
Unified information system for compulsory MTPL insurance

What opportunities does a car owner have when using AIS RSA?

In 2002, several major players in the Russian insurance market initiated the organization of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, which, in order to ensure transparency of operations carried out by participants in the auto insurance market, created an automated information system.

The AIS RSA database in current time provides access to the necessary information on all road users, allows you to calculate the bonus-malus coefficient, on the basis of which insurance organizations provide car owners with a discount for accident-free driving on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance policies.

What is AIS RSA for OSAGO

On the union’s proprietary Internet resource in the MTPL tab, at any time of the day, you can access a free information library developed in 2013 and containing data on:

  • each road user who drives a vehicle;
  • basic characteristics of cars;
  • registration of insurance cases and payments made on them;
  • registration and sale of insurance policies.

AIS RSA for OSAGO provides insurance companies with data that allows them to calculate the cost of the policy. Using this system, vehicle owners can calculate the BMI, make sure that their policy is registered in the system, and issue an electronic insurance policy.

Now every person should understand what AIS is - it is an effective, high-quality information tool that accumulates in its database arrays of data that can be available to both insurance companies and car owners in the current time frame.

Official website of the AIS RSA database

When concluding an auto liability contract, an insurance company specialist is required to make a request to the AIS RSA on the official website of the union of auto insurers, which is located at: This operation is necessary to obtain data that will allow you to calculate the bonus-malus coefficient and correctly determine the cost of the MTPL policy.

The AIS database is updated annually. Each insurance company that sells auto insurance policies is required by the law of the Russian Federation to provide data to the general information base.

Registration in AIS RSA

Since 2017, you can issue a motor third party liability insurance contract electronically at any time on the insurance company’s Internet portal.

The use of AIS RSA in compulsory motor liability insurance provides a person with the opportunity to quickly and without waiting in line to obtain a car insurance policy through an electronic service. To do this, you should select an insurance company that provides such a service on the official Internet portal of the Union of Insurers in the E-OSAGO section. You need to register in your personal account on the electronic page of the insurance organization by filling out the form provided and order an electronic policy.

When drawing up a contract, technical glitches often occur in the AIS; registration through the official website of insurers in your personal account in this case is the only way to obtain car insurance.

In the event of a failure, the information system automatically transfers the client to the online registration page in his personal account on the official portal of the association of insurers.

When registering in the AIS on the website of the parent organization, you must fill out all the proposed forms and go through the authorization procedure for your personal account. To do this, you will need a vehicle passport or its equivalent. At the end of registration, the information system will prompt the user to go to the insurance company’s website and there continue to issue an electronic car insurance policy.

Personal account - what it is and how to use it

When registering in a personal account on the official website of the association of insurers, the user is guaranteed to receive an electronic insurance policy from one of the companies that are members of the union of insurers. In this case, a person gains confidence that even if various force majeure events occur in the insurer’s company, the union will cover all the client’s expenses.

If you lose your password for your AIS personal account, you must go through a simple procedure to recover it. The system will send a new password to the user's email.

How to check driver or car data in the database

On the main page of the portal of the association of insurers, when you expand the OSAGO menu item, a list of database requests available without user registration in the system appears. Here you can check data online, which will help solve many problems with car insurance and compensation.

In this section of the menu of the Internet portal there is a KBM calculator, based on the value of which the cost of the policy is determined. If you have a long history of accident-free driving, the maximum discount is 50% of the insurance price. For each year of vehicle operation without incidents on the road, the driver can save 5% of the cost of the policy.

To check the authenticity of the MTPL policy through the official AIS website, open the menu on the main page of the portal and go to the MTPL section. Then you need to go to the “MTPL Authentication Verification” tab. A form will appear on the page in which you should enter the series and policy number. At the bottom of the screen, check the security check box and click the “Search” button.

You can check the data on a car in the AIS of the Union of Insurance Organizations if you have information about the VIN, the State Mark of the car, body and chassis numbers. After sending the request, the system will find information about the car’s participation in traffic accidents and the presence of a valid insurance policy.

When issuing an electronic insurance document on the Internet resource of an insurance organization, the client may receive a notification about failure to pass the check in the AIS. The main reason for such a message from the system is the difference between the data entered into the information base of the association of insurers and the information that a person enters into forms on the portal of the insurance company.

In this situation, it is best to go to the portals of the Rosgosstrakh or HOSKA organizations and identify errors there (they are highlighted with light), and then purchase an insurance policy from the company you like. It is also possible to check the driver’s details and the correctness of filling out all fields using information from last year’s insurance document.

