
Fine for not entering into compulsory motor liability insurance

What is the fine if the driver is not included in the insurance in 2019? Do you need a power of attorney to drive a car if you are included in the insurance?

In the life of any motorist there have been situations when it was necessary to get behind the wheel of someone else's car. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the consequences if the driver is not included in the insurance.

To prevent a similar situation from happening to you, we decided to tell you about whether it is possible for another driver to drive if he is not included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, as well as about possible fines in this problem.

What is the fine if you are not included in the MTPL insurance in 2019?

In Russia there are two types of MTPL policies for vehicle owners:

Let's look at each type separately.

Limited insurance means an insurance policy that gives the opportunity to drive a vehicle only to those persons specified by the policyholder and/or only during the season specified in the policy.

Owners of vehicles have the right to enter into compulsory insurance contracts taking into account the limited use of vehicles in their ownership or possession. (as amended by Federal Law dated December 1, 2007 N 306-FZ)

Limited use of vehicles owned or owned by citizens is recognized as driving vehicles only by drivers specified by the insured and (or) seasonal use of vehicles for three or more months in a calendar year. (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated December 1, 2007 N 306-FZ)

Paragraph 1 and 2 of part 1 of article 16 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40 - Federal Law

If you plan to issue a power of attorney for someone to drive a vehicle, then this person must also be included in the compulsory insurance agreement.

When carrying out compulsory insurance, taking into account the limited use of a vehicle, the insurance policy indicates the drivers allowed to drive the vehicle, including on the basis of an appropriate power of attorney, and (or) the period of its use provided for in the compulsory insurance agreement

Part 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40 - Federal Law

But if, during the period of validity of the limited policy, you still need to put another person behind the wheel, then you, as the owner of the vehicle, urgently need to inform the insurer in writing about the transfer of the steering wheel to a person not included in the insurance policy. The insurer will make appropriate changes to the policy, but may require additional payment of the insurance premium.

During the period of validity of the compulsory insurance contract, which takes into account the limited use of the vehicle, the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the insurer in writing about the transfer of control of the vehicle to drivers not indicated in the insurance policy as authorized to drive the vehicle, and (or) about an increase in the period of its use beyond the period specified in the compulsory insurance contract. Upon receipt of such a message, the insurer makes appropriate changes to the insurance policy. In this case, the insurer has the right to demand payment of an additional insurance premium in accordance with insurance tariffs for compulsory insurance in proportion to the increase in risk.

Part 3 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40 - Federal Law

If you do everything correctly, you will not face any fine. However, if you did not know in advance about the planned trip and were unable to notify the insurance company in time, then what will happen in this case if the driver of the car is not included in the MTPL insurance policy?

In fact, nothing bad will happen. Based on Part 1 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you will be issued a fine of 500 rubles.

Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions provided for by this insurance policy for driving this vehicle only by the drivers specified in this insurance policy shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles (as amended by Federal Laws dated June 22, 2007 N 116-FZ, dated July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ)

Part 1 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

In this case, the fine will be issued to the driver of the car who is driving the vehicle, and not to its owner.

The amount of the fine if the driver is not included in the insurance

What is the fine if the driver driving the vehicle is not included in the MTPL insurance? Why are drivers included in the compulsory car insurance policy? When and in what ways can an administrative fine be paid? The answers follow.

How much fine do you have to pay?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 40 (Law on OSAGO), only the owner of the car and the drivers specified by the car owner in the contract can drive motor vehicles.

Failure to comply with this rule is an administrative offense and is punishable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO).

How much will you have to pay for the absence of a driver in a car? The amount of the fine and the possibility of imposing additional sanctions are determined depending on the situation.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the type of compulsory insurance policy. The owner of a motor vehicle can issue:

  • a policy with a limited number of eligible drivers. The insurance is distinguished by the presence of a list of persons (full name, driver's license details) who, at the request of the car owner, can operate the car. The number of drivers in this situation is not limited, that is, you can specify one, two, three, and so on citizens
  • a policy with an unlimited number of persons allowed to manage it. Such a vehicle license does not indicate specific persons who have the right to operate the car, which allows any person who has a driver’s license corresponding to the category of the car and permission from the owner to get behind the wheel. The vehicle owner's permission is confirmed by the transfer of the registration certificate and the original insurance policy

If the vehicle is driven by a person not specified in the policy with an unlimited number of persons, then this situation is not an offense. Next, we will determine the responsibility for driving a car by a person not specified in the policy with a limited number of drivers.

