
Can a camera record driving through a solid road?

Are video recording rights revoked for crossing a double solid line?

It would seem that just recently, cameras used for photo and video recording of violations committed by drivers could be found exclusively in cities of federal significance.

However, the speed of their spread exceeded all, even the most daring, expectations. And now you can run into them not only in large cities and federal highways, but even on country roads.

Along with the number of such cameras, the number of questions asked by drivers about how legal it is to use the data obtained from these devices to impose punishment has also increased.

Let's take a closer look at what punishment will befall a driver whose traffic violation was recorded not by traffic police officers, but by a properly installed photo or video camera.

Can video recording rights be revoked for crossing a double solid line?

Let's reassure drivers right away. It is impossible to make a decision on deprivation of a driver’s license based only on data obtained from photo and video recording devices.

Suppose you drove into oncoming traffic, and this illegal maneuver you made was recorded by an autonomously functioning photo and video camera.

The maximum punishment you face is replenishment of the state treasury by 5 thousand rubles. But if such a violation is recorded by a traffic police inspector, the situation will change radically. He will choose the punishment. And here, in addition to a minor fine, you can lose your rights for a period of 4 months to six months.

Based on all of the above, it becomes obvious that the results of the work of photo and video recording cameras are not grounds for depriving you of the right to drive a vehicle.

In order to deprive you of your rights, the traffic police officer must personally record the offense you committed and, together with you, draw up a protocol on the commission of this violation.

What traffic violations are recorded by cameras?

The “knights of the baton and whistle” are armed with a lot of technical devices designed to record traffic violations committed by unlucky drivers.

Among the mass of these means, cameras that allow photo and video recording stand out. A great variety of them have been created, they have different technical characteristics and capabilities.

Thus, for video recording, the following models are most often used: “Arena” and “Iskra”. Also very popular among traffic police officers are the Vizir, Rapier and Chris-1 radars.

Note that a number of cameras used for photo and video recording are capable of functioning not only in stationary, but also in portable modes.

Some of them can be mounted on highways, while others are installed directly in the interior of a vehicle owned by the traffic police.

We emphasize that most devices that carry out photo and video recording are designed to record such offenses as:

  • driving into oncoming traffic;
  • unfastened seat belts for both the driver and passengers;
  • moving in a lane designated for public transport;
  • speed limit violation.

What is the punishment for driving into the oncoming lane, read here.

Find out how to win a case in court regarding the deprivation of rights for driving into oncoming traffic at the link:

In a number of regions of our vast Motherland, devices are being tested that can calculate the average speed of a vehicle on a certain section of the highway. Having recorded the speed of the car at the entrance to the area they control and at the exit from it, they calculate the average speed at which it moved along this area.

If the result calculated by the devices exceeds the maximum speed allowed on this section of the route, a letter will be sent to the owner of the car informing him that he has been fined for violating the speed limit.

In addition, the traffic police plans to maximize control over drivers. To do this, they are going to install cameras, the optics of which will allow them to record the car crossing the so-called “stop line” at the moment when the red light turns on, as well as not letting a pedestrian pass.

It is worth noting that each device used for photo and video recording of offenses must have a special certificate.

This certificate must clearly define which specific traffic violations this particular device can record. It is very important.

So, if a device designed to record speed violations records how you drove into oncoming traffic, and based on this you are given a fine, then this action is absolutely illegal.

Having received such a fine, immediately go to court to have the fine declared unlawful.

Can a speed camera capture continuous

Features of operation Modern cameras for recording violations by motorists can malfunction. In many situations, weather conditions lead to false information. For example, cameras for recording the intersection of a solid line may incorrectly perceive the existing shadow of a vehicle that was driving without any violations in its lane. Errors can be caused by deficiencies in software operating on the basis of automated technologies. It should be noted that the processing of electronic fines is carried out manually by administrative police officers, so there is a risk associated with the human factor. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow the installation of fixation equipment on unlit sections of routes for the purpose of illumination. This is due to the following aspect: cameras with flashes cannot be used for safety reasons.

Does the speed camera record the intersection of a solid road?

