
Is the cyclist a driver?

“A cyclist is a full-fledged participant in road traffic”

The bicycle is becoming an increasingly popular means of transportation every year. But, unfortunately, not all lovers of two-wheeled transport know about the traffic rules for cyclists. Many people perceive cycling only as a means of entertainment or relaxation. Despite the fact that you do not need a driver’s license to operate a bicycle, a cyclist is a full-fledged participant in the road traffic who is obliged to know and comply with the requirements of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations.

Employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ileksky tell us exactly what requirements apply to bicycle drivers and what rules they must follow in order to avoid road accidents:

— First of all, it is important to remember that the rules of the road for adult and young cyclists are significantly different. Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride on the roadway, and therefore the rules for cycling for schoolchildren apply only to bicycle paths and pedestrian areas. Children under 7 years of age should only ride bicycles under adult supervision. I also recommend getting equipment: a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.

According to the rules, cyclists over the age of 14 must travel on bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths or a lane for cyclists. If they are absent, then the movement of cyclists over 14 years of age is allowed on the right edge of the roadway, and if it is not possible to move along the edge of the roadway, then on the side of the road. Also, cyclists must move along the edge of the roadway in cases where the overall width of the bicycle, its trailer, or the cargo being transported exceeds 1 meter or cyclists move in columns.

Adult cyclists are allowed to ride on a sidewalk or pedestrian path if there are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no opportunity to move along them, as well as on the right edge of the roadway or shoulder, and also if an adult cyclist accompanies a young cyclist under the age of 7 years or transports a child under the age of 7 years on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed for use with a bicycle.

“Cyclists under 14 years of age are allowed to ride only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones - in parks, stadiums, playgrounds, that is, where there is no car traffic,” comments Sergei Kondratovich, - “Adult cyclists, when driving on the right edge of the roadway, should only move in one lane. When driving at night or in conditions of poor visibility, cyclists are advised to carry items with reflective elements and ensure that these items are visible to drivers of other vehicles.

It is also important to remember the prohibitions regarding cyclists. When riding a bicycle it is prohibited:

  • operate a bicycle without holding the handlebars with at least one hand (except for showing turn or stop signals) and without hands;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

The last point is worth paying special attention to, since this is what cyclists often neglect. Meanwhile, according to the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, when approaching a pedestrian crossing, cyclists are required to dismount from the bicycle and cross the roadway at the pedestrian crossing on foot, observing the Traffic Rules for pedestrians.

— At the height of the summer season, I would like to once again remind cycling enthusiasts of the need to strictly adhere to traffic rules. Dear cyclists, remember that, unlike drivers of four-wheeled vehicles, you are not protected by the iron body of a car, so any, even a relatively minor accident involving a cyclist and a car, will have serious consequences. Use bicycle protection equipment, follow the Rules and be polite and attentive to other road users!

Branch of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ilek district

2.3. Cyclist - driver of a vehicle

The driver is the main figure in ensuring road traffic.

Let us remind you that in our country the number of cars is growing at a high rate: every year there are approximately 1,300,000 more cars. According to experts' forecasts, in the near future there will be 330-440 cars per 1000 people (in 2009, this figure averaged 225 cars).

Consequently, the number of drivers is also growing rapidly. At the same time, the level of their professional training and level of culture in the field of road safety is not very high and does not fully meet the increasing requirements for road users to ensure road safety in modern conditions (as already mentioned, more than 70% of road accidents occur due to the fault of drivers ).

Therefore, road safety primarily depends on the level of training of drivers and instilling in them a high sense of responsibility for personal safety and the safety of others.

By what spiritual and physical qualities of a driver can one judge the level of his culture in the field of road safety? In our opinion, the most significant features can be identified:

  1. Compliance of the driver’s health status and performance with the physical and psychological stress that arises when driving a vehicle on modern roads.
  2. Deep knowledge of the rules of the road, their conscious observance and ability to apply in various situations arising on the road.
  3. Continuous improvement of professional qualities in driving a vehicle.
  4. Cultivating a sense of high responsibility for the safety of other road users (pedestrians and passengers), respect for their rights in the field of life safety.

Such qualities do not appear by themselves. They will not arise when obtaining a driving license. They should be brought up from school age and should serve as the foundation for training a modern driver, because most young people will become vehicle drivers in life. This is evidenced by the intensive motorization of the country.

