
Can I sign up for limited insurance?

Limited MTPL insurance. Review of limited MTPL policy, its advantages and features.

An insurance policy can include a variety of options that affect its cost. These include the number of persons admitted to management. An experienced driver will pay much less for a policy than a young car owner. I will tell you in the article how the price of limited insurance is determined, how it is issued and other important details.

○ Limited insurance what is it?

Limited insurance means that only certain drivers are allowed to drive a car. This is its difference from unlimited, when different drivers who are not directly included in it can drive under the policy.

○ Advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of limited insurance is its price: if the driver is experienced, over 22 years old, has a good accident-free driving class and plans to use the car himself, then he will receive a good discount. In the case of unlimited insurance, the coefficient will be maximum, regardless of how experienced drivers get behind the wheel.

The disadvantage of limited insurance is that you cannot transfer control to drivers not named on it.

○ Cost of limited insurance.

The cost of limited insurance is influenced by two indicators: the age and experience of the driver and the accident-free driving class. The more experienced, older and more careful the driver, the less money he will pay. If there are several drivers, and they have different ages and experience, then the highest coefficient is applied.

If the policy has no restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive, then the maximum possible coefficient is applied - 1.8, the same as for young inexperienced drivers.

○ How to get limited insurance.

Limited insurance is issued in the standard manner: when writing an application, you must indicate which drivers are allowed to drive a car and provide their license, the details of which are entered into the policy form.

○ Operated by a person not included in the insurance:

Only those included in the policy are allowed to drive a car. Others cannot use the vehicle.

✔ What a responsibility.

If the unregistered driver ends up in an accident, compensation will be denied. All damage will be covered by the person responsible for the accident.

In addition, such a driver will face a fine.

  • “Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions provided for by this insurance policy for driving this vehicle only by the drivers specified in this insurance policy - entails the imposition of an administrative fine of in the amount of five hundred rubles. (Clause 1, Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).”

✔ How to add an additional driver.

You cannot register drivers yourself. To do this, you need to contact the insurance company and provide an additional driver's license. No additional payment will be required if the same coefficient applies as to the car owner. If the driver being entered is less experienced, then you will have to make a small difference, which is added up due to the applied coefficient.

  • “For compulsory insurance contracts that provide for a limitation on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, the insurance rate is calculated using the maximum value of the KBM coefficient determined for each driver allowed to drive a vehicle (clause 7 of the Note to Part 2 of the Bank of Russia Directive dated 09.19.2014 No. 3384 – U).”

✔ When it is possible not to include an additional driver.

There is no need to enter an additional driver if the policy provides for the use of a car without restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive.

✔ Responsibility for unauthorized entry of the driver into the policy.

In essence, these actions are a violation of the insurance contract. If such a person gets into an accident, the insurance company will refuse to pay.

○ How to make unlimited insurance from limited insurance.

To do this, you need to contact the insurance company and write an application for changes to the insurance. Based on the application, a new policy will be issued.

If, when you initially took out insurance, a coefficient below 1.8 was used, then the cost of the policy will be recalculated upward. And the car owner will have to make an additional payment.

○ Advice from a lawyer:

✔ Registration of limited insurance for legal entities.

Organizations take out insurance in the same manner as citizens, with the only difference being that the owner of the car is a legal entity.

When filling out the application, an authorized person (manager or other employee acting by proxy) indicates the drivers allowed to drive. If they have different coefficients, then the largest one is applied.

✔ How to find out if your insurance is limited?

The policy form has a section dedicated to the number of persons allowed to manage it. There can be two options: the first - the line “without restrictions” is marked with a sign, meaning that anyone can drive the car, the second: the persons who can drive this car are listed.

This information can be obtained via the Internet on the RSA website by going to the policy check page. By entering the vehicle data in the appropriate fields, you can obtain information about the number of drivers allowed to drive, the insurance contract, and the name of the insurance company.

Published by: Vadim Kalyuzhny , specialist of the TopYurist.RU portal

How many people can be included in the policy? And what is the most profitable way to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance: without restrictions or limited?

The OSAGO agreement form itself provides 5 lines for entering the names and other data of the drivers who will drive this car. At the same time, there are no restrictions for legal entities to enter a larger number of employees who will be entrusted with the vehicle. In many cases, it is simply profitable to take out open insurance, which allows you to transfer a car to an unlimited number of people.

