
How long is a driver's medical examination certificate valid?

What is the validity period of a medical certificate for a driver's license in 2019?

Innovations in the issuance of driver's licenses that have occurred recently have also affected such a nuance as the expiration date of the medical certificate issued to the driver by the medical commission. The certificate has its own validity period.

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The document confirms the motorist’s health fitness to drive a vehicle of one category or another.

The medical examination notes the condition of the most significant systems and organs of the human body for driving a car.

When were innovations introduced?

Changes in the validity period of a medical certificate for drivers were made on March 26, 2019, when the main Order of the Ministry of Health No. 344n dated July 15, 2015 came into force.

This order has its own name - “On conducting a mandatory medical examination for drivers of motor vehicles and candidate drivers.”

The order reflects the rules for motorists undergoing a medical examination, as well as for how long medical clinics or centers can now issue certificates to drivers.

You can find information in the Order itself about the validity period of such a certificate in Appendix No. 1 (“Procedure for conducting a medical examination of drivers and driver candidates”), clause 12.

How are the deadlines stated in the law?

In the law, or more precisely in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n, the terms are prescribed not in years, but in months.

If the certificate is valid for 1 year, then clause 12 of the Order contains the following wording: “The medical report is drawn up by a doctor (therapist) ... and is valid for presentation to the traffic police ... within 12 months from the date of preparation (date of issue) of the document.”

This applies to the following types of driver's licenses, which require showing a valid medical certificate:

  • issuance of domestic driver's licenses;
  • issuance of international samples;
  • Russian exchange;
  • international exchange.

Without passing a medical examination by all the necessary doctors, the medical commission will not issue a certificate to drivers, even if you just need to change your driver’s license, but the certificate has already expired.

You should visit the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • ENT;
  • otolaryngologist (on the recommendation of a therapist) and others.

Since fake driver medical fitness certificates are not recorded anywhere, they are easy to spot.

Traffic police officers can contact any clinic that is listed in the certificate to find out whether such a driver is listed in the general database or archives or not.

Most often, a fake is detected right away - there is simply no data on the driver in the database. For falsifying documents, the driver may incur criminal liability in the form of a fine - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles .

Or deprivation of a driver’s license until this certificate is issued and submitted to the traffic police.

Note! All information about the results of a driver’s medical examination is stored in the archived database of a medical institution for 10 years.

After this period, you will need to undergo a medical examination again in order to again receive a certificate for the traffic police.

What is the cost of a medical certificate for a driver’s license in 2019, read here.

What is the expiration date of a medical certificate in 2019?

The standard validity periods for a medical certificate in 2019 are 1 year and 2 years. Despite the generalization of deadlines for such medical certificates for drivers, there are deadlines that differ from the standard ones.

This is due to different parameters and criteria that motorists themselves meet.

Conventionally, drivers who must receive a certificate with a specific expiration date for a medical document are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Holders of driving rights for a specific category of vehicle.
  2. Persons who are included in the conditional “risk” group.

According to the law, the validity period of a medical certificate for a driver’s license when changing a license will now very much depend on the category being opened, if such an event occurs.

The risk group may include persons who have reached a certain age, as well as professional drivers who perform regular trips by vehicle throughout the working day.

Let us consider in more detail in a separate table the deadlines established by law for the validity of a medical certificate issued after a driver’s commission:

To familiarize yourself with the deadlines and the document itself, it would be useful to study some of the nuances regarding its execution:

  1. The certificate is valid for exactly one year from the date of its preparation and signing by the head physician.
  2. The validity period of the document is not indicated on the form.
  3. Photos are no longer attached to the certificate, so the production time will speed up the procedure.
  4. A number of fields where doctors were previously indicated have been removed from the form.
  5. The driver should be examined by a psychiatrist or narcologist at his place of registration, otherwise the results will not be accepted.
  6. The new sample certificate form is subject to strict reporting.

The start of the period when the period of validity of the driver’s medical examination begins is the date of signing of the certificate by the chief physician of the clinic.

The certificate is valid for the period specified in the legislative Order.

The form of such a document itself has also been updated and now there is no line in it that would indicate the validity period of the issued document. The form of the form is approved by the same Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n under the number - 003-V/u.

If a medical certificate is provided on the last day of its validity, traffic police officers do not have the right to refuse the submission of the document - it is valid until the end of the last day.