Checking the KBM using the RSA database

* KBM check widget is placed as an advertisement, in accordance with the partnership agreement with More details about the terms of service can be found on the website.

When concluding or extending a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, the bonus-malus coefficient (BMR) is used to calculate the final cost of insurance. KBM may increase or, conversely, decrease the cost of the policy, depending on the number of accidents and insurance payments that were recorded for the person concluding the contract in the previous period.

The coefficient is updated annually and, with an accident-free driving experience of 10 years, reaches its maximum value - 0.5, or a discount of 50% of the policy cost.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when car enthusiasts suddenly find out that they no longer have a discount. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the data entered into the AIS database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Checking the KBM using the RSA database takes no more than a minute and is available to all users for free. To check the coefficient, you need to go to the RSA website and follow the path “OSAGO” - “Calculation of the cost of OSAGO” - “Check KBM”.

To begin verification, you must agree to the processing of personal data by checking the appropriate box.
Checking the KBM using the RSA database is available only to citizens and residents of the Russian Federation.

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If the owner of the vehicle is a legal entity, for verification it will be necessary to indicate:

  • TIN of the car owner;
  • VIN or vehicle state registration mark;
  • Body and chassis number;
  • The start date of the contract or additional agreement.

When filling out vehicle data, only numbers and Latin or Cyrillic letters are indicated.

When checking the coefficient of an individual who is the owner of a vehicle, if the agreement is concluded without limiting the number of persons who are allowed to drive a vehicle, the following is indicated:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the vehicle;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Type of identification document, its series and number;
  • VIN or vehicle state registration mark;
  • Chassis and body number;
  • Start date of the contract or additional agreement.

If the contract is concluded indicating a limited number of persons who are allowed to drive the vehicle, for verification it is necessary to indicate:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of each driver;
  • Date of birth (in full);
  • Driver's license details (series and number);
  • The start date of the contract or additional agreement.

To obtain correct information, it is important to correctly indicate the date of the request: it must coincide with the start date of the new policy, but not earlier than the next day after the end of the previous contract. After confirming the security code, the requested information will be displayed on the page.

If, according to calculations, the KBM discount should be greater, but this is not reflected in the system, before submitting an application to the insurer for the restoration of the KBM and a complaint to the RSA, you must make sure of the following:

  • Whether there really were no insured events and payments over the past period;
  • Has a full year really passed? The discount increases every year by 5%, if the elapsed period is less, the discount remains the same;
  • Has more than a year passed since the end of the car insurance contract? The CBM remains valid for one year after the expiration of the MTPL policy; if the insurance contract is no longer renewed, the discount is reset to zero.

If all the facts indicate that the coefficient is indicated incorrectly, it is necessary to restore it. Since December 2015, a simplified scheme has been in force, according to which, in order to apply the correct BMR, it is enough to send a statement of disagreement to the insurance company with which the policyholder has entered into or is about to enter into an agreement. Next, the insurance company also checks the KBM using the RSA database and, in case of incorrect data, replaces the coefficient value.

If for some reason it is not possible to restore the KBM in this way, it is necessary to draw up and send a complaint to the RSA as a higher organization that controls the activities of insurance companies. To file a complaint regarding the incorrect application of the bonus-malus coefficient, you must fill out an application to the Union, the template of which is in the subsection “Send a complaint to the RSA”, and attach copies of your passport and driver’s license. When filing a complaint, the following must be indicated:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic (in full);
  • Date of birth (in full);
  • Driver's license number.

If one of the documents is missing or the application is filled out incorrectly, the complaint will not be considered. The document is sent by regular mail, presented in person or sent as a scanned copy to the Union’s email address. The period for consideration by RSA of an application to check the coefficient on the basis is 30 days.

After the correct KBM is restored, the data is updated in the AIS RSA and the further discount is calculated correctly. Refund of overpayment under MTPL policies is carried out by contacting the Central Bank: after confirmation of the overpayment, the insurer transfers the amount to the policyholder to the specified bank account.

What is the AIS RSA OSAGO system: how and why to use it

When drawing up an MTPL agreement, all insurance companies are required to make calculations in accordance with the approved tariffs and check the KBM coefficient. To check this coefficient, an AIS OSAGO database has been created, which is available to everyone in real time completely free of charge. In this article, we will look at why you should check your KBM, how to create a request, and what needs to be done if there is no information in a single database.

