
Check the OSAGO coefficient on your driver's license

KBM bonus-malus coefficient when purchasing OSAGO

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will talk about the so-called bonus-malus coefficient (abbreviated KBM), which is used when calculating the cost of an MTPL insurance policy.

KBM coefficient allows the driver to receive a discount for accident-free driving. At the same time, every year of accident-free driving increases the driver’s discount and reduces the cost of compulsory motor insurance.

From this article you will learn:

KBM table in 2019 and 2020

In 2020, the following table is used to calculate the BMR:

Why is KBM needed?

The bonus-malus coefficient is necessary in order to correctly calculate the cost of an MTPL insurance policy. By default, a driver purchasing MTPL insurance for the first time receives a BMR equal to 1.

Subsequently, the coefficient is calculated according to the table above:

  • If a driver does not cause any traffic accidents during the year, then his BMR coefficient is reduced by 0.05.
  • If, due to the driver’s fault, one or more accidents occurred, for which the insurance company made payments to other participants in the incident, then the driver’s BMI increases. Along with it, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for the next year also increases.

The final cost of MTPL depends not only on the CBM and you can find it out using the MTPL calculator.

How to calculate KBM?

find out the KBM of any driver using the table above:

  1. Start the calculation with the line containing KBM 1 (highlighted in red).
  2. Every accident-free year, go down one line.
  3. Each accident year, move to the line corresponding to the number of insurance claims.
  4. If the driver was not included in any MTPL policy after April 1, 2017, then his BMR becomes equal to 1.
  5. When using an open OSAGO policy (with an unlimited number of drivers), the KBM changes only for the car owner. All other drivers are considered not included in the MTPL.

Note. The rules for calculating the KBM will be updated from April 1, 2020. This issue is discussed in detail in a separate article.

Please note that the table allows you to obtain the theoretical value of the BMR.

In practice, the value of the BMC can often be higher than in the theoretical calculation. The fact is that cunning insurers may deliberately not enter CBM into the PCA database in order to get more money for the same insurance policy. At the same time, drivers who are poorly versed in the topic and have not previously calculated the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance easily fall for the manager’s bait.

I would like to note that when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance, the cost of the insurance policy was incorrectly calculated in every second case . If we consider each of the cases separately, it seems that the manager just made an accidental mistake. However, in practice such deception appears to be systematic.

Check the KBM using the RSA database

Several years ago, insurers kept the values ​​of KBM coefficients in their own archives, so when moving to a new insurance company, the driver had to take a special certificate from the previous insurer. Currently, all KBM coefficients are stored in the centralized database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA).

At the same time, any driver can check the KBM on the official RSA website. To do this, go to the next page.

Enter the driver's last name, first name and patronymic, his date of birth, as well as the series and number of the driver's license. If the ID series contains letters, they should be entered in English.

Enter the date from which you plan to enter into an MTPL agreement. You can enter the current date in the field. After that, enter the verification code and click the “Search” button.

As a result, you will be taken to a page where the real value of the BMR contained in the RSA database will be indicated:

If the resulting figure coincides with the value calculated theoretically, then everything is in order. If checking the KBM discount in the RSA gave the wrong result, then you will have to start restoring the KBM.

How to restore KBM in the RSA database

1. First of all, you need to find out at what point an error was made in the KBM coefficient. To do this, take all the insurance policies you have or copies thereof and start looking.

Starting from January 1, 2018, each insurance policy contains a table that lists all coefficients, including KBM. The table looks like this:

For example, in the above policy, the BMR coefficient is 0.65.

Unfortunately, until 2018 the coefficient was not indicated in the policy. Therefore, you will have to manually recalculate the cost of each policy issued before January 1, 2018.

Start with your last year.

I recommend checking the cost of your insurance policy against the results of the calculator annually. If you carry out checks at least once a year, the error will be found in the most recent policy, i.e. in action.

If you have not previously checked the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, then the error may be in any of the policies. There may be several errors.

2. To restore the KBM, you need to contact the insurance company , which made an error in the calculation.

For example, if your current policy was purchased from Rosgosstrakh, and the wrong coefficient was entered into the RSA database, then you need to contact Rosgosstrakh. If the error is confirmed, they will make changes to the database. In practice, this takes 2-3 days.

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The situation is more complicated if the error was not made in the last policy. In this case, you will have to contact the company where the policy was concluded with an error.