If the owner is sitting nearby

If, when a violation is detected in the idea of ​​driving a vehicle by a person not specified in the MTPL policy, the owner of the car is nearby, then the fine will be 500 rubles (Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code).

It should be noted that failure to comply with the basic conditions of insurance entails the invalidity of the current policy.

This means that in the event of a traffic accident recognized as an insured event under compulsory auto insurance contracts and the fault of a driver not specified in the policy, payment of compensation for damage caused or harm to the life and health of the injured party will be made at the driver’s own expense.

In someone else's car without the owner

If the owner of the vehicle is not in the car at the time of the violation, then:

  • the driver will be punished by a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code)
  • the vehicle and the driver may be detained until the competence of the person to operate the vehicle is determined

The vehicle and driver may be delayed for 3 or more hours. At this time, the driver’s identity will be verified, the vehicle will be checked for theft, and, if possible, contact will be established with the car owner.

If permission from the owner is not confirmed, then:

  • the driver will be detained on suspicion of theft and handed over to law enforcement for further investigation
  • the vehicle will be towed and placed in a parking lot, which will lead to loss of time and additional costs for paying for the services of an evacuation service and security at a specialized parking lot

If an accident occurs as a result of the unlawful use of a motor vehicle, compensation for the damage caused will be paid at the expense of the driver who is at fault.

OSAGO for taxis is issued in the same way as for other vehicles, but:

  • the policy form indicates the possibility of using the car as a taxi
  • the amount of the insurance premium increases, since taxis are more likely than ordinary drivers to get into traffic accidents, which leads to an increase in the amount of compensation payments

If driving without an accident, but:

  • If a vehicle used as a taxi is driven by a person not listed in the vehicle registration certificate, the fine will be 500 rubles (Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code)
  • The driver additionally does not have a license, then you will have to pay an additional 5,000 rubles (Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code)
  • the vehicle is illegally equipped with “Taxi” signs or corresponding color schemes, then additional fines under Article 12.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses will be issued to officials (25,000 rubles) and legal entities (50,000 rubles)
Read more:  Fine for not changing tires

If an accident occurs and the driver is at fault, then additional expenses are paid to the insurance company to cover the damage caused.

The old license is included in the insurance

Will there be penalties if the compulsory car insurance policy contains the details of a driver’s license that has been replaced? No. Current legislation does not provide for liability for untimely changes to the driver’s data in the insurance policy. Such an obligation is provided only by Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”.

It should be noted that in the event of an accident, the insurance company does not have the right to refuse payment or make recourse claims.

When and how should I pay?

Payment of the administrative fine must be made within 60 days from the date the decision on the administrative offense comes into force (Article 32.2 of the Administrative Code).

If you pay the fine within the first 20 days after the ruling is issued, you can receive a discount of 50% of the specified amount.

You can pay the fine in any available way. The most popular are:

  • payment through bank operators. Fines are paid at any bank, regardless of the region of residence of the offender. When paying through Sberbank there is no commission for transferring funds. In other credit institutions, the commission amount is set independently
  • payment via ATMs. There is also no commission when paying through Sberbank ATMs. Before using other ATMs, it is recommended to check the commission amount with the servicing bank
  • payment via terminals. The commission is determined by the tariffs of the service organization;
  • online on the State Services website. No commission charged
  • at the post office
  • online through the personal accounts of banks servicing the violator’s card. The size of the commission is also determined by the bank’s tariffs
  • online through various payment systems (for example, Yandex. Money). The commission amount is determined by the system tariffs
  • from a mobile phone account. Commission depends on the operator

As a rule, funds are credited to the account of the recipient of an administrative fine within 3 business days.

Why do you need to include a driver in your insurance policy?