How many people can be included in compulsory motor liability insurance?

The law does not limit the number of people who can be enrolled in MTPL. Insurance companies often indicate that in insurance with restrictions there can be no more than 5 of them. At the same time, if you set the condition in advance that a significantly larger number of drivers will be present in the contract, you will simply need to issue a different type of motor vehicle license, differing from a regular contract only the presence of an additional form and a significantly higher cost. So, when more than 5 people contribute, a coefficient of 1.8 is applied to the current price, that is, this form of financial protection will cost almost twice as much. And one more thing - on the back of the contract there is a line - “special notes”, which allows you to expand the functions of the policy. By checking it, you can add as many drivers as needed.

How to correctly change information in your MTPL policy

In accordance with the legislation in force since 2002, any new information that the policyholder has, including the need to add a new driver to the contract, must be recorded only after informing the insurance company about it. Thus, any form provides for an additional agreement in which new data may be reflected. This applies not only to a different last name or first name, place of residence or license plate number of the car, but also to the driving license of the added person who is allowed to drive the vehicle, as well as passport data and even telephone number.

The time frame for changing information is not specified by law, but it is in the interests of the car owner to do this as soon as possible.

How to include people in MTPL insurance

In order to add new drivers to the MTPL, it is necessary, firstly, to inform the insurer about this, since only he is authorized to make such changes. Secondly, for adding each person you will have to make a corresponding additional payment to the already paid cost of the contract. Last names and other data are entered into an additional form, drawn up in duplicate.

Features of calculating surcharges

In order to determine the amount of surcharge for additional drivers included in the current MTPL agreement, it is necessary to take into account the coefficient of 1.8 to the accepted cost of the policy. Thus, regardless of the region, the pricing policy of the company providing the financial protection service, and other various factors, you will simply need to pay 80% more than in the usual version (when the right to drive a car is granted to only one person).

Which insurance will be cheaper?

At first glance, unlimited MTPL insurance is much more expensive than regular insurance. This is because the risks increase. At the same time, there are clear benefits to its design. So, for example, if the drivers are persons with little driving experience, this will not in any way affect the overall price of the policy, since coefficient 1 is applied here. At the same time, in a regular contract, you will have to pay taking into account the coefficient + 0.8. And it turns out that in reality an insurance policy without restrictions on the number of persons is much more profitable, since you do not need to contact the insurer every time.

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Pros and cons of open insurance

One of the main advantages of open (without restrictions) insurance is the ability to grant the right to drive a car to any person at any time. In this case, there is no need to visit the office of the insurance company every time.

The only drawback of this type of contract is its high (almost twice as much) cost compared to a limited type of compulsory motor liability insurance.

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Is it possible to include a person in limited insurance?

How much does it cost to enroll a person in insurance without experience and with experience of more than 3 years in 2019

How can I add another new driver to my MTPL insurance without his presence? This is easier: his presence is not necessary; it is enough to have the originals of his documents on hand (often their copies are sufficient). The owner of the document can enter as many people as he wishes.

Let us clarify that “driving experience” does not mean actual driving experience, but the time that has passed since receiving a driver’s license. That is, having received a license at the age of 20, but never driving, after 3 years the citizen formally receives the necessary experience, the coefficient decreases. At the same time, a discount for accident-free driving is provided only if the person’s name was mentioned in the OSAGO. That is, if you have never been included in the insurance, you will not receive a discount for accident-free driving.

How to add one more person to your insurance policy

As a rule, it is extremely difficult to find permanent workers for a given car, so the policyholder resorts to a radical solution to the problem: once a month, and sometimes more often, a driver with no work experience or an individual (or several persons at once) is included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. who has been working in this field for a long time.

  1. A car owner who wants to add a new person to the policy must take out MTPL insurance for the vehicle that will be driven by another driver. The owner of the car, if he is not the policyholder of this vehicle, does not have the right to carry out the procedure of adding other individuals to the insurance.
  2. Next, you need to go to the nearest office of the insurance company where you purchased the current MTPL policy, into which the new driver will be enrolled.
  3. The car owner and policyholder need to take with them a person who must be included in the MTPL policy (some insurance organizations require this) or bring the second driver’s driver’s license to the insurers.
  4. The owner of the vehicle must have with him not only MTPL insurance, but also a passport, as well as a package of documents for the car (insurers often require all documentation for the vehicle).
  5. Since, since last year, additional persons have not been added to the policy manually, it is necessary to go through all the levels of the insurance company again and obtain a new insurance policy with a different number and date of issue.

