
How does the accident investigation team work?

Accident analysis in the traffic police analysis group

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself 100% from getting into an accident, since it can happen for reasons beyond a person’s control. Therefore, you must always be prepared for its occurrence and not fall into panic or stupor after an accident has occurred, but take all measures to minimize the damage. So, what should you do if you become involved in an accident?

Immediately after the accident

According to the requirements of the traffic rules (clause 2.5), in the event of an accident, the driver is obliged to stop, turn on the malfunction alarm and install an emergency sign no closer than 15 m from the car in the city or 30 m on a country road. Often, those involved in an accident under stress forget to put up a sign or neglect this requirement, hoping for good visibility and clear weather. The result of such forgetfulness can be repeated collisions with a damaged car standing on the road.

An emergency sign is a mandatory attribute of a car along with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. But, since the presence of the sign is not currently checked during technical inspection, it may not be there at the right time. In this case, you can use some other bright and noticeable object instead, for example, a canister.

If there are victims who need emergency medical care, you should call the rescue service by phone 112 or an ambulance by mobile phone by dialing the number:

After this, depending on the circumstances and consequences of the incident, you need to call the police to summon traffic police officers to the scene of the incident.

If the accident is minor and insignificant, then you can do without calling the police to the scene of the accident. But for this to happen the following conditions must be met:

  1. There was a collision of only two cars;
  2. No damage was caused to the health of the participants in the accident;
  3. There are no disputes on both sides of the incident about who was responsible;
  4. Both parties to the accident have valid MTPL policies;
  5. The material damage caused is estimated at up to 50 thousand rubles.

In this case, drivers can independently fill out road accident forms available in the annex to the MTPL policy.

When filling out the notice, it is important to describe in detail the pattern of the collision and record all damage received, indicating their extent. An additional advantage will be recording the location of the collision and the resulting damage on a video camera or cell phone. After this, you need to record the accident at the traffic police department or the nearest traffic police post and you can go to the office of the insurance company to submit an application for payment of compensation.

If drivers cannot come to a consensus about the culprit of the accident or there are other violations of the conditions listed above, then you need to call a police officer and be at the scene until he arrives. While waiting for traffic police officers to arrive, you should not deal with the second participant in the accident, but try to perform the following actions:

  • write down the phone numbers of third-party witnesses to the incident;
  • record on video or a photo camera the scene of the accident, traces and parts of cars left on the road, all damage received on cars with their registration numbers;
  • find out where video cameras for monitoring the traffic situation or security cameras for commercial organizations are located, which could record the incident and be used in the future as objective evidence of your innocence in what happened.

Video: Traffic police of Blagoveshchensk. Mayhem at the traffic police station

When registering an accident

In accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 210, 215 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the traffic police inspector is obliged, upon arrival at the scene of the incident, to collect explanations from each participant in the accident and witnesses, study and record the existing traces of the accident, and draw up its diagram. A diagram of the incident with a detailed indication of the details of the collision must be provided to the participants in the accident for review upon signature.

If one of the participants does not agree with some of its points, then he has the right to express his opinion and his version of the incident. In this case, all comments must be substantiated by testimony of witnesses or data from objective materials (video or audio recordings, photographs). The participant in the accident must express his disagreement with the inspector’s conclusion about the culprit of the accident in writing in the dissenting opinion column in the accident report.

In cases where the causes of the accident and the culprit are obvious and do not raise any doubts, the inspector immediately draws up a resolution on the administrative offense.

If the investigation of an accident requires additional measures or raises disputes regarding the determination of its culprit, then the inspector draws up a report of the incident, where he indicates the alleged culprit, and transfers the case materials to the district department of the traffic police for further analysis, issuing instructions to the participants of the event to appear.

Video: Main road. Review group: Accident at a roundabout

How traffic accidents are analyzed in the traffic police

Further investigation of the accident in the traffic police department is carried out by a special group of administrative practice, whose task is a detailed analysis of the accident , to identify its true causes, taking into account all factors and determining the degree of guilt of each participant. This procedure, which is not very pleasant for them, is necessary for the correct qualification of the violation and the adoption of a final decision on the accident. This procedure is officially called the “administrative practice group” or “analysis group” in the traffic police.

