
What is the penalty for driving under a brick?

When can you drive under the “Entry prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited” signs and what are the consequences of violating them?

“Entry prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited” signs are similar in essence - they prohibit the driver from further movement along the path along which they are installed. However, these signs still differ both in the conditions of action and in the breadth of the prohibition: for both there are exceptions, but one of them has more of them. Let's find out what the similarities and differences are, under which sign and who can drive, and what punishment is provided for violating the requirements of the signs.

Both signs - 3.1 “Entry prohibited” (popularly known as “brick”) and 3.2 “Traffic prohibited” do not allow the movement of vehicles after they begin to operate. However, the first sign only prohibits entry , implying that a car could leave because of it - for example, from a one-way road. The second sign completely prohibits the movement of all vehicles after it in both directions .

The section of the traffic rules describing prohibitory signs also indicates vehicles to which certain signs do not apply. According to the rules, sign 3.1 “No Entry” (aka “brick”) does not apply to route vehicles.

For sign 3.2, the list of exceptions is wider: the effect of the “No Traffic” sign does not apply to:

  • postal cars with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background;​
  • cars that serve enterprises located in the area behind the sign;​
  • vehicles that serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area;​
  • cars driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children, if the identification sign “Disabled” is installed on these vehicles.

Summarizing the conditions listed above and projecting them onto drivers of ordinary passenger cars, we can draw a brief conclusion: drivers of passenger cars are not allowed to drive under a “brick” under any circumstances, and under the sign “No driving” - only for those who live or work in the area behind it sign or has a legally installed “Disabled” sign on the car .

When passing through a prohibitory sign, the potential fine depends not only on the sign itself, but also on what rules were violated as a result of passing.

For driving under a brick, three main situations can be distinguished: when sign 3.1 is installed at the entrance to a public transport lane, at the entrance to a one-way road and at the entrance to or on the adjacent territory. Driving under a brick in these cases is punishable under the relevant articles of Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Entering the lane of public transport in the same direction, according to Part 1.1 of Article 12.17, is punishable by a fine of 1,500 rubles , and if this happened in Moscow or St. Petersburg , then Part 1.2 of the same article sets a fine of 3,000 rubles .

Driving under a “brick” on a one-way road, according to Part 3 of Article 12.16, means a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months , and a repeated violation, according to Part 3.1 of the same article, is already deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year , and if it was recorded by an automatic camera, then a fine of 5,000 rubles .

The third option is when the “brick” is installed at the entrance to or on the adjacent territory : in this case, the violation is interpreted under Part 1 of Article 12.16 as “failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs” and means a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles .

But sign 3.2 “No traffic” is installed in front of areas where the movement of cars must be completely prohibited, except for those that fall under the exceptions described above. Accordingly, there will be no one-way road or public transport lane behind it, and driving under this sign will also be interpreted under Part 1 of Article 12.16 as “failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs” and punishable by a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles .

What is the current fine for driving under a “brick” sign?

✅ | What is the fine for driving under a “brick” sign? In what cases can rights be revoked? Details in the article from the specialists of the website “Traffic Police Fines”

Traffic police fine for “brick” (sign 3.1 “entry prohibited”) in 2019

Articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16.3, 12.16.1, 12.17

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Road sign 3.1., “brick”

“Brick” can now be found in catering establishments, shops, on the packaging of consumer goods, etc. Everywhere a red circle with a white stripe is a sign of dangerous movement and unacceptable action.

Among motorists who have had a license for a long time, it is not customary to discuss the consequences of driving under a brick. All drivers simply know that such traffic violations should be allowed as a last resort and only as a last resort. In this regard, psychologically, a fine for a brick can be equated to a fine for crossing a double solid line.

Fine for driving under a brick

In fact, everything is both like this and not like that at the same time. The punishment for driving under a brick varies depending on the situation:

  1. Article 12.16.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Penalty for driving against the direction on a single-lane road where a “brick” sign is installed; (fine 5,000 rubles or imprisonment from 4 to 6 months);
  2. Article 12.16.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Fine for driving “under a brick” into the yard; (fine 500 rubles);
  3. Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Fine for driving under a brick in bus lanes. (fine 1,500 rubles (MSK and St. Petersburg 3,000 rubles).

Deprivation of rights for driving under a “brick”

Note: Repeated “brick” for “oncoming traffic” per year is 5,000 rubles if the violation is recorded by a traffic police camera and imprisonment for a year if the traffic police inspector is alive.

Traffic police inspectors often confuse the penalties between various violations, united under the general name “fines for bricks.” Thus, an inattentive driver, instead of an ordinary fine of 500 rubles , can pay an amount 10 times greater. To understand what fine for a brick is provided in your case, carefully study the circumstances of a particular violation.