How and how much does it cost to add another driver to your MTPL insurance?

After you contact the insurance company, the employee will first enter the transformation and new information into the company's database, and then record it in the policy. Then he will certify the changes made with his signature and company seal. Most often, company employees print out a new policy with changes, and reset the old policy.

By law, there are no restrictions on the number of people enrolled, and an insurance company employee cannot insist on purchasing a policy without restrictions. But if you have enrolled more than two people, then it is more cost-effective to buy a policy without restrictions on the number of persons enrolled. What is “unlimited” insurance? If the car has one owner and one driver, such insurance is not required. But if there is one car in the family, and the wife, spouse, parents and adult children have a driver’s license, then this is a different situation. If one car has more than two drivers, then there are two versions of insurance:

  • both drivers are included in the policy;
  • "unlimited" insurance.

Adding a new driver to the MTPL insurance policy

For example, a son has just received a driver's license, and he does not have enough money to buy his own vehicle, then the father decides to register him as a “second driver” in the insurance policy. Today, there are three types of cases of adding a third party to car insurance.

Of course, you can understand the spouse, because when adding a “new driver” to the insurance policy, he will lose a very significant discount (up to fifty percent). Therefore, he simply invites his wife to practice driving outside the city. But in 3-4 years, when it will be possible to add it to the policy cheaper, the spouse may completely lose her driving skills.

How to add another driver to your MTPL policy - procedure and cost

The procedure for re-registering documents for a car or adding a new driver to the MTPL insurance still causes certain problems for drivers. Driving a car without a policy is an administrative offense. In order not to break the law, you will have to take out a new car policy, or add another driver to your existing MTPL certificate. How to change policy information? How much does it cost to include in driver's insurance? Will it be possible to make changes to the electronic policy? Let's take a closer look.

As soon as the online service became operational, all policyholders could add one more driver to their insurance within two weeks after receiving the policy. However, due to the inability to identify the person whose information was entered into the MTPL, this procedure was suspended.

How to add another driver to your MTPL policy

The first driver with KBM = 0.8 (4 years of accident-free driving) and SWR = 1 KBM = 1 in his insurance (This coefficient is applied when concluding the MTPL contract for the first time) and SWR = 1.8 (this age/experience coefficient applies to drivers under 22 years of age with less than 3 years of driving experience) for six months.

You will be asked to fill out a standard application to make changes to the policy.
Although often the manager of the insurance company fills out this application himself, which is of course convenient. After this, changes are made to the insurance company’s database and a corresponding entry is made in your MTPL policy. This record must be certified by the signature of the insurance agent and the seal of the insurance company.

How to add another driver to your MTPL policy

  • Valid insurance;
  • Internal passport and driver's license of the person who must be entered;
  • Internal passport of the policyholder;
  • An application for adding an additional driver to the policy is written either on the insurance company’s letterhead or in free form. To clarify all bureaucratic nuances, you should first consult with the organization’s employees.

Can a second, third or fourth policy owner be added by phone? To protect themselves, none of the well-known insurance companies will practice this method of registration. This again has to do with establishing a person's identity. In a telephone conversation, you can only agree on a meeting with an agent and the possibility of a future change in the number of drivers.

How much does it cost to include a driver in MTPL insurance?

Price of the second driver in the policy

Limited insurance is cheaper, but it introduces, excuse the tautology, a number of restrictions, one of which is the need to add a new person to be able to drive a car and avoid a fine. How much it costs to include a new driver in the MTPL insurance for 2019 - whether he has experience or not, depends on the coefficients used when calculating the policy, sometimes it is completely free. But let’s figure out the order of this calculation!

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How many drivers can I sign up for free?

The procedure for adding a new person to OSAGO is free. Moreover, the number of people entered is not limited. Even though there is a limited number of fields in the policy for drivers, the legislation does not impose limits on the number of persons allowed to drive. If the insurance company complains that they have nowhere to add a person to the insurance, that’s their problem (in practice, they write it on the back of the policy).

Cost of adding a person

So, the procedure for adding to the policy itself is free, and the price of a new driver in the auto insurance is influenced by the coefficients used in calculating the cost. They can be increasing (more than one) and decreasing (less than one).

