
Why are there spikes on a car?

Why do you need a “Spikes” sign on a car, is it mandatory? Where should it be glued?

Probably everyone has noticed that many cars in winter have a picture with the letter “W” pasted on them. This is due to a new law that came into force in April 2017. It obliges car owners to mark their vehicle if it has studded tires. But why do they treat this so strictly now, why is the “Spikes” sign required on the car? And if he is not there, what then?

What does the sign mean and why is it needed?

Every year, car enthusiasts change summer tires to winter ones and vice versa. They do this because of the ice and snow that cover the road surface in winter. Driving on such a slippery road is very difficult, and accidents often occur.

Winter tires are designed specifically for the cold season. It does not harden at low temperatures like summer ones, which means it has better traction. Plus, for greater safety, a grooved tread and studs are added to it. Thus, winter tires come in several types:

  1. Studded;
  2. With grooved tread (“Velcro”);
  3. Combined.

All this together makes the trip safer.

Previously, the law provided for the designation of “studded” vehicles with a pattern with the letter “W”. It is needed so that people driving behind :

  • We kept our distance, since the braking distance of such vehicles will be much shorter;
  • They understood that the thorns could fly out, which meant that they again needed to keep their distance.

But now everything has changed.

Is it necessary to use it?

Yes, now this is a mandatory attribute of those cars on which the owner has installed studded wheels . Today you do not have the right to operate transport if you do not have the coveted triangle. And since the law came into force relatively recently, traffic police officers like to check its implementation. If you didn’t take care and didn’t stick the letter “Ш” on the rear window, I will write you a fine of 500 rubles .

Why is this necessary, what motivates the innovation of the State Traffic Inspectorate? They believe that in many cases of accidents, the presence of a sign will be the decisive factor in determining the culprit. For example, a common situation in winter is when an unlucky driver did not keep his distance and was unable to stop in time. He crashes into the rear of the car in front.

When clarifying the circumstances in such cases, many try to prove that the one in front braked sharply. Now, if the “Ш” sign was not glued, the blame will be divided into two. If it was, the second motorist is to blame; he was warned that “I will stop quickly.”

Where should I hang the “Spikes” sign on the rear window?

The legislation of our country does not make clear requirements in this regard. The main rule, which is indicated in the law, is that the sign must be located behind the car so that people driving behind it can see it.

But, given that some people have a spare tire or other equipment hanging on the trunk of their car, the best place is glass, on the inside or outside.

If there is no space on the glass, or the sticker obscures your view, lower it onto the body of the car. This is not prohibited, the main thing is accessibility for others. Most car owners prefer to hang “Ш” in the upper right corner of the rear window.

There are cases when traffic police officers claimed that your sign was hanging on the wrong side. You can safely challenge their opinion, guided by the traffic rules, paragraph 8 of the main provisions for permission to operate. It doesn't say anything about this.

In the summer, the drawing can be removed if you “changed” the car’s shoes. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to glue the same one a second time. It's true that buying a new one is not that expensive. The average cost of a triangle today is from 50 to 200 rubles.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

In connection with the passage of the law, a real shortage of treasured triangles has arisen. You won't be able to find the product you need in every store. And where it is available, the cost sometimes exceeds the amount of the fine.

Therefore, inventive drivers began to make such signs with their own hands. This is not prohibited, the main thing is to comply with all the parameters. And remember that plain paper will quickly deteriorate in bad weather. This craft can be hung from the inside if the glass is not tinted. You can laminate it with tape.

In order not to suffer for a long time when drawing a sign, look on the Internet and take a template from there. Or contact a printing house that prints quick advertising - leaflets and business cards.

How big should the "Spikes" sign be?

So, if you decide to cope on your own and want to make a sign yourself, follow these parameters:

  • It should be an equilateral triangle;
  • Background – white;
  • There is a red frame inside;
  • The size of the side of the triangle is from 20 cm , more is possible;
  • The permissible width of the red stripe is 1/10 of the length of one side. That is, in this case – 2 cm;
  • The letter is located strictly in the center and is depicted in black.

These dimensions require traffic regulations and GOST.

And yet, drivers often doubt whether it is possible to not tear off the sticker in the summer after changing tires? Yes, there is no penalty for this. Usually this is what everyone does, leaving the sign in place until winter.