These qualities must be purposefully formed from the moment a person becomes a participant in traffic. From this moment on, he must begin to comprehend the basics of the Traffic Rules and form the conviction of the need to comply with them constantly.

The first vehicle that a person begins to drive during his school years is a bicycle. It is from this moment that you need to begin to cultivate the qualities of a cultural driver.

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two or more wheels and is driven by human muscle power.

The traffic rules allow persons at least 14 years of age to drive a bicycle while driving on the road, and persons at least 16 years of age to ride a moped.

Bicycling is not permitted on most city streets, populated areas and highways. A bicycle as a vehicle has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is driven not by the engine, but by the muscular efforts of the cyclist. Consequently, its speed depends on the physical training of the driver. Secondly, the bicycle has high maneuverability and, thirdly, it is characterized by insufficient stability. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously learn to ride a bicycle and be prepared for various situations that may arise on the road.

The best way to learn to ride a bicycle is at a velodrome or in cycling towns, which have now begun to be established in various regions of the country.

Next, we will talk about the basic rules that a novice cyclist needs to know.

A cyclist is the driver of a vehicle, so he is subject to the same requirements as any driver.

Before leaving, each driver is obliged to check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition while on the road.

Basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle

  • A bicycle must always have working brakes and a sound signal (bell).
  • When driving on the roads at night, a bicycle must be equipped with a white flashlight (headlight) in front, a red flashlight or reflector at the rear, and orange or red reflectors on the sides.

Bicycle drivers are prohibited

  • Drive if there is a problem with the brake system or steering.
  • Ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.
  • Carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests.
  • Carry cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions of the bicycle or interferes with control.
  • Move along the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby.
  • Turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.
  • Learn to ride a bicycle on city streets and highways.
  • Drive on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (a sidewalk is a road for pedestrians).

Basic responsibilities of a cyclist

  • On the road, you must stay in the far right lane, at a distance of no more than 1 m from the sidewalk or curb. This will ensure the safety of the cyclist.
  • You can make a left turn or turn around only on roads with one lane for traffic in a given direction and without tram traffic. On such roads, the carriageway has a small width, which allows the cyclist to make a turn or turn relatively safely. If it is necessary to turn left or turn around on a road with tram tracks and having more than one lane for traffic in one direction, the cyclist must get off the bicycle and guide it with his hands, observing the rules established for pedestrians.
  • If you intend to turn or stop, you must warn other road users in advance using hand signals. When turning left, raise the left arm to the side or the right arm bent at the elbow. When turning to the right, raise the right arm to the side or the left arm bent at the elbow. Before stopping, raise your right or left hand.
  • At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, you must give way to a vehicle moving along the road being crossed.

By mastering and improving your skills in driving a bicycle, it is advisable not just to ride it recklessly, violating all traffic rules, but to prepare to become a professional vehicle driver.

A cyclist on the road must stay in the far right lane at a distance of no more than 1 m from the sidewalk or curb

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation in 1995, the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia was created.

As of January 1, 2011, the Association includes youth automobile schools in 46 regions of Russia, the main ones being Moscow, Saratov, Rostov, Samara, Penza, Kursk, Perm, Stavropol, Nalchik, Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region and many other educational institutions.

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The main task of the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia is to create a unified holistic system for teaching safe behavior skills to children and adolescents on the streets and roads starting from the age of 5.

Youth automobile schools have the status of institutions of additional education. During their studies, students receive professional training as vehicle drivers.

The vehicle driver training program includes:

  • 3-year training from 14 years of age;
  • 2-year training from 15 years of age;
  • 1-year training from 16-16.5 years of age.

Youth automobile schools have an equipped educational and material base, which includes classrooms, educational and methodological rooms for laboratory and practical classes, as well as educational equipment. Currently, the driving school fleet includes over 2,000 vehicles, including more than 200 trucks. The annual renewal of the vehicle fleet is up to 100 cars.

The work of youth driving schools is based on the requirements of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, regional programs “On Road Safety”, taking into account the requirements of regional and city administrations in matters of educating the younger generation.

