oils, etc.), pre-trip

Chief mechanical engineer

Profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development.

The procedure for compiling lists of defects, passports, albums of drawings of spare parts, operating instructions for equipment and other technical documentation.

Rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after repair. Requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment and repair equipment.

Automotive portal. Answers on questions

The KTP mechanic is directly subordinate to the head of the OBD and TC service. 1.5. Must know: 1.5.1. Legislative, regulatory and legal acts and methodological materials in the field of road safety.

1.5.2. Structure, purpose and design features of vehicles.

1.5.3. Rules for technical operation of vehicles.

1.5.4. Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, including the List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited (hereinafter referred to as OP). 1.5.5. Requirements for vehicles carrying out passenger transportation.

1.5.6. Requirements for vehicles transporting goods.

1.5.7. Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road. 1.5.8. Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation 1.5.10. Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as TRB).

Magazines for motor vehicles and Waybills

You can purchase standard magazines for motor transport enterprises (transport departments) from us. Each magazine contains 40 sheets, office paper. 65 g/m2, cover - whatman paper or chrome-plated paper.

Below is a list of magazines available in stock. Here you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the magazine you are interested in.

Logbook for monitoring the technical condition during the release and return of vehicles from the line 7. Logbook for recording the results of pre-trip control of the technical condition of vehicles ·· 8. Logbook for recording the movement of waybills ·· 9.

Logbook of road accidents by vehicle owners ·· 10.

Logbook for traffic violations ·· 11. Logbook for maintenance and repair ·· 12.

Logbook for smoke measurements ·· 13. Logbook for recording the results of vehicle checks for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons ·· 14. Logbook for driver training ·· 15.

Driver message log ·· 16. Introductory briefing log 17. On-the-job briefing log · 18.

Logbook for issuing labor safety instructions for workers ·· 19. Logbook for fire safety briefings ·· 20. Logbook for electrical safety briefings ·· 21.

Logbook for registration of introductory briefing on civil defense (Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) ·· Each logbook contains 40 sheets, office paper. 65 g/m2, cover - whatman paper or chrome paper. You can also order printing of your individual magazine. The cost depends on the circulation.

Logbook for recording the results of pre-trip control

last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the controller; 5.

date and time of control; 6. odometer readings (full kilometers driven); 7. stamp on passing control; 8.

controller's signature. It is possible to change the form by adding additional columns, based on the specifics of the organization’s activities, and also maintain it in electronic form.

The list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited is indicated in the basic provisions, approved. And . If the vehicle inspector identifies or suspects the presence of at least one discrepancy, he is obliged to indicate in the log that admission to traffic is prohibited.

In this case, the driver’s full name is not filled in; instead of his signature, a record must be made about sending the car for repairs, indicating the service workshop. Until the vehicle is repaired, it should not leave the vehicle workshop, as evidenced by the odometer readings.

Release of vehicles onto the line documents

In this sense, several basic provisions should be indicated:

  1. Knowledge of vehicle repair and maintenance technology, ensuring all work processes;
  2. Ability to understand vehicles, repair them and send them to work;
  3. Having completed special training, courses, as well as having experience and skills;
  4. He must be able to correctly draw up documentation for vehicles. These are reports of defects, memos for employees.

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in termination of the employment relationship with the employee.

The list of duties is the essence of the mechanic's job description. Among his main responsibilities are:

  1. repair and maintenance.
  2. checking the technical condition of vehicles and releasing them to work. The release should not pose a threat to people and the transport itself. Therefore, release is possible only if the vehicle is in excellent condition;

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What logs should a vehicle mechanic keep? Link to main publication
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