Crossing a solid and double solid marking line - fines in 2018. Other violations in which the driver was driving in the oncoming direction will cost him from 5 thousand rubles.
and more. We should not forget that a repeated violation increases the chance of losing your license for a long time from 4 months to 1 year. Notes in traffic regulations In 2017, not only the amounts of fines were tightened, but also possible other measures for non-payment. For timely failure to pay, the driver will be required to pay a fine of three times the initial amount, and methods of arresting the violator for up to 15 days or forced correctional labor for 50 hours are also possible. The important point is that the amount and punishment for a violation for the first time will be many times less and easier than if the driver is caught for a similar violation for the second time.

Cameras recording the intersection of a solid line

Can the traffic police deprive you of your driving license?

Are video recording rights revoked for crossing a double solid line?

It automatically recognizes license plates of cars passing by, checks them against databases and transmits information to the post.
A traffic police officer stops the car and carries out an inspection. What happens after the violation is video recorded? After recording a violation, the video device automatically transmits the captured footage to the central server, where the data of the car owner is entered into the traffic police database by its number and make. Next, a letter with a protocol and a Resolution on an administrative fine is sent to the owner of the car by mail, which must be certified by the seal of TsAFAP or the traffic police. Photographs of the recorded violation must be attached to the letter. The photo must show the license plate number of the car, either on the front or the back. Letters are sent with notification of receipt.

The intersection of the solid road was recorded by the camera, which will happen for the first time

The Avtodoriya device calculates the average speed of a car moving at a distance from 100 m to 2-3 kilometers.
There is no radar here, there are only cameras that record cars at the beginning and end of the route. The stationary complex "AvtoUragan-VSM" is capable of recording 16 types of traffic violations. This device also does not have a radar; it only has a wide-angle video camera, which does not interfere with determining the speed of cars with an error of only 2 km/h.

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The vehicle's travel time is also recorded.

  • The Vocord device also does not use radar. The system measures the average speed only with the lens, taking several frames in a row.
  • The Arena camera can be stationary or mobile. Its readable speed range is from 20 to 250 km/h.
  • We understand the types of photo and video recording cameras. The camera catches the intruder within a radius of 8 meters.

    The speed camera captures solid

    These devices detect violations in the direction of movement of these vehicles and are able to record:

    • over speed;
    • violation of parking rules;
    • violation of toll rules for heavy goods vehicles.

    Cameras operating in conjunction with traffic police officers Such devices make it possible to confirm the guilt of the driver and impose a fine on him. They record any violation of the rules, but, unlike automatic cameras, they do not send so-called “chain letters.” Traffic police inspectors can only impose a fine manually.

    Options for using such cameras:

    1. The inspector films the traffic violation on camera, then stops the car.
    2. A traffic police officer records a violation of the rules, then transmits the information to the nearest post, where they stop the driver in order to impose a fine on him.
    3. The camera is installed in front of the traffic police post.

    How do traffic police cameras work to record violations?

    The new traffic rules clearly indicate that driving into an oncoming lane connected to a U-turn is punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles (Administrative Code, third part, article 12.15). How can traffic police officers prove this offense? Traffic police can draw up a report on the fact of a violation in the presence of the driver, using photo and video evidence, as well as witness testimony. In addition, traffic cameras record violations, but based on their materials, you can only “get” a fine—not a deprivation.

    Conclusion In order not to run into punishment, you need to be fluent in the information prescribed in the traffic rules. After all, on the road a situation may arise in which one of the points will have to be violated. You can challenge the deprivation through the court if you were unable to convince the traffic police officer that you were right.

    Which cameras record the intersection of a double solid line?

    In general, the driver should remember that crossing a solid line is only possible in one case - when it marks the boundaries of parking spaces. In all other cases, you need to be guided by the expression: “A solid wall is a wall, you don’t drive through a wall.” Today, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of penalties for crossing a solid line:

    Please remember that fines may be increased.

    Can a speed camera record the intersection of a solid road?

    Stationary cameras are very convenient and practical. They are installed in a specific location and configured once. Such systems are capable of filming:

    • over speed;
    • going to the stop line;
    • maneuvering at a prohibitory traffic light;
    • leaving a car at an intersection during a traffic jam;
    • vehicle entering the oncoming lane;
    • entry under a prohibiting sign;
    • going to the sidewalk;
    • entering the lane designated for route vehicles;
    • violation of road markings;
    • truck movement beyond the second lane on highways;
    • turn from the second row;
    • low beam headlights not turned on;
    • violation of toll rules for heavy trucks;
    • ignoring pedestrians at a zebra crossing.