The following pedagogical tasks are solved in youth driving schools:

  1. Increasing the general level of culture of road users as a guarantee of safety.
  2. Professional training of drivers from among teenagers and young people.
  3. Professional orientation of young people towards professions in the automotive industry.
  4. Teaching children and adolescents the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads, preventing road traffic injuries.
  5. Organization of free time in order to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors.
  6. Improving civic-patriotic, aesthetic, moral, physical education.
  7. Creation of racing tracks, motor towns, sections, clubs for children to learn how to safely drive bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.
  8. Organization of methodological assistance to teachers of general education institutions, additional education institutions, employees of health camps, parents and public organizations on the problem of preventing children's road traffic injuries.

In conclusion, we note that reducing the number of road accidents, injuries and deaths on the roads depends on each person - a road user. It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the “human factor” on road safety provided that there is a radical change in the attitude of road users to the implementation of the Traffic Rules and compliance with well-known road safety measures, with each person realizing the fact that life and health depend largely on his behavior.

  1. What factors indicate an increasing influence of the level of training of a vehicle driver on road safety?
  2. What qualities characterize the level of general driver culture in the field of road safety?
  3. What role can the bicycle play in training the future vehicle driver?
  4. What are the basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle?
  5. List the main responsibilities of a cyclist.

From the Traffic Rules, select and remember the main provisions of what is prohibited for a bicycle driver.

Is the cyclist a driver?

Usually the traffic police pay little attention to those riding a bicycle on the road. However, a cyclist is the same participant in the movement as a motorcyclist or car driver. Accordingly, all requirements stipulated by the traffic rules apply to it. So, what do the rules of the road for cyclists stipulate?

What is a bicycle according to traffic regulations?

First of all, you need to determine what a bicycle is from a legal point of view, and how to distinguish it from other types of vehicles (vehicles). The traffic rules give this definition, highlighting several key points:

— presence of at least two wheels.

— the driving force is the muscles of the people driving the vehicle.

— an electric motor is acceptable, but not more powerful than 0.25 kW and with automatic shutdown at speeds above 25 km/h.

Thus, a bicycle is distinguished, on the one hand, from wheelchairs (although they move with the help of muscles, they are not considered vehicles), and on the other, from electric mopeds. Installing an internal combustion engine of any type and power turns a bicycle into either a moped or a motorcycle (tricycle, ATV, etc.). But at the same time, a tandem bicycle or velomobile still belongs to the category of bicycles.

It should be noted that if a cyclist gets off the saddle and drives his vehicle (for example, crossing a zebra crossing), he will be considered only as a pedestrian. The rules relating to the vehicle will not apply to it.

The role of a cyclist when riding on the roadway or sidewalk

When a person rides a bicycle, he is characterized by the following features:

Relatively low speed. Although a cyclist is faster than a pedestrian, only trained and experienced cyclists can reach or even exceed the 30 km/h mark.

High vulnerability. Despite any protective equipment (helmet, elbow or knee pads, etc.), a cyclist easily loses his balance - and a fall easily ends in injury or even death. At the same time, due to high speed, a cyclist is more vulnerable than a pedestrian: he cannot stop instantly, nor can he dodge a car.

Low mechanization of the vehicle. A bicycle, as a rule, is not equipped with turn signals or a brake light - and the driver must signal his intentions with gestures.

The bike is universal. Traffic regulations for cyclists allow movement both in special lanes on the road - and on the roadway or, in extreme cases, on the sidewalk, as a pedestrian.

Based on this, you need to consider the rules of cycling.

Traffic rules for cyclists: how should a law-abiding person ride?

Since the rules for cyclists on the road are based on current traffic rules, it makes sense to consider separately those requirements that a bicycle driver must comply with if he wants to avoid violations.

Responsibilities regarding the technical condition of the bicycle

The traffic rules for cyclists regarding the technical condition of the vehicle are very simple. The cyclist is obliged to monitor the serviceability of the following systems of his machine:

The bicycle driver should not worry about everything else - but he must take care of the steering wheel and brakes and ensure they are in good condition. Otherwise, he risks receiving a fine under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In addition, traffic regulations require that the headlights and tail lights of any vehicle be on in the dark or in poor visibility. Therefore, if your bike does not have these devices, you can only use it during the day. Formally, you are supposed to turn on the headlights during the day, just like on cars, but in practice the traffic police do not enforce this requirement. In addition, not all bicycles are equipped with headlights.

