
Is it possible to drive with a cracked windshield?

Fine for a crack in the windshield

The presence of cracks on the windshield of a car in the area of ​​effect of the windshield wipers is one of the reasons why the vehicle will not be able to pass inspection. But many car owners are interested in another related circumstance, namely whether the traffic police inspector has the right to issue a resolution on admin. offense in case of operation of a car with this damage.

Grounds for punishing a driver for having a cracked windshield

Imposing a fine on a motorist in this case is not such a rare occurrence. Most often in the resolution, when describing the violation, representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate refer to Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offences:

“Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited ... entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

Does the inspector have the right to make a decision?

To assess the legality of imposing this penalty, you should refer to the Basic Provisions for Admitting a Vehicle to Operation, or more precisely to the contents of the Appendix to the document, which lists the faults for which operation of the vehicle is not permitted. After all, it is this document that is referred to in the cited article of the Code.

The faults are clearly stated here:

braking system and steering,

windshield wipers and washers,

Other structural elements are also considered, which are worth moving on to in this case. Among the points listed here, there is only one that is at least somehow related to the case under consideration:

clause 7.3. Additional objects have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.

However, this still has a very indirect relation to a crack in the glass, even if in the area where the windshield wipers are operating, so a fine for a crack in the windshield in Russia in 2018 cannot be legally imposed. Although, of course, if it is not just a crack, but such damage to the triplex through which the road is really hard to see from the driver’s seat, no court will probably cancel the decision made by the traffic inspector.

Other regulations that fall within the case under consideration

It is clearly stated that there should be no cracks on the windshield in the area of ​​the windshield wiper on the driver's side, only in GOST R 51709-2001 in art. 4.7.2, establishing safety requirements for the operation of automatic telephone exchanges. However, in the article in question of the Code of Administrative Offenses there are no references to this document, therefore it is unlawful to fine a driver for non-compliance of his vehicle with the mentioned GOST.

Problems will arise for the motorist only during a technical inspection, after which, based on the provisions of this document, a conclusion on the possibility of operating the vehicle will not be made. However, until this moment, according to current regulations, the driver can drive onto the road.

Real state of affairs

As previously discussed, the traffic police inspector has no legal grounds for punishing a motorist when a crack is detected on the windshield, since Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, this case is not considered. Nevertheless, practice shows that representatives of the law quite often issue orders precisely on the basis of this article, and drivers regularly pay 500-ruble fines.

If this is your case, and you already have the mentioned paper in your hands, contact the superior officer of the traffic police officer who issued the protocol, and if they refuse, prove your case in court. In the latter case, it would be better to use the services of competent lawyers to correctly draw up and submit all the necessary documents.

Is it possible to drive with a crack in the windshield?

To accept the presence of chips and cracks or to immediately replace the windshield is a largely subjective question and the final decision can only be made by the owner of the car. Defects that appear on the windshield may not cause any inconvenience and may be invisible to such an extent that even the car owner will not immediately detect them. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, you will not be able to pass a technical inspection or register your car with a crack on the windshield. In addition, a traffic police inspector can issue a fine even for a small crack on the windshield on completely legal grounds.

The justification for imposing such sanctions on your car is one governing document, namely GOST R 51709-2001 “Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods.” The whole point lies in the wording from clause 4.7.2 - “The presence of cracks on windshields in the area where the windshield wiper cleans the half of the glass located on the driver’s side is not allowed.”

Taking into account this prohibition, everyone can independently decide what to do if a stone hits the windshield. Small cracks and chips that are not in the restricted area of ​​the windshield can be left as is (if they do not bother you) or repaired using the tips from this article. If the damage is located on the driver's side and falls within the wiper operating area, then minor repairs can also save the situation. Otherwise, you can drive the car only after replacing the windshield.

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Is a stone hitting the windshield an insured event under MTPL?

Stone impact is perhaps the most common cause of windshield damage. The incident, in addition to grief, also implies the occurrence of unforeseen financial costs. Repairing or replacing damaged glass requires money and it is difficult to find someone who will take it with joy. If a stone hits the windshield from under the wheels of the car in front, you have a chance to eliminate all the consequences under OSAGO or CASCO. Of course, the process of “extorting” money from the insurance company will require persistence and patience on your part, but the likelihood of receiving compensation cannot be called zero.

There are two main points that can help you when communicating with the insurance company.
Firstly, from paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules it follows that damage to the windshield while the car is moving is precisely an accident and nothing else. Therefore, you need to act according to all the rules that apply in such situations - calling the traffic police, drawing up an accident diagram, etc. Secondly, if the driver of the car in front did not stop (and in 90% of cases this happens), then there is a violation of clause 2.5 of the traffic rules - leaving the scene of an accident. This is already punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

Your success in obtaining compensation will depend on many factors. The human factor will have a huge impact on the outcome of the appeal, but in Russian judicial practice there are precedents of this kind with decisions in favor of the victim. So whether to contact the insurance company or not is up to you!