Read more:  Can a traffic police inspector visually identify a violation?

All cases of entry under the “brick” sign (table)

Traffic police fines for “brick” (table)

Type of fine

Article of the Administrative Code

Amount of traffic police fine

Penalty for driving against the direction on a single-lane road where there is a “brick” sign

Article 12.16.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for up to 6 months

Fine for driving “under a brick” into the yard

Article 12.16.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Fine for driving under a brick in bus lanes

Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Repeated “brick” for “oncoming traffic” within 1 year.

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Deprivation of rights (if employee) / 5000 rub. (if camera)

What is the fine for a brick in 2019?

As such, there is no single concept of a “fine for a brick” in 2019 . The brick only indicates the inadmissibility of movement in a certain direction, and the severity of the crime is determined by the specifics of the section of the road network on which sign 3.1 “entry prohibited” is installed.

The worst thing, both from the point of view of common sense and from the point of view of the law linked to this concept, is driving under a brick installed on a one-way road. Ordinary drivers speeding along such a road do not expect to encounter a car quickly approaching them. A traffic police officer who witnesses such a gross offense will certainly issue a fine of 5,000 rubles, and possibly deprive the driver of his license for up to six months).

The law is much more accepting of drivers who “sneak” under a brick into a yard or other area adjacent to the road. It is understood that one can drive in any direction in this territory; only entry into it from a certain direction is condemned. There is a fine of 500 rubles.

Fashionable innovation of the traffic police brick on the bus lane. The measure was taken to discourage drivers from even sticking their noses out onto the dedicated lane. The fine for such an offense is a decent 3,000 rubles (with a discount of 1,500 rubles), but no one takes away your rights.

How to appeal a fine for a brick?

A fine for a brick can easily be appealed in the courts of first instance (the courts to which the section of the road where the offense allegedly occurred is assigned).

We can say that a fine “for a brick” is generally one of the most appealed offenses in the field of traffic. Vague wording, bribe-taking, severity of responsibility and signs not installed in accordance with GOSTs lead drivers to court.

To appeal a fine for a brick in court, you need to collect as much evidence as possible that the inspector’s decision is dubious. Take a photograph of the location, the condition of the sign itself, any obstacles preventing its identification, check with city planners for plans with notes on road signs tied to specific streets.

Fine “per brick” with a 50% discount

All subtypes of fines “for bricks”, that is, Articles 12.16.3, 12.16.1 and 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, starting from January 1, 2016, are subject to Federal Law N 437-FZ, dated December 22, 2014. In other words, they can be paid within 20 days from the date of receipt of the fine, with a 50% discount.

That is, the fine under Article 12.16.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation instead of 5,000 rubles is 2,500 rubles, the fine under Article 12.16.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation instead of 500 rubles is 250 rubles, and the fine under Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation instead of 3,000 rubles is 1,500 rubles.

The only fine “for a brick” that cannot be paid with a discount in 2019 is the fine under Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - repeated, within a year, driving under a “brick” sign on a one-way road.

Fines for driving under a brick, in which case are they deprived of their rights? How to behave with traffic police officers

Among the numerous traffic violations, punishable by fines or even deprivation of rights, a significant place is occupied by those associated with “driving under a brick” - that is, under a “No Passing” sign.

Let's see what the perpetrator faces in this case - and what can be done if they try to bring you to justice.

○ Who has the right to enter under the brick?

In accordance with the traffic rules, the famous “brick” (that is, sign 3.1 ) is installed in those places where it is completely prohibited to drive into the area of ​​the road in front of which it is installed. This sign is designed to completely block traffic in the opposite direction on one-way roads, in areas with obstacles or ongoing repairs, and in other similar situations.

However, there are cases when it is still possible to drive under a brick. In particular, the following may move without paying attention to this sign:

  • Cars serving the enterprise in front of which such a sign is installed. However, here it is necessary that the installation of the sign be agreed upon with the traffic police. If there is no permission, and the sign was installed by the enterprise administration without permission, anyone who wants to can drive under the brick.
  • Minibuses - if a special lane is allocated for them, and the “brick” prohibits the movement of only other cars on it.
  • Emergency vehicles and ambulances are available in emergency situations.

Previously, there was an ambiguous situation with reversing. In some regions, courts, when considering complaints against decisions in administrative cases related to driving through a prohibitory sign, dismissed cases if the offender was moving in reverse on a one-way road. However, in 2012, the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation established that the courts should consider such a movement to be considered as a violation of traffic rules and an administrative offense.

○ Fines for driving under a brick.

Now let’s talk about what awaits the culprit if he drives through a prohibitory sign.