For example, if the cost of an insurance policy purchased in 2012 is calculated incorrectly, then you need to contact the company where you were insured in 2012. Only they can correct their own mistake.

Note. In 2020, an error made in any of the previous contracts can be corrected by your current insurance company. Previously, this option was not available.

3. RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) states that it cannot make changes to the database. Therefore, it makes no sense to turn to them in practice.

Unfortunately, sometimes a driver may encounter the following unpleasant situation. An insurance company that made a mistake several years ago may simply not exist in 2019. This is due to the fact that from time to time insurers go bankrupt or are liquidated for other reasons.

In this case, the bonus-malus coefficient can be restored in the database only through the current insurer.

In any case, I recommend regularly checking the correctness of the KBM coefficient using the RSA database. Moreover, this is quite easy to do.

How to preserve the KBM in the event of an accident

KBM is one of the few coefficients that allows you to save on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Therefore, if a minor accident occurs due to the driver’s fault, then the driver’s desire not to lose the discount accumulated over years of accident-free driving is quite obvious.

So that you can better understand how much a driver will lose due to an insurance payment, let’s look at an example. Ivan Ivanovich has been driving a car for 10 years and has not been the culprit of any traffic accidents. Its BMR is 0.5. Ivan Ivanovich lives in Moscow and drives a Renault Logan (75 hp).

The cost of the insurance policy before an accident: 4530 rubles .
The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident: 7248 rubles .

Even when purchasing one MTPL policy, the difference will be noticeable (7248 - 4530 = 2718 rubles). However, this is not all. A single accident affects the cost of the insurance policy over the next 6 years. Let's do one more calculation.

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for the next 6 years, if the accident had not occurred:
4530 * 6 = 27,180 rubles.

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for the next 6 years, taking into account road accidents:
7248 + 6795 + 6342 + 5889 + 5436 + 4983 = 36,693 rubles.

Those. 9,513 rubles on compulsory motor liability insurance . Please note that the example uses a car with a relatively low engine power of 75 hp. If the car has a higher power engine, then the cost of compulsory motor insurance may increase more significantly.

So, how can you preserve your vehicle in the event of an accident ? Everything is quite simple. Currently, drivers can quite officially figure it out on the spot.

For example, if you scratched the mirror of another car, then offer the driver 1000 - 2000 rubles for repairs. If he agrees, you will be able to save on the cost of your MTPL insurance policy. In addition, you will not have to fill out documents for insurance, or provide the car for inspection of damage.

Naturally, such savings only make sense if the damage is insignificant. If the cars are heavily damaged, then it will be cheaper to pay for compulsory motor liability insurance in the future.

At the end of this article, I want to emphasize once again that insurance companies very often make mistakes when entering KBM into the RSA database. Therefore, check your KBM, and if necessary, contact your insurance company to correct the error.

Checking KBM in RSA

Checking the driver's KBM according to the AIS RSA database for compulsory motor liability insurance with restrictions (insurance with registered drivers) can be carried out by the driver independently, for which it is necessary to enter personal data into the form. On our website, you can also look at your KBM history in the RSA for the last 9 years, indicating the minimum possible KBM.

Draw your attention to! During business hours, when the PCA system is heavily loaded, the waiting time for a response to your KBM may be slightly increased. Therefore, if the KBM calculator does not immediately give you the result of calculating the KBM, please be patient and wait for the results of collecting and summarizing the information

Accident-free insurance experience (full years)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

If you have had an accident

The final result may vary depending on the presence of an accident in the entire insurance history.

Current driver class (KBM)

M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Trouble-free experience

1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years or more

Current class (KBM)

M grade 0 grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 grade 6 grade 7 grade 8 grade 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade 13 grade

The discount on OSAGO is more than you are entitled to. If you do not take out a policy with this KBM, the discount may disappear.

Your KBM corresponds to your length of service.

You overpay % for each MTPL policy.

Reduce the cost now by returning your KBM.

If you have had an accident

The final result may vary depending on the presence of an accident in the entire insurance history.

Details about KBM: driver, owner. How to check and fix.

KBM is the most significant indicator affecting the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. With a KBM value of 0.5, the price of compulsory motor liability insurance is halved relative to the base one. Conversely, after accidents it can more than double.