Important point

When concluding an MTPL agreement, each representative of the insurance company makes a request to the unified AIS RSA database to obtain data on the KBM. First you need to understand what the AIS system is and why it was created.

The AIS base has been operating on the territory of the Russian Federation for several years. Its creator is the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

The purpose of creating the AIS RSA database:

  • collection of data regarding each traffic participant;
  • collection of data for each vehicle;
  • recording insurance cases and payments;
  • registration of each policy sold.

Within the framework of the law, each insurance company is obliged to annually transfer information to a single database. This is necessary in order to check the presence or absence of payments at the insurance stage.

Important! Anyone can check the information in the AIS RSA regarding insured events. To do this, you need to visit the official website of the RSA and go to the “Help to the policyholder” section. All data is displayed instantly, completely free of charge.

Why is KBM needed?

To begin with, we note that the BMR is a bonus-malus coefficient, which depends on the number of insured events. According to uniform tariffs, there are 14 classes of insurance.

If previously, when applying for a policy, insurers independently determined the value of the coefficient or requested certificates from the company where the contract was previously issued, now it is impossible to do without a request to a special database. It is worth noting that this indicator is necessary not only for the insurer, but also for the policyholder.

Thanks to KBM, the insurer can receive up-to-date information on insured events if the compulsory motor liability insurance policy was previously issued by another company. Thanks to this indicator, the policyholder can count on a guaranteed annual discount of 5%, subject to accident-free driving.

How to calculate bonus malus

Each traffic participant can easily independently determine the coefficient that is based on the new validity period of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. All you need is a special table, which has been unchanged since 2003.

Upon first contact, each driver is assigned insurance class 3. At the end of the year, look at the table to see how many requests there were:

  • no payments;
  • from 1 to 4 or more payments.

Depending on the presence or absence of payment, the value of the coefficient for the new term is determined. To determine the indicator, you should look at the line with the current class for the coefficient for the new term.

For example, according to a previously issued compulsory motor liability insurance, the driver had a 6th accident class, which corresponds to a 15% discount. Since he was not the culprit of the accident during the year, when drawing up a new contract there will be a 7th class, which corresponds to a 20% discount.

If a driver with accident class 6 had 2 accidents during the year due to his fault, then under the new contract there will not be a discount, but an increasing indicator of 2, which corresponds to a coefficient of 1.4.

It is important to take into account that the KBM indicator was approved at the legislative level and reflected in 40 Federal Laws of April 5, 2002. According to Article 9 of the law, the base tariff for each vehicle and correction factors are determined, which depend on the insurance conditions.

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Article 15 of the law defines the procedure for drawing up an agreement. Having studied it, it will become clear that the representative of the insurance company is obliged not only to request information in a single database, but also to provide information after issuing the OSAGO form.

For convenience, we suggest downloading the law on compulsory motor liability insurance on our portal. After studying, you can ask your questions through the “Add a comment” form or to a consultant on our portal.

AIS RSA database for MTPL and official website

AIS RSA is the only non-commercial information base on compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The creation of the base is regulated by the requirements of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance. It is worth noting that the database was created in 2013 and operates to this day as a free library.

The database contains information on the following items:

  • insurance cases;
  • vehicles;
  • car owners;
  • contracts concluded from January 1, 2011;
  • statistical data.

Anyone can go to the RSA single portal via the link and request information in the “OSAGO” section.

If necessary, you can find out:

  • the size of the KBM in relation to a specific car or vehicle owner;
  • the name of the insurer that issued the policy;
  • insurance period;
  • car details: VIN and state registration plate;
  • Form status: completed, damaged or invalid.

The electronic database is created in such a way that anyone can request the information they need as quickly as possible, without registration and completely free of charge.

Registration of an insurance policy without KBM

Within the framework of the law, each MTPL agreement must be concluded only after verification by the KBM. In case of violation of the conditions, the RSA may impose penalties not only on the insurer, but also on the policyholder.

It is strictly forbidden to enter into an agreement:

  • when the RSA database does not work for technical reasons (which happens extremely rarely);
  • without a request and issue a policy by hand.

Step-by-step policy check

Each policyholder may need to check the policy. For your convenience, we offer step-by-step instructions on how to request data from the RSA database for MTPL insurance. Each citizen can create an unlimited number of requests completely free of charge.

KBM check for individuals

To obtain information, you will need to visit the official portal of the RSA and go to the “Information for policyholders and victims” section, which is located in the MTPL tab.