There are a lot of jokes about the letter "SH" these days. Social networks are full of funny caricatures and jokes. Some people hang 10 of them all over the car at once to show off their excellent sense of humor. However, those who understand why the “Spikes” sign is needed on a car and use it, first of all think not about their own safety, but about the well-being of others. I would like everyone who gets behind the wheel in the winter to do the same.

Video about the need for a “Spikes” sign

In this video, car enthusiast Maxim Leonidov will tell you some interesting nuances about this sign:

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Why do you need a spike sign on a car?

Just yesterday I expressed the opinion that in fact there is no solution to which tires are the most effective in winter - “studded or velcro” . Although in the survey “who has what kind of tires in winter?” There in the post the results speak for themselves. See if anyone is interested.

And I almost forgot about this. According to government decree No. 333, from April 4, 2017, the state traffic inspector may prohibit the operation of a car with studded tires that does not have a “Spikes” .

Wow, what nonsense! Well, why is this sign? What does it show?

Okay, there the “U” sign shows that you need to watch the car more closely - you never know. And here? Well, spikes, so what.

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In fact, this is how it is explained.

It is alleged that spiked wheels can cause a traffic accident, and I quote:

1. The braking distance of a car with studded tires is significantly shorter than that of a vehicle of the same model and configuration, but without studs. This means that the driver behind the car most likely will not be able to stop in time, since most rely on their own experience and keep a safe distance based on the average stopping distance of a vehicle with standard tires.

2. Poor-quality rubber studding, which manifests itself in the form of studs flying off during movement. The coincidence of several factors (the speed of the car with spikes, the trajectory of the ejected spike, the proximity of the vehicle behind the car with spikes) can lead to damage to the windshield of the car behind. In addition to spikes, stones often fly out from under the wheels of a modernized vehicle.

Wait, but just yesterday we figured out that the braking distance on studded tires is not always shorter than on friction tires. It very much depends on the condition of the road. Moreover, it is still unknown in what percentage of cases and ratios the studded one will stop the car earlier. So why don’t we put the “F” sign on the friction ones, but on the studded ones we do? It's not clear.

And in general, maybe you can also put on an ABS sticker or Beware of BREMBO brakes! In a modern car there are many systems that can significantly reduce braking distances; you can’t stick them all on the glass.

By the way, sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign are provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

And here’s something else surprising in my opinion: in the event of a traffic accident, the formally guilty driver of a vehicle that crashed into a car with studded wheels has every right to sue the careless motorist who did not bother to warn about the features of his car. As practice shows, judges often recognize mutual responsibility for an incident, which is of great importance when resolving issues with an insurance company: as a rule, repairs to a damaged car have to be done at their own expense by both participants in the accident.

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Rules and features of using the “Spikes” sign

The notorious cocked hat with a red edging and a black letter “Ш” has taken root well among Russian motorists. By this designation, other drivers can learn about the presence of tires with studs on the vehicle. What should you know about this warning symbol? How should it be used correctly? What are the requirements for the sign and can they be fined for it?

Is the "Spikes" sign necessary?

Let’s say right away that the “Spikes” sign is required. And, first of all, not because the rules require it. It is necessary for safe movement. This state of affairs is explained by the features of studded tires, which must be taken into account by drivers:

  1. The braking distance is not as long as in the case of tires without studs. This fact has been repeatedly verified in practice. A driver who follows a car on spikes will not be able to stop in a timely manner, therefore, the likelihood of an accident increases significantly. At least for this reason you need to stick on the “Spikes” sign. It will serve as a signal to other drivers to keep a greater distance.
  2. Low quality studs are not uncommon. It is difficult to protect yourself from purchasing such tires. When driving, low-quality studs can fly out from under the wheels and crash into a car moving behind. Small stones often fly out along with the thorns.