Note! All certificates issued on the old form (form No. 083/U-89) are no longer valid as of July 1, 2019. Such certificates were usually issued earlier in the period before the changes occurred on July 1, 2019.

Responsibility if the document is expired

If a motorist knows in advance that he will not be able to obtain a new certificate soon, he should know that until the last day of its validity it will be possible to use it.

The last day of the period is also included in the period of validity of the document. Due to changes in various laws and regulations, which may occur even in the middle of the calendar year, it is best to periodically check the validity period of a medical certificate for obtaining a temporary residence permit.

There are situations when the driver already has a driver’s license, but it needs to be replaced, and the period for the medical examination has come to an end.

If a driver submits an expired certificate to the traffic police, he faces a fine of 2,500 rubles .

An exceptional case is the situation when the driver obtains a driver’s license for the first time and drove the car for educational purposes, when the certificate was already in his hands. Such drivers are not issued fines.

After the innovations that came into force in 2019, it is no longer necessary to present a medical examination of the driver in the following cases:

  1. When passing a technical inspection of a vehicle.
  2. During a stop by a traffic policeman while checking documents.
  3. When a driver's license has become unusable and needs to be replaced.
  4. When the ID has been stolen, stolen or lost.
  5. When the driver’s personal data changes, as a result of which it is necessary to change the driver’s license.

In all other cases, when an expired medical certificate will be accepted as its absence, it is necessary to produce a new one through the procedure of passing a medical examination. Or, prepare money to pay the fine.

Just keep in mind that after paying the fine, a driver’s license will still not be issued, but they will be required to undergo a medical examination in the manner prescribed by law.

An expired certificate is a non-existent certificate. This is exactly how it will be considered by law.

A driver needs a certificate from a doctor when replacing a driver’s license with a new one, when its terms have expired, or the arrest of the driver’s license has ended.

Also when opening a new category, or receiving a driver’s license for the first time. In any of these cases, the certificate must be valid, without any missed expiration dates.

You should also not forget that changes regarding deadlines can occur at any time, so you need to take a closer look and listen to automotive news on design and legal topics.

About the encephalogram of the brain for a driver's license, see the page.

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Find out what documents are needed to obtain an international driver's license from this information.

Video: The rules for passing a medical examination to obtain a driver's license have changed

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How long is a medical certificate valid for a driver's license?

You cannot get a driver’s license without a medical certificate, which is why this document is extremely important for drivers. We will tell you in this article what a medical certificate is and how long a certificate for a driver’s license is valid.

When is a medical certificate required?

According to the changes for 2019, a medical certificate is required to be presented if:

  • you need to pass qualifying exams and obtain a driver's license for the first time;
  • you need to open a new category in your rights;
  • replace the certificate upon expiration of its validity period (10 years have expired);
  • return the license after deprivation (if the sanction was applied in connection with a violation related to drinking alcohol while driving);
  • the license contains a special note “medical certificate is required”;
  • you decided to replace your license ahead of schedule at your own request. There is some nuance here: if you want to replace your license and get a new one for 10 years, a certificate is required. But if you want to replace your license for the validity period of the previous ones, you do not need a certificate.

Previously, this document was required to be provided during vehicle inspection and to obtain international licenses, but now these requirements are no longer relevant.

To obtain a medical certificate, you will need to present:

  • passports;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for men);

Previously, you had to bring photographs for reference, but the new forms no longer have space for them, and therefore are not required.

Passing a medical examination

Depending on the type of desired category of rights, the medical examination will be different, so you need to discuss this in advance.

Contact the medical center and obtain a medical card with which you will be examined.

Each doctor enters information about your health status into your medical record and marks it.

A psychiatrist and a narcologist can only be seen at dispensaries at the place of registration, while other doctors can be visited anywhere, even in another city.

Having in hand the conclusions of all the specialists on the list, you need to return to the therapist to fill out a medical certificate, which you will subsequently bring to the traffic police.

You will not be given a medical certificate if you suffer from:

  • Organic, symptomatic and mental disorders;
  • Schizophrenia and delusional disorders, stress;
  • Personality disorder;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Blindness in both eyes;
  • Achromatopsia;
  • Mental and behavioral disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

The presence of certain diseases may result in you being restricted from driving or being required to drive a certain type of transport. A certificate may be issued, but it will be marked “Deaf and mute driver” or the like.