This section contains all current types of checks that are available to citizens. Since we are talking about checking the KBM, you should select “Information for policyholders necessary to determine the KBM”.

A check with a limited number of drivers and without restrictions is available for an individual. With the restriction you will need to specify:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the driver;
  • date of birth;
  • driver's license series and number;
  • the date for which the information is requested.

Important! A personal request should be made for each driver.

If the OSAGO form was purchased under the condition of “an unlimited number of persons admitted to management”, you will need to indicate:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • date of birth;
  • passport series and number;
  • series and number of PTS or STS;
  • VIN number;
  • state registration plate;
  • date of request.

Definition of KBM for legal entities

Legal entities can obtain bonus information in the same section as individuals. In the section “Information for policyholders necessary to determine the KBM”, you should select who the owner is.

To request information, a legal entity must indicate:

  • TIN of the organization;
  • VIN;
  • state registration plate;
  • body and chassis number (if available);
  • date of request generation.

What to do if there is no information

Often policyholders are faced with such a problem as the lack of data on the RSA portal. This happens due to a technical failure or negligence of an insurance company specialist who did not provide information to the single portal when drawing up the contract.

In such a situation, you will need to contact:

  • where the compulsory motor liability insurance was previously concluded;
  • series and document number;
  • date of conclusion;
  • data of the vehicle and the policyholder.

In practice, the application is reviewed and changes are made within 3-5 business days.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance policy.

You will need to write an application at the office and wait about 3 business days for the application to be considered.

The RSA information portal recommends that you only contact the insurer to restore information . If, based on the results of the appeal, the information is not corrected, then you can file a complaint on the portal of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Restoring a lost coefficient

If for some reason the bonus data is lost, you must contact the central office of the insurance company for restoration. You must have your personal passport, insurance policy and car document with you.

At the insurance company office you will need to write a statement indicating:

  • the essence of the appeal, namely the loss of the coefficient;
  • insurance form number;
  • personal data;
  • vehicle characteristics.

Data is often lost due to:

  • During registration, errors were made in the driver's data;
  • there was a change of surname or driver's license.

Important! In order to conclude a new MTPL, clients must check data against the automated AIS RSA database at least 1 month before the expiration of the contract. During the specified period, each motorist will be able to make the necessary changes and receive compulsory motor liability insurance for a new period, taking into account the discounts earned.

To summarize, we can conclude that each insurance organization, when filling out a mandatory protection form, is required to request information on a single portal. If necessary, not only individuals, but also legal entities can formulate a request and obtain up-to-date information. All reports upon request are generated instantly and completely free of charge.

We invite those citizens who requested information regarding civil liability insurance using the RSA database to share their experience. It is important for us to know how easily you were able to obtain information, or what difficulties you encountered.

Additionally, we invite all readers to use the services of an expert on our portal, who will answer any question regarding insurance.

And, of course, don’t forget to like it after reading the article so that your friends and family can also get acquainted with useful information on our portal.

Checking data using the RSA database

RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) is an automated information system for transactions carried out between auto insurance participants. The organization has existed since 2002 and provides the necessary information for each road user. The main task of the union is to protect the clients of any insurance company, as well as to improve and mechanize the auto insurance process. Using the RSA database, anyone can calculate the BMR (bonus-malus coefficient) and receive a discount for driving without accidents from the insurance company for issuing an MTPL policy.

RSA official website, its structure, functions

On the official website of the RSA, each car owner can obtain data that allows them to calculate the BMR in the “Assistance to the policyholder” section. The indicators directly affect the final price of the MTPL policy. The cost of a compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance policy is determined by driving experience and the number of accidents that occurred during this period.

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The RSA database provides information on:

  • vehicles;
  • car owners;
  • insurance cases;
  • statistical data;
  • contracts concluded from 01/01/2011.

Data from the unified RSA portal is available to everyone via the link No registration is required to obtain information; the procedure is quick and free.

What is the RSA database

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a non-profit organization that unites all participants in the auto insurance market. RSA creates and implements rules that allow you to automate, streamline and facilitate vehicle insurance within the framework of compulsory motor liability insurance. The organization has more than 115 active members and about 10 observers.

Based on the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, the union of auto insurers assumes the obligation to compensate for losses in an accident to the injured road user in cases where:

  • the insurance company went bankrupt or lost its license;
  • the culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident and is evading responsibility;
  • one of the participants in the traffic accident was not insured.

RSA introduces and monitors the implementation of general car insurance rules, acts on the side of victims in higher authorities, and also compensates for material damage to the injured party.