In accordance with the latest changes made to the traffic rules, the driver is required to carry with him and provide upon request of the patrol service inspector the following package of documents:

  • driver's license with a category corresponding to the type of car
  • motor vehicle registration certificate
  • valid MTPL policy

The power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle has been completely revoked. The fact that a certain person is allowed to operate a car is determined by the MTPL policy and the presence of a registration certificate.

The absence of an entry in the motor vehicle license is punishable by an administrative fine, and if the person is not indicated in the compulsory motor insurance policy and does not have a vehicle registration certificate, the driver will be removed from driving and detained, and the vehicle will be placed in a impound lot.

To receive a car from a specialized parking lot, the owner of the vehicle must:

  • pay for the services of a towing service for the delivery of a car
  • pay for parking services for vehicle security

To avoid such problems it is more advisable to:

  • issue a vehicle license for an unlimited number of drivers and transfer the registration certificate for the duration of operation
  • indicate an individual citizen in the OSAGO with a limited range of drivers and transfer him the STS

Fine if not included in insurance 2019

Welcome to . In this article we will tell you what the fine may be for the fact that the driver of the car was not included in the insurance. As you probably know, the MTPL policy is a set of several insurance services that any driver must buy without fail. If there is no policy or the car is driven by a person who is not listed on it, then the driver will face penalties.

Surely many of you have had situations where you needed to drive someone else’s car, or put another person behind the wheel of yours. For this reason, many car owners are often interested in what the fine is if you are not included in your insurance and are driving someone else’s car.

OSAGO insurance varies

An insurance policy is not just a mandatory document, it gives the right to drive a car. Insurance is divided into two main types:

  • With limitation;
  • No limit.

A limited insurance policy is insurance that covers drivers who are qualified to drive a car. People not specified in the policy cannot drive the car.

No one needs to be included in the insurance policy without restrictions, that is, anyone who has a driver’s license can drive. The cost of this insurance policy is slightly more expensive than with a limitation, but it can save the driver from many unpleasant situations on the road, including a fine for a new driver who is not included in the insurance policy.

What fine awaits the driver if he is not included in the insurance?

If the driver is not included in the car insurance, the consequences can be different. There are two most common cases.

A fine is imposed if the driver is not listed on the insurance policy. The amount of the fine is specified in Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1. Until mid-2013, the driver had to pay 300 rubles, but now, if the fine was not included in the 2019 insurance, another fine will have to be paid 500 rubles.

But in addition to a fine, in the event of an accident, the driver faces payment for damages from the accident. That is, if the driver gets into an accident and becomes the culprit of the accident, then he will have to pay for the damage caused. The insurance company will make payment to the injured party, but after that it will demand through the court to compensate the culprit for this amount. These claims are always satisfied, and the culprit pays them in full.

In 2014, there was an important change in legislation for car owners. Before the change came into force, traffic police officers had the right to seize a car and remove license plates, after which the driver could not operate the car. Now inspectors do not have such rights, so after they issue a fine, the driver has the right to continue driving, even if he is not listed in the insurance.

If the driver is not registered with OSAGO, and the owner is sitting next to him

If an insurance policy with a limitation is issued, and the driver is a person who is not indicated in it, but the owner is nearby, then the amount of the fine still does not change - 500 rubles. Only the punishment in this case will be issued to both the driver and the owner.

But even for such a violation you may not receive a fine. To do this, you should follow one simple rule. If a contract for free use has been signed, then a fine will not be issued for a driver who is not included in the insurance.

Such an agreement is not particularly popular, but if it is drawn up and signed by the car owner and the person who will drive the car for a certain time, then punishment can be avoided.

Such an agreement may resemble a purchase and sale agreement, but there is no requirement to pay money for use and re-register the car.

When drawing up such an agreement, it is required to include a list of people who have the right to drive. Once the contract is drawn up, the owner and driver have 10 days from the date of signing to add the new driver to the insurance policy.

As a result, if this contract is renewed every 10 days, then there will be no need to make changes to the insurance, and the driver can consider the car to be his own during this time.

Of course, in this case, when choosing a driver, you should be very careful so that he is attentive to the car and does not abuse its operation.

As a result, the fine for driving without being included in the insurance, if the owner is nearby, can be either 0 rubles or 500 rubles, it all depends on the ingenuity of the car owner.