    The traffic police plans to introduce into the video recording program driving without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy or with a fake policy. The intersection of the solid line was recorded by the camera, which will happen for the first time. The driver leaves the yard and turns left, crossing the solid marking line. Very often, drivers violate traffic rules when leaving the yard onto the main two-way road. Moreover, they do not turn to the right (according to the rules this is correct), but to the left, while crossing the solid marking line. Until 2017, for such a violation, the driver faced a sanction in the form of deprivation of his license. In 2017, there were changes to the traffic police code of offenses. Now the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles. Situation 5. The driver crossed a solid line when changing lanes at the intersection. In this case, he will, of course, be fined, not only because he crossed a non-broken line, but also because he should not have made any maneuvers at the intersection. The fine in this case can reach 1,500 rubles.

    One of the “popular” violations by impatient drivers is crossing a solid double lane marking.

    Any driver knows that crossing continuous double dividing markings is strictly prohibited.

    You can not only pay for this in rubles, but also with your driver’s license. In what cases is relief made?

    Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

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    Intersection of double solid

    A solid stripe on the road refers to road signs. It divides the car rows according to the directions of movement, marking their boundaries. A solid line can be double . In this case, the markings divide a four-lane (or more) road along “polar” directions of movement. You can't cross it.

    A double solid stripe is indicated by different colors:

    • White (right and left). It is forbidden to drive behind her . But if the far right mark (separates the sidewalk from the side of the road) is wider, then it can be crossed when parking a car on the side of the road and when returning back;
    • Orange . This is the designation for temporary markings during road repairs;
    • Yellow . It is applied to the right or on top of the restrictive curb, indicating a ban on stopping cars , except for municipal vehicles.

    to maneuver to cross these road markings , as the car ends up facing oncoming traffic . This is the risk of a fatal accident.

    It is prohibited to drive onto double continuous markings if there are no appropriate permitting signs .

    But deprivation of a driver's license is legal only in two cases ( overtaking and turning left through a double solid line ). In other cases, penalties are imposed.

    Left turn

    One of the “popular” violations by impatient drivers is turning left across a double line. The reason is that you are too lazy to reach the intermittent markings that allow this maneuver or you don’t want to give the traffic light a green signal, gaining a couple of road meters.

    As a result, the driver's actions cause the creation of a risky traffic situation . At any moment, another car can leave the turn, then their “meeting” will be inevitable. It is for these reasons that turning by crossing a double solid line is strictly prohibited . The appropriate punishment is confiscation of the driver's document .

    A dangerous U-turn also refers to the most serious violations of traffic rules . But in this case, the driver will be charged financially . A U-turn is legal if there are temporary permission signs (“a place for a U-turn”) on the site. If the markings and signs differ, then you need to be guided by the latest designations.

    A driver's license cannot be confiscated for such . Not all drivers know this, which is what prompt traffic police officers take advantage of, offering to resolve this issue personally on the spot.

    But the withdrawal in this case still “shines” for drivers who, after crossing the prohibited markings, continued to move in the traffic flow .

    In what cases can you cross a double line with impunity?

    Some pay a fine and are deprived of their rights out of ignorance, since in some cases crossing prohibited road markings is not a violation.

    We are talking about avoiding stationary obstacles . These include:

    • disabled stationary vehicle ;
    • carrying out repair work;
    • blockage of the passage with construction materials;
    • road irregularities (potholes, potholes and other defects) that prevent a car from passing in its lane.

    In other cases, the maneuver is considered a prohibited action.

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    How to turn around without violating traffic rules?

    A turn is allowed if there are additional signs :

    • 6.3.1 - allows you to turn around in a designated place, but prohibits turning left ;
    • 6.3.2indicates the length of the area for maneuver , prohibits turning left .

    If the markings and signs “dispute” , then it is prescribed to adhere to the permitting signs . Since signs are of paramount importance according to traffic rules. You can turn around, but not make a turn.