Time limit for consideration of a traffic accident case

The processing time for an accident case usually ranges from 3 to 30 days, depending on the complexity of the case and the required measures.
In special cases, the period may be extended by an additional month on the basis of Art. 28.5 and 28.7 Code of Administrative Offences. During the specified period, the group studies the received materials, additionally interviews the participants and all witnesses to the incident, and reviews video recordings and photographs, if available. If, as a result of an accident, there are victims who have received physical injuries, they are sent to undergo a medical examination to determine the severity of the damage to their health. In this case, a final decision on the case requires a medical opinion, which can be issued only after the victim has completed the course of treatment. Depending on this, the period for considering an accident case can be extended by six months with the permission of a higher inspection body.

To clarify the severity of the injuries received, the analysis team may require a forensic medical examination report.

In any case, if there are victims of an accident, the analysis team needs to obtain a conclusion on the severity of the injuries. If there are victims with moderate or severe severity, then the case materials are transferred to the prosecutor's office or the investigative body to initiate a criminal case.

How does the traffic accident analysis team work at the traffic police and how to behave

Even despite the insignificance of the damage received in the accident and one hundred percent confidence in his innocence, the participant in the accident should not neglect to appear for analysis at the traffic police department, since in practice there are many examples that such ignoring led to unpleasant consequences in the form of being recognized as the culprit of the accident with all the ensuing consequences. Attending the hearing will give you the opportunity to defend your case with compelling arguments. If there are objective reasons that prevent participation in the analysis within the established period, you must submit a written request in advance to postpone it.

Each participant in an accident during this period has the right:

  1. Be familiar with all the materials of the case;
  2. Give petitions, explanations and present your evidence in the case;
  3. Explain in your native language with the participation of an interpreter;
  4. Require a technical and trace examination, calling eyewitnesses of the incident, attaching evidentiary documents to the case, requesting certificates from municipal and road services about the condition of roads and lighting in this area;
  5. Record the procedure for analyzing an accident at the traffic police on a voice recorder;
  6. Use the services of a car lawyer;
  7. Appeal the decision.

This is where you should use all the videos and photographs or dash cam recordings taken at the scene of the incident, with which you can defend your position, provided that they confirm its correctness. If the footage shows that the bearer of the recording is guilty of committing an accident, then no one can force him to produce this recording, since Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows a citizen not to give evidence against himself and his close relatives.

If you have your own witnesses to the incident (they can be both random passers-by and relatives who were in the car), you should submit a written statement in advance about calling them to the traffic police department for analysis. In complex incidents, qualified assistance in protecting the interests of a participant in an accident can be provided by a lawyer specializing in this profile, an auto lawyer, whose participation must also be announced in advance.

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When heading to the traffic police, you should remember all your initial testimony at the scene of the incident, so that new explanations do not contradict previous testimony. If there are discrepancies in the repeated explanatory note with the primary data, this will become a reason for the inspector to suspect you of dishonesty and an attempt to evade responsibility. You need to defend your opinion and seek the truth, based on the provisions of regulations and using your legal rights.

When communicating with the participants in the accident, traffic police officers usually do not give the opportunity to look at the case materials and also show a partial diagram of the accident. Thus, they create conditions so that drivers themselves can remember all the details and circumstances of the incident. In this case, the participants in the accident can be helped by a photocopy of the road accident diagram drawn up by the traffic police inspector at the scene of the incident, if they managed to photograph it at the time.

It happens that both parties are invited to an analysis at the traffic police department at the same time and it is carried out with their participation, effectively turning into a confrontation. During such meetings, by the nature of the interrogator’s communication, one can judge how objectively he strives to “unravel” the case, whether he has any interest or bias towards one of the parties. If there is such a tendency during the investigation, the “unfavorable” party may file a complaint with the prosecutor or senior management of the traffic police, but it must be justified by specific examples, remarks and actions taken by the investigator against the applicant.