Read more:  Check traffic police fines without a driver’s license

What is the penalty if the insurance is already expired?

If the insurance period has expired, the inspector equates this to the absence of a policy. Accordingly, the driver will be punished as for driving with no insurance policy.

In such a situation, it will no longer matter whether the driver is included in the insurance policy or not; the driver will pay a fine, as for missing insurance, in the amount of 800 rubles.

The same amount will have to be paid if the driver decided to circumvent the law and decided not to renew the car insurance.

Can a power of attorney be used instead of insurance in 2019?

There are cases when the owner of the car draws up a power of attorney, and at the same time he is sure that it will be enough and other documents that allow another person to drive the car will not be needed. But traffic police inspectors have a completely different opinion on this matter, and they refer to the latest innovations in legislation.

If a person has issued a power of attorney, but has not included the driver in the insurance policy, then he should know that at the time of the accident, insurance will not apply to the person who is driving and is not included in the insurance document.

Therefore, driving a person who is not included in the insurance policy is strictly prohibited. Even if a person drives a car by proxy, he will still be fined 500 rubles. The legislation today stipulates a package of documents that the driver must always have with him:

  • Driving license of the appropriate category;
  • Vehicle registration documents;
  • OSAGO insurance.

When the driver transfers the driving of the car to a person who was included in the insurance policy, then it is no longer necessary to issue a power of attorney. This power of attorney may be needed only in certain cases, these include:

  • Selling a car;
  • Traveling to another country;
  • When registering or removing a car from state registration;
  • Extension of technical inspection.

In these situations, a power of attorney is required. Even if a person is included in the insurance, a power of attorney must also be drawn up for him.

You can drive the car without this document. If a person is insured, but does not have a power of attorney, then there will be no punishment for such driving.

What happens if an accident occurs and the person at fault is not on the insurance policy.

If a driver gets behind the wheel of a car and does not have an insurance policy, then he exposes himself to great risk. There are cases when such driving ends in an accident. If such a situation occurs, it will be accompanied by many negative consequences and financial losses. If a person was driving at the time of the accident, whose details were not written in the insurance policy, then serious and lengthy proceedings will await him.

In addition to a fine from the traffic police, for driving a car without the necessary documents, the person responsible for the accident may be forced to pay monetary compensation to the insurance company. Victims have the right to go to court to demand money from the perpetrator to compensate for the damage.

The cost of repairs to the injured party will be paid by the organization from which the policy was purchased. But if at the time of all the proceedings, it becomes known that the culprit was driving the car and was not included in the insurance policy, then the organization has every right to sue him for compensation for losses that were caused due to the violator.

The insurance organization has the right to sue the guilty party for damages in accordance with Article 14 of the Law on Compulsory Insurance. After filing a claim, the court will satisfy all the requirements specified in it and the person who was driving and did not have the appropriate documents will be obliged to pay the entire amount to the insurance company.

It is mandatory to include the person who will drive the car in your insurance policy; this will help avoid most problems. Today, a power of attorney does not need to be issued, but it is mandatory to include it in the driver’s insurance policy.

Now you know how much the fine is if the driver is not included in the insurance. But if you think this amount is insignificant, then you must remember that a fine can be issued every time the car is stopped by the traffic police. It won’t take much time to add a new driver to your insurance, but it will not only save you from a fine, but also save you from possible financial losses that may occur in the event of an accident. That's all, good luck on the roads.

What is the fine if the driver is not included in the insurance?

Modern Russian legislation states that every car owner is required to take out an insurance policy for the vehicle. In simple terms, when moving by car, a citizen is obliged to confirm the availability of insurance using a special document - an insurance policy.

Everything seems to be clear, but one day my husband and I had an argument. We have one car and insurance is issued only for it. I also have a license, but then there was a need to go on business, he didn’t have time to take me, but I wasn’t included in the insurance policy either. That’s when we asked ourselves whether it’s possible to drive a car like this and what the fine will be if the driver is not included in the insurance. We all found the answers, and I will share the results in my note.

How many people are allowed to be included in the insurance policy to drive a car?

