
How long does it take for the traffic police to arrive at an accident?

From July 1, traffic police officers will go to the scene of an accident only if people were injured as a result of an accident

From July 1, amendments to the traffic rules come into force - the innovations also specify the procedure for drivers to act in case of an accident (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2014 No. 907).

As today, participants in an accident will be required to immediately stop their cars after a collision, turn on the hazard lights, display an emergency stop sign and not move objects related to the incident (Section 2.5 of the Traffic Regulations).

If cars are obstructing traffic, drivers will still need to clear the roadway. But there is one nuance here. Drivers in any accident, as now, will be required to vacate the roadway if movement on it has become completely impossible. If there are no victims in the accident, it will be necessary to drive the car away from the scene of the accident not only when traffic is completely paralyzed, but also when obstacles are created for it. Traffic regulations do not explain what exactly is meant by such a situation - for example, whether an accident in the middle lane will be an obstacle to traffic if traffic continues on the extreme left and right lanes, but has slowed down a little. Obviously, this will have to be decided by the drivers themselves in each specific case.

Let us note that the amendments did not establish special liability for violation of this obligation. However, the driver can be punished according to the general norm for failure to fulfill duties in connection with an accident in which he is a participant. The fine for such a violation is 1 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Before driving their cars away from the scene of the accident, drivers will also have to, as now, first:

  • use photographic or video recording equipment to record the position of cars in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects (currently it is enough to fix the position of a car without linking it to road infrastructure objects and its location in relation to other cars);
  • capture on photos and videos all traces and objects related to the incident;
  • take all possible measures to preserve traces of the accident and organize a detour to the accident site.

However, from tomorrow, while recording the details of the incident in photos and videos, drivers will not need to obtain testimony from witnesses.

In addition, from July 1, traffic police officers will go to the scene of an accident only if people were injured as a result of an accident.

The legislator provides for three different situations, depending on which motorists will have to choose one or another model of behavior (clause 2.6, clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules in the new edition). Let's take a closer look at them.

Situation 1. As a result of an accident, people were injured or killed . In this situation, the requirements for the actions of participants in an accident have not changed. As now, the driver involved in the accident will be obliged to:

  • provide first aid to victims, call an ambulance and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims to the hospital in a passing vehicle or, if this is not possible, in your own car (in the latter case, you will need to present your passport or driver’s license and car registration document to the medical facility), and then return to the scene of the accident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident and wait for the police to arrive.

Situation 2. As a result of an accident, only property was damaged; there are disagreements between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . From July 1, a driver involved in an accident will be required to:

  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident;
  • report the incident to the police to receive instructions on where the accident was registered;
  • leave the scene of the accident if the police officer gives instructions to fill out documents at the nearest highway patrol post or police department. If there are no such instructions, fill out the documents on the spot.


Situation 3. As a result of the accident, only property was damaged; there is no disagreement between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . According to the new rules, participants in such an accident are not required to report it to the police and can choose one of the following options.

Firstly, motorists, as now, will be able to complete documents without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out an accident notification form according to the rules of the European protocol and leaving the scene of the accident.

However, in order to register an accident in this case, additional conditions must be met:

  • two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • both drivers have valid MTPL policies;
  • damage was caused only to cars;
  • the circumstances of the harm do not cause disagreements among drivers.


Please note that the maximum amount of insurance compensation under the European protocol is 50 thousand rubles. For Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow and Leningrad regions, increased limits apply - the insurance company can pay up to 400 thousand rubles. However, in order to use them, additional conditions must be met: record data about an accident using navigation tools using the GLONASS system. But if at least one of the drivers received an MTPL policy before August 1, 2014, the insurance payment, regardless of the region in which the accident occurred, will be 25 thousand rubles.

Secondly, participants in an accident will be able to leave the scene of the accident and draw up documents about the accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest traffic police post or police department (there is no need to call the police in advance to receive instructions).

Thirdly, drivers may not complete documents about an accident if only their property is damaged and each of them does not need to complete the specified documents, and leave the scene of the accident.