Regardless of how traffic accidents are analyzed by the traffic police, many disputes regarding road accidents cannot be resolved objectively without conducting automotive technical examinations appointed by the investigator or carried out on the initiative of one of the parties to the conflict. Typically, investigators try to do without additional expert research, since the expert’s conclusions may not coincide with their final decision on the case. In addition, the expert services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are always overloaded, and third-party independent organizations that provide services for conducting traceability and technical examinations need to pay decent money.

Copy of the resolution on the administrative offense

The result of the work of the analysis group is a resolution on an administrative offense for this incident, which is handed over to the person responsible for the accident against signature. You can appeal this decision in court or a higher traffic police body within ten days from the date of its receipt, so you should not sign documents retroactively.

The participant in the accident who is innocent receives a certificate of traffic accident. The inspector in the analysis group cannot arrest or deprive of rights; this is done by the court, and the inspector only issues a decision on an administrative offense.

How does traffic accident analysis work in the traffic police?


After a traffic accident, the main three commandments are:

  1. Do what the traffic rules require of him.
  2. Remember what is written in the terms and conditions of his insurance.
  3. Participate in the analysis of road accidents in the traffic police.

A motorist is required by law to know the traffic rules. We have a separate article about how to apply for insurance . And knowing how an accident is analyzed is useful, first of all, for the driver himself. We will try to cover this topic from all sides. If you still have questions, we recommend that you seek advice from a professional lawyer.

Don't have time to read the article?

Analysis of road accidents in the traffic police: what, where, when?

Directly at the scene of the incident, only its overall picture is fully documented. Analysis (analysis, classification) of road accidents takes place in the territorial traffic police department. The incident is considered either in the administrative-legal or in the criminal-legal field. But first things first.

When does an accident become the subject of analysis?

After carefully studying and documenting all the circumstances, a diagram of the traffic accident is drawn up. In case of general agreement, a resolution is passed. If consensus is not reached among the participants in the accident, the collected information is submitted for consideration to the analysis group of the local traffic police. Materials are also sent there when the inspector was unable to independently determine the culprit of the accident.

Traffic police analysis group

An analysis group is a special structure for a detailed analysis of road accidents in the local traffic police unit. Its official name is GAP, Administrative Practice Group. Analysis tasks include:

  • an unbiased and comprehensive investigation of all the circumstances of the accident;
  • establishing the factors that influenced the fact of the incident;
  • determining the guilt of the participants;
  • qualification of violated traffic rules;
  • determination of penalties that can be applied to those responsible for the accident.

The review team does not have the authority to take such measures as deprivation of a driver’s license or arrest. The upper scale of sanctions is a fine in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offences. The final document of the review group is the Resolution on an administrative offense.

How is analysis carried out?

First of all, they find out whether the accident caused harm to the health of any of the participants. For this purpose, the victims are sent for a medical examination. When medical intervention is necessary, they wait for a medical opinion at the end of the treatment course. If there are moderate or severe injuries, the case becomes criminal.

When there are no casualties or medical The conclusion has already been received, several traffic police officers are starting to work as part of the analysis team. They are authorized to study the incident report, analyze the accident, study available documents and hear testimony from the participants in the incident. Basically, the analysis consists of the following activities:

  1. Studying data from the accident report and interviewing witnesses.
  2. Traceological and/or automotive technical examination. This happens when necessary. It happens that their initiators are not representatives of the analysis team, but one of the participants in the accident. The latter have every right to do this.
  3. Interviewing participants and reviewing all documents related to the case. Drivers are interviewed individually and simultaneously. The second option belongs to the category of confrontation and is used to prevent deception in testimony.

During the analysis process, traffic police officers often limit the citizen’s familiarization with the materials. Including a complete diagram of the accident - it is shown in parts. This limitation encourages motorists to be more careful and makes the analysis more objective.

How long does it take to investigate an accident?