    Do cameras record violations?

    If you drove across a double line without noticing and then received a notice with appropriate sanctions, don’t be surprised. You have been spotted by a “punishing eye” - a camera. More often , a violation is recorded when entering the oncoming side ( 99% of cameras ).

    Until 2008, crossing the prohibited line was considered to be driving into oncoming traffic and was severely punished under any circumstances. Today the situation has turned its face towards drivers - the Code of Administrative Offenses spells out in which cases the driver faces deprivation , and in which cases the driver will get off with only a fine .

    Do you lose your license for crossing a double line?

    Let's consider cases when the offender faces the most severe punishment .

      Overtaking in oncoming traffic (Code of Administrative Offenses, part four, article 12.15). Withdrawal of rights for a period 4-6 months. In this case, it does not matter who they tried to get ahead of.

    Even if it was a weaving rattle. The guilt is obvious, even if the second car did not give way, having pulled over to the side of the road, as prescribed by traffic regulations;

  • Turn left ( Administrative Code, part four, article 12.15 ). A U-turn before reaching the intermittent markings that allow turning will backfire on an impatient driver.
  • If the camera recorded

    If an illegal maneuver is recorded, the owner of the car receives a decision to pay a fine .

    The recording is not a reason for deprivation of a driver's license in absentia. For such a preventive measure, the traffic police officer must draw up a protocol at the scene of the violation together with the driver of the car. That is, guilt is established based on the fact of traffic violation.

    Intersection of double solid

    Unforeseen situations may arise on the road. For example, in the middle of the lane there is a stalled car and does not allow others to pass. According to traffic rules, you can go around it on the right. This is not always possible in reality.

    In this case, you are allowed to cross the prohibited marking and drive around it on the left side. But provided that there is no other vehicle coming towards you. Traffic police officers do not have the right to punish for such a maneuver.

    But if it was still possible to overcome the obstacle from the safe side (right), then a fine from 1,000 rubles to 1,500 rubles ( Administrative Code, third part, article 12.15 ).

    Turn left through a double lane

    In this case, a solid line and oncoming traffic flow intersect at once. Code of Administrative Offenses ( third part of Article 12.15 ) – monetary penalty from 1,000 rubles to 1,500 rubles .

    Reversal through double solid

    For some reason, many are sure that if they do this in a manner they will inevitably be deprived of their ID. And sometimes traffic police officers take advantage of this ignorance.

    The new traffic rules clearly indicate that driving into an oncoming lane connected to a U-turn is punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles ( Administrative Code, third part, article 12.15 ).

    How can traffic police officers prove this offense?

    In addition, traffic cameras record violations , but based on their materials, you can only “get” a fine—not a deprivation.


    In order not to run into punishment, you need to be fluent in the information prescribed in the traffic rules. After all, on the road a situation may arise in which one of the points will have to be violated.

    You can challenge the deprivation through the court if you were unable to convince the traffic police officer that you were right. And if the suppression of a solid road did not happen while overtaking, then with the correct interpretation of your actions you will win the case.

    Can the traffic police deprive you of your driving license?

    Deprivation by cell

    Standard practice in 2019 is to receive a “chain letter” in the form of an administrative fine issued using an auto-fixation tool. But an interesting question is whether anyone was deprived of their rights if the violation was recorded by a camera, because the latter today detect both solid traffic and driving on red, taking into account the repetition of the violation and many other prohibited maneuvers. We will find out below whether the traffic police can deprive the rights to use a camera to automatically record violations in 2019, on what legal basis, and what exceptions there are.

    Cameras for automatically recording violations were introduced back in the 2000s. And, although technologically they are developing very slowly, today they make it possible to detect a wide variety of violations.

    Here is a list of offenses identified by cameras and subject to deprivation of rights:

    • driving in the oncoming lane with a preliminary intersection of the solid road,
    • repeated disregard of traffic regulations that prohibit movement through intersections when the traffic light is prohibited (red or yellow, except in exceptional cases),
    • exceeding the speed limit by 60 km/h or more (including repeated),
    • crossing railway tracks when the barrier is closing or is already closed or when the traffic light is red (yellow).

    Is it possible to lose your license for such violations on camera?