These two factors should already be enough to understand why the “Spikes” sign is needed on the car. At the legal level the situation is somewhat different. To understand the current situation around this warning symbol, it is necessary to study some changes in the legislative framework:

  1. At the beginning of December 2018, the eighth paragraph of the main provisions that regulate the admission of cars to travel ceased to apply. This paragraph stated that the “hissing” warning symbol is a mandatory designation that must be present on the vehicle.
  2. From April 2017 until the beginning of winter 2018, the absence of such a warning symbol on a vehicle with studded wheels was taken as a malfunction that made further operation of the vehicle impossible.
  3. In 2019, amendments to the main provisions were made that made the use of this symbol optional. Now each car owner can independently decide whether the “Spikes” sign is needed.

It turns out that the designation of studded tires has been made optional and drivers only have to guess what wheels each of the road users is driving on.

Dimensions of the designation “Spikes” in accordance with GOST

In paragraph 8 of the “Basic Provisions” already known to us, we are talking about the size and appearance of this sign. These requirements look like this:

  • the form must be presented in the form of a triangle with equal sides and a white background;
  • the triangular base should not be less than 20 cm;
  • the base has a red frame, the width of which should be equal to a tenth of the size of the side of the triangle;
  • In the center is the printed letter “Ш” in black.

The sign, which will indicate the presence of studs on the tires of the car, must look exactly as required by the rules. There are symbols at points of sale that do not meet these requirements, so you need to be vigilant.

We make the designation of studded tires ourselves

It is not necessary to buy a sign; you can make it yourself. You already know about the requirements for its appearance. All we can do is give practical advice that will facilitate future work on making the symbol we are interested in:

  1. Ready-made signs are freely available on the Internet and can be printed simply from the website. You can draw a template yourself, but why waste time on this if there are ready-made options.
  2. It is better to print on special paper, which is used for photographs. Suitable density should be in the range of 120-150 g/m2.
  3. If printing is carried out on a black and white printer, then the red border can be painted over with a felt-tip pen or marker.
  4. To secure the symbol, it is better to use suction cups; three pieces will be enough. You should not use tape; it will leave a mark on the surface that will not be so easy to remove. And it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to use a sign glued with tape a second time.

Where should the symbol “Spikes” be glued?

The above rules do not provide clear instructions regarding the choice of location for this sign. Therefore, each car owner can independently decide where to glue the “Spikes” sign. Usually the rear window is chosen. This is not a prerequisite, it’s just a custom among car owners. In addition, with this arrangement, the driver's visibility is somewhat limited. You can place this sign on the trunk or rear fender, and then it will not interfere with the driver, but will remain visible to other road users.

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The sign itself does not have to look like a sticker. Moreover, the use of stickers is no longer relevant. Nowadays such symbols are produced with a magnetic side or suction cups. Such options are more convenient, because they will not need to be torn off from the surface of the car. The magnet and suction cup are easily removed, leave no traces behind and can be reused.

Fines for the absence of the “Spikes” designation

Rarely is a fine issued for a “Spikes” sign, but such troubles still happen on the road. Are such actions of traffic police officers legal? Let's figure it out. Indeed, from April 4, 2017 to December 2018, a fine could have been issued for the absence of a “Spikes” sign. This right was spelled out in the first part of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which we have already mentioned earlier.

This article talks about malfunctions or conditions that prevent the vehicle from being operated. In paragraph 8, until 2019, the symbol indicating the presence of studded tires was considered one of these conditions. Therefore, until 2019, driving without a sign with the letter “Ш” could result in a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Now no one has the right to issue a fine for not marking the spikes.

If there is a mark on the car, and the tires are installed without studs, then the driver will not face punishment. Therefore, it was possible not to remove the symbol from the car for the summer and calmly drive with it until the onset of the new season. This rule is still in effect today.

Whether or not to install a “hissing” symbol on a car is everyone’s business. But remember that this designation can improve safety on the road. And this, you see, is already an important argument in favor of the sign.

What does the sign with the letter “Ш” mean on the car window?

As soon as the cold weather begins, most drivers try to change summer tires to winter ones. This version of studded tires is much safer in winter weather, when the roads are often slippery. Many drivers are wondering whether it is necessary to stick a special sign with the letter “Ш” on the car window or can they do without it? We will try to answer this question in detail.

Why do you need the “Ш” sign on the car window?

The identification mark is triangular in shape with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in the center in black on a white background means thorns. It must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle.

With its help, drivers behind will know that this vehicle has studded tires . It serves as a warning to other cars to keep their distance as the vehicle has a shorter braking distance in slippery conditions.