Depending on the circumstances of the accident and the required procedures, the analysis takes place within three days. In certain circumstances, the period may increase to a month. Such time frames are established by Art. 28.5 and Art. 28.7 of the Code of Administrative Offences. In addition to medical examinations, delays occur due to the review of video materials or the large number of witnesses who need to be interviewed. Due to the long-term treatment of victims, the process can take up to 6 months.

Rules of conduct for road accident participants

Participation in the analysis is useful not only for the obvious culprit, but also for each participant in the accident. No one knows you better and can defend your interests. If something prevents you from visiting the traffic police on the day when the analysis takes place, it is possible to apply to reschedule the date.

Before showing up at the appointed time, it is recommended to think over your position. Recover in your memory not only the accident itself, but also everything that was said to the traffic police inspector at the scene of the incident. Inconsistencies in the testimony of the same person arouse suspicion among police officers. In addition, it is better to know which regulations you can rely on when protecting your rights.

You can and should use any photographs and videos that confirm your position. The same applies to witnesses who can testify in your favor. Also, do not forget that the Constitution allows you not to testify against the interests of yourself and your relatives.

Sometimes you may get the impression that the inspector is “pressuring” you because he is more inclined to favor the other side’s version. Even if time does not confirm your suspicions, audio recording of your communication will help you both protect and reassure yourself. In the worst case, these records need to be attached to the complaint to the head of the territorial traffic police department or the prosecutor. Of course, the statement must be supported by significant evidence.

The final decision of the analysis team is issued to the person responsible for the accident. When the latter does not agree with the conclusions, he has the right to appeal them within 10 days. The examination by the state traffic inspectorate only determines who is right and who is wrong. The final word, including in establishing a preventive measure, rests with the court.

How to build your defense?

To competently defend your position, you need to use all rights established by law. The interests of the participant in the administrative investigation are protected by Art. 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences. According to it, this person has the right:

  • get acquainted with the case materials at any stage;
  • contact the investigation team with petitions, provide evidence of your innocence, and provide explanations regarding the accident;
  • use your native language with the invitation of an interpreter;
  • insist on the presentation of evidence, including the use of special examinations;
  • keep an audio recording of the entire process;
  • Hire a lawyer (the sooner the better).
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Due to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses, it is also possible and necessary to request the traffic police to include the necessary certificates with the documents. For example, about the condition of the roadway or the level of illumination at the scene of the incident. In addition, it will be useful to take a photo of the accident diagram on your phone.

How traffic accidents are reviewed and analyzed by the traffic police

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, its analysis may take place in an administrative or criminal manner. Directly at the scene of the accident, only a protocol is drawn up, in which all the circumstances are recorded in detail. After this, the driver is required to report to the traffic police department. How is the analysis and consideration of road accidents carried out in the traffic police? What are the procedures and rules for analyzing road accidents and what regulations are they regulated by? What are the consequences of failing to appear at an accident investigation? We will give answers to these questions in this article.

Features of the procedure

The very first stage of handling an accident in the traffic police is going to the scene of the accident. If there are no victims as a result of the accident, then only the inspector comes out. If there are victims, an operational investigation team consisting of an inspector, an investigator and an expert is involved to register the accident. Upon arrival at the scene, officials record the circumstances of the incident, interview witnesses, and also take photos and videos of the scene. Based on the collected data, an accident diagram is drawn up, which each of the participants in the accident must familiarize themselves with. If everyone agrees with everything, the inspector draws up a resolution on the spot. In cases where there are controversial circumstances or someone expresses their disagreement, the materials are transferred to the traffic police for further analysis.

What happens during an inspection?

A detailed analysis of road accidents in the traffic police is carried out by a special group of administrative practice or analysis in other words. It reveals the true reasons and establishes the degree of guilt of each participant. The result of their consideration is the final decision on the accident. The period for consideration of the case, depending on the complexity and the need for certain activities, can range from 3 days to a month. In some controversial and confusing situations, it may be extended for another month. This possibility is legislatively enshrined in the Code of Administrative Offences.