The cost of the policy varies depending on the coefficients, and they are applied to the base tariff, which for 2019 ranges from 2,746 to 4,942 rubles (for passenger cars of category B). Your current insurance is already calculated using these factors. All that remains is to understand how the calculation will change when a person is registered, and this depends on his experience, age and KBM.

The following coefficients are involved in the price of an MTPL policy - let’s present them in the form of a table and indicate whether each of them affects the cost of insurance specifically when adding a new person.

All these coefficients influence differently. Let's look at exactly how!

How to calculate the price of driver registration?

So, we already know how much our OSAGO policy costs. This cost is made up of the base rate and odds. Important! Your insurance is calculated based on each driver's worst-case odds (even if they are different).

For example, if 2 people are included in the insurance: aged 25 years and 35 years and with experience of 7 years and 1 year, respectively, then the calculation will be based on the minimum age and minimum experience. However, age and experience are actually one factor; both parameters work in pairs. How exactly, we will clarify below!

We need to understand what parameters are being added to MTPL. If all of his coefficients are higher or equal to the coefficients of already added people, then adding such a driver to the insurance will be absolutely free. Also, the price is not affected by the period for which you sign up a person - be it for a month or for the whole year.

Let's look at how the price of insurance is affected by the included driver, depending on each of the 2 coefficients we need!

Age and experience of the new driver

There are 56 values ​​for this parameter after recent changes.

As you can see, the younger the added driver and the less experience he has, the more expensive it will be for us to add him. For beginners without experience, as a rule, it turns out to be very expensive to add (sometimes almost 2 times more expensive than the original cost of insurance).

It is important to know that the cost of adding will not depend on the insurer - it will be the same in different insurance companies, be it Rosgosstrakh, Reso, SOGAZ, VSK, Alfastrakhovanie, Ingosstrakh or another - even a little-known company. There is a basic rate for everyone, period.

But let's look at examples!

Example No. 1: we enter a driver with experience

Given : 2 people are included in the current insurance: 21 years old and 1 year of experience, 25 years of age and 3 years of experience. The cost of the policy was initially 6,000 rubles (the maximum coefficient of 1.8 was applied).

Required : add a driver with 15 years of experience and 30 years of age to the MTPL insurance.

How much will it cost : free (with the same or better KBM), since the new person being entered is with experience, a coefficient of 1 will be applied to him, and the policy will be calculated according to the worst driver - that is, a 21-year-old with 1 year of experience.

Example No. 2: we enter a newcomer without experience

Given : 1 person is included in the current policy: his age is 26 years, and his length of service is 5 years (coefficient 1). The initial price of insurance is 6,000 rubles.

Required : include a young novice driver aged 18 years and zero experience in the insurance.

How much will it cost : a coefficient of 1.87 will be applied to the second person - the highest. Therefore, it will be expensive to include it. But it would be a misconception to expect that it is exactly 87% more expensive. The fact is that the calculation is cumulative - the coefficients are applied to the base rate one by one. First territorial, then KBM, then age and length of service, and then the rest. That is, the calculation is not rigid.

In our case, the cost of such a policy with a newly registered novice driver without experience will cost about 3500-4500 rubles. But this is not the biggest price, because KBM is applied before age and length of service, so it has a greater influence on the final calculation. With a different initial insurance price and the same coefficients indicated by us, you can calculate the cost as a percentage.

Driver accident-free

As we have already noted, the bonus-malus coefficient has a much greater impact on the cost of enrolling a person in auto insurance. Thus, a driver with the maximum KBM rate may cost you 2(!) times more than the original price of OSAGO. It's creepy, but it's a fact!

The fact is that the range of bonus-malus bets is from 0.5 to 2.45. You can read more about the rates and how much the policy becomes more expensive after an accident where you are at fault in a special article about increasing the CBM. You can also check your KBM and the registered driver according to our instructions. KBM is also included in the policy when it is sold (similar to age and length of service, the worst coefficient is taken into account).

Example No. 1: we enter the worst culprit of the accident

And we will start with the most disgusting example with the maximum price for adding a driver.

Given : the initial cost of the policy is 2800 rubles - everything is at the minimum: registered with experience with a low-power car and a minimum KBM of 0.5.