    The answer to this question is unambiguous and is given by the Administrative Code, but you will have to look at two of its articles at once. Thus, the third part of Article 28.6 of the Administrative Code prescribes the rule that if a violation of the law is detected by an automatic recording camera, then a protocol is not written, but a resolution is immediately issued, which is sent to the offender by mail.

    We will not quote the norm given above, but only the passage we need. The full version of Part 3 of this article is available at the link above.

    3. In case of detection of an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code. committed using a vehicle or by the owner, recorded using special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording, a protocol on an administrative offense is not drawn up, and a resolution on the case on an administrative offense is issued without the participation of the person against whom the case of an administrative offense has been initiated, and is formalized in the manner prescribed by Article 29.10 of this Code.

    So what of this?!” - you say. Indeed, the quoted text does not make it clear what the deprivation of rights for the auto-fixation camera has to do with it. But this rule of law is referred to by another article of the Administrative Code, and it already gives a direct answer to our question. This is part 3.1 of article 4.1 of the Administrative Code:

    3.1. In the cases provided for in Part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code , administrative punishment is imposed in the form of an administrative fine. In this case, the amount of the imposed administrative fine must be the smallest within the sanction of the applicable article or part of the article of Section II of this Code, and in cases where the sanction of the applied article or part of the article of Section II of this Code provides for administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles or administrative arrest and there is no provision for administrative punishment in the form of an administrative fine, administrative punishment is imposed in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

    Let's explain the essence of this article in a simpler way:

    • In cases where a violation is recorded on camera, only a fine can be issued, and there cannot be any deprivation, arrest, compulsory labor, or the like.
    • If an article of the Code provides for a range of fines (for example, for exceeding the speed limit by 60-80 km/h the fine will be from 2000 to 2500 rubles), then the smallest amount from this range should be issued.
    • If an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for deprivation or arrest, but does not provide for a fine at all (for example, a repeated violation in the form of driving into oncoming traffic), but if you are caught on a traffic camera, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed.
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    As you can see, everything is quite simple and transparent. The traffic police cannot deprive you of your driver's license using an auto-recording camera.

    Which cameras record the intersection of a solid line?

    Cameras that automatically record traffic violations have been closely monitoring Russian car owners for more than 10 years. How does smart technology work, and can cameras record violations of marking rules?

    About video recording devices

    Cameras for photographic and video recording of offenses first appeared in Europe in the 1960s. They have been introduced in Russia since 2008. For ten years, the practice of using these devices has already become established.

    Nevertheless, difficulties continue to arise in regulating the review of administrative materials initiated on the basis of the testimony of such devices.

    Cameras record the following violations:

    • Exceeding the permissible speed;
    • Ignoring a prohibiting traffic light signal;
    • Crossing the stop line;
    • Driving into the oncoming lane, the lane of route vehicles, as well as driving onto the sidewalk;
    • Passing under signs prohibiting entry and prohibiting the movement of trucks;
    • Violation of road marking requirements;
    • Failure to give right of way to pedestrians.

    Do devices register violations when crossing markings?

    Violations of marking rules are recorded by cameras that operate automatically.

    Violations are recorded by photo and video recording devices:

    1. Drifting into oncoming traffic;
    2. Crossing a solid line in the same direction;
    3. Intersection of a double solid line;
    4. Drive to the side of the road.

    What systems register a violation?

    Cameras for recording offenses can operate either in automatic or non-automatic mode. In the latter case, they are applied directly by traffic police officers.

    The difference in the camera mode (automatic or non-automatic mode) comes down to the difference in the procedural registration of an administrative offense. The Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 18, as amended on February 9, 2012, states:

    If a violation is recorded by a camera in automatic mode, then a protocol is not drawn up, but only a resolution is issued .

    If a violation is recorded by a camera that is not operating in automatic mode, the official must draw up a protocol on the commission of an administrative offense.

    Consequently, if a repeated violation in the form of crossing a solid line is recorded by a camera that is not operating in automatic mode, the driver will be deprived of his license.