If there were casualties in the accident, they are sent for a medical examination, during which the severity of their injuries is determined. In such situations, a final decision requires a conclusion, which can be issued only after completion of the course of treatment. If the victims received moderate or severe injuries, the case materials are automatically sent to the prosecutor's office to initiate a criminal case.

How to behave at meetings?

Even in the absence of guilt, you should not neglect to appear at the traffic police. Being present at the debriefing, if necessary, will help you defend your position at the right time. If for some reason it is impossible to attend the debriefing group on the appointed date, you can submit a written petition requesting a rescheduling. Each participant in an accident has the following rights in law:

  • Get acquainted with all materials;
  • To petition, prove and explain;
  • Speak your native language using the services of an interpreter;
  • Require the provision of evidence and examinations;
  • Record the work of the debriefing group on a voice recorder;
  • Engage a lawyer.

Before giving evidence to the traffic police, you should think everything over carefully and try to remember in as much detail as possible what was said directly at the scene of the accident. If during the proceedings the inspector reveals any inconsistencies in the initial and repeated testimony, this will only give rise to unnecessary suspicion. You need to learn to defend your opinions based on legislation, this is the only way to achieve the truth.

It is during the work of the analysis team that all photos and video materials collected at the scene of the incident should be used and witnesses should be involved. It is also worth remembering that, according to current legislation, no one should testify against themselves or their relatives.

Upon completion of the work, the review team makes a decision. It is handed over the signature of the person found guilty of committing an accident. If you disagree, you can always appeal it to higher authorities or, if necessary, in court. Only 10 days are given for this. Employees of the analysis group establish only the fact of guilt and innocence. Only a judge can impose punishment during a trial.

Is it worth hiring a lawyer?

In difficult situations, especially if victims are involved in the case, it makes sense to use the services of a lawyer. If necessary, he will help you navigate the current situation and prevent you from making mistakes in the legal side of the issue. Very often, participants in road accidents under stress give unnecessary testimony or sign reports without careful review. It is quite difficult to prove the opposite later, but it is still possible. You just need to more carefully study all the collected materials and the legislative framework. These issues can be easily resolved by a lawyer specializing in accident investigations.


Thus, analysis and consideration of a traffic accident in the traffic police is a necessary procedure in some cases. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in charges of traffic violations and a subsequent accident, so you should cooperate with the authorities and provide them with evidence (if any) of your innocence. You can hire a lawyer for the procedure who can resolve the conflict and resolve controversial issues.

Analysis of traffic accidents in the traffic police: what the driver needs to know

Any driver should know how traffic accidents are analyzed by the traffic police, because it is impossible to insure yourself against accidents on the road. It is important for everyone to know what to do after an accident and how not to harm yourself, even those who only get behind the wheel from time to time. The analysis takes place in the traffic police department, during the process all the circumstances of the accident are carefully considered, and the guilt of each participant is determined.

Analysis group

Considering a traffic accident is not the most pleasant procedure, but in some cases it cannot be avoided. The main tasks are to identify those responsible and find out all the circumstances. For this purpose, after an accident, a debriefing group, or an administrative practice group, is created.

Important! The appointment of a place and date for the debriefing group occurs immediately after the accident and the preparation of all documents about the incident.

Theoretically, you don’t have to attend such a meeting - if there is complete confidence, confirmed by the protocol, that the culprit has been identified. But everything is not always obvious: if there is the slightest doubt, it is better to spend a few hours and visit the analysis group. This will give you the opportunity to prove that you are right by influencing the determination of the perpetrators and victims.

Analysis groups after an accident are not created if there are no victims and the damage was caused only to property. All conditions are determined at the scene of the incident.

If there is harm to health of mild or moderate severity, the case is considered by the district court at the place where the accident occurred.

Time frame for consideration of the case

A review of an accident that has occurred is scheduled within 3 to 30 days from the date of the accident. It all depends on the complexity of the case and the necessary measures. Sometimes the period can be more than 30 days, but there are legal reasons for this.

During the specified period, the group studies the materials that were received after the accident, conducts interviews with witnesses and participants. In some cases, photo and video recording is required.

