
Which driver must give way to the tram?

Which driver must give way to the tram?

Overtaking is prohibited at railway crossings and closer than 100 m in front of them (clause 11.4). Since the railway crossing is located in a populated area, sign 1.2 “Railway crossing without a barrier” is installed at a distance of 50-100 m before the crossing. Therefore, you cannot start overtaking the tractor in this situation.

How can you determine in this situation whether a settlement is depicted in the picture?
Apart from buildings, I don't see any signs of this. Answer:
The built-up area is determined by the question: “Can you start overtaking in a built-up area?” The figure shows the outskirts of a populated area along which a locomotive can move.

After entering an intersection where there is a roundabout and marked with sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, you will have priority in traffic over a passenger car, since when entering this intersection its driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along it (clause 13.11 1 ).

There is no “Give Way” sign in front of a car entering the intersection.
As of November 8, 2017, the roundabout is the default main road. No additional signs are required.

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Which driver must give way to the tram? Link to main publication
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