
Can a deaf mute drive a car?

January 25, 2015 Deaf people can drive without hearing aids

According to new rules, deaf people retain the right to drive has already written that in January of this year, the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 1604 of December 29, 2014 “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle” came into force. The resolution was prepared in pursuance of paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 437-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Traffic Safety” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses on Medical Provision of Road Safety.”

Now, when undergoing a medical examination, a person must obtain the opinions of seven specialists. Under the new procedure, a surgeon's examination will be excluded from the list of required examinations. In addition, citizens receiving category A and B licenses will be exempt from visiting a neurologist and ENT doctor. It is also proposed to cancel electroencephalography and electrocardiography.

The list of diseases that are a contraindication to driving includes eight diseases of the nervous system, as well as achromatopsia (lack of vision, which makes it impossible to distinguish colors) and blindness in both eyes. There are now no hearing restrictions for driving in categories A and B.

The problem of obtaining a driver's license for hearing impaired people is constantly in the field of view of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf. Knowing the difficulties deaf drivers face in obtaining driver's licenses and medical certificates for permission to drive vehicles, the leadership of the VOG instructed the Rehabilitation Department of the Department of Social Policy and Rehabilitation to take special control of this problem.

And at the same time, the All-Russian Society of the Deaf decided in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation the issue of lifting restrictions for the deaf within the framework of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2011, which came into force in January 2012, “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, with the implementation of which requires mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations), and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.” This order also contained provisions prohibiting deaf people from driving vehicles.

The leadership of the VOG decided to act in two directions: both as part of amending Order No. 302-n, and to prepare proposals for the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 of December 29, 2014 “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving means." Just two years ago, representatives of the Vog were directly involved in the preparation of proposals to eliminate discrimination against deaf people in working professions and driving vehicles. Numerous letters were prepared to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the issue of lifting restrictions for the deaf. VOG President Valery Rukhledev has repeatedly voiced these problems in his speeches at various venues, from meetings of the Commission on Disability Affairs under the President of the Russian Federation to public appearances in the media at press conferences.

Thus, in particular, in an appeal to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Society of the Deaf stated its position as follows: “Having considered the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving vehicles,” the VOG declares its categorical disagreement in part concerning medical restrictions on driving vehicles for citizens with hearing impairments.” The All-Russian Society of the Deaf believes that these restrictions have no scientific or experimental basis and infringe on the constitutional rights of citizens with hearing impairments who use personal vehicles. The presented draft order contradicts the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which the Russian Federation ratified on May 3, 2012. Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Convention states that “States Parties prohibit any discrimination on the basis of disability...”.

The draft order No. 302n prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation significantly worsened the situation of the hearing impaired in comparison with previously existing regulations governing the issues of medical admission to the right to drive vehicles.

Thus, in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated August 14, 1975, persons with hearing impairments (including deafness) were granted the right to drive passenger vehicles, subject to periodic medical re-examination. This decision was made based on the results of a five-year experiment to study the possibility of allowing deaf and hard of hearing persons to drive cars and motorcycles. The results of the experiment showed that deafness is not an obstacle to driving a car or motorcycle, and for almost 40 years, deaf and hard of hearing citizens have enjoyed this right, and there have been no complaints or complaints during this time.

Until recently, the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 29, 1989 No. 555 was in force, which guided the medical driving commissions of medical institutions when determining admission to the driving profession. The order notes that in case of “complete deafness, deaf-muteness,” admission to driving a vehicle is carried out individually with re-examination no less than after 2 years.

A similar situation occurred in 2010 during the preparation of the draft federal law of June 21, 2010 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on medical issues of road safety.” Then the All-Russian Society of the Deaf, in a letter dated July 14, 2010 No. 02/1-01/70, addressed the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation with a request to exclude “complete deafness” from the list of contraindications, and the issue was resolved positively. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, in letter No. 14-3/238270 dated September 2, 2010, announced that the category “complete deafness” was excluded from subsequent editions of the above bill. Now history is repeating itself.