If there are victims, this procedure necessarily includes their undergoing a medical examination. It allows you to determine the extent of damage and damage to health. A medical report, which can only be obtained after completion of treatment, is also tied to the case. In such cases, an extension of the specified monthly period up to 6 months will be required.

What to do before analysis

Since the review process can be lengthy, it is important to know what to do while preparing for the review.

  1. Take care of the appearance of witnesses whose information was announced when drawing up documents at the scene of the accident.
  2. Get legal advice regarding the situation, and if possible, invite it to the traffic police for consideration.
  3. Study the accident report, familiarize yourself with all the points of the traffic rules that are mentioned. It is important to compare this data with the real situation - traffic police officers may make a mistake in the paragraph of the rules that were violated.
  4. If attendance at the hearing is not possible, you must ask to reschedule the time or place of the hearing. This should be done in advance, otherwise the review will occur, and the consequences may not be the best.

Rights of road accident participants

Since everyone defends their innocence, it is important to understand what rights each participant in the accident has when analyzing what happened. Among them are the rights:

  • have information about all case materials;
  • submit a petition, explanations, present evidence in the case;
  • for foreigners – communicate in their native language through an interpreter;
  • demand all possible examinations, interviews with witnesses, and certificates that will help prove your innocence;
  • record the process of analyzing an accident at the traffic police on a voice recorder;
  • use the services of a car lawyer;
  • appeal the decision.
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Analysis of an accident makes it possible to use all the obtained video and photographic facts, including recordings from the DVR. You can call your own witnesses for analysis - for example, acquaintances or just passers-by. If the case is complex, a lawyer represents the rights of those involved in the accident. The participation of any outsider, be it a lawyer or a witness, must be announced in writing in advance.

Parsing behavior

You should not be nervous and be late for the debriefing group, as the discussion will begin at the appointed time, regardless of the participants’ attendance.

The information will be compared with that given at the scene of the accident, so it is worth remembering what was said then. If discrepancies are revealed, inspectors will have reason to doubt the veracity of the information, and this looks in their eyes as a desire to evade responsibility.

In order not to create precedents, inspectors prohibit:

  • communicate with those involved in the accident;
  • show the accident diagram in full (only partially possible);
  • photocopies of the accident scene.

All this is done so that the participants can remember the circumstances of the accident and shed light on certain facts that were not voiced then, in a state of passion.

Analysis results

As a result of the analysis, a decision on an administrative violation is issued. There is an opportunity to appeal it within 10 days. It is important to indicate upon receipt the date on which the decision arrived, but not retroactively.

Analysis of an accident is a serious procedure, which many drivers ignore, having complete confidence in their innocence. As a result, they become guilty, and legally, and all because they did not want to defend their own innocence.

Analysis of an accident in the traffic police - how is the culprit determined?

A road accident exhausts a person’s nerves not only at the moment of its occurrence. What follows is a procedure such as analysis of the incident by a special group in the traffic police department. And this requires endurance and composure. Recently I found myself in a situation where I had to participate in a similar event. I will tell you what it is in this article.

Debriefing group - what is it?

The analysis group in the traffic police department is a specially convened group responsible for practice on administrative issues. It consists of competent inspectors who know all the subtleties and nuances of the administrative code. The analysis group is located in the central division of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Her area of ​​responsibility includes a detailed analysis of all the details of an accident that occurred on the road. They must conduct an objective assessment of the accident, identifying the causes and degree of guilt of all participants in the emergency.

Inspectors, relying on their experience and knowledge of the law, can skillfully explain the accident, specifying which rules were violated and clearly defining the optimal punishment for each of them.

Based on the results of the work of the analysis group, an appropriate resolution on the offense that occurred is drawn up. The appointment to conduct an analysis of emergency situations on the highway and road is carried out after the accident has occurred and a package of documents relating to the incident has been completed. It is issued by an inspector who arrives at the scene of the incident to investigate the situation.

Is it possible not to attend such a meeting? In theory, yes, if there is clear confidence that the person to blame for what happened has been identified. This should already be written down in the appropriate protocol. However, not all accidents are obvious at first glance.