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Not so simple

Despite the fact that the provisions of the traffic rules spell out the responsibilities of drivers in sufficient detail, in practice motorists may face a number of issues. The editors of the GARANT.RU portal figured out how to act if...

The accident occurred on a two-lane road with no shoulder. On a two-lane road, any accident causes a traffic jam, often for many hours. The new edition obliges drivers to clear the roadway if their cars are in the way, but what if there is no shoulder? Managing partner of the Antiinsurer company, head of the Antiinsurer.RF portal Ilya Afanasyev explained to the GARANT.RU portal that in such a situation the driver should move his car as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

The car of the driver involved in the accident is not moving as a result of the accident. In this case, the driver will not be able to independently clear the roadway for objective reasons, but the traffic rules do not contain any exceptions to the rule establishing such an obligation. “You should try as much as possible to move the car to the side of the road or to the right edge of the roadway using a towing rope, asking for help from passing drivers,” advises Ilya Afanasyev.

The drivers agreed not to file documents about the accident and drive away, but one of them subsequently accused the other of leaving the scene of the accident. To prevent this from happening, participants in road accidents should protect themselves in advance. For example, exchange receipts stating that both participants voluntarily left the scene of the incident. In addition, it is advisable to indicate that the participants in the accident do not have any claims of a property or other nature against each other, or to draw up an agreement on the terms of payment of compensation for the damage incurred. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the time and address of the accident site, passport details of both participants and information about the cars and documents for them.

How long do you need to wait for the traffic police at the scene of an accident according to the regulations?

How long to wait for DPS?

The waiting time for traffic police officers at the scene of an incident is regulated in the 2019 legislation. However, the wording gives some freedom in the time of arrival of inspectors. How long do you have to wait for traffic cops in different cities, how to speed up this time and what to do if traffic police take a long time, we will find out in this article.

How long should the traffic police wait in case of an accident after calling according to the regulations?

The waiting time itself is not regulated anywhere in the legislation. But there are instructions for employees to arrive at the scene of an accident without delay and at the first opportunity. This is evidenced by paragraph 7.3 of the Administrative Regulations introduced by Order No. 664:

7. When exercising federal state supervision, officials are obliged to:

  • .
  • 7.3. Arrive immediately at the scene of a crime, an administrative offense, the scene of an accident , stop illegal acts, eliminate threats to the safety of citizens and public safety, document the circumstances of the commission of a crime, an administrative offense, ensure the safety of traces of a crime, an administrative offense, an accident;

Article 12 of the Federal Law on the Police also contains the very obligation of employees to draw up documents about the accident.

How in practice?

As we can see, the Administrative Regulations do not indicate a clear time of arrival at the scene of an accident after a call in 2019: not half an hour, not 2 hours, not 10, not a day or more. It is simply stated that traffic police officers must act immediately. It is not indicated how immediately this will be done, and sometimes you have to wait for inspectors for many hours. In practice, there may be cases when:

  • other road accidents that the traffic police process in order of priority (and maybe skipping “especially important people” first), and your call is the 20th in order, for example, one can only guess how much longer the traffic police will have to wait,
  • lack of free patrols, since an event is being held in your city, and the vast majority of them are drawn there to protect public order,
  • Not all traffic police crews are authorized to draw up documents regarding accidents, so you often have to wait a long time.

It is impossible to apply general lengths of time for how long you can wait for the police to arrive at the scene of an incident, since it depends on many factors, even within the same city. But if we conclude in general with a big plus/minus, then we can draw the following conclusion:

  • in Moscow, as a rule, you have to wait the shortest time for traffic police officers - from an hour to 3-4 hours,
  • in large cities, including St. Petersburg, Samara, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and others, the waiting time can increase to 8-9 hours,
  • and in small towns, most often there is complete arbitrariness and the use of regulations in their favor, so there were cases of delay by the traffic police for up to a day or more.

The fact is that many departments are interested in you registering according to the European protocol, so they may deliberately delay so as not to get into trouble.