Being part of a union is beneficial for both insurance organizations and vehicle owners.

What data can be checked using the RSA database?

The free RSA information library provides insurers and car owners with information about:

  • vehicle owners;
  • basic characteristics of the car;
  • registration of MTPL policies and insurance;
  • payments for insured events;
  • terms of insurance.

To check the KBM using the RSA database, you need to open the official website and select the “Information for policyholders and victims” section from the MTPL . Then open the tab “Information for policyholders required to determine the CBM.” Individuals have access to verification with or without a limitation on the number of drivers. Select the desired value and fill out the form provided on the website.

Attention! Determining the KBM is possible only for drivers who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

The influence of RSA data on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance

The final cost of the MTPL policy is determined by the driving experience of the car owner and the number of insured events. To find out the approximate price, you need to go to the official website and use the calculator. To obtain the necessary information, you need to enter data about the owner of the vehicle, the car, engine power, the terms of the insurance contract and operation of the vehicle, indicate the driver's category and region of registration.

After filling in all the requested fields, you can see the preliminary cost of the insurance policy.

[expert_bq id=835]The discount within the KBM bonus reaches 50 percent in some cases, depending on the accident class assigned to the driver from year to year. Accident-free driving for a year will help you save significantly on obtaining a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.[/expert_bq]

What to do if there is no information in the RSA database

In some cases, information from policyholders may not be available in the RSA database. This situation may arise due to technical failures in the program (which happens extremely rarely), or due to the carelessness of an employee of the insurance company. Therefore, any insurance company must submit information about its clients in a timely manner.

If the car owner’s details cannot be found in the database, you must contact the RSA directly or an existing insurance agent.

To restore bonus savings and other lost data, when contacting RSA, the application must indicate:

  • series and number of the owner’s passport;
  • vehicle data;
  • date of conclusion of the compulsory insurance agreement;
  • the name of the insurance company with which the contract was concluded.

When contacting an insurance agent, you need to have your passport, car insurance contract and driver's license with you.

In both the first and second cases, citizens’ applications are considered in no more than 5 working days. After the specified time, new car owner data is entered into the database. If the information has not been edited in a timely manner, the vehicle owner can file an official complaint on the RSA unified portal.

Loss of information may occur due to errors when filling in the driver’s personal data or incorrectly entered information about the vehicle. If you change your passport or driver's license, you must notify your insurance company as soon as possible.


The Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a useful and reliable tool for both insurance companies and car owners. In the event of road traffic accidents, any insured driver can be guaranteed compensation for material damage. In turn, in the event of bankruptcy or other force majeure circumstances, insurance organizations do not have to worry about their reputation and their clients.

Thanks to a convenient Internet portal, both individuals and legal entities can use the RSA database without leaving home.

Checking the KBM

Checking the KBM

The bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) is an indicator that indicates the level of discipline of the driver of the vehicle. It is used by insurance companies to calculate the cost of issuing an MTPL policy. The CBM was introduced in 2003, and the principle of its determination and the mechanism for providing discounts when concluding an agreement with an insurer changed several times.

How to find out the bonus-malus coefficient

As a result, confusion often arises, which can be eliminated by using only reliable resources and databases to check the coefficient. These include the official website of RSA, that is, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, which maintains a register of insurance policies, comprehensive information about which is collected in the AIS RSA (automated information system);

In order to check the KBM MTPL using the unified RSA database online, you must enter information about the owner of the vehicle, which includes:

•date of his birth;

•driver's license details;

•date of the generated request in RSA. In this case, you should indicate the day following the expiration of the current MTPL policy.

After entering the specified information into all input forms, you should check the box indicating that you agree with the rules for processing and providing data established on the site, and then click on the “Check” button. Within a few seconds, the data the user is interested in will be displayed on the screen, after which they can be used to calculate the price of the policy. It is important to note that the verification service is provided free of charge.

Couldn't determine the KBM?

Often a situation arises when it is not possible to determine the KBM and the verification service generates an error. There may be several reasons for this development of events:

•an error on the part of the auto insurer who submitted incorrect data to RSA;

•changes in the documents of the vehicle owner or driver;

•failure in the operation of AIS SAR;

•conclusion by the car owner of several insurance contracts or the use of an illegal insurance policy, for example, without passing a technical inspection.

In case of an error on the part of the insurance company, the car owner can file a complaint with the regulatory authority - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or directly with the RSA.

Unified information system for compulsory MTPL insurance Link to main publication
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