If, according to the doctors’ opinion, a medical certificate for driving transport has not been issued, then there is no need to pay a fee. Payment will only be taken for additional testing carried out to determine the extent of your disease.

How long will the medical examination take?

If you approach the procedure of passing a medical examination correctly, it will not take much of your time. Usually drivers manage to visit all the doctors in half a day. However, the medical institution itself where you undergo the commission is of great importance in this matter. In private clinics, where there is not a large influx of visitors, the process will be much faster than in public clinics, since there, most likely, you will have to sit in queues.

Also, the medical examination may be delayed if you are diagnosed with a disease that requires additional examination.

Do not try to buy a medical certificate without passing a medical examination. If the traffic police detect this violation of the law, the medical certificate will be canceled, as will your driver’s license. It is better not to resort to such tricks and pass the medical examination honestly.

Validity period of the license certificate

The validity period of a driver's license is determined by Russian legislation.

There is an opinion among drivers that since license replacement is carried out once every 10 years, then there is no need to change the certificate during this period. Is it really?

According to the order of the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation, the validity period of a driver’s certificate is:

  • For driving categories A, B, C, D, E – 12 months;
  • For drivers transporting passengers and cargo as part of their professional activities, as well as for citizens under 21 years of age – 12 months;

Since February 2016, a medical certificate is no longer needed if you are changing your license due to a change of surname, due to loss, theft or wear and tear.

How long a license certificate is valid is indicated on the document itself. Once the period has expired, the document is not valid and you will not be able to present it to the traffic police.

There are cases when certificates are issued for a shorter period, and they need to be periodically updated by passing a medical examination.

How much does a medical certificate cost?

The price of a medical certificate consists of the amount you pay for each specialist’s appointment separately, and of all kinds of examinations prescribed by doctors if necessary.

Each Russian region has established its own price limits for visiting certain medical specialists, so we can only name the average value for the country - 2000-5000 rubles.

We recommend that you undergo regular examinations and remember that on the road you are responsible not only for your life and the lives of your passengers, but also for other road users!

Author: Victoria Goldina, publication date: 01/24/2019
Reproduction is prohibited. Copyright is protected by law.

How long is a medical certificate valid for drivers in 2020?

Passing a medical examination is a mandatory procedure when obtaining a driver's license. A document confirming the driver’s health condition, which is acceptable for driving a car, is a certificate. The procedure for issuing it is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health dated June 15, 2015.

The law also determines how long such a medical certificate is valid for all drivers in 2020. This document must be obtained not only during initial training at a driving school with subsequent receipt of a driver’s license, but also in some other cases, for example, when opening a new category. It is important for every driver to know after what period of time he will need to be examined by doctors next time, because in the absence of a certificate problems may arise.

Legal basis for obtaining a medical certificate for vehicle drivers

Before issuing a certificate giving the right to drive a specific vehicle, it is required to undergo a commission, during which the candidate’s health status is determined. Particular attention is paid to the organs of perception, the body systems on which coordination, accuracy and efficiency of driving directly depend. This norm was enshrined on June 15, 2015 in Order No. 344 of the Russian Ministry of Health “On conducting a medical examination of vehicle drivers.”

The issued certificate is a professional opinion that determines the presence or absence of medical contraindications, restrictions or indications for driving a particular vehicle. This documentary provision was officially registered under number 41376 by the Russian Ministry of Justice on March 11, 2016.

The four appendices of the order clearly outline the procedure for conducting a mandatory examination and issuing a professional medical opinion. Medical indications and contraindications for driving specific vehicles must be reflected in the certificate of form No. 003-B/u. Issued certificates must be registered in a special journal according to form No. 036-B/u-10.

Requirements for the document, according to the new law in 2020

In order to legally go through all the necessary doctors and receive a document of the appropriate sample, you need to contact a therapist at your place of residence. His referral requires visiting an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, and narcologist. In this case, additional consultations with other specialists may be required. This need is determined by doctors of the listed specialties.

The received document must meet the following requirements:

  • the certificate is issued by the therapist after receiving opinions from specialized specialists;
  • these conclusions can only be issued by organizations that have the appropriate license;
  • The validity period of the document is limited, so during this period you need to have time to obtain a driver’s license.
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The certificate issued by the therapist reflects the result obtained as a result of a comprehensive examination by various medical specialists. In this case, the specific results of each inspection are not indicated in this document, but only a tolerance is given. A modern certificate often contains a photograph of an applicant for a driver's license.