Many drivers began to complain that traffic police officers fined them for not having a “spike” sign. However, employees may do this for two reasons;

  1. The presence of the “Ш” sign on the rear window warns drivers of other vehicles that there is a need to keep their distance, since in the event of an emergency stop, studded tires significantly reduce the braking distance.
  2. Rubber spikes can cause damage to surrounding vehicles as they can easily fly out. This is due to the fact that some drivers buy inexpensive tires instead of tires from well-known manufacturers.

The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union were recently ratified and entered into force. This document, important for all motorists, came into force in January 2015. Changes have also occurred in the traffic rules, for example, the rule for replacing summer and winter tires, as well as the possibility of their operation, the period for replacing summer with winter tires and vice versa.

Traffic police officers are obliged to ensure traffic safety on the roads. For non-compliance with the above rule, they can issue a fine to the driver of a car without the “Ш” sign in the amount of 500 rubles.

Often, drivers of cars without the “Ш” sign, outraged by the written protocol, then go to court. There are many cases when the court acquits motorists, since a fine can be issued in case of a malfunction in the vehicle .

A sticker with the letter “Ш” is not a reason to assume that the vehicle is faulty. Still, it is better to have a “Ш” sign on the rear window, since it is recommended that all cars have one.

This is indicated in the paragraph on the admission of vehicles to operation, as well as officials who are obliged to monitor road safety.

When and how to use the sign with the letter “Ш”

The studded tire sign is triangular in shape with a red border. In the center of the sign is the letter “Ш” in black on a white background . Any side of the sticker has a length of at least 20 cm. The outline of the border is taken in a ratio of 1/10 of the prescribed size of the attribute.

The sign must be affixed if the vehicle has studded tires . The sticker costs around 100 rubles. As soon as a car driver has changed his summer tires to a winter version with studs, he is recommended to stick a sign on the rear window of his vehicle.

In the spring, when there is no longer a need for studded tires, they are changed again to summer tires and the sticker can be removed. This attribute allows you not only to warn other car drivers about studded tires.

Often such a sign can come in handy when an accident occurs and prove your innocence . This little thing forces many motorists to be more careful and disciplined on the roads.

Some features of using studded tires on cars

Based on this, it can be assumed that the driver cannot be sanctioned for not having a sign with the letter “Ш”. The employee has the right to give a verbal warning to the driver. In some accident cases, the absence of a spike sign has resulted in the driver in front being found at fault for the accident.

Several rear vehicles collided with a vehicle in front that was not wearing a studded tire sticker. When a driver undergoes a technical inspection in winter and has studded tires, but does not have this attribute on the glass, he may not be given a technical inspection ticket .

If a driver is given a fine while driving because he does not have a sticker with the letter “Ш” on his windshield, he can appeal such a punishment, but it will take a lot of time to prove his innocence. For this reason, experienced car enthusiasts advise sticking a sign and safely driving your car in winter with studded tires.

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All drivers should think about this sign and maintain a certain distance when there is a car in front equipped with spikes. A motorist with spikes must remain vigilant and think about other vehicles moving on the road.

Before starting to move his car, each driver is obliged to check and ensure that his vehicle is in good technical condition. Movement is prohibited in the following cases:

  • there are problems with the brake system and steering;
  • headlights and side lights in poor condition;
  • Driver's side windshield wipers not working.

Why are we forced to hang up the “Spikes” sign?

While the whole world is engaged in promising developments in the field of electric vehicles and autopilot in cars, we continue to mock drivers, forcing them to hang up “Spike” signs.

It seems that there are practically no cars left in the country without the “Spikes” sign. And for those rare cars on which it is missing, a real hunt is organized by the traffic police. Real raids are carried out on the roads. It’s as if it’s not motorists who are being caught, but real terrorists.

About a year ago, a fine was introduced for the absence of a “novice driver” sign, but they decided to fine the company for the absence of all signs. Thus, the “Spikes” sign turned from voluntary to forced.

Russian motorists are no more stupid than domestic traffic police officers. Everyone immediately stuck the “Spikes” sign on the inside of the rear windows. It turned into a real war on the roads.

And this is what came of it.