Required : enter a young novice driver with no experience who has had 4 accidents in the last 2 years (insurance period) up to 2019 (maximum KBM rate - 2.45)

How much will it cost : insurance with such a person will cost 9 times more, as much as 25,000(!) rubles. This happened because first the base rate with the region coefficient applied to it, when the CBM was applied to the amount, was multiplied by almost 5 (the CBM was 0.5, became 2.45), then the resulting amount was multiplied by another 1.8, and then to other coefficients, which simply increased the difference in the final amount.

Example No. 2: enter an accident-free driver

Given : the initial price of car insurance is 10,000 rubles, 2 people are entered with an experience of 2 years and 5 years and ages 23 years and 33 years, respectively, the KBM for the first is 1, for the second is 0.85 (3 years of accident-free behavior).

Required : include in the MTPL insurance a driver who has had no accidents in recent years with a KBM of 0.6, but is 22 years old and has 2 years of experience.

How much will it cost : it would be a mistake to assume that it is free, based, albeit on a lower age, but a larger KBM. As we already mentioned, the worst parameter of each face is considered.

In fact, the cost of the policy will go up a little - that is, it will be paid to enter it, since the difference in the calculations of the initial and final (with the included accident-free) insurance will be as follows:

  • initial coefficients: 1.7 (age over 23, experience less than 3 years), 1 (worst KBM);
  • final: 1.8 (a novice driver has less than 3 years of experience or no experience at all), 1 (KBM is still considered the worst).

In this example, adding a new driver will cost about 2 thousand rubles.

How to add a driver to the policy?

Under no circumstances should you do this on your own. The policy form will be declared invalid, and you will not be able to do this, since when applying for insurance, a dash is placed in the empty lines of the table of registered drivers.

In order to include a driver in insurance, in 2019 you will have to visit the office of the insurance company. This must be done by the policyholder (the one who is indicated in the corresponding column of the MTPL policy and who insured the car, not to be confused with the owner - these can be different persons) together with the person being added (second, third, and so on).

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The first one needs to have a passport with him, the second one needs a driver’s license.

How to add another driver to OSAGO?

The MTPL policy is issued for one year, and this period is convenient for most drivers.

But if the insurance is issued for a single driver, and there is a need to entrust your car to a family member or other trusted person, you need to reissue the policy.

Let's look at how to add another driver to your insurance . What is the cost of the procedure?

Cost of OSAGO

OSAGO policy is a document according to which the insurance company will assume part of the obligations to compensate the injured party for damage after an accident that occurred through your fault.

This transfer of part of the financial responsibility also applies to drivers who were included in the insurance policy.

You cannot make any changes to the policy yourself. All additions are made by insurance company specialists, who then certify the amendments with a signature and seal.

The cost of insurance is determined from the following data:

  • driver age;
  • driving experience;
  • KBM, which depends on the duration of accident-free driving.

The rest depends on the characteristics of the insured vehicle, the region of operation (regional coefficients affect the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in the country).

The BMC (bonus-malus coefficient) of a beginner is equal to one . This means that a driver with this indicator pays the full cost of the insurance policy.

For each year of accident-free driving, a beginner will receive five percent, which will reduce the KBM. Maximum discount – 50%.

If an accident occurs due to the driver’s fault, and the injured party demands compensation from the insurance company, the BMR will increase again and will continue to grow if more than one accident occurs in a year.

The maximum KBM is 2.45. Those. the cost of insurance will increase almost 2.5 times.

But how much does it cost to add another driver to your insurance in 2019?

We calculate the cost

Let's calculate how the cost of the policy will increase if a novice driver is added to the MTPL policy.

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the cost of the MTPL policy for the motorist with the highest KBM and SWR (experience-age coefficient) out of the number of vehicles allowed to drive.

If a novice driver is included in the policy of a driver with five years of driving experience, who has not committed a single accident in his entire time, then his BMR will be 0.75, and the SWR will be 1. The BMR of the new driver will be equal to one, and the SWR will be high - 1, 8.

As an example: if the initial cost of the policy without a discount is 8,000 rubles, then the policy of an experienced driver is 6,000 rubles (the cost of the policy is multiplied by the SWR and KBM indicators).

For an inexperienced driver, the cost of the policy (8,000 rubles) is multiplied by the KBM and SWR. Total = 14,400 rubles (i.e. the additional payment was 8,400 rubles.)

We see that due to a novice driver, compulsory motor insurance doubles in price.

To calculate how much it costs to include in the insurance of a driver without experience during the insurance period, it is necessary to make an adjustment for the duration of the insurance period before its expiration.