If you have even the slightest doubt, it’s worth spending a day but taking part in the analysis. If necessary, this is the only way to prove that you are right.

When is a review group created?

Usually if the damage is caused only to property, i.e. Only cars were damaged and there were no casualties or injuries among people; no investigation was scheduled. In such a situation, all accident conditions can be determined on the spot.

Also, a review team may be proposed if the inspector has doubts about the interpretation of what happened. For example, he does not understand who initiated the collision and what motives preceded it. In such a case, a debriefing team can be appointed without the presence of injured people.

Participants in an accident receive an appropriate order from the inspector right on the spot to appear for an analysis of the situation at the agreed time.

Commission terms

The accident investigation team works within the regulated time frame to carry out all activities to identify the culprit of the incident. An average of 3-30 days is allotted for analyzing an emergency situation.

The duration of the period is directly equal to the complexity of the case and the number of measures required to establish the causes of the incident - are examinations needed, will there be interviews with witnesses, etc. The period can be extended, as stated in the Code of Administrative Offences, for a month.

An extension of the review period occurs if department employees have new facts and materials of the case, which may affect the original decision. The situation changes especially often if recordings from DVRs or footage from street cameras appear. In addition, inspectors may need to interview witnesses, which also takes a lot of time.

If people were injured in the incident, traffic police inspectors will need a conclusion from doctors about the severity of the injuries. All details are studied scrupulously, because... The punishment for the culprit of the accident is determined by the totality of all parameters - damage caused, harm to health, etc.

If the victims suffered moderate to severe injuries as a result of a car accident, treatment will take a long period. Against this background, the work of the review group will be extended accordingly – for up to six months.

How does the procedure itself work?

There may be several options for how the analysis procedure goes. Inspectors can either invite the participants in the incident into the office one by one, listening to each side separately, or call them together using the principle of confrontation.

During the analysis, drivers are not allowed to look at the accident diagram (therefore, you should worry about a copy of it in advance), only partially familiarizing yourself with the case materials. This helps those involved in the accident to remember the nuances and details of the incident without relying on visual memory and pictures seen.

If the incident was ambiguous or the amount of damage must be very clearly established, for example, at the request of the insurance company, inspectors must order an examination.

In practice, this happens infrequently - traffic police representatives try to avoid additional checks, citing the workload of the relevant department services. But if this point is fundamentally important for the affected parties, we must insist on its implementation, especially since they have such a right.

When there are victims involved in an accident, then, depending on the severity of their condition, a decision will be made to transfer them to the court or the prosecutor’s office for further proceedings, establishing the degree of guilt and determining punishment.

What rights do discussion participants have?

Each participant in an accident who attends a meeting of the review group has certain rights. This:

  • Help from a lawyer: in case of a serious accident, it is better to use the services of a car lawyer and this should be done right away, so that the lawyer can develop a unified defense tactic from the very beginning.
  • Familiarization with the case materials: before the meeting, you need to visit the department and ask the inspectors to review the case materials - witness statements, photo and video evidence, etc. If you have a lawyer, then you should do this with him.
  • Submit petitions, add evidence to the case, etc.: for example, there is a record from the registrar (yours or someone else’s, it doesn’t matter), you can ask to file it with the case.
  • Require an examination procedure.
  • Require a request for certificates from the road service about the condition of the road surface or the illumination of the area where the accident occurred.
  • Record the process on a voice recorder.
  • Having an interpreter in the debriefing group is important for foreigners.
  • To appeal the decision: this is given 10 days from the moment the driver receives a copy of the decision - the appeal is carried out to a higher authority of the inspectorate or in court.

Results of the review group's work

Based on the results of the meeting of the traffic accident analysis group, an appropriate order or resolution is drawn up regarding the fact of the administrative offense. It is handed over to the person responsible for the accident against signature. Based on the results of such an inspection, the injured party receives a certificate of the accident.

It is worth remembering that no one can be arrested or deprived of their rights at the debriefing group. Only the court can do this.

How does the accident investigation team work? Link to main publication
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