What do traffic rules say about turn signals?

The rules for the movement of cyclists on the roadway also provide for signaling. However, since bicycles usually do not have lights, such signals must be given by the motorist himself with gestures.

According to traffic rules, a cyclist is required to use the following gestures:

- when turning or turning around - an arm extended to the side on the side in which the cyclist is going to turn;

- when stopping or braking – hand (any) raised straight up.

The rules allow the use of a hand, not only moved to the side, but also bent at the elbow, as a turn signal. However, as practice shows, drivers often confuse such a signal with a brake signal, and therefore it is not recommended to use it.

Alcohol is always a violation of the rules!

Since a bicycle is still considered a means of transport, driving it while intoxicated is strictly prohibited. If a drunk cyclist is stopped, he will have to answer according to the law.

In addition, traffic regulations directly prohibit the transfer of control to a drunk person. Therefore, a bicycle owner who lends his vehicle to a drunk friend for a ride will also be held liable.

Traffic rights for cyclists

And now - the most important thing: which side of the road should a cyclist ride on?

The rules for cycling in the city are as follows: cycling must take place on a path specially designated for cyclists. However, such paths are extremely rare in Russia, only in large cities. Where there is no such allocation, the bicycle driver must be guided by the following rules:

- if there is no bicycle or bicycle pedestrian path, the cyclist must ride along the roadway on the right.

- if for some reason it is not possible to move on the road, the cyclist should move along the side of the road.

- and only as a last resort, when there are no other options, is driving on the sidewalk allowed.

The points are mutually exclusive, therefore, having reached a place where there is a bicycle path marking or a “Bicycle” road sign, you must urgently change lanes, move off the side of the road or from the sidewalk. Otherwise, it will be considered a violation of the rules with all the ensuing consequences.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. In particular, if a bicycle or the load on it is wider than 1 m, it is not only permitted, but also directly ordered to move on the road and follow the rules of cycling on the roadway. In addition, driving in organized convoys is allowed there:

- in one row - as a general rule.

- in pairs - if each of the vehicles is already 75 cm.

- in this case, you need to move in a column in groups of 10, or 10 in pairs. There must be a distance of at least 80 m between each group so that passing cars can easily overtake cyclists.

It is always allowed to move on sidewalks if an adult cyclist accompanies a child on a bicycle under 7 years old, or carries him on a regular additional seat or in a trailer (bicycle stroller). In this case, the question of which side the cyclist should ride on is resolved in the same way as when driving on the roadway: you need to move along the right sidewalk.

Prohibitions for cyclists

Like any other road user, bicycle riders have their limitations. The following cyclist rules have been established that prohibit:

— ride “hands-free.” Even when giving signals, you must hold the steering wheel with your other hand;

- carry oversized cargo that protrudes beyond the edge of the bicycle by more than 50 cm;

- transport cargo that interferes with driving a bicycle (for example, placed or loaded on the handlebars);

— turn left on roads where there are more than two lanes in one direction, or where there are tram tracks;

— tow or ride in tow (only transportation of special bicycle trailers is allowed).

- drive on highways.

In addition to general prohibitions that apply to all bicycle drivers, there are also specific ones that apply to individual situations. Let's take a closer look at them.

New rules for pedestrian crossings

The question of how a cyclist should behave on a zebra crossing is decided by the traffic rules unambiguously: he is prohibited from crossing the road using a pedestrian crossing. If necessary, the bicycle driver must dismount and move along the zebra crossing like a normal pedestrian while driving his car. This is a new norm: previously it was not prohibited to drive on crossings.

But how should a cyclist ride along the road if it is crossed by a crossing? Here the same rules are established for him as for drivers of all other vehicles: he can drive through the crossing without dismounting - but only across the zebra crossing.

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Restrictions for children

Not only adults, but also children can ride bicycles. Therefore, traffic rules establish special rules for them:

- children under 7 years old can only drive in areas intended for pedestrians;

- children under 14 years old - in the same place, plus also on bicycle paths. They are prohibited from entering the roadway.

After 14 years, restrictions are lifted, and you can drive wherever traffic rules allow.