The position of the FOG was supported by the chief otorhinolaryngologist of the FMBA of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yakov Nakatis. Thanks to his written opinion on the possibility of allowing deaf people to drive vehicles, the opportunity to study and work in various working professions, as well as thanks to the support of the current freelance chief otorhinolaryngologist of Russia, head of the Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of the FMBA Nikolai Daikhes, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation met halfway to the All-Russian Society of the Deaf and prepared a draft order “On approval of the List of production factors, the List of certain types of work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in certain types work, heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.” This list indicates that deafness is not a limitation to driving a vehicle. This document went through a lengthy approval procedure in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. The wording regarding permission to drive was constantly changing. Unfortunately, the final version of the draft order will differ from what was submitted for public discussion. But the point is the main thing: restrictions on the admission of deaf drivers in categories A and B have been lifted . The main point of misunderstanding was the provisions that related to the use of hearing aids by deaf people to compensate for hearing loss up to the permitted level - this applies to drivers of vehicles only starting from category C. Here is a link from working correspondence with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: “The permitted level applies only to drivers of categories “C”, “CE”, “D”, “DE”, “Tm” or “Tb”, subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “ C1E" or "DIE". For other categories, this level has not been established, therefore, the requirement to wear a “hearing aid” does not apply to them.

1. Completely deaf people can drive vehicles of categories “A”, “M”, “B”, “BE”, subcategories “A1”, “B1”. That is, wearing a hearing aid is not required to drive a car or motorcycle.

2. If hearing loss is below the permitted level, you can drive vehicles of categories “C”, “CE”, “D”, “DE”, “Tm” or “Tb”, subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” or “DIE”, subject to hearing compensation to the permitted level using individual rehabilitation means. That is, people with hearing impairments can drive a truck, bus, trolleybus and tram - provided they wear a hearing aid or CI.

As part of the state program “Accessible Environment”, in 2011, deaf people took part in a Moscow-Vladivostok motor rally, which assessed the accessibility of Russian roads for people with disabilities and at the same time proved that deaf people have no problems driving vehicles.

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So deaf drivers can be sure that no additional requirements for hearing aids will be imposed on them. Now the Ministry of Health is preparing, on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 dated December 29, 2014, a number of regulatory documents providing for the procedure and conditions for obtaining permission for citizens to drive vehicles. In particular, the draft departmental order “On approval of the procedure for conducting compulsory medical examination for the presence of medical contraindications to driving a vehicle” is posted on the portal of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for public discussion.

The All-Russian Society of the Deaf will continue to keep this issue under special control. At the moment, a letter has been sent to the Ministry of Health with a request to provide clarification on permission to drive. According to a message from the Ministry of Health, their response will be prepared in the near future, which we will definitely publish on as it becomes available.

Once again about the rights of deaf drivers

Publication date: February 03, 2015.

After the New Year holidays, the main topic of deaf drivers, the happy owners of vehicles, was not the crazy exchange rate between the euro and the dollar and the rapid devaluation of the ruble, not the rise in prices, but Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1604 “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions on driving means”, signed by Dmitry Medvedev on December 29, 2014. In its original version, the Resolution, which was written about on the website, suggested that deaf drivers wear hearing aids.

The document, in addition to deaf drivers, affected the interests of almost all motorists in the country, and its rapid adoption, without discussion in the media and consultations with public organizations of disabled people, raised a bunch of questions and open indignation among vehicle owners.

The list of contraindications to driving was significantly changed, new categories of diseases were included, and it turned out that many people who had previously successfully driven a car were now deprived of the right to drive a car.

We, the deaf and hard of hearing, are, of course, most interested in the fifth section of this Resolution “Medical indications for driving a vehicle with the use of medical products by the driver of the vehicle to compensate for hearing loss,” in which paragraph 17 refers to drivers with hearing loss: “ Diseases of the ear and mastoid process that reduce hearing below the permitted level, subject to improvement of hearing using technical means of rehabilitation (hearing aid, speech processor) to the permitted level.”

Here, accordingly, many questions arose in relation to deaf and hard of hearing motorists:
- is it possible for deaf people who do not wear a hearing aid due to their deafness to drive a car?
— Is it possible for a hearing-impaired person to drive a car if he does not wear a hearing aid or has forgotten to put it on?
- What does the concept of “permitted level” include?

The Ministry of Health, on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 dated December 29, 2014, began to prepare a number of regulatory documents providing for the procedure and conditions for obtaining permission for citizens to drive vehicles.

Hearing-impaired drivers, who mostly wear hearing aids (HA), can confirm that the presence or absence of a hearing aid has no effect on the driving process itself, due to the complete sealing of the vehicle. Simply put, the interior of modern cars is as quiet as a tank.

And recently, the website published a second article on this topic, “Deaf people can drive a car without hearing aids.” From the title of the article you can understand that the problem has been solved.