The form must contain the following information:

  • Full name, date of birth and registration address of the applicant for obtaining rights;
  • the exact name of the medical organization, its details, license information, OGRN code;
  • exact date of issue;
  • medical reports are given in general terms;
  • categories of transport in the generally accepted designation to which admission is granted;
  • medical restrictions on driving specific vehicles;
  • medical indications necessary for an individual to drive a specific type of transport.

All certificates issued by a medical institution must have a seal and the personal signature of the doctors who give the conclusion.

How long is a medical certificate valid for drivers in 2020?

Until 2018, its validity period was 2-3 years. According to the latest rules, the validity of the document has been reduced to 1 year. This norm is stated in paragraph 12 of Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health. This refers to the expiration date for the traffic police. During this time you must obtain a driver's license. After this, the certificate is no longer required, since it does not directly affect the validity of the driving license.

General terms

Recent changes in the law have significantly affected the frequency of medical examinations of drivers. The duration of the document depends on the category that allows you to drive a specific vehicle, as well as on the age of the drivers. For example, for categories A, B, C, D, E it is 2 years, for drivers performing transportation, the frequency of commissions is one year.

Validity period of a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist

A roadway filled with many vehicles poses a real danger to people's lives and health. Therefore, the task of the state is to reduce the level of such threats. One of the most important safety factors is the human factor, so much attention is paid to the mental health of drivers.

A visit to a narcologist and a psychiatrist during a medical examination is mandatory. These specialists can prescribe additional tests and examinations as necessary. Certificate of form No. 003-в/у with records of these doctors in 2020 will be valid for one year. In addition, the issuance of this document may be refused in cases where the person is registered with a drug treatment clinic or with a psychiatrist.

Sample certificate No. 003-в/у

Can the certificate be terminated early?

There is a list of deteriorating health conditions and functions of individual organs that can be considered contraindications to driving. These include the progression of epilepsy, partial or complete loss of vision or hearing, and loss of the ability to distinguish colors.

In addition, an obstacle to safe driving may be the need to use certain medications, which can negatively affect reaction speed and behavior in general. The development of problems with the vestibular system also makes it difficult to drive and can cause accidents. In all of the above cases, the validity of the medical document may be terminated due to a change in the driver’s health condition.

Where and how do you get such a certificate?

To pass a medical commission and obtain a certificate of the established form, you can contact both a public and private clinic. Medical institutions of the first type allow you to save material resources, and the second - time. The cost of paid services for commercial structures ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. In addition, a separate visit to the psychoneurological and drug addiction clinics, which are located at the place of residence, is required.

List of documents

To successfully pass a comprehensive examination of doctors, you need to prepare certain documents from the very beginning. You will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a military ID or registration certificate. In addition, you should bring two 3x4 photographs. Depending on the goals of the commission, a driver’s license may also be needed. This set will be quite sufficient for visiting the clinic.

Registration procedure

In order to undergo a comprehensive commission of doctors and correctly obtain the required document, you should first contact the clinic to obtain a medical card. All data about the patient’s health will be entered into it, which will become the basis for filling out the certificate. The list of required doctors directly depends on the number of driving categories being opened, so it is better to inform about them in advance.

It is recommended to do this even in cases where the opening of the category is planned after some time.

When choosing a state clinic to undergo a commission, you must first make an appointment with each specialist. This will save time. The main advantage of a private clinic is the ability to see all the doctors in one day. It is especially recommended to visit a narcologist and a psychiatrist. At the last stage, you need to contact your family doctor or therapist to draw up the final document based on the records of medical specialists.

What are the consequences of an expired certificate?

This official paper is not a mandatory document that every driver should have in his hands. Therefore, traffic police officers cannot demand it. Thus, even in case of delay, there are no penalties. On the other hand, if a driver’s license requires a medical certificate, then for its absence or delay a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles is possible.

A valid certificate of the appropriate form is needed for the following cases:

  • obtaining a driver's license for the first time;
  • extending its validity;
  • recovery of a lost document;
  • examination of professional drivers.

