
Fine for calling the traffic police to the scene of an accident

From July 1, traffic police officers will go to the scene of an accident only if people were injured as a result of an accident

From July 1, amendments to the traffic rules come into force - the innovations also specify the procedure for drivers to act in case of an accident (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2014 No. 907).

As today, participants in an accident will be required to immediately stop their cars after a collision, turn on the hazard lights, display an emergency stop sign and not move objects related to the incident (Section 2.5 of the Traffic Regulations).

If cars are obstructing traffic, drivers will still need to clear the roadway. But there is one nuance here. Drivers in any accident, as now, will be required to vacate the roadway if movement on it has become completely impossible. If there are no victims in the accident, it will be necessary to drive the car away from the scene of the accident not only when traffic is completely paralyzed, but also when obstacles are created for it. Traffic regulations do not explain what exactly is meant by such a situation - for example, whether an accident in the middle lane will be an obstacle to traffic if traffic continues on the extreme left and right lanes, but has slowed down a little. Obviously, this will have to be decided by the drivers themselves in each specific case.

Let us note that the amendments did not establish special liability for violation of this obligation. However, the driver can be punished according to the general norm for failure to fulfill duties in connection with an accident in which he is a participant. The fine for such a violation is 1 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Before driving their cars away from the scene of the accident, drivers will also have to, as now, first:

  • use photographic or video recording equipment to record the position of cars in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects (currently it is enough to fix the position of a car without linking it to road infrastructure objects and its location in relation to other cars);
  • capture on photos and videos all traces and objects related to the incident;
  • take all possible measures to preserve traces of the accident and organize a detour to the accident site.

However, from tomorrow, while recording the details of the incident in photos and videos, drivers will not need to obtain testimony from witnesses.

In addition, from July 1, traffic police officers will go to the scene of an accident only if people were injured as a result of an accident.

The legislator provides for three different situations, depending on which motorists will have to choose one or another model of behavior (clause 2.6, clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules in the new edition). Let's take a closer look at them.

Situation 1. As a result of an accident, people were injured or killed . In this situation, the requirements for the actions of participants in an accident have not changed. As now, the driver involved in the accident will be obliged to:

  • provide first aid to victims, call an ambulance and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims to the hospital in a passing vehicle or, if this is not possible, in your own car (in the latter case, you will need to present your passport or driver’s license and car registration document to the medical facility), and then return to the scene of the accident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident and wait for the police to arrive.

Situation 2. As a result of an accident, only property was damaged; there are disagreements between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . From July 1, a driver involved in an accident will be required to:

  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident;
  • report the incident to the police to receive instructions on where the accident was registered;
  • leave the scene of the accident if the police officer gives instructions to fill out documents at the nearest highway patrol post or police department. If there are no such instructions, fill out the documents on the spot.


Situation 3. As a result of the accident, only property was damaged; there is no disagreement between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . According to the new rules, participants in such an accident are not required to report it to the police and can choose one of the following options.

Firstly, motorists, as now, will be able to complete documents without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out an accident notification form according to the rules of the European protocol and leaving the scene of the accident.

However, in order to register an accident in this case, additional conditions must be met:

  • two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • both drivers have valid MTPL policies;
  • damage was caused only to cars;
  • the circumstances of the harm do not cause disagreements among drivers.


Please note that the maximum amount of insurance compensation under the European protocol is 50 thousand rubles. For Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow and Leningrad regions, increased limits apply - the insurance company can pay up to 400 thousand rubles. However, in order to use them, additional conditions must be met: record data about an accident using navigation tools using the GLONASS system. But if at least one of the drivers received an MTPL policy before August 1, 2014, the insurance payment, regardless of the region in which the accident occurred, will be 25 thousand rubles.

Secondly, participants in an accident will be able to leave the scene of the accident and draw up documents about the accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest traffic police post or police department (there is no need to call the police in advance to receive instructions).

Thirdly, drivers may not complete documents about an accident if only their property is damaged and each of them does not need to complete the specified documents, and leave the scene of the accident.

Not so simple

Despite the fact that the provisions of the traffic rules spell out the responsibilities of drivers in sufficient detail, in practice motorists may face a number of issues. The editors of the GARANT.RU portal figured out how to act if...