How long does it take for traffic police officers to arrive at the scene of an accident according to law?

Due to the significant increase in the number of cars, both in large cities and in small regional centers, the number of road accidents with material damage and even human casualties has inevitably increased.

Participants in road accidents often have to wait for traffic police officers to arrive at the scene from 20 minutes to several hours, while they do not have the right to leave the scene of the accident or even change the position of the car, which, in turn, provokes traffic jams. Of course, this situation causes dissatisfaction among road users.

Many people are interested in the question of whether the timing of the arrival of the traffic police crew at the scene of an accident is regulated at the legislative level? When considering this issue, first of all it is worth paying attention to such a legislative act as “Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 185”, which is used by traffic police officers.

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Arrival times for police officers at the scene of a traffic accident

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 185 is a fundamental document consisting of a huge number of points that traffic police officers must unquestioningly follow. It describes in detail all the duties of representatives of the law, but there is no clearly indicated time frame for the arrival of a police officer at the scene of an accident.

The arrival of an employee at the scene of a traffic accident is regulated by Articles 207–219 of the specified document.
These articles describe the inspector's procedures and a list of his responsibilities. According to Articles 207 and 208, the basis for a police officer to arrive at the scene of an accident are direct instructions from the duty officer or a direct request from one of the participants in the accident if it happened near a traffic police post or on the crew’s patrol route.

In addition, the Traffic Rules, which are the legislative basis for all participants, do not say anything about the specific time during which the inspector is required to arrive at the scene of an accident. At the same time, it is indicated that those involved in the accident do not have the right to leave the place until the last person arrives.

Reasons for the lack of deadlines in road accidents without casualties

Russia is a territorially large state, with different levels of well-being, quality of road surfaces and climatic conditions. This is one of the reasons why it is not possible to establish uniform standards for the entire country. In addition, accidents can be of varying degrees of severity, since in addition to material damage, we are talking about human health and even life, which, of course, is a more significant factor.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that car accidents occur far beyond the administrative boundaries of populated areas. In this case, traffic police officers are physically unable to quickly arrive at the scene of the crime.

According to official information provided by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, first of all, traffic police officers go to the scene of an accident with possible victims, as well as when it comes to blocking road traffic. In the first case, together with police officers, doctors also respond to the call to provide qualified assistance.

In 2012, the prosecutor’s office put forward proposals to oblige traffic police officers to arrive at the scene of an accident within a certain period of time, but for a number of reasons, some of which we have mentioned, it is impossible to implement it at the legislative level.

Thus, today at the legislative level there are no clearly specified deadlines within which a police officer is obliged to arrive at the scene of a traffic accident with exclusively material damage.
However, with regard to road accidents, which resulted in injuries of varying severity or death of a person, things are a little different.

Arrival times for police officers in case of an accident with casualties

Human life is the main value; it is for this reason that the law established clear deadlines for the arrival of traffic police officers at the scene of an accident in which people were injured or died.

So, for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, this period is 20 minutes. This is due to the density of burly traffic. For other cities, this period cannot exceed 15 minutes.

For accidents that occurred on a federal highway, this figure is also 20 minutes. Things are a little different with other highways and settlements. The maximum waiting time in this case is 1 hour.

An alternative to the arrival of a traffic police officer

Today, participants in an accident can, by mutual agreement, independently record all the details of the accident, take a photo or video recording of the accident site, and return with all the materials to the nearest traffic police department. However, this possibility only exists if there are no casualties.

However, not everyone can take advantage of this opportunity, especially when it comes to people who do not have smartphones with cameras. In addition, accidents often occur in the dark, when it is not possible to record all the details yourself.

Thus, today at the legislative level there are no clearly specified deadlines within which a police officer is obliged to arrive at the scene of a traffic accident with exclusively material damage.

Traffic police officers are required to go to the scene of an accident immediately after receiving the appropriate instructions from the duty officer, and the wait is often several hours. Knowledge of the laws allows you to effectively defend your rights and save time.