The content of the new article is that since January of this year, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 of December 29, 2014 “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle” came into force. The resolution was prepared in pursuance of paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 437-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Traffic Safety” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses on Medical Provision of Road Safety.”

Now, when undergoing a medical examination, a person must obtain the opinions of seven specialists. Under the new procedure, a surgeon's examination will be excluded from the list of required examinations. In addition, citizens receiving category A and B licenses will be exempt from visiting a neurologist and ENT doctor. It is also proposed to cancel electroencephalography and electrocardiography.

The list of diseases that are a contraindication to driving includes eight diseases of the nervous system, as well as achromatopsia (lack of vision, which makes it impossible to distinguish colors) and blindness in both eyes. There are now no hearing restrictions for driving in categories A and B.

The problem of obtaining a driver's license for hearing impaired people is constantly in the field of view of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf. Knowing the difficulties deaf drivers face in obtaining driver's licenses and medical certificates for permission to drive vehicles, the leadership of the VOG instructed the Rehabilitation Department of the Department of Social Policy and Rehabilitation to take special control of this problem.

According to the new rules, deaf people retain the right to drive.

In other words:
1. Completely deaf people can drive vehicles of categories “A”, “M”, “B”, “BE”, subcategories “A1”, “B1”.
That is, wearing a hearing aid is not required to drive a car or motorcycle. 2. If hearing loss is below the permitted level, you can drive vehicles of categories “C”, “CE”, “D”, “DE”, “Tm” or “Tb”, subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” or “DIE”, subject to hearing compensation to the permitted level using individual rehabilitation means. That is, people with hearing impairments can drive a truck, bus, trolleybus and tram - provided they wear a hearing aid or CI.

The editors of the website, guided by the principle “trust, but verify,” decided to test in practice how the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1604 “On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle” works.

Considering that the interpretation of the new Rules is completely entrusted to the hands of medical commissions (where the terrifying stamp “deaf and dumb” is still preserved, so one cannot always hope for competence), it was necessary to find a candidate for a driver’s license in St. Petersburg from among the disabled hearing We didn’t have to search for long – a suitable candidate was almost at hand. In the upcoming news releases we will tell you how “our” person went through the “circles of hell” in the form of a medical examination and the exchange of driver’s licenses.

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Can deaf and mute people drive a car?

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Not fit to drive

I am a deaf driver with 14 years of experience. Recently, when applying for a medical certificate for the right to drive, I was faced with a refusal to receive this certificate. It is very interesting to know the opinion of you - drivers with normal hearing - can deaf people drive a car? I would be grateful to everyone who answered my question. Law Community Laws of the Russian Federation, law enforcement, vehicle registration, insurance, customs. Discussions Popular Subscribers Information. VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: DID YOU LEARN TO DRIVE A CAR IN THREE DAYS? Manual transmission

Rights of a deaf person

Traffic cops have been waiting for this list, valid since January 6, for quite a long time. Although in the end they only need a certificate: pass or fail. The driver's ability to drive a car is determined by a medical commission. Based on the collected data, it determines the possibility of granting such a right to the applicant or not granting it. The list of restrictions is still simple.

And professional drivers are simply in a panic: the road situation has now become much more complicated, people have forgotten how to drive correctly, and there are many accidents. Sometimes you just need to warn about danger, honk the horn, for example. And drive if you're deaf? He won't react!

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Can driving school classes be held in complete silence? It turns out that this is possible if people with hearing impairments learn the rules of the road and driving a car. The question immediately arises: can they be trusted with the steering wheel? Experts say that hearing problems do not limit a person’s ability to drive a car or other vehicle. Where can a disabled person learn to drive a car? Our students study theory for three months, practice driving, and then, after final exams, pass tests at the traffic police. And there they are not given any concessions: they are given their license on a general basis.

Can deaf people drive a car?

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Hello, does it make sense to file a complaint with the regional court? The rights of a deaf person. You did not post the ruling of the magistrate. However, even without reading it, I believe that it makes sense to file a complaint with the Astrakhan Regional Court.

Can deaf drivers drive a car?

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Intuition instead of hearing: are deaf people dangerous on the roads of Novosibirsk

There is no wiser and more beautiful remedy for anxiety than the night song of tires. With a long, long gray thread of trampled roads we mend the wounds of the soul. Chorus: Don't believe in separations, old man, their circle is just a dream, by God. Other times will come, my friend, Believe in the road. There is no ending to the road, But there is a result, Roads are difficult, but worse without roads. He was very indignant because they refused to issue him a certificate.