It should be taken into account that rights are issued for a period of 10 years, and after the expiration of this period they are subject to mandatory replacement. To do this easily and painlessly, it is recommended to take care of a medical examination in advance. On the other hand, in the process of obtaining international rights, you do not need to go through the commission again.

For private clients

The company "Medical Commission No. 1" offers a full range of services for passing medical commissions for individuals.
We have been operating since 2008, we have all the necessary licenses and a developed branch network in St. Petersburg.

For private clients

Certificates for driver's licenses

Medical certificates for replacing a driver's license

Validity period of a medical certificate for a driver

Where to take a driver's medical examination in St. Petersburg?

Help for the traffic police (traffic police)

Help for driving school

Driver's license in the Moskovsky region

Driving license in Vasileostrovsky district

Driving license in Nevsky district

Driving license in Primorsky district

Driving license in the Vyborg region

Driver's license in the Frunzensky district

Driving license in Kirovsky district

Driving license category A

Driving license category B

Driving license category C

Driving license category D

Validity period of a medical certificate for a driver

A medical certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining a driver's license. In addition, a certificate will be needed when replacing, returning a license, opening a new category, as well as in the event of discovery of medical contraindications in persons who work as drivers.

Validity period of a medical certificate for a driver

New medical certificates based on the 003-B/U form began to be valid on July 1, 2016 and replaced the previous form F No. 083/U-89, which had been in force since 2010. The updated form now lacks the “validity period” line, so it is not at all obvious for how long the medical certificate of license is valid.

The Internet offers extremely contradictory information on this matter. Terms of one, two, three years are called. Some people believe that the validity of a driver's medical certificate should correspond to the validity of a driver's license, which means it does not need to be changed for 10 years. This assumption is incorrect.

How long is a driver's license certificate valid? The new medical certificate 003-В/У will be valid for 1 calendar year from the date of its receipt. This period is established by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 344n dated June 15, 2015.

This period will not be indicated on the new form (only the date of issue). The validity period of a driver's medical certificate does not in any way affect the validity of the driver's license.

Certificate 003-В/У can be used until its full expiration date (12 months from the date of issue). The document is valid at traffic police departments even on the last day.

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Medical certificates previously issued with a validity period of 2 or 3 years are valid until the expiration of these periods. In old forms, the validity period of the certificate is written to the right of the driver’s photo.

Responsibility for lack of certificate 003-В/У

The traffic rules do not regulate the mandatory presence of a medical certificate while driving a vehicle, so collecting a fine for its absence is impossible. However, if the certificate is missing or expired, it is impossible to obtain a driver’s license in cases of replacement, loss or return.

A license certificate is not issued in case of refusal to undergo one or another medical examination provided for by law.

It is highly not recommended to buy fake certificates and certificates without going through a doctor. If this fact is clarified, the driver’s license issued on the basis of such a “document” will become invalid.

The procedure for obtaining a medical certificate 003-B/U will not require much time and effort if you contact one of the “Medical Commission No. 1” centers. The network's branches are located in 7 districts of St. Petersburg. All the necessary doctors are working. The certificate is issued in strict accordance with Government Decree N1396.

Medical certificate to replace a driver's license in 2020

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will talk about a medical certificate , which should be provided to the traffic police to obtain a driver's license.

Medical certificate forms change quite regularly, and the same applies to the rules for passing a medical commission. This article discusses current regulatory documents that came into force in the second half of 2019.

As a rule, a driver needs a medical certificate for the traffic police only once every 10 years, and during this time the rules for obtaining the document have time to change significantly.

In this article you will learn:

Why do you need a driver's license? certificate in 2019 and 2020

In 2020, a driver’s medical certificate will be useful in the following cases:

  • To pass qualifying exams and obtain a first driver’s license (if the certificate expires during the exam process, you need to obtain a new certificate before the next retake attempt - clause 17 of the exam rules);
  • To obtain a new category of rights;
  • For a planned replacement of a driver’s license due to expiration (every 10 years);
  • To return a license after deprivation (if the violation was related to the driver’s intoxication);
  • To drive a car, if the driver’s license has a special mark “med. certificate is required."
  • For early replacement of a driver's license at the request of the driver. The certificate is provided only if the driver wants to obtain a new license for a full period of 10 years. If honey the conclusion is not provided to the traffic police, then the license will be issued for the same period as the previous ones.