What time standards exist for traffic police inspectors to arrive at the scene of an accident?

— Some time ago I was involved in a traffic accident in my personal car.
To register the accident, refusing the services of emergency commissioners, together with the culprit of the accident, we called inspectors of the road patrol service. Traffic police inspectors arrived at the scene of the accident 8 hours after the call. In this regard, the following questions arose for the traffic police officials in the Republic of Moldova: 1. What time standards exist for the arrival of traffic police inspectors at the scene of an accident in the absence of damage to the health of the participants in the accident? 2. Is it possible, by mutual agreement of the participants in the accident, having drawn up a diagram of the incident (not certified by witnesses), leave the scene of the accident and register the incident directly with the traffic police, without waiting for traffic police inspectors? Sergey Mayorov.

“Currently, there are no standards for the timing of the arrival of traffic police officers at the scene of a traffic accident without victims,” explained the department for promoting road safety of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.
— According to clause 34 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2009 No. 185 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of state functions for control and supervision of compliance by road users with requirements in the field of ensuring road safety,” the deadlines for employees to perform administrative procedures (actions) must be the minimum necessary for their implementation, based on the specific situation. First of all, inspectors go to road accidents with injured and dead people; for minor accidents without injuries, the traffic police crew goes out on a first-come, first-served basis. And in each specific situation, everything depends on the number of available crews that can arrive on site. As for the second question, according to clause 2.6.
According to the rules of the road, if there are no injuries as a result of a traffic accident, drivers, with mutual agreement in assessing the circumstances of the incident, can, after drawing up a diagram of the incident and signing it, arrive at the nearest traffic police post or police unit to register the accident.” From the editors, we note that last summer the Russian Prosecutor General's Office proposed establishing a time frame during which the patrol should appear at the scene of the accident.
According to the department, minor accidents that often occur on the roads contribute to the creation of traffic jams and congestion. But in November 2011, the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate stated that it could not prepare the relevant documents for the whole of Russia, since traffic density, climate, conditions, length and condition of roads differ significantly in different regions. These factors do not allow the adoption of regulations that would apply throughout the country. Instead of introducing a unified standard, the traffic police proposed expanding the ability of drivers to use the so-called European protocol, that is, without the participation of traffic police inspectors, independently determine the culprit of the accident and draw up a diagram of the incident, provided that there are no casualties. However, the simplified procedure for registering an incident by drivers is very rarely used, since the maximum amount that participants in an accident who have registered an incident under a European protocol can count on is 25 thousand rubles.

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What is the maximum possible time to contact the traffic police to register an accident?

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What is the maximum possible time to contact the traffic police to register an accident?

Part 2 sounds a little different than “Failure to comply with the requirements for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.”

At the same time, the first part:

What applies to you?

Part 2 sounds a little different than “Failure to comply with the requirements for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.”

At the same time, the first part:

What applies to you?

The deadline has not been established.

Resolution on Part 2 of Art. 12.37 cannot be issued after 2 months. A protocol can be drawn up even after the decision has been made. Or it may not be compiled at all.

The deadline has not been established.

Thanks for the answer!
But, after reading the commentary (a Resolution under Part 2 of Article 12.37 cannot be made after 2 months. A protocol can be drawn up even after the decision is made. Or it may not be drawn up at all.) more questions arise: 1. “Resolution on 2 tbsp. 12.37 cannot be issued after 2 months”, from which date in my case, from 02/01/2018, i.e. date of the accident or some other date?

2. “The protocol can be drawn up even after the decision has been made.” Well, if I applied to the traffic police to register an accident, for example, 2.5 - 3 months after the accident, naturally a decision was not issued? It is not clear from the commentary the relationship between the resolution, protocol and bringing to administrative responsibility under Art. 2. 12.37.

3. Did I understand correctly that after 2 months, outside of this period, bring to administrative responsibility under Part 2 of Art. 12.37 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is impossible?

How long does it take for the traffic police to arrive at an accident? Link to main publication
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