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What are the hearing restrictions for obtaining a driver's license?

There are no official traffic police statistics on car accidents involving deaf people, and the inspectorate does not keep any special records of drivers with hearing impairments. Just half a century ago in Russia, deaf people were prohibited from driving. At the end of the 19th century, the All-Russian Society of the Deaf turned to the Ministry of Health and the State Traffic Inspectorate with a proposal for an experiment to find out how such drivers behave on the road. The research lasted five years and involved 2 thousand people.

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Citizens with hearing impairments, deaf and hard of hearing are allowed to drive passenger cars, trucks with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons, for example, a Gazelle, and minibuses with no more than 8 passenger seats up to 9 seats, including the driver's seat. That is, it is allowed to receive category “B”. In this case, an entry will appear on the driver’s license - “without the right to work for hire.”

That is, it is allowed to receive category “B”. In this case, an entry will appear on the driver’s license - “without the right to work for hire.” This means that deaf and hard of hearing people cannot legally work as drivers. You can only drive cars as car enthusiasts, on your own personal business. On your own or other people's cars, by proxy.

About the deaf and mute taxi driver

The other day, I got into a taxi and the driver said he was deaf and dumb and asked me to confirm my arrival address by pointing at my phone with the app.
Ok, I thought, he’s generally handsome, he works despite his illness, and besides, after a hard day at work, I didn’t want to talk about the roads, they were torn apart, they came in large numbers, and so on.
And everything was fine until we were cut off by a motorist on the right.
The driver turned out to be the same as all taxi drivers. He began to “loudly” explain to him that he was, to put it mildly, wrong and a fool, but only with gestures. Of course, with both hands and looking at him, and not at the fact that we were smoothly leaving for the meeting, then I had to shout at me with gestures. I drove around in damn silence.

My friend told me this story, like a deaf and dumb bomber

He once went on business to the Cherkizovskaya metro area, as things were

We were at a decent distance from the metro, and the area was unfamiliar, it was decided

return by taxi. After already with three bombs

It was not possible to come to an agreement, my nerves were on edge. suddenly the five slows down and

The driver motions to sit down. My friend without a word plops down on

seat. He sat down and they were going. Here the driver hands him a notebook the size of

half a school notebook. There is an inscription in large letters - WHERE?

Friend is fascinated by the fry, really, where are they going for 3 minutes already, but he writes

just as big - TO THE METRO! The driver nods his head, and they are in full

They drive on in silence. Then he realizes that from the place where he

I stopped the car, in principle it’s possible to go to Ul. Podbelsky to finish, even

it will be faster. but we need to go to Cherkizovskaya.

He takes the notebook from the driver and writes in large letters like this: “Cherkiz, the word didn’t fit.”

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fully. gives away the notepad. The driver takes it, smiles, hums something

and nods his head. He turns the sheet over, writes something and gives it to my

When he read it, he was a little freaked out. it was in big bold letters

withdrawn - Sergey! Damn, we met.

In general, after he told us this story, he was still months away.

two were called Cherkiz 😉

This story actually happened to you. Isn't that right, Cherkiz?

Of course, not with me.. Thousand-year accordion..

In his youth he worked at a factory. Accordingly, deaf people were recruited into the stamping shop.

The nightmare of dining in a dining room at the same table with deaf women remained for the rest of my life.

There are three of them. I am alone. And at the same time they actively communicate, respectively, with gestures.

This is the very thing they taught you not to wave your arms at the table. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, they reach across the entire table with gesticulations!

I was impressed for the rest of my life!

I was like this at a wedding, I was 14 years old. The young people and their friends were deaf and hard of hearing. My brother and I sat at the table with the young people, since adult relatives were sitting at another table. The feeling is indescribable. Everyone around is gesticulating, “saying” congratulations, laughing. And you sit there, turn your head and don’t understand a damn thing. And for some reason it always seems like they are laughing at you (maybe due to your age).