Previously, a medical certificate was also required for:

In 2019, in the two cases listed above, the conclusion of a medical commission is not required.

What do you need to get honey? certificates?

To obtain a medical certificate you will need:

  • passport;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for men).

are not needed to obtain a driver's certificate , because... There is no place for them in the new sample certificates.

Where to get a medical certificate for a driver's license

A new driver’s license is issued after passing the following medical specialists and procedures:

Psychiatrist and narcologist

Pay attention to points number 3, 4, 8 and 9 in the table above. Upon receipt of a medical certificate, you will in any case have to visit a drug treatment and psychoneurological clinic. The legislation directly states that the institution must be municipal or state:

An examination by a psychiatrist is carried out in specialized medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence or place of stay of the driver of the vehicle (candidate driver of the vehicle) undergoing a medical examination (hereinafter referred to as the examinee), who have a license to carry out medical activities to provide services ( performance of work) on “psychiatry” and “psychiatric examination”.

An examination by a psychiatrist-narcologist, including determination of the presence of psychoactive substances in the urine, as well as qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in blood serum, is carried out in specialized medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence or place of stay of the person being examined, having a license to carry out medical activities to provide services (perform work) in “psychiatry-narcology” and “laboratory diagnostics” or “clinical laboratory diagnostics”.

Moreover, you should contact dispensaries only at the place of permanent registration (registration) or temporary registration. It is impossible to see a psychiatrist and narcologist without registration.

Note. Some private medical centers offer to see specified doctors, but such offers do not comply with legal requirements. Those. we are talking about fraud.

Other doctors and examinations

You will also have to undergo the remaining mandatory medical specialists and procedures included in the list. In addition, some points are completed only with the direction of the relevant doctors. Points 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 from the table can be completed at any medical center in the country.

The procedure for obtaining an opinion

Obtaining a medical certificate follows the following procedure:

1. Contact a medical center convenient for you to undergo the first examinations. The medical center will issue a medical card , with which you will go to the doctors.

Keep in mind that if you want to open a certificate for several categories, then you need to inform about this at the very beginning, because The list of examinations directly depends on this.

For example, if you plan to open a new category in the coming year, then immediately receive a certificate for it. If this is not done immediately, then you will have to undergo all the examinations again.

After the medical card is issued, go through the medical specialists available in the institution. Each doctor must enter information into your medical record.

2. Visit psychoneurological and drug addiction clinics in any order. In the first, you need to visit a psychiatrist, in the second, you need to visit a psychiatrist-narcologist and take urine and blood tests. Each of these doctors must examine you and fill out the appropriate field in your medical record.

3. Return to the medical center from point 1 and see a general practitioner. It is he who, based on the medical record you have, will fill out a medical certificate for submission to the traffic police.

Note. In practice, instead of a medical card, separate certificates from each of the medical specialists can be used. That is, each doctor issues a separate conclusion, and the therapist, based on all conclusions, issues a certificate.

Medical requirements for the driver

The requirements for the driver at the medical commission are considered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle”:

Validity period of a driver's medical certificate

The standard validity period for a driver's medical certificate in 2019 is 1 year .

The document can be used until the end of the period specified in it. The certificate is valid even if you contact the traffic police on the very last day.

I note that in some cases a medical certificate may be issued for a shorter period.

Note. Previously, medical certificates were issued that were valid for 3 years and 2 years. In 2019, all such certificates have already lost their validity.

Costs for obtaining a driver's license certificate

The cost of the certificate consists of the amounts paid for the examination in each of the medical organizations:

  • medical center,
  • drug treatment clinic,
  • psychoneurological dispensary.

Depending on the region, you will have to spend from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles to obtain a certificate.

How long does it take to get a conclusion in 2020?

If you take a deliberate approach to passing the commission, then half a day should be enough for the entire procedure. It will take about an hour at the medical center, half an hour at each dispensary. In addition, part of the time will be spent traveling between these institutions.

In practice, you can easily obtain a medical certificate and replace your driver’s license in one day.

Attention! Don't try to get honey. certificate without going through doctors! As soon as the traffic police determines that the certificate was issued illegally, both the certificate itself and the driver’s license issued on its basis will be cancelled.

In general, the procedure for obtaining a certificate is not difficult and does not take much time.

How long is a driver's medical examination certificate valid? Link to main publication
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