Last year, 20,308 people died on Russian roads, but none of them died due to the absence of a “Spikes” sign. But who cares?

The meaninglessness of this sign is obvious to everyone except the people who introduced this fine. They explain the need for the “Ш” sign by the fact that the braking distance of a car with studded tires is much shorter than that of a car with non-studded tires. And the driver following will be able to estimate the braking distance of the car in front and brake in time. However, none of the supporters of the “Spikes” sign could remember the last time he himself calculated the braking distance of the car ahead (in a column, with a calculator?). And this is natural.

The driver behind the wheel watches the road, looks at signs, traffic lights, and pedestrians who may suddenly throw themselves under the wheels.

In short, the motorist has something to do instead of counting the braking distance of other cars. This happens intuitively and nothing else.

We won't even say that all drivers cannot apply the brakes the same way; everyone has a different reaction. But you can try to consider the ideal braking distance conditions for a car on tires with and without studs. Let's turn to research on this topic, fortunately there are plenty of them. Here is a graph of the braking distance of a car on ice for different tires.

As you can see, braking distance is highly dependent on temperature. Moreover, in cold weather, “Velcro” even outperforms “spikes”. And here are the average test data for more than 20 models of different tires on different surfaces. The results are grouped into a chart showing the best and worst results.

What do we see? The braking distance strongly depends not only on the presence or absence of studs. That is, when calculating the braking distance of the car in front, a motorist must not only take into account many factors: road surface (snow/ice/dry or wet asphalt), presence/absence of ABS, air temperature, brand of tires (both his own and someone else’s) , as well as the presence of a full set of studs on the tires.

Agree, these two wheels will brake very differently, although the “Spikes” sign is the same for them.

Okay, here's a more difficult problem. The car has studded tires, but the trailer has no studs. What will be the braking distance, and where should the sign be hung, on a car or trailer?

By the way, do you have to remove the “Spikes” sign from your car in the summer? Or should traffic cops fine you for its presence if the tires are without studs? Of course, in the warm season you need to change your shoes to summer tires. And if a person drives a winter vehicle and has a “Ш” sign, does he want to warn other road users about this?

Realizing the absurdity of the “Ш” sign, many motorists staged a real public protest.

This hasn’t happened on our roads since the days of the “blue buckets”!

For those who see poorly.

And this is especially for traffic police officers.

Why even organize such a bacchanalia out of the blue? It is urgent to abolish the mandatory nature of this sign.

There is nowhere without spiritual bonds.

If there is no sign, then you can do so.

In the summer, don't forget to hang the "L" sign.

While Russian drivers take the “Spikes” sign lightly, global automakers have taken it seriously. Currently, Gosznak has placed an order for hundreds of millions of “Ш” signs. All of them will be stuck on cars of leading brands. The new products have already been presented at the world's largest motor shows in Geneva and Los Angeles.

Even Elon Musk’s company now cannot imagine the Tesla Semi electric truck without the appropriate sign.

It has already been decided that the British Parliament and the US Congress will pass a law by the end of the week that will include a new letter “W” in the Latin alphabet. Otherwise, foreigners will not be able to come to our country in cars with studded tires.

What about Britain, have you heard about the revolution in Zimbabwe? Few people know its true reason. The whole point is that local President Mugabe did not want to introduce the “Spikes” sign, which is so necessary in this South African country. Zimbabwe constantly ranks first in terms of deaths in road accidents and all because of the lack of the “Ш” sign. The masses could no longer put up with this, took to the streets in protest and overthrew the “tyrant.”

Now let's get serious. While global innovations in the automotive industry are aimed at developing unmanned vehicles, in our country all drivers are forced to hang a “Spikes” sign on their cars and perform mental calculations of the braking distance of the car in front.

Introducing a fine for not having a “Spikes” sign is a mistake.

However, there is nothing scary about it. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. The system as a whole is characterized not by an error, but by the reaction to it. Instead of admitting they were wrong and canceling the “Spikes” sign as quickly as possible, traffic cops are forced to catch drivers who have not hung a meaningless sticker on the car window, which, by the way, also blocks the view!

Now “at the top” there is a struggle between common sense and extravagance. With this post we want to tip the scales towards reason.

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