The cost will be calculated based on the number of days remaining until the expiration of the insurance policy.

That is: the amount of additional payment of 8,400 rubles for a new driver is divided by 365 days, multiplied by the remaining days. If the validity period of the MTPL policy is from November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017, and a new driver is added on July 1, 2017, there will be 122 days left until the expiration date of the policy. The additional payment will be: 2800 rubles.

How much does it cost to include a person with more than 3 years of experience in the insurance? If the driver is under 22 years old, the cost is recalculated and a coefficient of 1.6 is applied.

If older, then the increasing factor does not apply, and the cost will depend on the availability of a discount for accident-free driving.

If there were no accidents, the discount will be 15%. These percentage discounts help the car owner save on insurance.

We add one more driver to the policy

First, contact the office of your insurance company where you purchased your MTPL policy.

What documents are needed? Take with you:

  • policy;
  • passport;
  • driver's license for the new driver.

Sometimes they ask you to write a statement . Then they take an additional payment and give you a new policy form, which will contain information about the second driver.

Electronic policy

With electronic MTPL it is even easier to register a new driver . This can be done in your personal account on the official website of many insurance companies.

The policyholder enters the details of the new driver, and the system calculates the amount of the surcharge. Pay by card and receive a new electronic MTPL form by email.

Insurers are required to ensure the functionality of the MTPL sales system through their official websites . If there are technical problems, they must be corrected. Otherwise, the insurance company will face a fine of 300 thousand rubles.

It is not necessary to have OSAGO on printed form . You can simply print it on a printer.

Some traffic police inspectors sometimes do not accept a printed policy, but such actions are illegal. You do not have to pay a fine for not having the “original” policy.

Refer to paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the OSAGO law, which states that the motorist must have with him an OSAGO insurance policy or information printed on paper about the conclusion of an OSAGO agreement in the form of an electronic document and hand it over to a police officer for verification.

Advantages of an electronic policy:

  1. It can be completed online in half an hour or less. There is no need to waste time on the road or in queues.
  2. The insurer will not impose unnecessary additional services on you, threatening to refuse to issue you with compulsory motor liability insurance. Such actions are illegal, but they do occur.
  3. You won't lose your accumulated accident-free driving credits. Your history will be stored in RSA, and all insurance companies have access to it. The cost is calculated automatically, and the representative will only check the information.
  4. The policy can be printed on paper at home. If you lose it, you can always print a new one. But a regular policy has to be restored through the insurance company.
  5. The driver does not need to carry with him many documents for the vehicle. All information is available in the RSA and AIS databases.

There are several ways to protect yourself from purchasing a fake electronic policy:

  1. The cost of an MTPL insurance policy is regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the “motor citizen” cannot participate in the actions.
  2. Do not forget to make sure that you are going to buy a policy on the official website of the insurance company. There are many one-page websites representing different insurers. They may be scammers.
  3. Not all insurance companies sell electronic MTPL.

Video: How to add another driver to your car insurance?

Question answer

  1. Is it possible to add a second driver to OSAGO later? Insurance applies only to people named in the policy. If your vehicle is driven by a driver whose details are not indicated in the policy, he will be ordered to pay a fine of 500 rubles. If he commits an accident, the other party will have to pay for the damage on his own; insurers will not cover the costs. This is a quick and simple procedure, it is better not to neglect it.
  2. How many drivers can be included in the MTPL policy? There is no fixed quantity. As many people as required are added to the policy. If there are more than two drivers, it is better to purchase the “unlimited” option. This policy is suitable if the whole family uses the car.
  3. Is it possible to add a second person to the insurance without his presence? Can. Only his documents will be needed. But most insurers require the presence of the car owner. If this is not possible, you need to draw up a power of attorney and have it notarized.

Changing the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle is a standard and simple procedure. Its rules are clearly stated in the law.

The cost is calculated by an employee of the insurance company and depends on the driving experience of the new driver, accident-free driving records and other data. For an MTPL policy for a second novice driver, you often have to pay a considerable amount extra. The cost may double.

If you want to entrust your car to a family member, a new company employee, or a friend, there is no need to wait until your current MTPL policy expires.

It is enough to allocate a couple of hours of your time and come to the office of the insurance company with documents. You can also issue an electronic MTPL policy, which has the same legal force as a paper one.

Can I sign up for limited insurance? Link to main publication
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