The accident occurred on a two-lane road with no shoulder. On a two-lane road, any accident causes a traffic jam, often for many hours. The new edition obliges drivers to clear the roadway if their cars are in the way, but what if there is no shoulder? Managing partner of the Antiinsurer company, head of the Antiinsurer.RF portal Ilya Afanasyev explained to the GARANT.RU portal that in such a situation the driver should move his car as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.

The car of the driver involved in the accident is not moving as a result of the accident. In this case, the driver will not be able to independently clear the roadway for objective reasons, but the traffic rules do not contain any exceptions to the rule establishing such an obligation. “You should try as much as possible to move the car to the side of the road or to the right edge of the roadway using a towing rope, asking for help from passing drivers,” advises Ilya Afanasyev.

Read more:  The insurance company does not pay for CASCO insurance, what to do?

The drivers agreed not to file documents about the accident and drive away, but one of them subsequently accused the other of leaving the scene of the accident. To prevent this from happening, participants in road accidents should protect themselves in advance. For example, exchange receipts stating that both participants voluntarily left the scene of the incident. In addition, it is advisable to indicate that the participants in the accident do not have any claims of a property or other nature against each other, or to draw up an agreement on the terms of payment of compensation for the damage incurred. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the time and address of the accident site, passport details of both participants and information about the cars and documents for them.

When should traffic police officers respond to an accident?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Currently, registration of traffic accidents is possible both with the participation of police officers and the drivers themselves. Self-registration is much faster and usually does not cause difficulties. Instructions for registration are given in a separate article.

However, practice shows that not every driver who is involved in an accident prepares the documents independently. Many car owners are simply afraid of filling out the notice incorrectly and not receiving a referral for free repairs. Therefore, you can often find cars on the road with minimal damage that wait for hours for the arrival of traffic police officers.

However, current legislation does not oblige the police to go to the scene of every accident. There is a certain list of conditions under which the departure of the traffic police is mandatory. We will talk about them today:

The duty of the traffic police to go to the scene of an accident

Clause 2.6 of the traffic rules provides the only condition under which the traffic police must go to the scene of an accident:

  • Harm is caused to people's lives and health. If at least one person is injured in an accident, the driver is obliged to call the police, and the officers are obliged to arrive.

For example, if during a collision the driver received a bruise as a result of hitting elements of the car’s upholstery or an airbag, then calling the traffic police is inevitable.

The driver's obligation to report an accident to the police

In addition, there is one more condition under which the driver must report the incident to the police:

  • If, in accordance with the legislation on compulsory motor liability insurance, documents about a traffic accident cannot be processed without the participation of authorized police officers.

This condition is deciphered in Article 11 1 of the federal law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. The driver must call the police in one of the following cases:

  • It's not just cars that are damaged. For example, a lamp post is damaged or a safety rail is scratched.
  • An accident involves 3 or more vehicles.
  • Drivers have disagreements about the circumstances of the harm or the nature and list of visible damage, and the damage exceeds 100,000 rubles.

For example, there was a collision between cars at the intersection shown in the figure above. However, the participants do not agree in their testimony.

The driver of the orange car claims that the white car was driving on a secondary road and making a left turn, i.e. had to give way (clause 13.12 of the traffic rules).

The driver of the white car claims that he was driving on the main road and making a U-turn, i.e. had an advantage (clause 13.9 of the traffic rules).

In this case, the damage exceeds 100,000 rubles.

Please note that although drivers are required to report this incident to the police, this does not mean that the squad will come to the scene of the accident to register. Most likely, the duty officer will simply give drivers instructions on collecting evidence and invite them to the nearest traffic police department for registration.

In all other cases, drivers are not required to call the police. For example, if the damage is minor, then you can sort it out on the spot. Those. the culprit can compensate for the damage by handing over the agreed amount of money, and the incident will be over.

Registration of an accident in the traffic police at the request of the driver

If the driver wants to repair his car under the insurance policy, then in some cases paperwork will also be required with the participation of police officers (clause 2.6 1 of the Traffic Regulations):

  • If there are 3 or more vehicles involved in an accident.
  • If at least one of the participants in the accident does not have compulsory motor insurance (pedestrian; cyclist; driver who did not buy insurance).
  • If damage is caused not only to cars (for example, a lamp post is damaged).
  • If the victim believes that more than 100,000 rubles will be required to repair the car (from July 1, 2018).
  • If one of the cars is insured under CASCO and traffic police documents are required for repairs.