Interestingly, with a literal interpretation of the Rules in force until 2014, only those over 14 years old could ride bicycles. The traffic rules were not specified on what to do with numerous children on bikes, but formally they (or rather, their parents) could be fined for violation at any time.

Relations with pedestrians

When moving on roads or sidewalks, cyclists are required to give way to pedestrians. In all cases when a bicycle interferes with them, the driver must dismount and drive his vehicle with his hands.

At a crossing, if there is no traffic light, a cyclist must give way to a pedestrian. If there is a traffic light, then he must make sure that pedestrians have finished crossing the road, and only then can he continue moving.

Reminder when transporting passengers

How many people can ride on one bike? Although a bicycle is a vehicle, usually only the driver himself can ride it. Exceptions are situations when:

— there are standard seats for passengers provided by the manufacturer;

- there is a trailer or stroller, again structurally designed to be towed by a bicycle.

Transporting people on a frame or trunk is strictly prohibited.

Signage system on the road

In cases where a separate lane is allocated for bicycles, special markings are used. In particular, the bicycle path must be fenced off from the lane for motor vehicles with a continuous line: this means that neither drivers of cars or motorcycles can enter there, nor cyclists have the right to enter the roadway. In addition, a bicycle path is indicated either by a special road sign or by a bicycle symbol painted on the asphalt.

Moreover, if there is a “Motorway” sign on the road (sign 5.1 according to traffic rules), then any movement of bicycles is prohibited. From a formal point of view, the restriction applies only to vehicles that are not capable of reaching a speed of more than 40 km/h, but bicycles are directly mentioned in the Rules. Cyclists on highways can only ride on the shoulders.

Separately, you need to consider what kind of lighting devices can be installed on a bicycle. Unlike cars, the installation of headlights, headlights or other devices not provided by standard does not need to be coordinated - the owner decides what he needs, buys it himself and installs the necessary lighting devices if necessary.

However, in order not to violate traffic regulations, it is best to install the following on your bicycle:

Headlight. Replacing it with a headlamp on a bike helmet is highly not recommended.

Red marker for the trunk or rear fender.

The traffic rules also recommend that when driving at night, use reflectors or other reflective or reflective devices on the bicycle or the clothes of its owner. This requirement is not mandatory, but it does save the life of the cyclist.

Lighting devices can be powered either from a battery or from a “dynamo” - a small-sized electric generator. It is recommended to use battery-powered models: when stopped, the generators stop working and the headlights stop shining.

Changes to fines for cyclists

Since there are rules, there must be responsibility for breaking them. Currently, a cyclist can be fined:

- for traffic violations - 800 rubles;

- for driving while drunk - up to 1,500 rubles;

- for talking on a mobile phone (without a hands-free headset) while driving - up to 1,500 rubles.

In addition, bicycle drivers are also subject to rules prohibiting damage to road signs or polluting the road surface. However, it is not worth dwelling on them, since these violations are not common.

The most common traffic violations when riding a bicycle

Now let's see what violations are most often committed by bicycle owners. According to statistics, the most common offenses are:

Driving on pedestrian crossings. This suicidal practice is unfortunately common among Russian cyclists. You need to remember: neither a bicycle nor a car can brake sharply - and because of the speed, a cyclist is even more vulnerable than a pedestrian.

Driving without brakes. Braking systems make the bike heavier and interfere with rapid acceleration, so many people either dismantle them or do not install them (if the bike is not equipped with brakes as standard). However, this is also an option for suicide.

Interference with pedestrians. Riding on sidewalks is allowed in certain cases, but if a cyclist interferes with passers-by, he should not honk the bell, but dismount and drive his vehicle.

Causing harm to the health of a pedestrian. For this, a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles is provided.

We must remember: a cyclist is the same participant in the movement as the driver of a car or motorcycle. Therefore, he must comply with traffic rules to the fullest extent.

Bicycle/Road rules/RF


A bicycle is defined as “a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, having two or more wheels and generally propelled by the muscular power of its occupants, which may have an electric motor of up to 0.25 kW (rated), switching off when exceeding 25 km/h" (traffic rules 1.2). A cyclist, according to the Rules, qualifies as a bicycle driver. After the introduction of the clarifying amendment “Pedestrians are treated as persons... using roller skates, scooters and other similar means for transportation.” (Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations) bicycles, as a rule, include means that have a drive to the wheel, and are not driven by direct pushing of the pedestrian from the road surface.