First of all, he will have to pay a fine. The specific amount will depend on the circumstances under which the offense was committed.

  • For normal entry, a fine, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, will be 500 rubles. In addition, in this case, the traffic police inspector has the right to limit himself to a warning, without imposing any other punishment.
  • Turning left or turning around under a prohibitory sign – part 2 of the same article. Here the punishment will range from one to one and a half thousand rubles.
  • In the event that a brick prohibits entry towards traffic on a one-way road, Part 3 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Here the fine can be 5 thousand rubles.
  • Repeated driving under a brick onto a one-way road, if the violation was recorded by an automatic camera, is punishable, according to Part 3.1 of the same article, with a fine of 5 thousand rubles.
  • Driving under a brick into a lane allocated for minibuses is punishable in accordance with Part 1.1 of Art. 12.17 with a fine of 1,500 rubles.
  • If driving under a brick into a minibus lane took place in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the culprit will face a fine of 3 thousand rubles.
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✔ Deprivation of rights.

However, the matter may not be limited to just a fine. In the event that there was a departure towards traffic on a one-way road, part 3 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also allows such punishment as deprivation of rights. Its duration ranges from 4 to 6 months.

In the same case, if the violation is committed again, but the offense was recorded not by a camera, but by a live traffic police inspector, there will definitely be no fine. Here the culprit will face a second punishment - deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year. Part 3.1 of the same article does not provide for an alternative type of punishment.

○ Lawyer's advice: how to prove innocence?

If you are facing a fine or deprivation of rights under one of the above articles, there are several ways to either prove your complete innocence - or significantly reduce the amount of the penalty.

First of all, you need to figure out whether the brick was installed legally and whether its placement complies with GOST. Thus, the sign must be visible at least 100 m away, and it must not be hidden by tree branches, roadside structures, etc. The sign itself must be located no less than 25 m from the beginning of the prohibited zone in populated areas and 50 m – outside the city.

If these conditions are not met, you can appeal the fine and have it cancelled. If the sign is not positioned correctly, you need to record its position as soon as possible using a photo or video.

If you are threatened with punishment for driving under a brick onto a one-way road, pay attention to whether sign 5.5 “One-way road” was installed next to the brick. If there is no such sign, your actions should immediately be qualified under Part 1, and not 3.1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offences. The size of the fine for these two parts differs tenfold, and deprivation of rights can no longer be applied.

If you believe that the punishment was imposed illegally, you have the right to appeal the decision in the case. You have 10 days to do this. The period begins to count from the day on which the decision was made. The complaint is submitted to the higher authorities of the traffic police, but better - to the court at the place of residence.

What are the dangers of entering “Brick”. See the episode of the “Road Educational Program” about this.

Published by: Vadim Kalyuzhny , specialist of the TopYurist.RU portal

Punishment for driving under a brick in 2019 - fine or imprisonment

How many times during his driving does a motorist encounter a “no entry” sign? Agree, quite a lot. Approximately only once does the desire arise to break the ban and drive under the sign, taking a shortcut. What driving under a “brick” can lead to: a fine or other punishment depends on the situation. To understand the details, read this article.

Road sign 3.1

This sign belongs to the category of prohibitions, that is, providing for the absolute impossibility of the driver to follow the sign.

A ban on movement under a “brick” sign can be:

  • if the driver enters a road where only one-way traffic is allowed on the opposite side. You should pay attention to whether there are special signs indicating the beginning and end of a one-way road (signs 5.5 and 5.6);
  • if, after entering sign 3.1, the car begins to move along a lane intended exclusively for route and public transport;
  • if travel through the territory (adjacent to something - supermarket, gas station, underground parking) is prohibited. In this case, at the exit point there must be a sign “exit onto a one-way road”;
  • if the sign is in a place where there is a need for a detour (for example, due to repair work), and therefore movement is expressly prohibited.

It is important to understand that prosecution under the Code of Administrative Offenses for driving under a brick can result in a fine only if the requirements for the visibility of the installed road sign are met. So, if real visibility does not allow you to see a sign more than 100 meters away when moving, you can fight in court for the groundlessness of bringing to administrative responsibility.

When appealing the decision, it will be necessary to present supporting evidence of the inability to distinguish the meaning of the road sign.

In other cases, there may be various interferences that affect the driver’s perception of the installed “brick” sign.

Thus, an entry ban may be blocked from drivers by trees, buildings, technical devices - such situations on the road are rare, but they do happen. In order to record important circumstances, a note should be made in the protocol that the “brick” was not visible to the car owner and indicate what exactly it was covered with.

In practice, there are cases when, on a highway with a complex road junction, the sign was obscured from view by a truck parked on the side of the road, and therefore the court of second instance canceled the decision to impose administrative liability.