If at least one of the listed conditions exists, you should call the police and, after receiving instructions from the officer on duty, go to the nearest post or department to fill out documents.

What should you do if the driver doesn't know whether to call the police?

The above lists all the cases in which the participation of traffic police officers in the registration of a traffic accident may be required. However, the average driver gets into an accident no more than once a year. And many are much less likely. Therefore, if an accident occurs, the driver does not understand what to do next and how to fill out the documents.

If such a situation arises in practice, then it is better to call the traffic police . The employee on duty will provide advice on further actions. After all, in any case, the driver will not lose anything.

Moreover, if the participation of police is not required, and drivers cannot issue a notification on their own, then the duty officer will tell you the coordinates of the emergency commissioners. The commissioners are not part of the police, but for a small fee they will draw up the necessary documents for repairs under compulsory motor liability insurance.

Thus, the traffic police squad must go to the scene of an accident only if there are injuries or deaths in the accident. In all other cases, drivers either fill out notifications for compulsory motor liability insurance on their own, or go to the nearest police department.

Fine for calling the traffic police in a minor accident

According to traffic rules, motorists involved in an accident are required to call an ambulance and the fire service (if there are victims), as well as traffic police officers to the scene. Exceptions are minor accidents in which minimal damage to property is caused. Recently, registration of an accident without damage to cars is carried out in a special manner, without the involvement of the road inspection, and drivers are fined for calling the traffic police.

Read more:  Limitation period for administrative offenses

We will tell you below what the amount of compensation for calling the traffic police in case of a minor accident in 2018 is.

What it is?

Road traffic accidents occur every day. In this case, the scale of the accident can be both significant and small.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, minor road accidents are considered to be accidents in which there are no casualties and minimal damage to property is caused in the form of external scratches or minor defects.

In case of minor accidents, it is not necessary to call the traffic inspectors. In these cases, the participants in the accident are obliged to independently record the incident, admit guilt and resolve disputes using the European protocol.

The Europrotocol is a form issued by the insurer when issuing an MTPL policy. The paper must be filled out independently, in duplicate, and is the basis for reimbursement of the insurance premium.

Application of the Euro protocol:

  • damage as a result of an accident was caused only to property - while the life and health of drivers, passengers or other road users were not harmed;
  • no more than 2 cars were involved in the accident;
  • absence of disagreements between drivers (one of the citizens admits his guilt);
  • drivers have the necessary documents to issue a European protocol without traffic police;
  • valid MTPL insurance.

A minor road accident means an accident resulting in the total cost of damage not exceeding 50,000 rubles. This limit of insurance payment is implied by the European protocol. Such property damage includes:

  • damage to car coating;
  • minor damage to headlights;
  • curvature of plastic body elements.

Drivers can only calculate the approximate cost of damage. The final assessment is made by a qualified expert.

If a motorist still has doubts about the validity of the Euro protocol, it is necessary to call the traffic police.

What to do in case of a minor accident?

The registration of a minor accident is regulated by an agreement with the insurance company. According to Federal Law No. 40, the European protocol is filled out by each motorist independently. On the front side of the document the following is indicated:

  • driver data;
  • insurance series and number;
  • detailed circumstances of the incident;
  • information about car damage.

On the reverse side there is a diagram of the traffic accident, as well as clear coordinates of the location of the cars.

A sample of filling out the European protocol can be downloaded here:

Actions of the person responsible for the accident

In the event of an accident, the culprit must:

  • place an emergency stop sign at the scene of the incident;
  • make sure there are no casualties;
  • record the position of the vehicles on a video camera.

In addition, the person responsible for the accident is prohibited from leaving the scene of the accident, otherwise the citizen will be held criminally liable.

Actions of the victim

An injured motorist in an accident needs to record the incident on camera, then write down the contact information of eyewitnesses. If the driver admits guilt, he must begin filling out the European Protocol, having previously notified the insurance agent about the minor accident.

Who can assess the extent of the damage?