A bicycle is a vehicle, but is only a "motor vehicle" if it can be propelled by a motor. Therefore, if the traffic rules say “vehicle,” then this applies to all bicycles, and if it says “motor vehicle,” then this applies to bicycles with a motor that is structurally capable of driving the vehicle. [1]

If a person does not ride a bicycle, but drives it, then he is considered a pedestrian, not a cyclist (Traffic Rules 1.2). In general, he is equivalent to a pedestrian carrying a bulky load, and therefore can use the edge of the roadway. But at the same time, the Rules stipulate one difference between a dismounted cyclist and a pedestrian: according to clause 4.1 of the traffic rules, “Outside populated areas, when moving on the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles,” but “Persons ... driving ... a bicycle must follow the direction of movement of vehicles " Movement along the roadsides has no such restrictions.

Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle when traveling on roads (Traffic Regulations 24.1).

Electric bicycles with a motor power of more than 250 W, according to the state standard for the classification of vehicles, are mopeds [2], which is why they are subject to appropriate age restrictions that set the minimum age for driving a moped equal to 16 years (SDA 24.1). Also, the driver of an electric bicycle must wear a fastened motorcycle helmet (Traffic Regulations 24.3), and from the end of 2013 he will need to have a driver’s license of category M or any other category. However, electric bicycles that have an engine with a power not exceeding 0.25 kW and that automatically switches off at speeds over 25 km/h are not mopeds (SDA 1.2)

The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal, be equipped with a reflector and a white flashlight or headlight on the front. The flashlight must be turned on in the dark and when there is insufficient visibility (Traffic Regulations 19.1), and if there is a headlight, the low beam of the headlight must also be turned on during daylight hours (Traffic Regulations 19.5). The bicycle must be equipped with a red or (Traffic Regulations 2.3.1 and “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation...”, clause 6.). Driving is prohibited if the service brake system or steering system is faulty (Traffic Regulations 2.3.1). The presence of a mirror on the steering wheel is not required by the rules, but when driving on roads it can be useful.

Columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80-100 meters (traffic rules)

Bicycle drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand (traffic rules 24.8);
  • transport passengers (if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle), except for a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests (traffic rules 24.8);
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control (traffic rules 24.8);
  • move along the road if there is a bicycle path nearby (traffic rules 24.8);
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction (Traffic Rules 24.8);
  • drive on highways (traffic rules 16.1);
  • move along the road in the dark (and/or in conditions of insufficient visibility) without the front white light on (“Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation...”, paragraph 6);
  • towing bicycles, as well as bicycles, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle (Traffic Rules 24.9).

In addition, bicycle drivers, like drivers of other vehicles, are prohibited (Traffic Rules 2.7):

  • drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety;
  • transfer control of a bicycle to persons who are intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, sick or tired;
  • cross organized (including foot) columns and take a place in them;
  • use intoxicating substances after a traffic accident in which he is involved, or after the vehicle has been stopped at the request of a police officer, before an examination to determine the state of intoxication is carried out, or until a decision is made to exempt from such an examination;
  • drive a vehicle in violation of the work and rest regime established by the authorized federal executive body;
  • use while driving a telephone that is not equipped with a technical device that allows hands-free conversations.

At intersections, the usual priority rules apply (Traffic Regulations clause 13, etc.). Thus, a car moving on a secondary road must yield to a bicycle moving on the main road (Traffic Rules 13.9-13.10). At an unregulated intersection of equal roads, a trackless vehicle that has no obstacle on the right has priority (traffic rules 13.11), that is, at such an intersection, a car approaching from the left must give way to a cyclist. It is worth remembering that in the absence of sign 1.6 “Intersection of equivalent roads” and priority signs, sometimes a situation arises when it is not possible for the driver to determine the type of specific intersection. In such a situation, the driver must consider that he is moving on a secondary road (Traffic Rules 13.13).

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At signalized intersections, cyclists must obey the signals of special bicycle traffic lights (Traffic Regulations 6.5), and in their absence, the signals of ordinary transport traffic lights (not pedestrian ones).