    Types of photo and video recording techniques

    According to the list of the main technical means used by the traffic police to provide evidence in a case of an administrative offense, cameras are:

    Stationary cameras are the primary means for collecting information. These cameras are usually located on poles and traffic lights. Stationary devices collect information about violators and transmit this information to a central data processing service. After analyzing the data, orders and letters are automatically generated to notify violators.

    Mobile complexes - they are installed by private individuals on the roadsides. Incorrect installation and operation of such complexes leads to unreliability of the collected information. In 2019, it is planned to develop operating rules for mobile systems.

    Mobile devices are radars that are used by traffic police officers. Their use was phased out in 2016 because the radars had the ability to delete recordings of the violation. This led to the spread of corruption among traffic police officers.

    But a year later, the radars were “reflashed”, and the function of deleting an entry by employees became impossible. Therefore, in 2017, mobile devices were introduced again.

    According to their technical properties, cameras are also divided into several types:

    Radar devices

    The operating principle of such cameras is based on the Doppler effect - a change in the wavelength of radiation. The radar sends an electromagnetic wave towards moving cars, and from them the wave is sent back towards the receiver (radar). The receiver records the already changed frequency of the wave, thus obtaining information about the speed of the object and the direction of its movement.

    A camera is installed in the complex with the radar, which takes a photo at the moment it receives information about the speed of the object.

    Fixed radar cameras include:

    • Complex "PKS-4";
    • Complex "Strelka 01 ST";
    • Complex "AvtoUragan-VSM";
    • Complex "Cordon";
    • Rapier system.

    Mobile radar cameras include:

    1. Complex "Arena";
    2. Radar "Chris";
    3. Radar "Strelka M".

    Laser devices

    Laser cameras are more accurate than radar cameras.

    Operating principle: a laser beam is directed at a certain angle, then reflected from a moving object.

    The device analyzes the received information and, using Doppler effect formulas, obtains information about the speed of the object.

    Due to the short wavelength of laser radiation, it is difficult to detect such cameras in advance . Even if the radar detector worked and warned the driver about the “danger”, data on the speed of movement will already be received.

    Laser radars work well at high temperatures (up to +50°C). In low temperature conditions (up to -40°C), such complexes require additional heating.

    Laser cameras include:

    What if the camera recorded a violation?

    If the driver received information about administrative liability based on information from technical means of photo and video recording, then he should make sure that it was he who committed the violation.

    In cases where the car is no longer owned and the former owner receives someone else’s fines, such decisions must be appealed. The basis for the appeal is Art. 2.6.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If the former owner proves in court that the vehicle is no longer in his possession, the court will cancel the fines imposed.

    In cases where the driver was actually driving the car and agrees with the violation, the fine must be paid within the grace period. You can pay the fine with a discount within 20 days from the date of the decision.

    In December 2018, amendments were adopted to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which allow the grace period to be extended in cases of late receipt of a copy of the resolution. If the letter was received by the car owner more than 20 days after this decision was issued, the grace period for paying the fine can be extended. To do this, you need to file a corresponding petition with the court or CAFAP.

    Also, a situation may arise when a driver receives a fine illegally. Either there was no recorded violation, or it was committed under the circumstances.

    Regarding crossing a solid line and violating the marking rules, the following incident is possible. A notice of violation was received; the photograph shows that the car does not cross the markings. But the camera mistakes the car's shadow as part of the car's outline. Such a decision must be appealed to CAFAP.

    If, under the current conditions, it was impossible not to cross the solid line, the decision can also be appealed through CAFAP or the court. The complaint must detail the factual circumstances that led to the violation of the rules. For example: a maneuver was started in a permitted location, but due to the size of the vehicle, the maneuver was completed in a prohibited location.

    Penalty for violation

    The punishment for crossing a solid line is regulated by the provisions of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    The law provides for punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, or deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4 to 6 months.

    For repeated violation - deprivation of driver's license for 1 year.

    But if a repeated violation is recorded by a camera in automatic mode , then another punishment is provided - a fine of 5 thousand rubles. This provision is contained in Part 5 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    The cameras that came to the aid of the State Traffic Inspectorate help improve the level of safety on Russian roads. However, technology can make mistakes, so drivers should report such errors to the appropriate authorities. Not only to protect their personal interests, but also to improve photo and video recording systems.

    Can a camera record driving through a solid road? Link to main publication
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