If there is doubt about the cost of damage to the car, the driver must:

  • call the insurance company manager to the scene of the accident. The telephone number is indicated in the MTPL policy;
  • notify the traffic police about the accident.

The degree of damage caused is determined by an independent expert, after the vehicle has been evacuated to an accredited service center and a diagnostic examination has been carried out.

Is it necessary to call the traffic police?

A minor accident that occurs on the side of the road or in the yard, as a rule, is registered without the participation of the road inspection. In this way, drivers can avoid a fine, according to Article No. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However, when preparing documentation for an insurance company, you should adhere to the rules of insurance under the CASCO system:

  • do not leave the scene of the incident;
  • fill out the European protocol in 2 copies;
  • submit the form to the insurer within 5 working days;
  • Do not perform car repairs yourself.

Fine for calling the traffic police in a minor accident

In 2015, amendments were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular to acts of road law and order, regarding the registration of minor accidents. From now on, in the event of minor accidents on the road, drivers are required to independently draw up a report and submit the documents to the insurance company. The traffic police is called only if the culprit leaves the scene or refuses to admit his wrongdoing.

For unlawfully calling the traffic police during a minor accident, drivers are subject to administrative liability and fines. In 2018, the fine for violating the law is 1 thousand rubles.

How drivers are fined for calling traffic police officers to the scene of an accident

A reader contacted the editors of the AvtoVzglyad portal: he complained about the outrageous behavior of traffic police officers who arrived at the scene of a minor accident in the north-eastern district of the capital. The hero of this story was driving at low speed along the main two-lane road, when suddenly a lady who was leaving the yard in her car “flew into the side of his car.”

The damage to the vehicles was minor and there were no casualties. And the initiator of the accident, oddly enough, did not deny her guilt: “I didn’t notice you, who doesn’t happen to anyone.” In this situation, the European protocol could have been used, but after consulting, the participants in the accident decided to call traffic cops to the scene. You never know if a mistake is made on the form - our hero will be left without payments under OSAGO, and the “racer” will be left without compensation under CASCO.

Roadside police officers arrived to the call two and a half hours later - in principle, a common practice for the capital's traffic police. Our reader was surprised by something else: the inspectors issued a fine not only to the “crazy” lady who did not give way to the driver who had priority, but also to him himself - for violating the procedure in case of an accident.

To understand the situation - to find out how legal it was in this case to punish the victim with a ruble - let's turn to the second chapter of the Traffic Rules. Paragraph 2.6.1 states that if, as a result of an accident, damage is caused only to property, then the participants in the accident are obliged to clear the roadway so as not to create obstacles for other vehicles. “Must”, not “can”.

Traffic regulations that ruined the lives of millions of law-abiding drivers

10 terrible mistakes that all drivers make in the first minutes after an accident

Now let’s take a look at the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 12.27 “Failure to fulfill duties in connection with a traffic accident” states that a driver’s disregard of traffic rules related to an emergency situation is fraught with a fine of 1,000 rubles. That is: if you didn’t put up a plastic “triangle”, didn’t turn on the emergency lights, or blocked the path of other drivers, having the opportunity to register using the European protocol - pay the money.

Read more:  The insurance company does not issue an inspection certificate for compulsory motor liability insurance

To be fair, it is worth noting that today not all emergency workers who do not trust the European protocol are fined under Article 12.27. Obviously, it all depends on the mood of the specific traffic police officers who arrived at the call. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your hard-earned money, then try to assess the risks as accurately as possible before calling 112.

If the accident is really not serious - say, one car in a traffic jam lightly hit another, then you can safely use the European protocol. Take your time filling out the paperwork, and if you have any doubts, turn to the Internet - for example, to the website of the mayor of Moscow, where everything is described in detail. And if assessing the damage causes difficulties, then call the traffic cops - it’s better to pay 1000 rubles (and in the first 20 days, even 500) than to spend money later on repairing hidden damage.

Everything you need to know if you need to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident

Currently, accidents are occurring more and more often on the roads. A participant or witness to an accident must know how to call a traffic police officer to the scene of the accident. This is necessary in order to correctly record all the circumstances of the accident. It is also important to know under what circumstances it is not necessary to call the traffic police.

From this article you will learn where to call, what to report and what to do at the scene of an accident.