I can’t even believe that there is silence)) I worked at a school for deaf children, and moved there due to circumstances from a regular secondary school. At first I thought it would be quiet in class and during breaks. Deaf people communicate using gestures. Only fig. They speak, yes, in sign language. And emotions are expressed very loudly - screams, laughter, and automatically at such a sound level that, if possible, even the hardest of hearing comrades can hear (hearing loss, if anything, is not an insult, but an official term). Chairs are dragged with a roar; if they need to be rearranged to call one of their classmates, they knock on the table or stomp. If a friend is not very close, they knock and stomp very loudly. Well, that is, they do not need to protect their auditory receptors, so such proximity may be slightly traumatic for those who hear.

hmm.. maybe in public places they teach you not to make noise?) Because I only heard rustling and sometimes giggles

They also touch constantly. To the shoulder, for example. Or they pull your hand. To see your face and read your lips what you say.

IBM has patented drones that will sell coffee to anyone who waves their hand or looks tired. Deaf and mute and actively gesticulating coffee first of all)

Yes, then you get used to it. Over time, I got used to their attempts to speak, although at first it was wild out of habit.

Even under the Soviets, I sat next to elderly deaf-mute people on the train. They told each other jokes (as I understood). Quick gestures, waving arms and loud grunts such as laughter. It was pretty creepy

I worked with deaf-mute people at a factory. Great guys, sober and silent, but when they drink they become so talkative. At first I communicated with them using a notepad and pencil, and then I began to roughly understand them. I haven’t worked there for ten years now, but the habit of pointing with my hands during conversations remains.

This is a slap on the head of the driver, or what?!

The first time I was amazed at how far technology has come was when I saw a deaf-mute man on the street “talking” on the phone via video link. It seems obvious that this is possible, but before this I had not thought about the fact that deaf and mute people can now call each other. The second time - when I was driving with a deaf-mute taxi driver - he began to communicate with someone on the phone in the same way, while looking at the phone and not at the road.

And at what speed do they write text messages in gadgets? downright envious. We have a school nearby for the deaf, and from time to time I see how they communicate.

My ex-wife has a sister who is hard of hearing. I lost my hearing at the age of seven because I cried so hard and couldn’t get enough air. Lost consciousness. I woke up without any hearing. We communicated with her without any problems. She reads lips and answers tolerably well. They could partially communicate in sign language; in three years I learned it a little

But the way he swears is terrible. She somehow swore at her husband. She doesn’t hear how she’s yelling. And we hear everything. It's like a zombie apocalypse has arrived

Be thankful that he hasn’t started singing songs on the way yet!

I'm deaf myself. But I speak)) And I speak perfectly well. So here it is. I became deaf and not born, a complication after an injury. A deaf person understands not only sign language interpretation (gestures). For example, I practically don’t know sign language translation. But I read lips. I understand facial expressions. Prompting gestures. There are still many factors by which a deaf person knows what they want from him or what they want to tell him.

A man dragged his friend into a deaf-mute family. Well, they sit in the kitchen, drink,

have a snack. Suddenly the deaf-mute's wife takes out a tit and slams it on the table.

The deaf and dumb man jumped up, ran into the next room, dragged his mother-in-law, fucked her, took an umbrella and got into the shower. The man quietly goes nuts and asks his friend:

- Nothing. She tells him, “Go get some milk.” And he told her “E. yours

Mother, where am I going, it’s raining outside!”

One evening, my Galant stalled in the parking lot near the Palace of Culture. Maluntseva. I was up to my elbows in mud for an hour and a half, I couldn’t fix the situation, I decided to call a taxi and go home. I live in the private sector, the road there is so-so. By car, I get from the place of the breakdown to my house in 10 minutes at best, 15 minutes at worst. I order through Ya.Taxi, a car pulls up and parks nearby. The driver (a girl, suddenly) calls and says where are you going? I replied that we were going to Polevaya, to Nikolaevka, to which the girl began to yell hysterically, saying I won’t go, cancel the order and just try to complain that I asked you about it. My arguments that I was broken here and I needed to go home and go to bed before work were answered with direct insults and obscenities. I freaked out, dropped it, canceled the order and called another car.

A deaf and mute driver drove up.

The trip itself was okay, except that I had to show the way with gestures rather than explain the route in words. But this is half the trouble. What doesn't bother a deaf-mute driver? Namely, he is not bothered by the noise in the car. And the symphony of sagging struts, knocking balls, pads rattling and whistling on the brake disc, crunching grenades, metallic clanging in a probably dry engine, and especially at a speed of 70 mph - it’s scary. And when I wrote to him in a message, “You have a very scary noise in your car, aren’t you afraid that you’ll break down at speed?” He simply waved his hand with a sly smile, quietly saying something similar to “fuck off with him.”

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