A car turning right must give way to a cyclist crossing the road on which he is turning along the bicycle path, in accordance with clause 13.1 of the traffic rules. Also, the car must give way to cyclists when leaving the road into the adjacent territory (Traffic Regulations 8.3).

Since a left turn in multi-lane traffic and on roads with tram tracks, including at intersections (Traffic Rules 24.3), to make a left turn on such roads you must:

  • drive straight through the intersection, turn (90° to the left) in the right lane of the road being crossed, and when the traffic light signal permits, drive straight through the intersection again;
  • dismount and cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.

A cyclist, having reached the end of the “T” shaped intersection, can turn left (similar to driving through a regular intersection) without interfering with other vehicles.

When turning, clause 8.6 of the rules should also be taken into account: “The turn must be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of roadways, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic. When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.”

At controlled pedestrian crossings, cyclists must obey the signals of bicycle or general traffic lights, as well as traffic controllers (Traffic Regulations clause 6).

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, cyclists, like all other drivers, must give way to pedestrians (Traffic Regulations 14.1). You should also give way to pedestrians walking to or from a tram stopped at a stop (from the doors), if the tram tracks run along the roadway (Traffic Rules 14.6).

Cyclists are not allowed to turn around at a pedestrian crossing (traffic rules 8.11); in this case, you need to get off the bike and cross the road as a pedestrian.

Stopping and parking are prohibited at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them (Traffic Regulations 12.4).

Cyclists are prohibited from crossing the road at pedestrian crossings. That is, if a cyclist was riding on the sidewalk and he needs to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, he needs to get off the bike and “turn into a pedestrian.” (Traffic rules 24.8)

To indicate the maneuver, the Rules provide the following signs (Traffic Regulations 8.1-8.2):

  • Stop: raised hand (any).
  • Turn or change lanes to the right: right arm extended, or left arm extended and bent at the elbow.
  • Turn or change lanes to the left: left arm extended, or right arm extended and bent at the elbow.

However, it is not recommended to use alternative methods (where the arm is bent), since they are designed for motorists.

It is also recommended to give a left turn signal when turning around a motor vehicle parked at the right edge of the lane.

When riding in a group, another sign is used, intended not for motorists, but for cyclists riding behind you.

  • Pits on the right: right hand lowered down.
  • Pits on the left: left hand down.

The leader gives the signs first, and the group members immediately repeat them. You should not wait until you pass or see a hole; you must signal immediately after the next cyclist in front of you. The leader (or single cyclist) must give signs in advance so that the group and motorists have time to react (Traffic Regulations 8.2).

Only three road signs specifically refer to cyclists:

  • prescriptive 4.4 “Bicycle path”. This and only this sign indicates a bike path; a strip of asphalt running along the road that is not marked with this sign should be considered either a shoulder on which cyclists are allowed to travel, or a sidewalk on which cyclists are prohibited (except for the cases described above);
  • prohibiting 3.9 “Movement on bicycles is prohibited.”
  • warning 1.24 “Intersection with a bicycle path.”

Is a bicycle a vehicle and what type is it?

When talking about transport, we imagine an image of a car, trolleybus, bus or some other vehicle, but a bicycle, as a rule, is not taken seriously by us. Quite often on highways you can find cyclists clinging to the curbs for their safety. The article will discuss whether a bicycle is considered a means of transport, and if so, what type it is.

Vehicle definition

According to the definition from the traffic rules, transport includes devices for transporting people, as well as cargo and equipment installed on transport. This is indicated in paragraph 1.2 of the set of traffic rules. That is, the main function of a vehicle is transportation. Classification involves several types:

According to the rules of the road, a bicycle is also a vehicle of a wheeled mechanical type, driven by the muscle power of a person sitting on it, or by an electric motor, which has a maximum power during long-term movement of no more than 0.25 kW and turns off at a speed above 25 km /h.

A cyclist is considered a bicycle driver; he is obliged to follow the rules of the road and bear responsibility for their non-compliance and for traffic safety. This is especially true for those cyclists who ride on the highway.

Having entered the roadway, the cyclist becomes a full participant in the road traffic, just like the driver of a car or public transport. However, not all bicycle drivers are conscientious people, despite the fact that they are already quite old. Only persons over 14 years of age can drive on the motorway. Very often, older and older cyclists behave on the road like pedestrians.