How to make a call from a mobile phone?

Each mobile operator has a short number, usually three digits, which you can dial to quickly contact emergency services in various situations. Calls to such numbers are free. Therefore, even with a negative or zero account on the phone, a participant or witness to an incident on the road can call the traffic police from a mobile phone. There is a single number for the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 112. You can call it from the number of any operator. You can call this short number from any region of Russia.

Each mobile operator provides its own short numbers, by calling which you can call the traffic police to the scene of the incident:

  • MTS, Megafon and Tele2 - 020.
  • Beeline - 002.
  • Motive – 902.

It is best to write down these contacts in the phone book so that in case of an accident you can call the traffic police.

What to tell the operator when calling the traffic police?

Having called one of the above numbers and reached the traffic police operator, you need to briefly and accurately report the coordinates of the accident:

  1. Highway name, kilometer, city.
  2. The exact address is the street and number of the nearest building.
  3. Name the architectural buildings and attractions that are nearby. This way, traffic police officers will be able to quickly navigate and understand where the accident occurred.
  4. Number of participants in the accident.

If there are victims as a result of an accident, you should gather yourself as much as possible and answer the operator’s questions clearly and quickly during the call. These actions determine how quickly traffic police officers and ambulances arrive.

In what cases is the presence of an inspector required?

The presence of a traffic police officer at the scene of an accident is mandatory in the following cases:

  • The result of an accident is damage to three or more cars. In this case, the trailer is considered a separate unit of the vehicle.
  • The total amount of damage is more than 50,000 rubles.
  • There are injuries as a result of the accident.
  • Damage to municipal property (pole, fences, billboards, decorative items).
  • Hitting a pedestrian.
  • One of the participants in the accident suspects that the second driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This may be aggressive behavior accompanied by threats.

The car owner has the right to remove his car from the roadway only when the traffic police officer fills out all the necessary documents for registering an accident.

What kind of accident does not require the presence of an inspector?

In Russia, European standards for registration of road traffic accidents are universally applied, when it is possible to fill out documents related to the incident without the presence of traffic police officers (Article 11.1 of Federal Law No. 40). This practice is called the Europrotocol.

Drivers can independently decide at the scene of the accident who is at fault for the accident. The issue of payment for damage is also resolved there. At the scene of the accident, participants fill out a notification of an accident, which comes with the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and submit the completed document to the nearest traffic police department.

Participants in a traffic accident are not required to call traffic police officers in the following cases:

  1. There are two vehicles involved in the accident;
  2. every car owner has a valid MTPL policy;
  3. there are no disputes between the participants and they acknowledge all the circumstances of the incident;
  4. there were no injuries as a result of the accident;
  5. the total amount of damage is insignificant and does not exceed 50,000 rubles;
  6. both participants agree to independently fill out the necessary documents for registration of an accident and go to the nearest traffic police department to record the fact of the accident.

It is worth remembering that the injured party needs to correctly fill out the notification of the traffic accident and submit it to the insurance company to receive compensation for the material damage received.

Fine for calling the traffic police in a minor accident

Since 2015, you can receive a fine of 1000-1500 rubles for calling the traffic police in a minor accident in accordance with Art. 19.13 Federal Law No. 195.

If the participants in the accident called the traffic police, and then filed a traffic accident on their own and drove away, then they may be fined for a false call.

Minor damage may include:

  • small dents on the car body, bumper or other parts;
  • scratches;
  • damage to paintwork;
  • broken headlights, mirrors.

Under these circumstances, it is not necessary to call the traffic police; it is enough to follow the following rules:

  1. In the event of an accident, the car must be stopped and secured with the hand brake. The hazard warning lights must be turned on and a sign indicating an accident must be posted.
  2. Make sure that no one involved is harmed.
  3. If only two cars collided during an accident, you need to take photos and video without moving them.

After which it is necessary to remove vehicles from the roadway. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a fine of 1,000 rubles.

You must save the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your phone book, by which you can quickly call traffic police officers in the event of an accident. Neither the culprit nor the injured party can escape from the scene of the accident. In a conversation with the traffic police operator, you must clearly indicate the coordinates of the accident site. In case of minor accidents, in order to avoid fines, it is recommended to document the fact of the accident yourself.

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