To begin with, I will answer a simple question. The person driving the car must be included in the insurance policy. Without this, the driver faces a fine, but in what amount, readers will be able to find out further. In connection with this requirement, the driver has a completely logical question - how many people are allowed to be included in one policy and are there any restrictions on this matter at all.

If you look at the policy itself, the document contains five lines. It turns out that up to five drivers can be specified in them, but at the same time, the law does not establish any restrictions on the total number of people. In other words, you can add as many citizens as you like to your insurance policy, but the absence of the driver’s name on this list is fraught with penalties. If there are not enough lines in the policy, the data is indicated on the back of the document and then certified with the seal of the insurance company.

The above can be supplemented by the fact that data is entered into the policy free of charge, in any quantity, but it is important to take into account that if the person acting as the driver is under 22 years old and has up to 3 years of driving experience, then the insurer will require an additional payment from the policyholder for possible risks.

What fines are imposed for the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

Driving a car without an insurance document is prohibited. If the policy period has expired, then it is the same as if there is no document on insurance. If a citizen is stopped by a traffic police officer without an insurance document, then the fine remains 800 rubles.

The absence of a policy, but provided that the document is drawn up and is valid, also provides for a fine, but in a smaller amount - 500 rubles. Even if the driver tries to deceive the inspector by saying that he has a policy, it will not be difficult to check this. Today there is a single database in which all data on issued policies is entered.

If the driver is not on the policy, but the owner of the vehicle is nearby?

It is not always possible for a driver to drive his own car. There are situations when a car is transferred for temporary use to another person. Many citizens are mistaken that if the owner of the vehicle is located next to another driver, then it is not at all necessary to include him in the insurance policy. This is wrong. If the person driving the car is not included in the insurance, then we are talking about non-compliance with the rules of the DD, which means it is punishable by a fine.

The penalty for such actions can be 500 rubles, but in different bills of the Russian Federation, there are inconsistencies regarding which of the participants in the events should be held accountable - the owner of the vehicle or the person at the helm. Basically, the driver, not the owner of the vehicle, is held accountable.

Read more:  The insurance company paid little under MTPL

Punishment for not being on the policy and without the owner of the vehicle nearby

I have already noted that the presence of the car owner does not relieve the driver of responsibility, but may result in a reduction in penalties. When the owner of the vehicle is not in the car, a fine is naturally provided, but there are some nuances. The fact is that earlier amendments were made to refuse to use a power of attorney. Today, in order to confirm his right to drive a car, a citizen will need to have with him:

  • v/certificate;
  • document and vehicle registration;
  • OSAGO policy.

The last of these papers indicates that the citizen has the right to drive a car. If the owner of the vehicle is absent and the driver is not listed in the insurance, the traffic police inspector has the right to detain such driver to check the conditions of use of the car. The car may well be stolen or wanted.

How long does it take to pay a fine?

Everything is clear about the amount of the fine issued, so it’s worth saying a few words about the terms of payment for the issued amount. Today you can deposit money in different ways.

The most optimal option is to go to the State Services portal, where citizens are given the opportunity to pay their debt with a 50% discount. At least two months are allotted for payment, from the moment the fact of violation is recorded.


At the end of the presented material, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. For lack of compulsory motor liability insurance, a fine of 800 rubles is provided. If the policy is forgotten, the amount is reduced to 500 rubles.
  2. When the driver is not insured, but the owner of the car is nearby, the fine will be 500 rubles. When the owner is not around, the fine will increase to 800 rubles.
  3. You have up to two months to pay the fine. The amount can be transferred with a 50% discount through State Services.

What is the fine for a driver who is not included in the insurance?

Modern domestic legislation provides for mandatory car insurance. It is not enough to just purchase a car and register it with government agencies. Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance is mandatory.

Various violations of this nature, identified during traffic operations, are fraught with serious penalties. Such sanctions may be applied if the driver of the car who was driving at the time of the inspection is not included in the insurance.

In this material we will look at what the fine is for a driver who is not included in the insurance, and all aspects related to this issue.

How many people can be entered to drive a vehicle?

To include persons driving a vehicle in the insurance policy, the document provides only five lines. But there are no restrictions on how many such persons there can be.