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In insurance, there are two types of CBM: owner's CBM and driver's CBM. Let's take a closer look at how these two concepts differ and how they are similar.

When to use:

Driver's KBM - used when concluding a limited MTPL policy - when there is a list of drivers allowed to drive.
Owner's CBM - used when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without restrictions - when the car can be driven by any driver, the so-called unlimited insurance.

Does the car affect the accumulated KBM:

Driver's KBM - is assigned to the driver and will not be reflected when changing cars.

Owner's KBM - assigned in the context of owner + car. Those. When changing a car, the owner needs to accumulate KBM again.

Does the insurance period affect KBM:

Driver's BMR is reduced only with annual insurance. If you signed a policy for a shorter period or terminated the policy early, then the BMR will remain at the level of last year.

Owner's MSC - in this situation, the same provisions apply as the driver's MSC.

Who gets a discount when taking out a policy:

Driver's KBM - accumulated by each driver allowed to drive a car.

Owner's KBM - accumulated only by the owner of the car.

Initially, the KBM is 1 (KBM class 3). Every year it decreases by 0.05, as a result, for 10 years of accident-free experience, the minimum value of the KBM can be 0.5 (KBM class 13), a 50% discount on compulsory motor insurance.

What causes KBM errors?

— In case of replacing a driver’s license, insurers do not always make changes to the RSA database on time.
This often leads to the need for the driver to restore the KBM. — Confusion arises when one motorist is included in several MTPL policies at the same time.
— The reason that it will be necessary to restore the KBM may be the simple carelessness of the insurer, who entered data into the database with a typo.
— If the insurance company went bankrupt and did not enter data into the unified RSA database.

Checking the KBM using the RSA database

* KBM check widget is placed as an advertisement, in accordance with the partnership agreement with More details about the terms of service can be found on the website.

When concluding or extending a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, the bonus-malus coefficient (BMR) is used to calculate the final cost of insurance. KBM may increase or, conversely, decrease the cost of the policy, depending on the number of accidents and insurance payments that were recorded for the person concluding the contract in the previous period.

The coefficient is updated annually and, with an accident-free driving experience of 10 years, reaches its maximum value - 0.5, or a discount of 50% of the policy cost.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when car enthusiasts suddenly find out that they no longer have a discount. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the data entered into the AIS database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Checking the KBM using the RSA database takes no more than a minute and is available to all users for free. To check the coefficient, you need to go to the RSA website and follow the path “OSAGO” - “Calculation of the cost of OSAGO” - “Check KBM”.

To begin verification, you must agree to the processing of personal data by checking the appropriate box.
Checking the KBM using the RSA database is available only to citizens and residents of the Russian Federation.

If the owner of the vehicle is a legal entity, for verification it will be necessary to indicate:

  • TIN of the car owner;
  • VIN or vehicle state registration mark;
  • Body and chassis number;
  • The start date of the contract or additional agreement.

When filling out vehicle data, only numbers and Latin or Cyrillic letters are indicated.

When checking the coefficient of an individual who is the owner of a vehicle, if the agreement is concluded without limiting the number of persons who are allowed to drive a vehicle, the following is indicated:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the vehicle;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Type of identification document, its series and number;
  • VIN or vehicle state registration mark;
  • Chassis and body number;
  • Start date of the contract or additional agreement.

If the contract is concluded indicating a limited number of persons who are allowed to drive the vehicle, for verification it is necessary to indicate:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of each driver;
  • Date of birth (in full);
  • Driver's license details (series and number);
  • The start date of the contract or additional agreement.

To obtain correct information, it is important to correctly indicate the date of the request: it must coincide with the start date of the new policy, but not earlier than the next day after the end of the previous contract. After confirming the security code, the requested information will be displayed on the page.

If, according to calculations, the KBM discount should be greater, but this is not reflected in the system, before submitting an application to the insurer for the restoration of the KBM and a complaint to the RSA, you must make sure of the following:

  • Whether there really were no insured events and payments over the past period;
  • Has a full year really passed? The discount increases every year by 5%, if the elapsed period is less, the discount remains the same;
  • Has more than a year passed since the end of the car insurance contract? The CBM remains valid for one year after the expiration of the MTPL policy; if the insurance contract is no longer renewed, the discount is reset to zero.
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If all the facts indicate that the coefficient is indicated incorrectly, it is necessary to restore it. Since December 2015, a simplified scheme has been in force, according to which, in order to apply the correct BMR, it is enough to send a statement of disagreement to the insurance company with which the policyholder has entered into or is about to enter into an agreement. Next, the insurance company also checks the KBM using the RSA database and, in case of incorrect data, replaces the coefficient value.