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According to GOST, the sign must be placed directly on the road surface or to the right of it, not covered by anything and clearly visible. In any other cases, it will not be difficult to challenge the legality of the decision.

Entry is prohibited under penalty of fine

The mildest punishment for driving under a “brick” awaits those who ignored the ban on entry in parking lots, gas stations, access roads to government and medical institutions, etc. Such violations are considered non-compliance with the requirements of traffic rules signs, that is, they fall under Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In practice, there are cases when traffic police inspectors, with full confidence in their correctness, issued a fine of 5,000 rubles or drew up a report with the deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4-6 months. Out of ignorance, many motorists (mostly inexperienced, with little experience) really believe that they have committed a serious traffic violation, that is, driving into the oncoming lane.

At the same time, you need to know your rights: in the situations described, the amount of the fine will not exceed 500 rubles, since there was no traffic in the oncoming lane as interpreted by the Traffic Rules. At the same time, a warning may be an alternative punishment.

In some driving situations there is no liability at all. Thus, according to judicial practice and the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “traffic” laws do not provide for any penalties for driving in reverse on a one-way road. In this case, if during such movement the “entry prohibited” sign was violated from the opposite side, the motorist will not be held accountable.

If the driver did not comply with the requirements of the prohibitory sign and, having passed it, continued driving in the lane for public (route) transport, he will face a monetary penalty in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

Let us remind you that in 2019, every driver has the right to pay half of the fine imposed (provided that payment is made within 20 days), including the fine for driving under a brick.

When rights are deprived

If, while driving under a brick, a motorist drives into the oncoming lane, then a fine (in the amount of 5,000 rubles) is rarely applied; most likely there will be a deprivation of rights for up to 6 months.

The fact is that in this situation the driver commits a gross, double violation of traffic rules, thereby creating the most dangerous situations on the road. A head-on collision between two cars, one of which was moving under a prohibitory sign, is far from uncommon.

If a similar violation was committed again, then most likely the inattentive driver will be deprived of the right to drive for a period of one year. The only exception to this rule is when violations are recorded by video cameras - then you will have to pay 5,000 rubles.

Let's sum it up

Briefly, all of the above cases can be reflected in the table:

Fine for driving under a brick

The problem of driving in the wrong place is still relevant for car drivers. A fine for driving under a brick is one of the ways to deal with rule violators. Since the additional conditions of this offense may differ, the amount of the penalty for it will vary.

What is the fine for a brick provided for by Russian legislation?

The amount of the fine for this violation depends on the location of the sign. Let's present the information in a table.

Sign location

When entering a road where minibuses can drive in a certain lane;

When entering an adjacent territory where entry from the adjacent direction is prohibited;

Warning or fine 500 rubles;

When entering a road with one-way oncoming traffic;

Deprivation of the right to drive from 4 to 6 months or a fine of 5,000 rubles;

For re-entering a road with one-way oncoming traffic;

Deprivation of rights for a year and a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Additional conditions of punishment for “brick”

Not all drivers know that a “brick fine” can be canceled if a number of conditions for its location are not met.

Additional conditions for travel to a brick fine 2019 include:

  • A one-lane road with oncoming traffic must be marked with signs “Beginning of a one-way road”, “End of a one-way road”;
  • At exits from adjacent areas onto a one-lane road there should be a sign “Entering a one-way road”;
  • Signs must be located to the right of the roadway or above the road, unless otherwise specified;
  • The sign must be visible from a distance of 100 m.

Therefore, if the location of the sign does not provide for its absolute visibility, the driver may be exempt from sanctions or their size must be changed: what fine you will have to pay for a brick depends on what and where this “brick” was.

An important point is the possibility of appealing a fine.

How can you appeal a fine for driving under a brick?

The right to appeal a decision is possible if:

  • File an appeal within 10 days;
  • If your offense is overestimated by the inspector, you can make a note of disagreement on the protocol, since you did not see this sign and why you did not notice it.

When and how is it possible to “brick”?

The fine for driving under a brick is quite a large amount. Here are a few tricks that will reduce sanctions for driving under the sign:

  • You can drive into oncoming traffic in reverse and then move along the lane in the right direction. Of course, if you do this carefully in the absence of traffic, then you can save on a fine by receiving a censure for violating the markings and sign instructions for 300 rubles. But it’s better not to try, since an experienced traffic police inspector can catch you and you may not notice a passing vehicle with all the ensuing disastrous consequences.
  • If the entry was made onto an adjacent road under a brick, feel free to defend a fine of no more than 300 rubles.

If you refuse to pay this fine, your car may be placed on a “brick” blocker. Here is such a “brick” for “brick”.

What is the penalty for driving under a brick? Link to main publication
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