You should always remember that when dismounting a bicycle, a person obeys the general rules for pedestrians, and when riding a bicycle, the rules for car drivers.

Duties of a cyclist

A cyclist is required to equip his bicycle with headlights. The front is white and the back is red, just like a car. The wheels at the back, front and sides should be equipped with reflectors so that in the dark other drivers can understand who is driving ahead. The bicycle must also have a handlebar, brake system and sound signal in perfect condition. To carry passengers there must be a special seat attached to the trunk or frame . This applies to the transportation of preschool children.

A cyclist must travel along the highway in the far right lane if there is no bicycle path on this section. If there is one, then you are allowed to move only along it. On the highway, a cyclist moves in the same direction of travel as other vehicles, and not towards them.

Bicycle columns must move in one row, the maximum number is 10 people. If the group of athletes is larger, it is necessary to divide into 2, 3 or more columns depending on the number of cyclists. The distance between columns must be at least 80 meters to provide sufficient maneuvering space for vehicles.

A bicycle does not have turn signals, but nevertheless, the person driving this vehicle is obliged to give signals indicating his intentions. If he wants to make a turn to the left, then he shows it with his left hand extended in that direction, if to the right, then with his right hand. When a cyclist wants to stop, he must extend one arm high up.

Cyclists are allowed to travel on sidewalks only if they are transporting a preschool-aged passenger or those accompanying a convoy of schoolchildren. If a cyclist interferes with the movement of pedestrians, then he is obliged to continue his journey, dismounting to the ground, like a pedestrian. He will be able to get behind the wheel of a bicycle again on freer sections of the road.

You must move according to the instructions of road signs specifically intended for cyclists, as well as follow the instructions of road signs that are provided for any traffic participant. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, a cyclist allows pedestrians to pass in the same way as if he were driving a car.

To cross an intersection, a cyclist must point to a special “bicycle” traffic light signal. If there is none, then the reference point is to the general one.

Prohibitions and offenses

Along with the responsibilities, there are also prohibitions that are provided for in clause 24.8 of the traffic rules. It lists what is strictly prohibited for a cyclist.

  • Let go of the bicycle handlebars when moving anywhere. This applies to highways, sidewalks and dedicated bike paths.
  • Transportation of cargo that does not comply with the permissible standards in terms of dimensions. The load should not protrude more than half a meter in any direction.
  • Transporting passengers on a bicycle that does not have special equipment.
  • Ride a bicycle on a pedestrian crossing. It is necessary to dismount.
  • Move without a special helmet or with the fasteners unfastened.
  • Make a U-turn or turn left on tram lines and on roads where several lanes are marked.
  • Do not tow anything other than trailers.
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Driving after taking intoxicating or potent drugs.
  • Use the motorway if there is a bike path nearby.
  • Drive on the sides of the road or along medians.
  • Transfer the driving of a bicycle to another person who has traveled a long distance without rest, is drunk, under the influence of drugs, or is taking strong medications.
  • Communicate on the phone without a headset while driving.

Traffic police fines

Since the person driving the bicycle is the driver of the vehicle, especially if driving on the road, fines and punishments are provided for violating the rules and laws. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (CAO) states what exactly a fine is charged for.


  • any offense by a cyclist is fined in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • if the rule is violated while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, then the fine ranges from 900 to 1600 rubles;
  • when obstructing the movement of vehicles, a fine of 800 rubles will be charged;
  • when causing harm to human health - a fine of 900 to 2000 rubles, depending on the severity of the damage caused.

Road signs for the bicycle driver

There are three main bicycle signs, of which two are mandatory and one is prohibitive:

  • “intersection of a bicycle path with a pedestrian path” and others is a mandatory sign;
  • the “bicycle path” sign is also prescriptive;
  • “No cycling” sign – prohibiting.

There are also general signs that cyclists need to take into account, such as:

  • "Movement Prohibition";
  • "road up";
  • “road for cars only”;
  • "pedestrian zone" or "pedestrian path".

Taking into account all the rules and regulations for cyclists, you can enjoy your trips, combining business with pleasure.

Cycling is not only an environmentally friendly way of transportation, but also exercises physical qualities.

Is the cyclist a driver? Link to main publication
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