If for some reason it is not possible to restore the KBM in this way, it is necessary to draw up and send a complaint to the RSA as a higher organization that controls the activities of insurance companies. To file a complaint regarding the incorrect application of the bonus-malus coefficient, you must fill out an application to the Union, the template of which is in the subsection “Send a complaint to the RSA”, and attach copies of your passport and driver’s license. When filing a complaint, the following must be indicated:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic (in full);
  • Date of birth (in full);
  • Driver's license number.

If one of the documents is missing or the application is filled out incorrectly, the complaint will not be considered. The document is sent by regular mail, presented in person or sent as a scanned copy to the Union’s email address. The period for consideration by RSA of an application to check the coefficient on the basis is 30 days.

After the correct KBM is restored, the data is updated in the AIS RSA and the further discount is calculated correctly. Refund of overpayment under MTPL policies is carried out by contacting the Central Bank: after confirmation of the overpayment, the insurer transfers the amount to the policyholder to the specified bank account.

Checking the KBM

Checking the KBM

The bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) is an indicator that indicates the level of discipline of the driver of the vehicle. It is used by insurance companies to calculate the cost of issuing an MTPL policy. The CBM was introduced in 2003, and the principle of its determination and the mechanism for providing discounts when concluding an agreement with an insurer changed several times.

How to find out the bonus-malus coefficient

As a result, confusion often arises, which can be eliminated by using only reliable resources and databases to check the coefficient. These include the official website of RSA, that is, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, which maintains a register of insurance policies, comprehensive information about which is collected in the AIS RSA (automated information system);

In order to check the KBM MTPL using the unified RSA database online, you must enter information about the owner of the vehicle, which includes:

•date of his birth;

•driver's license details;

•date of the generated request in RSA. In this case, you should indicate the day following the expiration of the current MTPL policy.

After entering the specified information into all input forms, you should check the box indicating that you agree with the rules for processing and providing data established on the site, and then click on the “Check” button. Within a few seconds, the data the user is interested in will be displayed on the screen, after which they can be used to calculate the price of the policy. It is important to note that the verification service is provided free of charge.

Couldn't determine the KBM?

Often a situation arises when it is not possible to determine the KBM and the verification service generates an error. There may be several reasons for this development of events:

•an error on the part of the auto insurer who submitted incorrect data to RSA;

•changes in the documents of the vehicle owner or driver;

•failure in the operation of AIS SAR;

•conclusion by the car owner of several insurance contracts or the use of an illegal insurance policy, for example, without passing a technical inspection.

In case of an error on the part of the insurance company, the car owner can file a complaint with the regulatory authority - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or directly with the RSA.

Check KBM history

To check the full history of the KBM using the RSA database, fill out the fields below: full name, date of birth and driver’s license details. As a result, you will find out the entire insurance history for MTPL for 9 years.

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Why is the history of KBM necessary?

History will help you understand how correct your current BMR value is. Are there any accidents or any other factors that affect the value of the coefficient?

What data will I see in history?

As a result, you will receive your insurance history for all years available in the RSA database . Each line contains information about the insurance company, the insurance period, the presence of accidents, early termination of the MTPL policy, the series and number of the policy.

Data are available from August 8, 2002, the date of foundation of the RSA database.

Why the KBM may be incorrect and how to restore it

Unfortunately, the KBM is sometimes lost, here are the most popular reasons:

  • Change of rights or surname.
  • Bankruptcy of insurance companies.
  • Inattention of insurance agents when issuing a policy or intentional errors to inflate the coefficient to increase the commission.

We wrote in detail about methods for restoring KBM here.

What is KBM

KBM, bonus-malus coefficient or, as it is usually called, a discount for accident-free driving. The coefficient affects the cost of the MTPL policy. It can be increasing or decreasing, depending on the insurance history and the presence of an accident in it. When calculating the cost of an MTPL policy, the insurance company is obliged to use information about the value of the CBM contained in the AIS MTPL. The KBM table will tell you exactly how an accident affects the bonus-malus value.

Check the OSAGO coefficient on your driver's license Link to main publication
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