How to repair a chip on a windshield?

Quite often, very minor damage occurs - chips appear on the windshield. The chip itself is not such a serious damage, but it may well develop into a crack. The main thing is to treat the defect responsibly and take all possible actions to eliminate it. The very first action when a chip is detected is to seal it with tape or tape. This will delay the spread of the defect and prevent the entry of dust and protect against exposure to chemically active environments.

The automotive glass repair standard describes several types of chips depending on their appearance: star, bull's eye, crescent, and combined damage.

  • A “star” is a defect in the form of several small cracks that diverge from a common center (usually from the point of impact). Repairing such damage only makes sense if the size of the defect is no more than 6-7 centimeters.
  • Bull's eye is damage without cracks. It consists of a central chip at the point of impact and secondary damage around it. The critical size reaches 2.5 centimeters. If the defect is larger, then repair is impractical.
  • The Crescent Moon is a special case of the Bull's Eye. In this case, the damage has an uneven, incomplete structure. The critical dimensions of the damage are the same - 2.5 centimeters.
  • Combined damage is a mixture of all described types in various combinations. The defect can also be repaired, but only if the size is no more than 4-5 centimeters.

You can repair scratches on the windshield using special chemical compounds. One such product is the Permatex windshield repair kit. During the procedure, the glass must be dry and clean. In addition, the glass must be at normal temperature. If the windshield overheats under the sun's rays, it is better to postpone the procedure and drive the car into the shade to reduce the temperature to the optimum. Below you can watch a short video tutorial on how to repair windshield chips using Permatex.

How to stop a crack in your windshield?

It is highly not recommended to postpone restoration work if a crack is detected on the windshield. There are a number of restrictions on the size and location of cracks. For example, cracks that extend to the edge of the windshield are practically impossible to repair. The requirements for preparing the windshield for restoration are similar to the case with chips described above.

To prevent the crack from spreading, it is recommended to drill its edges. The procedure makes sense only if the damage is not through - this can be easily checked by running a needle along the surface of the glass on each side of the windshield. If no obstacles are felt on the back of the glass, then the likelihood of a successful repair remains. The drill for carrying out the work should be small. Diamond-coated drill bits are best. During operation, the drilling site must be moistened with soapy water or oil, but the use of ordinary water is not recommended.

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With proper skill, preliminary work to eliminate the crack can be carried out independently. However, you will also have to bear responsibility for the results of your work and the condition of the windshield yourself. If you have some doubts and lack of confidence in your abilities, then it is better to sign up for service at a car service center and get advice from qualified specialists.

Is it possible to drive with a cracked windshield?

One of the most unpleasant incidents that can happen to a driver is a broken windshield. The reason for this may be a stone thrown from under the wheels of another vehicle.

At the same time, many drivers continue to drive for years with a windshield covered with a web of cracks formed after a minor accident or damage from some object. This is not surprising: the replacement procedure is quite expensive, and the cracks don’t seem to bother you if you don’t really worry about the visual properties of the product.

However, continuing to operate a car with a damaged windshield is a great threat to the driver and passengers.

Is it possible to drive a car with a broken windshield?

Modern cars are equipped with glass that, even after complete destruction, provides visibility that allows you to stop safely. However, with extensive damage to the windshield, you cannot continue driving - it is prohibited by law. It’s a disaster if such a situation happened in a place where you can easily call a tow truck. It’s worse when you can’t count on this help.

Cracked glass does not pose a significant danger. You can also drive a car, the windshield will not fall out or fall apart. Some drivers drive with such glass for years. However, there are several factors that influence safe driving. For example, a crack distracts attention, makes it difficult to see, and the driver unconsciously turns his gaze to the crack. At night or in conditions of poor visibility, a crack can cause blindness to the driver.

Causes of cracks

1. Mechanical impact (stone, thorn, icicle, blow from a windshield wiper blade). Often a crack is formed from a chip that the car owner did not have time to repair.

2. Temperature difference. If in winter you suddenly turn on the hot air blowing on cold glass, the glass may burst. The characteristic shape is a line above the stove parallel to the bottom edge. Washing a cold car with hot water in winter, or washing a hot car with cold water in summer can lead to the same result.

3. The car body is deformed and damaged.

4. Incorrect glass installation

Crack repair

Repairing a crack is done in a similar way to repairing a chip. The ends are “drilled” - technological recesses are made to relieve stress. The damaged area is cleaned and dried. Using a special device - an injector, the cavity is filled under pressure with transparent polymer glue. Drying the glue takes 20 minutes under an ultraviolet lamp. The crack does not disappear completely, it becomes less visible. For sizes larger than 15-20 centimeters, repair is not advisable; it is more logical to replace the glass.