Transferring the steering wheel to a person who is not included in the insurance is fraught with sanctions, because failure to register the driver of the car is a violation of legal requirements. The owner of the car needs to make sure that everyone to whom the control may be transferred is included in the insurance contract in a timely manner, because a fine is provided if the driver of the car is not included in the insurance.

If there are not enough lines in the policy, the data is indicated on the reverse side, certified by the seal of the insurance company.

Attention! The number of people who can be included in auto insurance is not limited to five policy lines.

These persons must be included in the issued policy free of charge, in any required quantity. But it should be noted that if the person driving the vehicle is less than twenty-two years old and has no more than three years of driving experience, some additional payment may be required due to the need to apply an increasing factor in the calculation. The same situation is typical for people who have problems with safe driving. If there are several such persons, limited auto insurance is not advisable from an economic point of view.

What fine is provided without compulsory motor liability insurance?

Do not forget that driving a car without compulsory motor insurance is not allowed. If the policy has already expired, then this is equivalent to its absence. Be that as it may, the size of the amount if stopped without insurance is quite significant. In accordance with Art. 12.37 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it is 800 rubles.

If the policy is issued, but is simply not present in the car at the moment, the fine is slightly less, its value is 500 rubles (Article 12.37 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Of course, the driver, if he is not driving his own car, can try to convince the traffic police during the check that he was deceived, assuring him that car insurance was issued. But this is unlikely to work. Therefore, before you get behind the wheel, you must make sure not only that the policy has been issued, but also that it is present in the vehicle.

What happens if the driver of the car is not included in the insurance, we will analyze further.

Responsibility when the owner is nearby

If the person driving the car is not included in the insurance, what fine will he face if the owner is present? Regardless of whether the owner is nearby or not, limited car insurance, even if the owner is nearby, requires that the person driving the vehicle be indicated in the insurance contract. For this violation, administrative punishment is inevitable, but in the regulations there are discrepancies regarding who is subject to it: the owner of the vehicle or those at the helm.

As a rule, a fine for the fact that the driver is not included in the insurance is issued to the driver of the car. The amount currently amounts to five hundred rubles.

Responsibility without an owner

As mentioned above, the absence of the owner of the car in the cabin does not exempt from liability for this offense. But there are some subtleties. The thing is that currently there is no requirement to have a power of attorney. You only need to have with you:

  • driver license;
  • vehicle registration document;
  • OSAGO policy.

The last of the listed documents actually certifies ownership of the car, since the owner is most often included as the first number in the insurance policy.

Important! The absence of its owner in the car does not exempt from punishment for failure to include the driver of the car in the car insurance.

If a person is not registered with OSAGO, in addition to issuing a fine, a traffic police officer may detain the car to check the circumstances of its operation. It must eliminate the possibility of theft, the car being wanted, etc. This may cause unforeseen delays.

Therefore, in addition to penalties, this situation is fraught with unplanned loss of time.

Time to pay a fine for an unregistered driver

The amount of penalties has already been mentioned. They must be paid at any financial institution. Payment is possible by bank transfer, via the Internet, etc.

If the driver is not included in the insurance, how much time is allowed to pay the fine? The amount must be paid in full no later than two months from the date of recording the fact of violation of the law.

But there are some clarifications:

  • half payment is possible within the first twenty days;
  • It is possible to grant a deferred payment, but this requires additional paperwork. Payment may be deferred for up to three months.

If you are not included in the accident insurance?

If the driver is not included in the insurance, and an accident occurs for which he is found guilty, the situation will develop as follows:

  • the insurance company will pay the injured owner compensation for the consequences of the accident;
  • the culprit will have to pay the amount of the payment to the insurer.

Of course, this does not exempt you from paying penalties for the fact that the driver is not included in the MTPL policy.

To summarize the above, we can note:

  • having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is mandatory;
  • driving with unissued car insurance, if stopped for inspection by traffic police officers, faces an administrative penalty in the amount of 800 rubles, and for its absence in the car, if the fact of registration is confirmed, - 500 rubles;
  • if the driver of the car is not included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, an administrative penalty of 500 rubles is provided;
  • the amount of the amount does not depend on the presence of its owner in the car.

Fine for not entering into compulsory motor liability insurance Link to main publication
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