Which cracks should not be repaired?

If the length of the crack is more than 15-20 centimeters, then its repair is impractical. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The damage area is large.
  2. There is a network of small cracks on the glass – a “cobweb”.
  3. The funnel of the defect deepening exceeds 2.5 cm.
  4. The distance from the crack to the nearest “edge” of the windshield is less than 10 cm.

What could be the fine for driving with a damaged windshield?

From the point of view of the safety of operating a vehicle, a crack in the windshield does not pose a threat if it does not interfere with visibility and normal control of the car. Thanks to modern technologies used in the manufacture of car glass, even if damaged, you can safely drive without fear for its integrity. But what is the situation in the legal sphere, what is the fine for driving with a broken windshield and will it be issued at all if the driver has to communicate with a representative of the law about this? We will talk about this in more detail later.

Driving with a broken windshield in itself should not entail a fine, since it is not included in the list of offenses provided for by administrative legislation. And yet, in most cases, traffic police officers do not miss the opportunity to draw the attention of the vehicle owner to the existing damage. As a result, it often happens that the driver is issued a fine for a crack in the windshield, citing Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

In what cases can a driver be fined for a broken windshield?

In fact, there is no mention in the rules and laws about mechanical defects on the windshield of a car. And also nowhere does it say that a car owner can be fined for a cracked windshield in Russia, regardless of the location and size of the damaged area. In this case, what are law enforcement officials guided by when they intend to fine a person driving a car with a crack in the front window?

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The Code of Administrative Offenses contains only one indirect mention, which may be the basis for imposing monetary sanctions on the driver. It states that the operation of a vehicle is prohibited if there are malfunctions and conditions that impede safe operation. That is, the traffic inspector still has the right to issue a fine for a broken windshield in cases where the location of the damaged area, as well as its size, obscures the driver’s view, which poses a potential danger.

The same part 1 of Article 12.5 indicates what fine for a crack in the windshield may follow - the amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. And it also says that the traffic police officer may limit himself to a verbal warning, but, most likely, monetary sanctions should be expected. In the case when the damaged area does not block the view and cannot cause an accident, this is not considered a violation and should not entail any legal consequences.

How to avoid fines for a damaged windshield

Even if the traffic inspector has every reason to issue a fine for a broken windshield, you can avoid unpleasant consequences. For example, in your defense, you can say that you are heading to the nearest car service center to fix the problem. By the way, this way you can justify yourself every time you meet a law enforcement officer. But a wiser decision would be to fix the problem as soon as possible if the damaged area really interferes with normal driving and is often the subject of discussion with the traffic inspector.

In addition, you will not be able to pass your next inspection with a cracked windshield. After all, the vehicle in this case does not meet the safety and technical requirements. And you definitely shouldn’t drive a car without passing a technical inspection, since you can not only get fined, but also temporarily lose your right to drive.

Is it possible to drive with a cracked windshield?

Traffic regulations as such are silent about glass damage. The “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” adds to this that you cannot use a vehicle that does not have glass provided for by the design - any of the available ones.

Further investigation refers us to GOST R 51709-2001 “Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and inspection methods”, on the provisions of which the technical inspection procedure is based. Clause 4.7.2: the presence of cracks on windshields in the area where the windshield wiper cleans the half of the glass located on the driver’s side is not allowed. That is, a car even with minor glass damage in the specified area will not pass inspection! The inspection authority will oblige the driver to replace the glass.

In practice, it is still possible to successfully pass a technical inspection for almost any fault and without presenting the car for inspection. Or simply buy a diagnostic card, which will allow you to purchase a compulsory MTPL policy. When selling compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance, insurance companies do not require you to provide the car for inspection. They don’t even need the actual diagnostic card form - it’s in the electronic database.

A crack in the windshield is not one of the faults that will result in a fine for driving on the road. So the inspector, if he doesn’t like your crack, has the right (and partly the obligation) to make recommendations - and traffic cops actually sometimes make them. Although they may try to bring it under Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code “Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.” But we have just made sure that cracks are not mentioned in the “List”, and therefore are not subject to an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

A separate question: is it possible to sell and re-register a car with a crack in the windshield? Without a doubt, yes. If you don’t want to or don’t have time to change.

But keep in mind that the seller will still lose money: the new owner will have to undergo a technical inspection and purchase compulsory motor liability insurance, and he will definitely insist on adjusting the agreed value of the transaction - in his favor. Any obvious and noticeable defect is an excellent reason to reduce the price. Most likely, the seller will lose more on this compared to what it would cost him to replace the glass.

But the owner risks losing even more if the crack really seriously impairs the view from the driver’s seat (we see a lot of such cars on the roads), and for this reason one day an accident will occur, which has been avoided for many years. So, if you are a careful and thoughtful person, then even a crack on the passenger side should bother you. And if it doesn’t bother you, then you read this note in vain.

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